Thursday, April 4, 2013

[beasiswa] Digest Number 4513

12 New Messages

Digest #4513
[INFO] Google scholarship for ladies by "ricky ramdani" hydrogenz7
Re: (butuh info) erasmus mundus by "Dianing Galih" galihmelon
Re: [BUTUH INFO] Beasiswa DIKTI - BPP DN by "Rakhmad Maulidi" nespa82
Re: [Butuh Info] BU Dikti UGM by "Rakhmad Maulidi" nespa82
[butuh info] Research Fellowship in Material Science by "FATAA KUSUMATTAQIIN" kusumattaqiin
Re: [Butuh Info] Bimbingan motivation letter by "hadisoemartopanji" hadisoemartopanji
Re: [butuh info] Beasiswa Full Bright by "hadisoemartopanji" hadisoemartopanji
[butuh info] beasiswa Research di Jepang by "Nurul Istiqamah Ulil Albab" istiqomahsyawal
[Butuh Info] Transkrip Nilai utk Beasiswa LPDP by "Ekra Sanggala" ekra_penulis_ti


Wed Apr 3, 2013 1:27 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Achmad Efendi" efendi_a

Doctoral Position in Statistics for 4 years, workload 40 hours/week,
starting with October 1st 2013.

Requirements: Candidates holding (or expecting to receive) a master in
mathematics, statistics,

economics or related areas are invited to apply. The degree should be
awarded before the starting


In the framework of the Interuniversity Attraction Pole (IAP) P7/06 StUDyS
the Université libre de

Bruxelles (ULB) announces a PhD position in statistics. A general
description of the project can be

found on

We are 7 participating researchers from ULB (Mathematics Department and
ECARES) working, among others, in the following areas:

-optimal inference in elliptical families,

-multivariate sign and rank techniques,

-depth-based methods,

-robustness methods,

-outlier detection,

-time series,


-factor models,

-functional data,

-monetary policy,

-business cycles,

-portfolio theory,

-inverse problems,


-enforcing regularization theory,


-wavelets and applications,

-learning theory,

-minimum risk,

-multiscale methods.

The candidate should be interested in one or more of

these areas and indicate this in his/her


Application: A full application consists of:

(1) a detailed CV,

(2) a statement of motivation,

(3) 2 reference letters,

(4) degree certificates and grade transcripts.

The application deadline is April 30, 2013. We encourage, however, to apply
as soon as possible, since we might fill the position at an earlier stage.

Please, submit your application via email to Siegfried Hörmann:

Wed Apr 3, 2013 1:28 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"ricky ramdani" hydrogenz7

Dr. Anita Borg (1949â€"2003)
Anita Borg believed that technology affects all aspects of our economic, political, social and personal lives. A technology rebel with a cause, in her life she fought tirelessly to ensure that technology’s impact would be a positive one. It was this vision that inspired Anita in 1997 to found the Institute for Women and Technology. Today this organization continues on her legacy and bears her name, The Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology (
Dr. Anita Borg
The Scholarship
Dr. Anita Borg devoted her adult life to revolutionising the way we think about technology and dismantling barriers that keep women and minorities from entering computing and technology fields. Her combination of technical expertise and fearless vision continues to inspire and motivate countless women to become active participants and leaders in creating technology.
As part of Google’s ongoing commitment to furthering Anita’s vision, we are pleased to announce The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship: Asia-Pacific (APAC). Through the scholarship, we aim to encourage women to excel in computing and technology, and become active role models and leaders.
Scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of candidates’ academic performance, leadership experience and demonstrated passion for computer science. A group of female Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD students will be chosen from the applicant pool across Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and India. Each scholarship recipient will receive a scholarship amount specific to their local region in respect to tuition.
All scholarship recipients will be invited to visit a Google office in Sydney, Australia for a networking retreat. It will include workshops with a series of speakers, panels, breakout sessions and social activities, and will provide an opportunity to meet and share experiences.
Eligibility requirements
Applicants must:
* Be a female student enrolled in full-time undergraduate or postgraduate study at an university.
* Be enrolled at a University in any of the following countries: Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand and India. Citizens, permanent residents, and international students are eligible to apply.
* Be studying Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a closely related technical field.
* Maintain an excellent academic record.
How to apply
Please complete the online application and submit all required documents online by 31st of May, 2013. First-time users will be required to register and create an account. You will be asked to submit electronic versions of the following:
* Resume â€" with education, work and technical accomplishments included
* Transcripts
* Bachelor’s: A copy of your current academic record
* Master’s and PhD: A copy of your previous and current academic records
* Two letters of recommendation
* The letters should be written by individuals who are qualified to evaluate your academic and leadership accomplishments, e.g. from a professor, adviser or supervisor. You will be asked for the name and contact information for each of your references when you complete the online application. Each contact you enter will receive an email generated by the online application including instructions on how to submit their letter electronically. The deadline for your references to complete the letter of recommendation is June 10, 2013.
* Answers to three short essay questions (suggested word count is 400-600 words per question)

