Friday, February 14, 2014

[beasiswa] Digest Number 4786

15 New Messages

Digest #4786
Bls: [beasiswa] [BUTUH INFO] Beasiswa BPPLN DIKTI 2014 - apakah fres by "Avicenna An-Nizhami"
Re: [BUTUH INFO] beasiswa unggulan dikti by "deka inspiration" dekains
Re: [butuh info] letter of acception by "deka inspiration" dekains
Re: [BUTUH INFO] GRE S2 Fisika by "Y Budi Sulistioadi" bsulistioadi


Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:48 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Avicenna An-Nizhami"


sepertinya beasiswa untuk fresh graduate/calon dosen nanti akan ada naskah panduannya sendiri, dijelaskan pada halaman 2 pada panduan BPPLN dikti, kemungkinan tahun ini bppln untuk fresh graduate/calon dosen masih dibuka tinggal menunggu kapan dibukanya. saya juga fresh graduate rencananya ngambil beasiswa bppln, kalau memang tidak dibuka lagi, masih ada LPDP dan beasiswa yg lainnya


Pada Senin, 10 Februari 2014 7:45, Rizal R. <> menulis:

Wa'alaikumussalam wr wb

Jika dilihat dari panduan BPPLN Dikti: (sekaligus mengoreksi link sebelumnya yg sudah dihapus pihak Dikti yg pernah saya sampaikan di milis ini), tidak ada beasiswa BPPLN Dikti bagi freshgraduate. Untuk apply BPPLN Dikti harus dosen yang telah memiliki NIDN, bagi dosen luar biasa atau honorer yang tidak memiliki NIDN tidak bisa apply.

Sepertinya, bagi fresh graduate ataupun dosen yang tidak memiliki NIDN diarahkan untuk apply beasiswa LPDP atau beasiswa unggulan Kemdiknas.

Pada kesempatan ini pula ingin saya sampaikan bahwa di panduan BPPLN Dikti terbaru yang link-nya saya sampaikan di email ini, ada perubahan mengenai tunjangan keluarga inti. Pada link sebelumnya disebutkan bahwa tunjangan keluarga dimulai semester kedua, pada panduan terbaru di poin 2.3.c berubah jadi: Tunjangan biaya hidup untuk keluarga inti yang menyertai karyasiswa diberikan
sesuai standar Ditjen Dikti mulai semester ketiga (hanya berlaku untuk
karyasiswa angkatan 2014 ke atas);



On Friday, 7 February 2014, 7:27, alfiyana yulia sari alysa <> wrote:

Teman-teman pejuang beasiswa, salam kenal saya lia. Saya baca tentang BPPLN DIKTI 2014 beasiswa ini untuk dosen tetap dan tenaga kependidikan di perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. Bagaimana dengan fresh graduate? Apakah tidak boleh mendaftar? Apakah BPPLN berbeda dengan BPPDN, Sementara tahun 2013 kemarin teman saya ada yg mendapat beasiswa BPPDN sebagai fresh graduate. Mohon infonya.. terima kasih.
Alfiyana yulia
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:49 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"deka inspiration" dekains

Lebih baik sekarang fokus cari/pdkt ke calon supervisor dulu saja. Misal
bertanya-tanya tentang salah satu artikel tulisan calon supervisor yang
ingin didekati. Karena begitu dapat supervisor, insyaAllah jalan untuk
mencari beasiswa jadi lebih mudah.

2014-02-10 8:09 GMT+07:00 Patria Arif <>:

> Asalam sobat milis.
> saya butuh info mengani schoolarship s2 dalam dan luar negri pada tahun
> 2015, dalam bidang ekonomi, yg dapat di apply untuk mahasiswa yg skrg
> masih kuliah di s1 matematika.
> mohon info dan pencerahannya milis di sini semua, terimakasih
> salam,
> patria arif

Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:49 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"deka inspiration" dekains

prinsip dasar dalam mencari beasiswa, coba saja, nanti akan tahu dengan
sendirinya. Gagal dengan satu kemungkinan, masih ada banyak alternatif yang
lain. Misal kasus terburuk gagal melalui jalur beasiswa unggulan Dikti,
masih ada jalur LPDP.

2014-02-11 9:12 GMT+07:00 Qeeya Aulia <>:

> Salam,
> saya mau bertanya, apakah beasiswa unggulan DIKTI terbuka untuk lulusan
> PTAI (Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam) ataukah dikhususkan untuk universitas
> dibawah DIKTI?
> Terimakasih
> --
> *Arrizqiya Auliaur Rahmah*

Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:49 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"deka inspiration" dekains

cari calon supervisor dari kampus yang dituju, caranya? silakan kirim email
ke calon supervisor, perkenalkan diri, kirim CV yang lengkap,
transkript+ijazah, hasil tes bahasa (toefl atau ielts), kalau dapat respon
lebih lanjut dari calon supervisor dan diACC ya tinggal ditindaklanjuti
kirim berkas lamaran ke kampus yang dituju, baru nanti dapat LOA

2014-02-10 15:24 GMT+07:00 Nury Sunshine <>:

> Hi, milis. Aku dah daftar beasiswa LPSDM tuk univ dlm negeri trus diminta
> letter of acception (LOA) dr cmpus yg dituju. Gemana ya caranya??

Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:50 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Ka Wahyu" math_wahyu

I'll try to answer»

LoA (Letter of Acceptance) adalah surat yg diberikan kpd calon mahasiswa yg sudah lulus tes di PT. Jika sudah lulus tes dan dinyatakan menjadi mahasiswa di kampus tsb, kita bisa minta ke PT tsb untuk keperluan beasiswa. Surat/dokumen pengumuman kelulusan di PT bisa juga dijadikan LoA atau dibuatkan LoA dalam format tertentu.

Hope, it is helpful
Ka Wahyu
Former Debater
Post Graduate Math Edu
State Univ. of Surabaya
sent from myPhone

-----Original Message-----
From: "Nury Sunshine" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 08:24:56
Subject: [beasiswa] [butuh info] letter of acception

Hi, milis. Aku dah daftar beasiswa LPSDM tuk univ dlm negeri trus diminta letter of acception (LOA) dr cmpus yg dituju. Gemana ya caranya??

Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:52 pm (PST) . Posted by:


Pak Dhany, silahkan menghubungi personal in charge di registration/admission administration, biasanya mereka dengan senang hati akan membalas email Anda dan menunjukkan bagaimana alur pendaftaran. Kita mendaftar dan meng-upload berkas yang dibutuhkan, nanti dikeluarkan LoAnya, jika lengkap adalah unconditional LoA, jika kurang lengkap berkas (misalkan kurang TOEFL atau IELTS) maka akan keluar CONDITIONAL LoA.Semoga bermanfaat.

Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:49 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"deka inspiration" dekains

Kirim saja berkas lamaran ke beberapa calon supervisor, kalau direspon bisa
ditanyakan ke calon supervisor apakah memungkinkan conditional LOA. Kalau
tidak memungkinkan, ya silakan saja sembari disiapkan untuk meningkatkan
nilai IELTS.

2014-02-11 16:18 GMT+07:00 Alamsyah Andi <>:

> Dear Temans,
> Mohon informasi dari rekans sekalian sekiranya ada yang mengetahui
> universitas yang dapat memberikan conditional loa sambil menunggu untuk
> dapat memenuhi syarat IELTS-nya
> Jika ada yang tau prosedur mendaptkan loa mohon sharingnya
> Terima kasih,
> Andi Alamsyah

Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:50 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Krisno" krisno2007

translater legal (sworn transleter) bisa dilihat di link berikut:

--- In, Jayaman Wibowo <jayaman_wibowo@...> wrote:
> sobat
> ada yang tahu dimana tempat transleter legal di daerah bandung dan jakarta??
> nuhun

Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:50 pm (PST) . Posted by:


Di Bandung,
Triad English Center

JL. Baladewa, No. 77, Bandung
(022) 6021888

kemarin sy translate birth certificate, 85 ribu
jadi 3 hari

Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:51 pm (PST) . Posted by:


Meneruskan informasi: Tawaran beasiswa untuk jenjang Master/Doctor di Asian Institute of Technology untuk periode Agustus 2014. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut bisa hubungi Dr. Jai Govind Singh, PhD (; sebagai contact personnya dengan cc ke Brosur, Poster dan Application Form bisa di request melalui contact person diatas.

Terima kasih

Dear Colleague,
Greetings and best wishes from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand!

We are writing to inform you that competent candidates are awarded with full or partial Scholarship schemes including the Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) through the Human Resource Directorate (Direktorat Ketenagaan) especially intended for Indonesian lecturers willing to pursue Master's and Doctorate degree at universities outside of Indonesia. Therefore, we would appreciate if you can nominate few good applicants and also bring this to the notice of other potential aspirants so that they can apply on time.

AIT is one of the leading international institutions in the Asia-Pacific region committed to promote technological change and sustainable development through higher education, research and outreach from more than 54 years with having current students and graduates from more than 40 nationalities and 91 countries, respectively.

The Energy Program at AIT offers specialization in the following areas:
● Energy Technology,
● Energy Economics and Planning,
● Electric Power System Management,
● MBA in Energy Business, and
● Professional Master in Energy Business Management.

For August 2014 semester intake, all scholarships have the deadline for receiving complete application by 15th March 2014.

