Thursday, January 10, 2013

[beasiswa] Digest Number 4420

11 New Messages

Digest #4420
Re: [butuh info] Beasiswa di luar bidang kerja by "" ronald_eberhard_tundang
[butuh info] Material Science by "FATAA KUSUMATTAQIIN" kusumattaqiin
[butuh info] Visa application untuk studi di Jerman by "nashrullah_anas" nashrullah_anas
[BUTUH INFO] Judul buku TOEFL dan IELTS yang recommended by "Gabriella Frederika Punu" berryshinomiya


Tue Jan 8, 2013 1:40 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"M Roil Bilad"

Mungkin ada yang berminat peluang postdoc dibawah.


De: De Ridder Koen [ ]
Enviado el: martes, 08 de enero de 2013 10:26
Dear colleagues,

The Belgian Science Policy Office has issued a Call for applications for
postdoc fellowships to non-EU researchers, to do research during 6 to 18
months at a Belgian host Institute.

In case you know a good researcher who might be interested in submitting
such an application to come work at VITO on urban climate modelling, I
would greatly appreciate receiving her/his contact details. Ideally, I am
looking for candidates from the countries or cities outside Europe that
might get involved in RAMSES as study cases (Bogota, Hyderabad, ...), and
with a PhD degree in exact science (physics, maths, geography, ...) or

More info on the Call is available from Note that
there are quite stringent eligibility criteria, in particular the candidate
needs a support letter from his current Institute confirming the
possibility of returning after the postdoc stay. Also, there is quite some
competition for these fellowships, and only the very best candidates (i.e.,
those having a good publication track record) stand a chance.

... and best wishes for 2013,


Koen De Ridder
VITO - Flemish Institute for Technological Research
Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol, BELGIUM

M Roil Bilad

Tue Jan 8, 2013 1:40 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"squama" squama_squadron

Selamat siang rekan pejuang semua,
Ada yang pernah dapat beasiswa di luar bidang kerjanya tidak? Saya lulus S1 Biologi dan mendaftar cpns untuk formasi pengendali dampak lingkungan di BLH diy.Sy kmd lolos seleksi tetapi selanjutnya penempatan saya justru di bagian keuangan.Apakah mungkin saya mengajukan beasiswa master ilmu lingkungan/ekotoksikologi krn minat saya di biologi/ekologi.
Saya memang belum pernah mengajukan beasiswa tsb tapi adakah temen2 di sini yg kasusnya seperti saya?
Terima kasih.

Tue Jan 8, 2013 3:52 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"" ronald_eberhard_tundang

Banyak kok contohnya, ada contoh bbrp pasti di milis ini. Kebetulan teman saya jg begitu, sdh dapat beasiswa utk program LLM tapi ybs bekerja di Biro Perencanaan.


Directorate of Economic and Socio-Cultural Treaties
Directorate General of Legal Affairs and International Treaties
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
(Currently a student of LLM program in International Law and the Law of Int'l Organizations, University of Groningen)

-----Original Message-----
From: "squama">
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 08:55:07
Subject: [beasiswa] [butuh info] Beasiswa di luar bidang kerja

Selamat siang rekan pejuang semua,
Ada yang pernah dapat beasiswa di luar bidang kerjanya tidak? Saya lulus S1 Biologi dan mendaftar cpns untuk formasi pengendali dampak lingkungan di BLH diy.Sy kmd lolos seleksi tetapi selanjutnya penempatan saya justru di bagian keuangan.Apakah mungkin saya mengajukan beasiswa master ilmu lingkungan/ekotoksikologi krn minat saya di biologi/ekologi.
Saya memang belum pernah mengajukan beasiswa tsb tapi adakah temen2 di sini yg kasusnya seperti saya?
Terima kasih.

Tue Jan 8, 2013 1:41 pm (PST) . Posted by:


Saya ingin bertanya kepada anggota milis
1. Kalau kita ingin melanjutkan study dalam bidang Material Science baik untuk S2 dan S3, adakah referensi Beasiswa untuk program tersebut ?
2. Bagaimana prospek kerja lulusan Material Science?
Terima kasih atas atensi dan jawabannya

Tue Jan 8, 2013 1:41 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"nashrullah_anas" nashrullah_anas

Dear teman-teman milister.
Beberapa minggu lalu saya mendapat admission letter dari sebuah uni di Jerman melalui email.
Admission staf meminta saya untuk apply student visa.
Saya pergi ke kedutaan besar Jerman di Jakarta dan mendapat penjelasan dari staf konsuler (saya juga mendapat dokumen nya) bahwa langkah pertama, saya mesti meminta form kepada deutsche bank di Jerman untuk open bank account di sana.
Minggu lalu saya kontak Deutsche Bank di Jerman melalui email, meminta form untuk bank account opening di sana, tapi saya belum mendapat respon dari staf Deutsche Bank (1 minggu).
Kemudian saya datang ke DAAD (hari ini), menanyakan apakah mereka provide form tersebut. Mereka bilang mereka tidak menyediakan form tersebut dan menyarankan saya pergi ke Deutsche Bank Jakarta. Saya pun pergi ke Deutsche Bank Jakarta dan menanyakan apakah saya bisa mendapatkan form tersebut. Mereka bilang mereka tidak menyediakan form tersebut dan menyarankan saya untuk kontak Deutsche Bank Jerman.