1. Describe a significant computer science project you have worked on. (If you have worked on a major independent research project, such as research for a graduate program, please describe that work here). Give an overview of the problem and your approaches to the key technical challenges. If this was a group effort, be sure to specify your individual role and contributions.

2. Give an example(s) of a situation(s) where you significantly demonstrated your leadership abilities. Explain what you set out to achieve and how you went about it. What was the outcome of your efforts?  These need not be demonstrated through formal or traditional leadership roles. Feel free to think broadly and examine the many ways you impact members of your technical community.

3. Have you thought of the next big product/technology to revolutionize the market as we know it? Write out a business proposal to a Venture Capitalist, including a description of the product/technology, your planned methodology to develop it to bring it to the consumer market and the expected positive impact on people's lives.
For specific questions not answered on this page or in the FAQ section, please e-mail The subject field of your email must include “Anita Borg Question”.
About the Scholars’ Retreat
All scholarship recipients will be invited to an expenses paid retreat held in Sydney, Australia in September. In addition to free time for sightseeing and socializing, the formal part of the retreat typically includes:
* Welcome meal and tour of Google;
* Informal ice breaker activities and introductions;
* Introduction to the Anita Borg Institute and the scholarship program;
* Personal insights, technical talks, and workshops.
You can read the scholars' interview about the 2012 Asia Anita Borg Memorial Scholars' Retreat in Singapore on Google Student Blog.
We look forward to receiving your application!

Wed Apr 3, 2013 1:28 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Dianing Galih" galihmelon

> Apakah artinya kita tidak akan mendapatkan housing allowance atau biaya
> housing allowance sudah termasuk dalam montly allowance?
Benar yang kedua, biaya akomodasi termasuk dalam monthly allowance.

> trus untuk beasiswa erasmus mundus sendiri apakah untuk housing sudah
> ditentukan atau kita mencari sendiri ?
Umumnya mencari sendiri atau dibantu mencari, tapi tergantung program dan
konsorsiumnya bisa juga dicarikan.

> apakah jika setelah selesai kuliah nanti saya bisa bekerja di Eropa??
> soalnya kebanyakan beasiswa yang ada tidak mengizinkan penerima beasiswa
> untuk bekerja di negara bersangutan.
Setahu saya program Erasmus Mundus tidak mensyaratkan alumninya untuk
pulang ke negara asal dan sudah ada sejumlah alumni Erasmus Mundus dari
Indonesia yang saat ini bekerja di Eropa.

Wed Apr 3, 2013 1:28 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Rakhmad Maulidi" nespa82

Beikut adalah info yang saya dapat dari dikti

Penyaluran Beasiswa Angkatan Sedang Berjalan (on going)

Oleh Septien Prima – 28 March 2013

Kepada yth,
1. Pemimpin Perguruan Tinggi
2. Koordinator Kopertis Wilayah I-XII

Sehubungan dengan telah ditandatangani kontrak penyediaan beasiswa
pendidikan pascasarjana (S2/S3) baik dalam negeri (BPPS) maupun luar negeri
(Beasiswa BLN) sedang berjalan angkatan 2010,2011,dan 2012 antara Ditjen
Pendidikan Tinggi dengan institusi Saudara, dengan hormat kami sampaikan
beberapa ketentuan terkait dengan penyaluran beasiswa dimaksud kepada
karyasiswa, yaitu sebagai berikut :