For more details, you may also visit our websites:
m Energy Field of Study:
m School of Environment Resources and Development:
m Asian Institute of Technology:
m AIT Admissions procedure:
m Apply for DIKTI Indonesia Scholarship at AIT:
m Various other Scholarships:

Moreover, we will be very happy to discuss with you and see the modalities for collaboration between AIT and your organization, and others as well.

I will be happy to provide additional details and look forward to hearing from you to move further.

With best regards,

Dr. Jai Govind Singh, PhD
Coordinator, Energy Field of Study
School of Environment, Resources and Development,
Asian Institute of Technology,
Tel: (+66) 2 524 5440, 5407
Fax: (+66) 2 524 5439

Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:51 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Y Budi Sulistioadi" bsulistioadi

GRE dipersyaratkan oleh kebanyakan institusi pendidikan di Amerika Serikat saja.
Khusus untuk jurusan fisika, GRE dibutuhkan bila sekolah yang dituju berada di Amerika Serikat.
Di luar AS, biasanya GRE tidak dibutuhkan untuk jurusan apapun.

Silakan pelajari lebih lanjut disini:

----- Original Message -----

From: "marsa boy89" <>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 1:30:57 AM
Subject: [beasiswa] [BUTUH INFO] GRE S2 Fisika

terimakasih informasinya.

Saya mau tanya apakah tidak ada persyaratan �GRE untuk S2 Fisika di luar negeri?�

Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:52 pm (PST) . Posted by:


Pak Hamzah, saya sarankan menggunakan mozilla firefox, jangan pakai chrome. Kolom tanggal lahir hanya dapat diisi secara automatic, jika Anda letakkan kursor pada kolomnya, akan muncul kalender dimana Anda dapat memilih tanggal yang tersedia. selamat mengisi, semoga lulus.

Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:52 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Dono Widiatmoko" dono_w

University Doctoral Studentships: School of Health Sciences Health and
Medical *City University London*

City University London is a global University committed to academic
excellence with a focus on business and the professions and an enviable
central London location.

The University is continuing its investment in academic excellence by
offering up to 50 fully-funded, full-time, three year Doctoral Studentships
commencing in October 2014. Up to *eight* Studentships will be available in
the School of Health Sciences.

The Studentships will include a waiver of tuition fees and will provide a
student maintenance grant (£16,000 per annum tax free in 2014/14).

The University provides a research and enterprise development programme to
support the development of research skills.

Applications are sought from exceptional UK and overseas graduates. We
would particularly welcome applications from suitably-qualified women and
candidates from minority ethnic groups who are under-represented in many
areas of research.

Application deadline: 4 March 2014.

For more information and application details, click 'Apply&#39; below.

Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:52 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Dono Widiatmoko" dono_w

University Doctoral Studentships *CASS Business School*

City University London is a global University committed to academic
excellence with a focus on business and the professions and an enviable
central London location.

The University is continuing its investment in academic excellence by
offering up to 50 fully-funded, full-time, three year Doctoral Studentships
commencing in October 2014. Up to *19* Studentships will be available in
the Cass Business School.

The Studentships will include a waiver of tuition fees and will provide a
student maintenance grant (£16,000 per annum tax free in 2014/15).

The University provides a research and enterprise development programme to
support the development of research skills.

Applications are sought from exceptional UK and overseas graduates. We
would particularly welcome applications from suitably-qualified women and
candidates from minority ethnic groups who are under-represented in many
areas of research.

*Application deadline: 28 March 2014.*

For more information and application details, click 'Apply&#39; below.

Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:52 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Dono Widiatmoko" dono_w

PhD studentship in Mathematics and Statistics *Open University* -Department
of Mathematics and Statistics

*Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology*

*Based in Milton Keynes*

*Full time - 3 years from 1 October 2014*

*Approximate stipend of £13,726*

We invite applications for several full-time three-year PhD studentships in
Mathematics and Statistics commencing 1 October 2014. Studentships cover
full-time fees and include a stipend.

Full-time PhD students are based at the University&#39;s Walton Hall campus in
Milton Keynes and are allocated office space and computer facilities in the
Department. Full-time students have an automatic travel and subsistence
allocation to cover training and conference participation. Students are
also supported to join an appropriate learned society.

Details of research areas covered in the Mathematics and Statistics
Department are available from


Applications in all research areas covered by the Department are welcomed.
A detailed research proposal is not required, but applicants should make
clear their principal area of interest. Applications for research projects
highlighted in are especially welcomed.
Interested persons are strongly encouraged to make informal enquiries to

General information about studying for a research degree with the Open
University and how to apply is available from the Research Degrees
Prospectus at:

and, in particular,

Application forms should be sent to by 5pm
on *Friday, 28 February 2014.*

Overseas applicants are welcomed but those from a non-European Economic
Area country that is not majority English-speaking must hold a Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) certificate for
English at B2 level or higher.

*Equal Opportunity is University Policy.*




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