Saya belum bisa memproses visa sementara studi mulai bulan maret 2013.

Ada yang bisa memberikan saran apa yang saya harus lakukan untuk mendapatkan form ini, memproses visa dan tiba di sana sebelum program mulai ?

Terima kasih.
(Btw saya juga browse milis beasiswa ini, ada contoh form untuk account opening (tahun 2008 atau 2009 ?) tapi saya tidak tahu apakah saya masih bisa menggunakan form ini atau tidak.)

Tue Jan 8, 2013 1:41 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"hanna" hanna.marpaung

Dear All,

Saya hanna member baru dalam milis ini. Saya berniat mencari beasiswa Program Studi Manajemen dalam negeri. Adakah dari teman-teman yang tahu.

Salam semangat beasiswa


Tue Jan 8, 2013 3:52 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Umar Ali Ahmad"

Ada beasiswa penuh di S1 Institut Manajemen Telkom di bandung.

Seleksi melalui jalur unggulan tes bulan maret 2013. Info lengkap di

Beasiswa dpt dipertahankan sampai lulus kuliah jika IPK tiap semester cum laude

On 1/7/13, hanna> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Saya hanna member baru dalam milis ini. Saya berniat mencari beasiswa
> Program Studi Manajemen dalam negeri. Adakah dari teman-teman yang tahu.
> Salam semangat beasiswa
> hanna

*Sekretariat SMBB TELKOM 2012*
*Jl. Citarum No. 35 Kota Bandung 40115*
*Tel : (022)-7272078*
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Sent from SMBB Telkom Webmail Services

Tue Jan 8, 2013 1:41 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Gabriella Frederika Punu" berryshinomiya

Para milister skalian, saya ingin lebih mendalami TOEFL dan IELTS, tapi
saya kurang tau buku apa saja yang bagus dari segi materi dan
penyampaiannya. Buku yang sudah dan sedang saya pelajari adalah TOEFL
Longman Preparation Course, Barron's TOEFL IBT, dan IELTS Cambridge. Adakah
buku lain menurut para milister yang juga patut direkomendasikan? Untuk
TOEFL bisa TOEFL PBT atau IBT. Mohon informasinya, terima kasih.

Tue Jan 8, 2013 1:41 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Rahman -" rh89_ipb

Dear mba Sekar,

Saya tertarik untuk ikut beasiswa ini. Tapi pas saya buka website, webpage nya error (tidak bisa log in)..
Lalu ada beberapa hal yg juga ingin saya tanyakan mba,

1. Kenapa webpage nya Error ya?
2. Apakah ada universitas yg tidak membutuhkan tuition fee ?
3. Berapa lama proses untuk mendapatkan LoA dari universitas di Swedia ?

Mohon pencerahannya ya mba Sekar...


Department of Agroindustrial Technology
Bogor Agricultural University

Dari: Sekar>
Dikirim: Senin, 7 Januari 2013 1:02
Judul: [beasiswa] [Info] The Swedish Institute Study Scholarships 2013/2014

Masih ada waktu untuk mendaftar universitas di Swedia sebelum 15 Januari 2013, karena The Swedish Institute Study Scholarships tahun ini kembali dibuka dengan memberikan prioritas bagi kandidat dari Indonesia! :)

Pembayun Sekaringtyas
Master's Student in Urban and Regional Planning
Department of Human Geography
Stockholm University

The Swedish Institute Study Scholarships
The Swedish Institute Study Scholarships target highly-qualified students from the countries listed below. The scholarships will be awarded for studies in Sweden, starting in August 2013 and covers both living costs and tuition fees. 

The online application form for the academic year 2013/2014 will be open between February 1-11, 2013. No scholarships are offered for the spring 2013 application round.

