Friday, March 30, 2012

[lowongan-kerja-online] Do you know ?


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TIP is the acronym for "To Insure Promptness."

Carrots have zero fat content.

Apples, onions, and potatoes all have the same taste? Try the test: Pinch
your nose and take a bite out of each.

Name of the Arctic (north pole) means bear in Greek (Arktos), and indeed
there's only polar bear at north pole.

Chewing gum is not sold in Disney Land.

In America, someone is diagnosed with AIDS every 10 minutes. In Africa,
someone dies of AIDS every 10 minutes.

Sea water in the Atlantic saltier than the Pacific ocean.

Tiger is the largest member of the cat family.

Apple is made of 25% air, that is why they float.

Corn always has an even number of ears.

The FDA allows you to sell bugs and rodent hair for consumption.

Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world, Kopi Luwak are coffee
beans that come from Civet (a cat sized mammal) poo.

Mushrooms are the only non-animal food to contain vitamin D.

Alaska has the highest percentage of people who walk to work.

By law, in Bourbon, Miss., one small onion must be served with each glass
of water in a restaurant.

Long Island, NY is shaped like a fish.

President Bush and Saddam Hussein both have their shoes made by the same
Italian shoemaker!

In the movie 'The Wizard Of Oz', Toto the dog's salary was $125 a week,
while Judy Garland was $500 a week.

The highest point in Pennsylvania is lower than the lowest point in

Nutmeg is extremely poisonous if injected intravenously.

*New articles added :*
How beer is made<>
Pakistan to name
10 Essential foods<>

Chowk Bhagat
for female health<>

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