Friday, October 17, 2008


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Daily Job Alert for 17-Oct-08 from IT Jobs ( Group)

SALES CONSULTANT (plus 68 more opportunities) - Job Alert from JobsDB







Fabrication Design Engineer,  PEC-TECH INDONESIA, PT

Helpdesk / Receptionist (code : HR),  INTEGRASINDO MITRA MANDIRI, PT

Project Manager (code : PM),  INTEGRASINDO MITRA MANDIRI, PT



Lowongan BUMN PERUM PEGADAIAN (21 Okt 2008)

Posted by: "ema puspanegara"   ema_puspanegara

Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:33 am (PDT)

Perum Pegadaian sebagai BUMN yang bergerak di bidang penyaluran
kredit untuk Perorangan maupun Pengusaha Mikro Menengah dan Kecil
di Indonesia dengan Visi : "Pegadaian pada tahun 2010 menjadi perusahaan yang
modern, dinamis dan inovatif dengan usaha utama gadai", dan Motto : Mengatasi
Masalah Tanpa Masalah, dengan ini mengundang putra-putri terbaik Indonesia yang
berkualitas, memiliki komitmen, integritas dan moralitas tinggi serta sanggup
bekerja keras untuk bergabung sebagai tenaga administrasi yang terampil dan
handal yang memenuhi criteria sebagai berikut :

1. Pelamar adalah Warga Negara Republik Indonesia (WNRI);
2. Usia pelamar adalah kelahiran 1980 dan sesudahnya;
3. Pendidikan pelamar minimum D3 dengan Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif
(IPK) minimal 3,00 pada skala 4 sedangkan pelamar dengan pendidikan
S1 dengan IPK minimal 2,75 pada skala 4. (Lebih diutamakan untuk
lulusan program studi Hukum, Manajemen, Ekonomi dan akuntansi);
4. Memiliki referensi pengalaman kerja bidang customer service,
kasir, pramugari/pramugara, administrasi perkantoran (lebih
diutamakan) dan melampirkannya pada berkas lamaran;
5. Memiliki kemampuan mengoperasikan aplikasi computer office (lebih
disukai), sertifikat terkait dilampirkan pada berkas lamaran;
6. Belum menikah dengan melampirkan surat keterangan belum menikah
dari pejabat yang berwenang;
7. Sehat jasmani, rohani, bebas dari penggunaan narkoba dan obat
psikotropika, serta tidak buta warna yang dibuktikan dengan
keterangan dokter/institusi yang berwenang.
8. Membuat surat pernyataan bermeterai Rp. 6.000,-, dilampirkan pada
berkas lamaran, yang menyatakan :
a.Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Wilayah Republik Indonesia;
b.Bersedia diterima sebagai calon pegawai Perjanjian Kerja Waktu
Tidak Tertentu (PKWTT) atau Pegawai tetap pada pangkat/grade
sesuai dengan ketentuan kualifikasi setara lulusan D3 berdasarkan
peraturan dan ketentuan yang berlaku di Pegadaian dan /atau pegawai
Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu (PKWT)/Pegawai Kontrak. Penentuan
tipe kelulusan didasarkan pada peringkat (ranking) hasil seleksi;
c.Bersedia mengganti biaya yang telah dikeluarkan selama proses
seleksi apabila pelamar telah dinyatakan lulus seleksi tahap akhir
dan mengundurkan diri sepihak;
d.Bersedia berangkat menuju tempat penempatan pertama dengan
biaya sendiri;
e.Bersedia menanggung segala biaya transportasi dan akomodasi
selama proses seleksi dari tempat tinggal (domisili) peserta/pelamar
ke tempat lokasi seleksi (lokasi seleksi ditentukan Tim Kantor
Wilayah Perum Pegadaian sesuai alamat pada lamaran yang dituju oleh