Unduh surat Penyaluran Beasiswa On Going 2013

2013/4/3 Muhammad Nida Fadlan <>

> **
> Dear milisters,
> Mohon infonya, saya sedang menjalani kuliah S-2 semester kedua. Apakah
> beasiswa BPP-DN juga berlaku bagi mahasiswa ON GOING seperti saya ini? Lalu
> bagaimana prosedurnya? Saat ini saya sedang kuliah di Fakultas Ilmu
> Pengetahuan Budaya,Universitas Indonesia.
> Terima kasih atas infonya.
> Salam,
> Muhammad Nida Fadlan

Best regard

Rakhmad Maulidi
Follow me: @maulidi <>

Wed Apr 3, 2013 1:28 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Rakhmad Maulidi" nespa82

Saya cuma bisa bantu yang no 2
Kelinieran pemilihan jurusan berpengaruh terhadap peluang mendapatkan
beasiswa sesuai pedoman BPP-DN
karena BPP-DN memang diperuntukkan untuk dosen/calon dosen yang memang
sangat memperhatikan kelinieran keilmuan


2013/4/3 Fendi Pradana <>

> **
> Assalam Wr Wb.
> Salam Kepada Kaka2, teman dan saudara2 Semuanya.
> Mohon saran sbg jawaban atas pertanyaan sy.
> Sy hendak melanjutkan S2 sy tahun ini d SPs UGM dengan BPP-DN DIKTI 2013
> (BU DIKTI), pertnyaan sy:
> 1. Apakah pengisian Formulir dan kelengkapan Berkas (baik dr UGM maupun
> DIKTI) diharuskan diketik komputer ataukah harus Tulis tangan?
> 2. Bagaimana Peluang lolos BU DIKTI bagi pelamar yg S1-nya Tidak tidak
> Linier dgn S2 yang dipilih?
> 3. Adakah yg dapat memberikan sy Form Daftar Riwayat hidup dan pekerjaan
> yang bisa sy gunakan untuk kelengkapan berkas pada pendaftran S2 kali ini?
> Mohon bantuan dr Saudara2 sekalian.
> Wassalam

Best regard

Rakhmad Maulidi
Follow me: @maulidi <>

Wed Apr 3, 2013 1:29 pm (PDT) . Posted by:


Dear All
Saya mohon info dari anggota milis yang mengetahui research fellowship in short-term (dlm bidang material science)
Terima kasih atas infonya.

Thu Apr 4, 2013 2:44 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Setio Pramono" hafidztio

Betul, tidak ada tempat kursus untuk itu. Bisa lihat beberapa contoh di Internet seperti disini:

kemudian bisa di modifikasi atau bahkan di perbaharui,

From: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: [beasiswa] [Butuh Info] Bimbingan motivation letter

Wa'alaykum salam
Dear nyit-nyit,

Kalau di tempat persiapan TOEFL/IELTS setahuku tidak diajarkan bagaimana cara menulis motiv. Letter, tetapi diajarkan bagaimana cara menghadapi tes TOEFL/IELTS yang akan dihadapi, tetapi menurut pengalamanku, siswa dapat langsung bertanya secara individu bagaimana trik2 nya untuk menulis motiv. Letter kepada tentor (native/lokal), kalau ragu2 mau ikut preparation, mendingan coba dlu...hmm, brengan aja nit...heheheee...ak skalian blajar bhasa jerman ama kamu nit...lanjut japri yah...heheheeeee

Semoga sedikit membantu...Viel Dank

Mit besten Grussen,

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

From: Sa'adiah N <>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2013 12:44:13 +0700
To: Beasiswa Milis Yahoo<>
Subject: [beasiswa] [Butuh Info] Bimbingan motivation letter
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb
Dear pejuang beasiswa,
Saya ingin bertanya apakah di tmpt kursus persiapan TOEFL atau IELTS diajarkan/dibimbing bgmn menulis motivation letter? Karena klo hanya liat dari contoh di internet, rasanya jd ga blajar&ga tau knp harus tertulis dmikian. Terima kasih
Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb


Träume nicht dein Leben, sondern lebe deine Träume!

