Fri May 10, 2013 2:56 am (PDT) . Posted by:
hi milist-ers
having fun with the application? semangat ya semua
in my previous post, aku sempet tulis hasil browsingku ttg buku-buku GRE
having read all the books myself, dan berhasil scoring lumayan di GRE bulan lalu, berikut hasil reviewku sendiri
buat essay dan tips and trick, ada buku successful harvard application essays dan how they got into harvard
berikut untuk GRE nya
bagus untuk introductory, baru pingin tau 'GRE itu kayak apan sih'.. gitu. ini buku terbitan langsung dari sang pembuat GRE, ETS. entah kenapa soal soal disini terkesan lebih mudah dibandingkan GRE aslinya. variasi soal bagus, tapi tingkat kesulitannya itu loh, agak tidak representatif terhadap soal soal aslinya. trus pembahasannya juga agak mengecewakan. bahasa penyampaiannya agak formal.
- disarankan untuk yang baru pengen tau ttg GRE itu apa, belum untuk belajar heboh
- isi CD: powerprep bagus, krn soal2nya mirip soal GRE
- overall: B- (introductory content A+, teaching content B, variasi soal B+, pembahasan C+, CD A+)
very recommended! introductorynya lumayan (seriously, we wont get any scores with GRE introduction kan), soal-soalnya banyak banget (secara terdiri dari 3 buku gitu loh) dan yang paling penting. PEMBAHASANNYA BAGUS BANGET, untuk variasi soal mudah ke soal sulit cukup bagus, bahasa penyampaiannya juga lumayan gampang ngikutnya. sayangnya bukunya BANYAK BANGET. dan tebel tebel semua. kalau memang punya waktunya, very recommended pake buku ini deh untuk belajarnya. soal soal yang keluar juga tingkat kesulitannya bagus, mirip dengan yang di GRE. CD nya juga lumayan bagus, untuk preparation gitu..
- disarankan untuk yang sedang mulai persiapan tentang GRE, punya waktu lumayan banyak. ada 3 buku loh, tebel2 semua
- isi CD: bagus, soal2nya mirip GRE
- overall: A (introductory B-, teaching content A, variasi soal A+, pembahasan A+, CD A-)
- kalo cuman pake buku yang premier: hemat waktu, tp teaching contentnya kurang. pembahasan lebih lengkap dan soal2 spesifik lebih banyak di buku spesifik-nya
very recommended! introductorynya the best, pembawaan bahasa pengantarnya informal, jadi bisa kadang ketawa ketiwi sambil baca. bagus jadi ga bosen. soal2nya lumayan, dengan pembahasan yang lumayan juga. teaching content untuk verbal skills luar biasa bagus. untuk quantitative yaaa so-so lah. bener2 aku bisa dongkrak nilai verbal naik 20% persentil cuman dengan princeton review. bukunya juga enak dibaca, flownya enak. sayangnya jumlah soal soalnya terbatas banget. walaupun di bagian belakang ada sih soal problem set yang BAGUS BANGET, tapi practice set-nya agak somewhat lacking. tinkgat kesulitannya untuk practice set agak kurang. tapi di problem set halaman belakang bagus. dapet DVD dengan buku ini. DVDnya bagus bgt. bisa dongkrak nilai. soalnya isinya tutorial gitu.
- disarankan dipake untuk mereka2 yang udah lumayan belajar, 1-2 bulan sebelum test GRE-nya, pake deh buku ini. bakalan dongkrak-in nilai banget. soal-soal mungkin ga banyak bantu, tapi teknik-nya nambah
- isi DVD: A+. dah nonton aja deh. sumpah inspirasional.
- overall: A- (introductory A+, teaching content A, variasi soal B, pembahasan B, DVD A+) + problem set dibelakang, A+
in conclusion, tentuin berapa lama waktu yang km punya untuk belajar GRE. pake kaplan deh untuk lebih familiar sama concept dan variasi soalnya, mulai dari yang gampang sampai yang susah. belajar yang banayk dari buku buku kaplan. sangat bantu krn nilaimu kan ditentukan dari kecakapan menjawab soal. dan di buku KAPLAN pembahasan soalnya maknyus bgt deh. 1 bulan sebelum GRE-nya, pake princeton review. buku dan DVD-nya ngajarin tentang teknik teknik yang mempermudah waktu ngerjain GRE-nya, meningkatkan nilai verbal+writingnya, dan menghemat waktu selama ngerjain GRE. pelajarin dengan bener, trus kerjain problem setnya yang bagus banget. tipe2 soalnya variasi mudah-susahnya oke bgt mirip GRE asli.
kalo on a tight budget agak susah ya.. tp aku sih nyaranin kaplan premier + princeton.. tapi sih verbal sama quantitative book nya kaplan itu bagus banget juga... aduuh susah ya...
aduh buku ETS ga recommend donk.??? iya SUMPAH ga recommend.. kalo mau iseng, beli juga gpp. bandingin deh isinya.. aduuhhhh kebanting abis sama buku2 lainnya... tapi keuntungannya sih dia terbitan ETS asli.. yaaa informasi didalemnya bole dibilang bener semua.. tp ga banyak kok yg bs dipelajari pake buku ini
pesennya dimana? yaah kalo amazon agak susah kan yak krn ada yg ga masuk indo. bole coba di toko buku yg gede gede. kalo ai sih belinya di internet, secara diluar jawa. , harga sudah termasuk ongkos kirim lho. jual versi fotocopy juga jadi lumayan ngebantu untuk yang in a tight budget
took GRE nov 2012,
verbal 49%, quanti 96%, AW 3.0
admitted student harvard uni
Fri May 10, 2013 3:41 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Dear Iwan,
Terima kasih infonya.