1. Pelamar membuat surat lamaran yang ditujukan ke Direktur Utama
Perum Pegadaian c.q.Pemimpin Wilayah Perum Pegadaian terdekat dengan
domisili pelamar;
2. Pas Foto terbaru berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 3 (tiga)
3. Foto Copy KTP yang masih berlaku sebanyak 1 lembar;
4. Foto Copy Akte Kelahiran/Surat Keterangan Lahir;
5. Foto Copy Ijasah dan /atau surat keterangan lulus yang
dilegalisir dengan tanggal legalisir 1 Januari 2007 atau setelahnya;
6. Foto Copy transkrip nilai yang dilegalisir dengan tanggal
legalisir 1 Januari 2007 atau setelahnya;
7. Foto Copy Sertifikat ketrampilan komputer dan /atau prestasi
di bidang olah raga, seni dan budaya yang dimiliki (preferable);
8. Referensi/surat pengalaman kerja (preferable yang sesuai
dengan bidang bisnis Pegadaian);
9. Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik (SKKB)/Surat Keterangan Catatan
Kriminal (SKCK) dari Kepolisian;
10. Berkas lamaran lengkap dengan lampiran dimasukkan dalam
amplop coklat dan dikirimkan melalui alamat PO. BOX yang dituju
paling lambat tanggal 21 Oktober 2008 (CAP POS), tidak diperkenankan
mengirimkan berkas lamaran secara langsung;
11. Hanya pelamar terbaik saja yang berhak mengikuti seleksi
tahap selanjutnya. Seluruh berkas lamaran yang masuk menjadi milik
Perum Pegadaian dan tidak dapat ditarik/diambil kembali dengan
alasan apapun;
12. Pelamar yang pernah mengirimkan lamaran sebelum adanya
pengumuman rekrut ini apabila masih berminat, agar mengajukan
lamaran kembali sesuai persyaratan dan ketentuan dalam rekrutmen ini,
13. Pelamar agar mengirimkan 1 (satu) berkas lamaran saja ke satu
alamat PO.BOX yang telah ditentukan seleksi akan dilaksanakan secara
serentak di seluruh Indonesia, pengiriman lebih dari 1 (satu) berkas
hanya akan diproses di satu tempat;
14. Tahapan proses seleksi penting untuk diperhatikan oleh para
pelamar :
a. Penerimaan lamaran melalui PO.Box kantor Pos Kantor Wilayah
Perum Pegadaian di Seluruh Indonesia, dibuka sejak dimuatnya
pengumuman ini di situs dan akan diumumkan
di media massa nasional dan lokal. Penerimaan berkas lamaran paling
lambat tanggal 21 Oktober 2008 (CAP POS);
b. Bagi peserta yang lulus seleksi administrasi akan diikutkan
pada seleksi lebih lanjut dengan tahapan seleksi tertulis berupa 1.
Test Potensi Akademik dan Bahasa Inggris; 2. Test Psikologi; 3. Wawancara & Test
Kesehatan. Seleksi menggunakan sistem gugur.
c. Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi administrasi dan
berminat mengikuti seleksi lebih lanjut DIWAJIBKAN mendaftar ulang
(tidak boleh diwakilkan) di Kanwil Pegadaian setempat paling lambat
1 (satu) hari sebelum pelaksanaan test tertulis, dengan membawa Form
konfirmasi pelamar untuk test tertulis.
d. Pengumuman pelamar yang lulus administrasi dan jadwal tahapan
seleksi dapat dilihat pada tanggal 30 Oktober 2008 di situs
15. Alamat lamaran agar ditujukan sesuai lokasi terdekat dengan
domisili peserta dengan memilih salah satu dari Kantor Wilayah Perum
Pegadaian sebagai berikut (Peserta/Pelamar Wjib mencatumkan nama
Kota Madya/Kabupaten asal domisili peserta pada sudut kanan atas
amplop lamaran):


Kepada Yth.: Direktur Utama Perum Pegadaian c.q. Pemimpin Wilayah
Pegadaian Medan, PO.BOX/Kotak Pos 42324-01, Medan
Cakupan Wilayah: Nangroe Aceh Darussalam dan Sumatera Utara.
Pelaksanaan Seleksi di Medan

Kepada Yth.: Direktur Utama Perum Pegadaian c.q. Pemimpin Wilayah
Pegadaian Pekan Baru, PO.BOX/Kotak Pos 2008-18, Pekan Baru
Cakupan Wilayah: Pekan Baru, Riau Daratan, Riau Kepulauan, Batam,
Tanjung Pinang.
Pelaksanaan seleksi di Pekan Baru.