The program is open to candidates from two different categories of countries. Please note that if your country is included under Category 1 – you can only apply within that category.
Category 1:
Candidates with citizenship from the following countries: Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.
For the academic year of 2012/2013 we received 906 applications and a total of 56 scholarships were granted for students from the 12 countries.
The applications are assessed by a selection committee taking into consideration the relevance and quality of the personal motivation letter and CV. Academic merits are already evaluated by the universities in the admission round and is not a criteria for scholarships. 
Category 2:

Candidates with citizenship from countries on the DAC list of ODA recipients can apply to this program. Priority will be given to candidates from Algeria, Botswana, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Namibia, South Africa, Syria, Tunisia, Vietnam, West Bank and Gaza strip and Yemen.
Candidates with citizenship from the following countries, Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine cannot apply to this program.
Citizens from Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine can only apply within The Visby Program.
Citizens from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia can only apply within the program SI Scholarships for East Europe.
Citizens from Turkey can only apply within The Swedish-Turkish Scholarship Program.
For the academic year of 2012/2013 we received 888 applications and a total of 72 scholarships were granted for students from 24 countries.
The applications are assessed by a selection committee taking into consideration the relevance and quality of the personal motivation letter and CV. Academic merits are already evaluated by the universities in the admission round and is not a criteria for scholarships.
Scholarships are intended only for master's level studies in Sweden starting in the fall semester 2013 (August). Please note that the scholarship is not eligible for bachelor's level studies. 

Who is eligible?
The scholarships are intended for students from the above-mentioned target groups for full time studies in Sweden. There is no age limit for scholarship holders.
Scholarships cannot be granted for students who:
* Have already lived in Sweden for two years or more previous to the scholarship period.
* Have a permanent residence or work permit in Sweden.
* Have previously been awarded a Swedish Institute scholarship for studies at Master's level or research at a Swedish university. However students who have attended a Swedish Institute summer course in the Swedish language may apply.
* Already hold a Master's degree from a Swedish university/university college.
* Are currently enrolled in a study program on Bachelor's or Master's level at a Swedish university or university college.

How to apply for a scholarship

First apply for studies at a Swedish University
Prior to applying for a scholarship, you must apply for a study program at the Swedish official online application service University Admissions,  Deadline for applications is January 15, 2013. You can apply for a maximum of four study programs.
Submit the payment of your application fee to University Admissions beforeFebruary 1, 2013.
Then apply for a scholarship 
The scholarship application period for the academic year
2013/2014 will beFebruary 1-11, 2013.
Please note that your application fee to University Admissions must be paid before you submit your scholarship application to the Swedish Institute.
The eligible study programs for SI scholarships have been selected by the Swedish universities. The list of eligible study programs can be found here.
Please observe that your personal application number retrieved in the confirmation from your study program registration has to be used when applying for a scholarship.
A list of successful candidates will be published on www.studyinsweden.sebefore deadline to accept your place at the study program
More information about the application procedure can be found here.

Scholarship benefits and period
The scholarship covers both the tuition fee (which is paid directly to the Swedish university/university college by the Swedish Institute) and living expenses to the amount of SEK 9,000 per month.
The scholarship is only awarded for programs starting in the fall semester 2013 (August) and is granted for of one academic year, i.e. for two semesters at a time. It will be extended for programs longer than two semesters provided that the study results are satisfactory.
The scholarship is designed to cover living costs and study expenses for the scholarship holder. There are no grants for family members. The granted scholarship period cannot be altered or extended beyond the study program period nor can the scholarship be transferred to another study program at a Swedish university.

SI Network for Future Global Leaders
All Swedish Institute scholarship holders are invited to become members of the SI Network for Future Global Leaders – a network that offers unique opportunities during and after the stay in Sweden. Together with other talented people from all around the world, the scholarship holder is able to take part in a variety of events, exchange ideas and create networks that benefit both to career and personal development.

Travel grants
Scholarship holders will receive a travel grant in connection with the scholarship. The travel grant is a one-time payment of SEK 15,000.

Scholarship holders are insured by the Swedish State Group Insurance against illness and accident during the scholarship period.

Tue Jan 8, 2013 1:41 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"nindyadisini" nindyadisini

Dear miliers..

Saya sekarang SMA, saya ingin mendapat beasiswa ke Filipina jurusan bisnis.
Namun, saya kurang tau universitas apa yg bagus disana dan bagaimana cara daftarnya
Bagi yg pernah atau sedang kuliah disana, tolong infonya ya


Wed Jan 9, 2013 9:05 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Iwan Adhicandra" iadhicandra

Up to 40 need-based scholarships to international students

Bocconi University offers up to 40 need-based scholarships to international students enrolling in a Master of Science Program at Bocconi. The awarding of the scholarship also takes into consideration academic performances of the students.


The Scholarship consists of full tuition waiver worth approximately € 11,500.00 per year for a maximum of 2 academic years. The renewal of the scholarship is subject to meeting merit criteria.
Scholarship applications must be submitted by the same deadline as that of applicant's Bocconi online admission's application; see table below.


Only applicants for the first year of a Bocconi Master program who meet all the following conditions will be taken into consideration for the awarding of the scholarship:

- non-Italian citizenship;
- non-Italian residence;
- a non-Italian Undergraduate degree earned abroad or in Italy;

Students who meet any of the following conditions will NOT be taken into consideration:
- previously enrolled in a graduate program in Italy or abroad;
- recipient of a scholarship awarded for the AY 2013-14 by private or public institutions.

Further information





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