Von meinem IPod gesendet

Thu Apr 4, 2013 2:45 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"hadisoemartopanji" hadisoemartopanji

Waalaikum salam Mbak Nita,

Teman saya memulai satu website untuk membantu teman2 pencari beasiswa, termasuk dengan mengadakan essay clinic. Saya belum tahu pasti bagaimana prosedurnya, silakan dicek sendiri atau tanyakan langsung ke admin Indonesia Mengglobal.

Pilihan lain adalah mencari penerima beasiswa atau orang lain yang berpengalaman untuk membantu Mbak Nita menulis essay tsb.


Thu Apr 4, 2013 2:44 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"hadisoemartopanji" hadisoemartopanji


Saya pernah menulis pengalaman aplikasi Fulbright (satu huruf 'L' dan digabung, hehe) di blog saya. Ini tulisan lama tapi semoga masih relevan dan bisa membantu. Terima kasih.


Thu Apr 4, 2013 2:51 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Nurul Istiqamah Ulil Albab" istiqomahsyawal

Dear All,

Saya Nurul, saat ini sedang bekerja sebagai arsitek di perusahaan swasta, saya berniat melanjutkan studi S2 di Jepang.

Dari yang saya ketahui untuk kuliah S2 di Jepang terlebih dahulu kita harus mendapatkan profesor yang mau membimbing, baru-baru ini saya menghubungi profesor di Univesity of Tsukuba dan beliau mau menerima saya di lab nya hanya saja beliau menyarankan saya untuk menjadi research student dulu sebelum masuk ke graduate student. Tadinya jika diterima sebagai graduate student di Tsukuba, saya akan mencoba melamar beasiswa BPP-LN Dikti dan setau saya beasiswa ini tdk untuk research student dan pastinya berat hidup tanpa beasiswa untuk belajar di Jepang. Adakah teman-teman yang punya pengalaman seperti ini, atau mungkin ada yang punya info beasiswa untuk research yang bisa di apply. Mohon sarannya.

Terima kasih.

best regards,

Nurul Istiqamah Ulil Albab

Thu Apr 4, 2013 4:23 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Ekra Sanggala" ekra_penulis_ti

Salam semua,

Saat ini saya sedang menempuh kuliah S3 di sebuah negara di Eropa. Saya
ingin mendaftar beasiswa "Tesis Disertasi" dari LPDP. Salah satu
syaratnya adalah "Transkrip Nilai Akhir Seluruh Mata Kuliah". Sedangkan
kuliah S3 saya tidak ada perkuliahan, jadi tentunya saya tidak punya
Transkrip Nilai. Apakah ada rekan2 yang punya solusi utk masalah
transkrip ini?

Terima Kasih
Ekra Sanggala

Thu Apr 4, 2013 5:26 am (PDT) . Posted by:

Ekra, ya dijelaskan saja ke LPDP bahwa kul S3 by research tak ada transkrip. Sebagai gantinya saya pikir bisa surat rekomendasi dari promotor tentang etos belajar, kinerja, dsb.

Hope this helps. Thanks.

Pangesti W, Ph.D
Alumni Usyd Australia.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

-----Original Message-----
From: Ekra Sanggala <>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2013 19:01:35
Subject: [beasiswa] [Butuh Info] Transkrip Nilai utk Beasiswa LPDP

Salam semua,

Saat ini saya sedang menempuh kuliah S3 di sebuah negara di Eropa. Saya
ingin mendaftar beasiswa "Tesis Disertasi" dari LPDP. Salah satu
syaratnya adalah "Transkrip Nilai Akhir Seluruh Mata Kuliah". Sedangkan
kuliah S3 saya tidak ada perkuliahan, jadi tentunya saya tidak punya
Transkrip Nilai. Apakah ada rekan2 yang punya solusi utk masalah
transkrip ini?

Terima Kasih
Ekra Sanggala




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