Kepada Yth.: Direktur Utama Perum Pegadaian c.q. Pemimpin Wilayah
Pegadaian Padang, PO.BOX/Kotak Pos 2008-02, Padang.
Cakupan Wilayah : Sumatera Barat, Bengkulu, Jambi.
Pelaksanaan seleksi di Padang

Kepada Yth.: Direktur Utama Perum Pegadaian c.q. Pemimpin Wilayah
Pegadaian Palembang, PO.BOX/Kotak Pos 42324-17, Palembang.
Cakupan Wilayah : Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, Lampung, Bangka
Pelaksanaan seleksi di Palembang

Kepada Yth.: Direktur Utama Perum Pegadaian c.q. Pemimpin Wilayah
Pegadaian Jakarta I, PO.BOX/Kotak Pos 2008-03, JKT 10900, Jakarta
cakupan Wilayah : Jabodetabek, Sukabumi.
Pelaksanaan seleksi di Jakarta.

Kepada Yth.: Direktur Utama Perum Pegadaian c.q. Pemimpin Wilayah
Pegadaian Jakarta II, PO.BOX/Kotak Pos 2008-16, Jakarta 10900
Cakupan Wilayah : Jabodetabek, Sukabumi.
Pelaksanaan seleksi di Jakarta

Kepada Yth.: Direktur Utama Perum Pegadaian c.q. Pemimpin Wilayah
Pegadaian Makassar, PO.BOX/Kotak Pos 42324-05, Makassar.
Cakupan Wilayah : Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara, Ambon
Pelaksanaan Seleksi di Makassar.

Kepada Yth.: Direktur Utama Perum Pegadaian c.q. Pemimpin Wilayah
Pegadaian Balikpapan, PO.BOX 42324-13, Balikpapan.
Cakupan Wilayah : Kaltim, Kalteng, Kalbar, Kaltengg, dan kalsel.
Pelaksanaan Seleksi bisa pilih di Balikpapan atau Pontianak

Kepada Yth.: Direktur Utama Perum Pegadaian c.q. Pemimpin Wilayah
Pegadaian Surabaya, PO.BOX/Kotak Pos 42324-09, SB 60012 Surabaya.
Cakupan Wilayah : Jawa Timur dan Madura,
Pelaksanaan Seleksi di Surabaya.

Kepada Yth.: Direktur Utama Perum Pegadaian c.q. Pemimpin
Wilayah Pegadaian Bandung, PO.BOX/Kotak Pos 2008-04 Bandung 40000.
Cakupan Wilayah: Jawa Barat dan sekitarnya, khusus untuk rekrut PKWT,
Pelaksanaan seleksi di Bandung

Kepada Yth.: Direktur Utama Perum Pegadaian c.q. Pemimpin
Wilayah Pegadaian Denpasar, PO.BOX/Kotak Pos 42324-2008-12 Denpasar.
Cakupan Wilayah : Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa dan Tenggara
Timur, khusus untuk rekrut PKWT.
Pelaksanaan Seleksi di Denpasar.

Kepada Yth.: Direktur Utama Perum Pegadaian c.q. Pemimpin
Wilayah Pegadaian Semarang, PO.BOX/Kotak Pos 42324-06 Semarang 50000.
Cakupan Wilayah : Jawa Tengah dan DIY,khusus untuk rekrut PKWT,
Pelaksanaan seleksi di Semarang.

