Thursday, January 24, 2013

[beasiswa] Digest Number 4436

8 New Messages

Digest #4436
[Info] Beasiswa New Zeland by "abdul haris muhammadi" abdul_haris_muhammadi
[BUTUH INFO] Contoh proposal DIKTI by "byakuyamaximus" byakuyamaximus
[BUTUH INFO] Hanya Ada First Name by "Daniel Winston" daniel_winston_unique
[butuh info] Study di Norwegia by "Kevin Marvin" kevingenius2001
[BUTUH INFO] JJ/WBGSP scholarship by "Widya Fultanegara" widya_fultanegara
[BUTUH INFO] Beasiswa S2 Pertambangan by "Muhammad Ikrar" mikrarlagowa


Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:05 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"abdul haris muhammadi" abdul_haris_muhammadi

Dear pencari beasiswa,
New Zealand Scholarships - IndonesiaInformation for intakes commencing 2013.This page has scholarship information specific to Indonesia. It should be read with the general information in theScholarships section.New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards: Indonesia
 New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards Country profile: Indonesia [PDF 99kb]
Background  The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards seek to make a substantial contribution to ASEAN's development by providing opportunities for postgraduate study (i.e. Postgraduate Diploma, Master's degree and doctorate/PhD) in New Zealand.The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards (NZ-AS) are part of the New Zealand's official development assistance to the ASEAN region. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, through the New Zealand Aid Programme, delivers this scholarships scheme.Under the NZ-AS scheme, up to 170 scholarships are available to candidates from ASEAN countries. From the total of 170, up to 52 scholarships per annum are available for Indonesian applicants.
The scholarships are for full-time study (See the scholarships benefits) at one of nine eligible New Zealand institutions. See the list of eligible New Zealand education institutionsWho can apply?Individuals who meet the following profile may apply for the NZ-AS scholarships:From the public or private sector;With a proposed field of study in support of sustainable economic development ,as the core focus of the New Zealand Aid Programme, especially agriculture, renewable energy (Geothermal) and disaster risk management;Strong candidates from all areas will be considered, especially candidates who can demonstrate leadership quality and potential for future leadership;Preferably be under 40 years of age at the time of application for Masters and under 45 years of age at the time of application for PhDThose with work experiences in a field relevant to their intended course of postgraduate study, and can demonstrate a connection between their previous field
of study and their intended field of postgraduate study.Applicants must also meet the general eligibility criteria outlined in the ASEAN Scholarships  under  Indonesia Country Portfolio.Targeted CandidatesPeople from Eastern Indonesia (West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, North Maluku, Papua and West Papua);Individuals prioritised who are from the Ministries of Agriculture, Forestry, Mineral Resources and Energy, Marine Resources and Fisheries, (including relevant research institutions under those Ministries); Environment; Tourism; Education, Foreign Affairs, National Police, National Agency for Planning and Development and Ministry of Defence (civilian officials).New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards Application Form [PDF 403kb]
Semoga bermanfaat.
Best Regards, 
Abdul Haris Muhammadi 

Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:05 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"byakuyamaximus" byakuyamaximus

dear rekan-rekan,

Saya kebetulan diterima mewakili universitas saya untuk mengikuti program pertukaran pelajar selama 4 bulan di Universitas Kyushu dan sudah menerima letter of acceptancenya namun sayangnya tidak mendapatkan beasiswa apapun selain penghapusan tuition feenya.

Saya berencana mencari dana dari DIKTI untuk membiayai exchange tersebut namun harus menyertai syarat berupa proposal. Apakah rekan-rekan memiliki contoh proposal yang bisa digunakan sebagai acuan saya, serta apakah rekan-rekan sekalian memiliki informasi organisasi selain DIKTI yang dapat menyediakan bantuan dana kunjungan sementara untuk ke Luar?

Dimohon info dan bantuan rekan-rekan sekalian.
Alexandre Budiman Taslim

Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:06 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Daniel Winston" daniel_winston_unique

Dear rekan-rekan Beasiswa@Yahoogroups,

Saya mau tanya, kan untuk kelahiran tahun 1995 tidak diperkenankan untuk menggunakan nama belakang/marga keluarga. Alhasil, hanya ada satu nama (First name) yang ada di akte kelahiran. 

Nah, kalau untuk daftar ke luar negeri kan harus ada First name dan Last name. Jika demikian, bagaimana seharusnya diisi?

Mohon pencerahannya.

Terima kasih.



Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:06 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"dewieves" sride_aas

Maaf sebelumnya, saya ingin bertanya tentang persyaratan beasiwa ini terutama yang sudah pernah apply :
1. "Masih memiliki masa kerja minimal 10 tahun sebelum memasuki masa pensiun, dihitung dari selesainya masa studi". Apakah ini yang dimaksud adalah pegawai swasta atau PNS. Kalau yang bukan pegawai swasta atau PNS apa tidak bisa mendaftar???
2. "Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun di bidang yang sama dengan studi yang akan diambil". apakah pengalaman mengajar sebagai tentor matematika di bimbinagan belajar bisa dihitung???

Mohon pencerahannya...

Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:06 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Kevin Marvin" kevingenius2001

Dear All,

Saya tertarik untuk melanjutkan study master saya di Norwegia. Akan tetapi, saya masih mengalami kesulitan untuk mencari informasi beasiswa. Apakah dari teman-teman sekalian ada yang mengetahui jenis-jenis beasiswa apa saja yang ditawarkan di Norwegia? Terima kasih.

Kevin Marvin

Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:06 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Widya Fultanegara" widya_fultanegara


Terimakasih atas informasinya.

Setelah saya buka preffered universities, saya tertarik mengambil Harvard University tetapi saya lihat syarat how to apply antara lain harus apply admission di universitas yang dituju. Setelah saya lihat di Harvard University untuk Public Policy, ternyata online admission sudah tutup sejak Nov 2012 yang lalu.

Apakah berarti itu saya tidak bisa apply lagi?

Mohon pencerahannya.


Dari: muhamad sowwam
Kepada: ""
Dikirim: Senin, 21 Januari 2013 11:33
Judul: [beasiswa] [INFO] JJ/WBGSP scholarship


barangkali ada yg berminat,,,contentMDK:20287123~menuPK:562883~pagePK:64168445~piPK:64168309~theSitePK:551644,00.html


To apply for a
JJ/WBGSP scholarship under the Regular Program, an applicant should read carefully the application procedure as outlined in documents below:
Eligibility Criteria
Application Guidelines
Preferred Universities in 2013-2014
How to Apply
The JJ/WBGSP scholarship provides annual awards to cover the cost of
completing a master's degree or its equivalent. The awards are given for one year and, provided that the academic program is longer than one
year, may be renewed for a second consecutive year or a portion thereof, subject to satisfactory academic performance in the first year and the
availability of funds. There is an absolute two year maximum limit on JJ/WBGSP awards.
The scholarship provides benefits for the recipient only, covering:
* economy class air travel between the home country and the host university at
the start of the study program and one return journey following the end
of the overall scholarship period. In addition to the ticket, scholars
receive a US $500 travel allowance for each trip;
* tuition and the cost of basic medical and accident insurance usually obtained through the university;
* a monthly subsistence allowance to cover living expenses, including books.
The JJ/WBGSP scholarship does not cover:
* expenses for the scholar's family
* extra-curricular courses or training
* language training
* additional travel during the course of the study program
* additional expenses related to research, supplementary educational materials,
field trips, or participation in workshops, seminars, or internships
while at the host university; or
* educational equipment such as computers
In addition:
* The scholarship award is valid for the academic year immediately following the offer of award and cannot be deferred for any reason.
* The amount of scholarship may vary depending upon the host country and the tuition charged by the host university.
* The JJ/WBGSP scholarship only supplements, and does not duplicate, any other source of financial support/fellowship the scholar might
have. Scholars must inform the JJ/WBGSP if they have other sources of
scholarship funds. The JJ/WBGSP stipend may be withdrawn completely or
partially if during the scholarship period the Program has evidence of
additional sources of support.

Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:06 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Muhammad Ikrar" mikrarlagowa

Dear All,
Perkenalkan nama saya Ago. Saya berencana meneruskan studi Master Teknik Pertambangan di luar negeri
Saya sudah googling di internet namun sedikit sekali info yang saya dapatkan
Akan sangat berterimakasih jika ada peserta milis yang sedang atau sudah melanjutkan studi di bidang yang sama
yang bisa membantu saya memberi informasi tentang hal tersebut.
M. Ikrar Lagowa

Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:07 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Dedy Sutomo" profms_scorpio

Dear Kawan2,

Apakah ada yang pernah mengalami, diterima oleh uni yg dipilih tapi tidak untuk beasiswa DAAD-nya?
Mohon share pengalamannya, dan apakah bisa mencari sponsor beasiswa lain?





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