Saya mau apply, tapi saya bingung harus memilih program yang mana antara "Individual university courses", "University degree courses (Levels I or II)", dan "Masters Degree courses (Levels I or II)". Apa bedanya? Mohon pencerahannya. Terima kasih
d) Individual university courses: Applicants must provide certification both of enrolment in a foreign university and of pre-acceptance by the Italian university where they intend to study. Preference is given to bursary applications for Level II individual university courses of a 6-month minimum duration, accompanied by a letter of pre-acceptance from the chosen university. Upon completion of the course attended the bursary-holder will have to sit the required exams.
e) University degree courses (Levels I or II): Preference is given to bursary applications for Level II University courses accompanied by a letter of pre-acceptance from the chosen university. Applicants must provide proof, valid in their place of residence, of having completed upper secondary school and/or first level university studies depending on the University Level they intend to follow. Bursaryholders may request renewal of the bursary for the subsequent academic years in compliance with the "Memorandum for Bursary-Holders" (Regolamento del Borsista). Upon completion of the course attended the bursary-holder will have to sit the required exams.
h) Masters Degree courses (Levels I or II): Applicants must have a degree corresponding with the Italian first or second Level degree depending on the Master course chosen and eventual other documentation as requested by their chosen Italian institution. All Level I and II Masters courses must have minimum six month duration and are not exempt from enrolment fees. If the course requires a period of study outside of Italy, payment of the bursary will be suspended during that period. Since admittance to Masters Courses is often on a selection basis, and courses require a minimum number of participants to be held, it is the applicants39; responsibility to make sure both of their admittance to the course and its actual start date. Bursary-holders are reminded that they have a right to the awarded bursary only for a period of study to be completed by 31 December 2014, and only if they attend the courses originally chosen. Upon completion of the course attended
the bursary-holder will have to sit the required exams.
Fri May 10, 2013 4:10 am (PDT) . Posted by:
Halo Ade
Berikut ekivalensi sistem Italia dengan sistem anglo saxon:
University degree level I ---> BSc -- 3 tahun
University degree level II --> MSc -- 2 tahun
Master University level I ---> Master 1L (after BSc) --- 1 tahun
Master University level II --> Master 2L (after MSc) --- 1 tahun
Lulusan University degree level II (MSc) dapat mendaftar ke program PhD.
Lulusan Master University level I TIDAK dapat mendaftar ke program PhD (karena dianggap belum mendapat MSc, tapi hanya Master 1L yang mana dianggap tidak setara dengan MSc)
Lulusan Master University level II (after MSc) dapat mendaftar ke program PhD (karena dianggap sudah mendapat MSc bahkan nambah degree post-master yang dinamakan Master 2L)
Jadi jika ingin mengambil S2 bisa mengambil ketiga program tersebut. Namun jika ingin mengambil program S3 nanti nya, mesti mengambil University degree level II (MSc). Sedangkan untuk diterima di Master University level II (after MSc) mesti sudah lulus S2 dahulu.
Jadi jika anda belum pernah punya gelar S2 sebaiknya ambil University degree level II (MSc).
Iwan Adhicandra
--- In, ade hartanti <sayora_tant@
...> wrote:
> Dear Iwan,
> Terima kasih infonya.
> Saya mau apply, tapi saya bingung harus memilih program yang mana antara "Individual university courses", "University degree courses (Levels I or II)", dan "Masters Degree courses (Levels I or II)". Apa bedanya? Mohon pencerahannya. Terima kasih
> d) Individual university courses: Applicants must provide certification both of enrolment in a foreign university and of pre-acceptance by the Italian university where they intend to study. Preference is given to bursary applications for Level II individual university courses of a 6-month minimum duration, accompanied by a letter of pre-acceptance from the chosen university. Upon completion of the course attended the bursary-holder will have to sit the required exams.
> e) University degree courses (Levels I or II): Preference is given to bursary applications for Level II University courses accompanied by a letter of pre-acceptance from the chosen university. Applicants must provide proof, valid in their place of residence, of having completed upper secondary school and/or first level university studies depending on the University Level they intend to follow. Bursaryholders may request renewal of the bursary for the subsequent academic years in compliance with the "Memorandum for Bursary-Holders" (Regolamento del Borsista). Upon completion of the course attended the bursary-holder will have to sit the required exams.
> h) Masters Degree courses (Levels I or II): Applicants must have a degree corresponding with the Italian first or second Level degree depending on the Master course chosen and eventual other documentation as requested by their chosen Italian institution. All Level I and II Masters courses must have minimum six month duration and are not exempt from enrolment fees. If the course requires a period of study outside of Italy, payment of the bursary will be suspended during that period. Since admittance to Masters Courses is often on a selection basis, and courses require a minimum number of participants to be held, it is the applicants39; responsibility to make sure both of their admittance to the course and its actual start date. Bursary-holders are reminded that they have a right to the awarded bursary only for a period of study to be completed by 31 December 2014, and only if they attend the courses originally chosen. Upon completion of the course attended
> the bursary-holder will have to sit the required exams.