Kepada Yth.: Direktur Utama Perum Pegadaian c.q. Pemimpin
Wilayah Pegadaian Manado, PO.BOX/Kotak Pos 42324-15 Manado.
Cakupan Wilayah: Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi Tengah, Papua, Maluku
Khusus untuk rekrut PKWT,
Pelaksanaan seleksi bisa pilih di Manado atau Papua

16. Keputusan kelulusan bersifat final dan mutlak tidak dapat
diganggu gugat, serta tidak diadakan surat menyurat. Kategori
kelulusan untuk Kanwil yang tidak khusus untuk rekrut PKWT
didasarkan pada urutan ranking nilai teratas sebagai calon PKWTT dan
selanjutnya untuk PKWT.
17. Diklat induksi dilaksanakan untuk seluruh calon pegawai tetap
maupun pegawai kontrak direncanakan akhir bulan Nopember 2008.
18. Pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus sebagai pegawai kontrak (PKWT)
langsung ditempatkan bekerja di Cabang Pegadaian yang ditentukan
oleh Pegadaian, Sedangkan Calon Pegawai PKWTT mengikuti pendidikan
Calon Penaksir Pegadaian dengan syarat menandatangani perjanjian
ikatan dinas.

Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat dengan kriteria terbaik serta
tercepat mengirim lamaran yang dipanggil dalam seleksi. PERUM
Pegadaian adalah BUMN yang menerapkan Good Corporate Governance
(GCG). Selama proses seleksi tidak dipungut biaya apapun dan tidak
menerima tanya jawab apapun juga.

Jakarta, Oktober 2008

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Vacant Position as Teacher

Posted by: "Gita Amalia"

Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:34 am (PDT)

Central School located in Puri Kembangan (West Jakarta)

looking for experienced teachers to join us as:


(Subject: Economics / Business Studies)


* Bachelor (S1) degree majoring in Education or related subjects.

* Minimum 2 years experience as a teacher in a formal school.

* Must be familiar with IGCSE and 'A' level curriculum

* Fluent in English both oral and written

* Computer literate.

* Sense of team spirit.

* Pleasant personality and happy to keep learning.

Attractive benefit package will be offered to the successful candidates.

Interested and suitable candidates, please send your CV including your
salary expectation at the latest by October 27th, 2008, to:

Best Regards

Gita Amalia Bastian

Central School

Jl. Kembangan Raya Blok JJ Puri Indah,

Kembangan Selatan, Jakarta Barat, 11610

Phone : +6221 580 6699

Sevilla School

Jl. Pulomas Jaya, Pacuan Kuda Pulomas

Jakarta Timur, 13210

Phone : +6221 4788 2288

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Contract Specialist

Posted by: "Rosa"   yulita_rossa

Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:34 am (PDT)

Contract Specialist


1. Qualification (S1) in Mining or Engineering with 2-3 years

2. Extensive know ledge of prevailing law s and regulations,
especially those related to commercial activities.

3. Strong analytical and negotiation skills.

4. Excellent interpersonal and communication skill (written & oral) in
both Bahasa Indonesia and English

5. Computer skills such as Word Processing, Spreadsheet and MIMS
Supply System.

6. Able to formulate contract documents and ability to interpret
contract documents.

Please send resume in English with recent photograph and contact number (MS.
Word format, not exceeding 200kb) by email to:

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Vacancy : Technical & Sales

Posted by: "totorhs"   totorhs

Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:34 am (PDT)

We are in a business with a high commitment to provide
Telecommunication Solutions, would like to inviting competent
professionals be our talent successful team as:

1. Sales Internet Service
• Female/Male, max 35 years old
• Min D-3 graduated, with min 2 year of experience in achieving
significant sales target as well as maintaining good relationship with
• Having good communication and interpersonal skill, confidence in
English conversation is an value added
• Computer proficiency of Microsoft Office and Linux
• Position are opening for our branches in Jakarta, Medan, Bandung,
Surabaya, and Denpasar

2. Technical Shift Engineer (Code : TS)
Requirements :
• Male, Age Max 27 years
• S-1 Graduate majoring in Management Information / Information Technology
• Fresh graduate are welcome
• Having knowledge of software – hardware installation as well as
troubleshooting, understanding of networking (Linux, Windows NT, LAN)
• Willing to work on Shift Schedule and able to working independently

We are inviting only selected candidate.
Please send your CV, including your current photograph and expextation
salary by email to :


Our website is :


Vacancy at Mercy Corps Banda Aceh-RECEPTIONIST

Posted by: "iros"   iroez

Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:34 am (PDT)

Mercy Corps, an international relief and development organization that focuses on alleviating hardship, reducing poverty and improving living conditions of vulnerable populations in crisis urgently searching for qualified Indonesia citizens for the following position:

RECEPTIONIST (Based in Banda Aceh)
Qualifications include:
Must have good spoken in English, Indonesiaand local language, must be polite and have proper telephone behaviour. She must have good organizational skills. Basic computer skill is benefit. Willingness to travel throughout the project areas in Banda Aceh
Responsibilities include:
Act as a receptionist in the Mercy Corpsoffice in Banda Aceh and control the flow of guests in to office. Supervise waiting room, Communicate with other MC offices in country to ensure pick up and drop off from airport and any other transport needs, Assist in the general administration of the office - including alerting the relevant staff to cleaning and maintenance needs, Assist program and other staff in office activities such as photocopying and arranging paperwork
Please send your CV with position applied on the email subject to: .org before: 23 October 2008. 

- Roslidia -

Get your new Email address!
Grab the Email name you've always wanted before someone else does!

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Opportunity - Recruitment Manager in Food & Beverage Company

Posted by: "Peak Executive"   peakexecutive

Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:35 am (PDT)

A Challenging Career Opportunity

in Food and Beverage Company 


Our client, a food and beverage company
is currently in high need to recruit professionals to fill the following







At least Bachelors Degree from a recognized institute or

Min. 5 years experience in HR Division especially in HR
System & recruitment

understand in manpower plan strategy and designed of SOP

Have the ability to maintain and analyze strategic planning
for the HR operation

Have knowledge & experience in HR policy and procedure

Computer and English literate



To apply, please send your resume




Tendean Lt. 4

Jl. Kapten
P. Tendean No. 7




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lowongan untuk programer

Posted by: "rynaldie"   rynaldie

Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:35 am (PDT)

Kami sebuah perusahaan IT swasta di jakarta membutuhkan seorang
Programer dengan kualifikasi sbb:

1. Menguasai Program VB.Net
2. Mampu mberkreasi dengan program VB.Net

1. Lulusan D3-S1 jurusan komputer
2. Usia 21 s/d 30 tahun
3. Laki-laki/Perempuan

Bagi yang berminat silahkan mengirimkan surat lamaran dan CV lengkap,
pas foto,
di tujukan ke alamat:

Bpk. Alvin Rynald/Bpk. Hendra
PT.Bina Indonusa System
Jl. Kemanggisan Ilir III No. 45
Pal Merah - Jakarta Barat
Kampus Bina Nusantara - Kijang)
atau email ke,

Lamaran kami tunggu secepatnya.


Alvin Rynaldi


Urgent Vacancy! - Bandung

Posted by: "Vacancy"   rabbytyo

Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:35 am (PDT)

We are Consultant Company (Bandung)
based in London,
seeking for people to fulfill the position below with the following requirements:


Skills:- D3/S1, preferably from English Department/Management- Fluent in English (both written and spoken)- Familiar with Internet, E-mail, Photoshop, Adobe reader, etc- Hard worker

Duties:- Data entry (job card)- E-marketing (send mailshot)- Managing CV database (human resource)
- Participate in campaign (searching company - online)- Other administrative duties




You will play a crucial role in keeping track of their costs
and reconciling their purchase order tracking systems.

Your work will include tracking orders from placement to
invoicing and/or approving the prices quoted for services from suppliers.

You are required to have a:


S1 Degree from Economic (Majoring in Accounting )

Experiences in Invoicing
and Reconciliation

Fluent in English
both written and spoken

Candidate will
be based in our Bandung Office

Full time job (11.00 – 20.00 WIB)

 PLEASE SEND YOUR CV TO : with Expected Salary (It is closed by the end of October 2008)

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[JOB] HR Generalist - CIkarang based

Posted by: "aristati hs"   a_salmun

Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:36 am (PDT)


Our client, is US based industrial goods manufacturing company located in Cikarang industrial estate, is in urgent need to appoint a dynamic candidate to support the Human Resources Department at plant in the following position:

HR Generalist - Cikarang based
(Jakarta Raya)


Reporting to the HR Manager, you will be responsible to perform HR duties which among others are: recruitment, payroll, over time calculation, medical and insurance claim, trainings, and coordinating GA activities of the plant.

Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in any field, preferably from pschology or related background;
At least 4 year(s) of working experience in HR & GA field of manufacturing company;
Good English proficiency;
A dynamic, and independent personality with good communication and interpersonal skills;
Full-Time positions available.
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
To apply: Kindly submit your comprehensive resume to

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Vacancy :: Business Unit Manager ::

Posted by: "Pungki"   pungkimel

Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:37 am (PDT)

JAC Recruitment, member of the TAZAKI Group, is an international recruitment consultant provides
Recruitment & Selection (Executive Search, Staff Placement), Personnel
& Legal Consulting, Translating & Interpreting services.

Currently we are looking for qualified candidates for our Client, a multinational company; specializing in medical devices/equipment for hospital and health care facilities to be located in Jakarta; for the position of:

Business Unit Manager (BUM)
Business Development Manager (BDM)

- Male/Female.
- Hold Bachelor Degree.
- Min. 5 years experience with at least 2 years in managerial level as sales in medical equipment/devices (BDM).
- Min. 7 years experience with at least 4 years in managerial level as sales in medical equipment/devices (BUM).
- Must have good interaction, communication
and presentation skills.
- Must have good understanding and
fluency in English.
- Attractive
remuneration package and other fringe benefit will be provided upon a
successful candidate.

We treat our candidate resumes in a
professional manner and strictly confidential, as our code of ethics.If you meet the above requirements and
interested with the position, please send your Curriculum Vitae in English, to:

PT JAC Indonesia
Menara Cakrawala (Skyline Building)
19th Floor
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 9
Telp: (021) 315 9504 / 06

Email: and

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Palm Oil  Director

Posted by: "Sulistianto"   asulistianto

Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:37 am (PDT)

Palm Oil Director

Level : General Manager - Director

Responsible to provide:
Guidance strategic management, financial, and operational for several
company with scope in area palm oil plantation and Palm oil
Business evaluation & development.
Competence in strategic business development, strategic financial
management, & palm oil group management;
More than 15 years experience in palm oil group-company , in senior
managerial position, from is a advantaged.

if you interest and have qualification please send your application
to :




Are you the ONE? Marketing Head, HR Head, Finance Head

Posted by: "TRaphx"   kotakku2001

Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:37 am (PDT)

Our client, a high taste cake & bakery shop located in South Jakarta, is looking for young self-driven professional for the following positions:
1.      Head of Marketing (HM)
Reporting to Operational Director, as Head of Marketing you are responsible for developing the market, increase sales volume and maintain good company image.
As Head of Marketing, you are a person who:
-          Have good & hands-on understanding of cake and bakery market
-          Have good understanding on cake & bakery variety, taste, shape
-          Have business concern and business sense
-          Have wide relationship to potential selling points´ management
-          Have good interpersonal skill and negotiation skill
-          Have good capability in developing marketing plan, execute and monitor it
-          Have good market survey ability and understand the bakery market of Jakarta
-          Have strong integrity, good teamwork and managerial skills
-          Willing to go extra miles
-          Have 3 years experience in bakery marketing
2.      Head of Human Resources (HR)
Reporting to Operational Director, Head of HR are responsible for total personnel system and execution.
As Head of Human Resources, you:
-          Are convenience dealing with people in formal and informal way
-          Have good HR framework of thinking
-          Are capable of planning, executing and evaluating man power planning, recruitment, company policy & regulation, performance appraisal, training & development, disciplinary action & coaching.
-          Have people concern in line with business mindset
-          Are a good coach to your business partner/ clients
-          Are strict and sensible at the same time
-          Have strong integrity, good teamwork and managerial skills
-          A leader of yourself and of your team
-          Have 3 years experience in supervising HR processes
3.      Head of Finance (HF)
Reporting to Operational Director, as Head of Finance you are responsible for managing cash flows, data accuracy and reporting.
As Head of Finance, you are a person who:
-          Have strong Finance and Accounting educational background
-          Have strong capability in managing, monitoring, and controlling cash flows
-          Have good management & accounting information system development ability
-          Have good cost calculation and prediction ability
-          Have strong integrity, good teamwork and managerial skills
-          Are a person with good analytical thinking and love details
-          Are prudent yet progressive
-          Willing to learn the bakery business or have good understanding of it
Should you claimed yourself as a person who have such characteristic and would like to join a progressive company, you are invited to submit your complete resume to by end of October 2008. Please put the position code in the subject line. You are requested to state your current and expected package on your application letter.
Qualified candidates will be contacted by e-mail or phone one week after the closing date at the latest for further processes.


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Java Programmer + 5 new jobs - Job Alert from

Job Matches from Direct Employers - 17 October 2008
No. Position Company Location Required Exp / Skills
1.Java Programmer
(10 vacancies)

> IT-Software
Job Code: EJMPAA
PT Sigma Karya Sempurna
(Engineering / Technical Consulting Industry)
Tangerang, Bali - Jakarta Raya Tapestry, hibernate, J2EE

Why was I matched to this job?
(3 vacancies)

> IT-Software
Job Code: EJMBV
(IT / Software Industry)
Jakarta Utara - Jakarta Raya Java, Visual Basic, JSP

Why was I matched to this job?
3.Internal Audit
(2 vacancies)

> Banking/Financial
Job Code: EJMJMV
PT Bank ICBC Indonesia
(Banking / Finance Industry)
Jawa Timur 2 yrs exp

Why was I matched to this job?
4.Application Consultant (AC)
> IT-Software
Job Code: EJMHZ
PT Berca Hardayaperkasa
(IT / Hardware Industry)
Jakarta Raya 1 yr exp

Why was I matched to this job?
5.Junior Sales for FSI and Telco
> Sales-Eng/Tech/IT
Job Code: EJMFP
PT Inovasi Lintas Media
(IT / Software Industry)
Jakarta Raya 1 yr exp

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Job Matches from Recruitment Firms - 17 October 2008
No. Position Company Location Required Exp / Skills
1.SAP HR Consultants - Indonesia / Vietnam
> IT-Software
Zenith Infotech (S) Pte Ltd
(IT / Software Industry)
Jakarta Raya, Vietnam 4 yrs exp
SAP HR (Functional Stream)

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Vacancy Offshore Oil & Gas, Lowongan Jakarta 3 Posisi

Posted: 16 Oct 2008 06:42 AM CDT

EnerPro Pte Ltd (Search / Recruitment Firm) EnerPro Pte Ltd was established to cater to the demands of engineering and technical personnel specifically in the energy, resources, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. With a team of experienced and dedicated consultants, EnerPro Pte Ltd serves clients in any part of the world. Committed to providing the relevant technical services of the

Lowongan Exxon Mobil, Job vacancy Terbaru

Posted: 15 Oct 2008 06:55 PM CDT

Lowongan Teknik Fisika, Kimia, Metalurgi, Petroleum, Sipil, Listrik, Mesin & material Exxon Mobil Job Vacancies for : Bachelor's degree in Chemical, Mechanical, Petroleum, Civil, Materials, Electrical, Metallurgical and Physics Engineering ExxonMobil Upstream companies in Indonesia, offer challenging career opportunities to a number of Indonesian graduates for positions in ExxonMobil