Tuesday, November 6, 2012

[beasiswa] Digest Number 4357

6 New Messages

Digest #4357


Mon Nov 5, 2012 2:10 am (PST) . Posted by:

"erna mega" mega_ern

Mas Nashrullah,

Saya bantu yang no 1.
Di web kedutaan Jerman Jakarta, ada list penterjemah tersumpah, bisa lihat di situ, bisa download listnya kalau masih ada. Gooling aja.
Saya kemarin menggunakan jasa Pak Tayasmen Kaka +6281298839860 / tayasmen@yahoo.com. Beliau ngajar di Goethe Jakarta. Kalau nggak salah waktu itu 3 hari udah jadi, bisa ngomong juga ke beliau kalau perlu cepat mgk nambah ongkos aja dikit, mgk bisa nego. terakhir 600rb untuk 3 bundle terjemahan, yg 1 bundlenya terdiri dari ijasah, trankrip,nem,ijasah smu (1 bundle ada 6 hal). waktu itu saya malah dapat 5 bundle :)

Semoga membantu


On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 11:11 PM ICT nashrullah_anas wrote:

>Dear teman-teman milister
>Saya apply studi master di FH Furtwangen Jerman untuk tahun akademik 2013.
>Saya submit application saya beberapa minggu yang lalu. Dua hari lalu, admission office staff nya mengirim email ke saya untuk melengkapi beberapa dokumen yaitu :
>1. CV.
>2. Job reference letter.
>3. Language DEUTSCH DaF TDN3 (or Zertifikat Deutsch, DSH)
>Mereka bilang kalau mereka membutuhkan german embassy certified copies dari dokumen-dokumen tersebut (saya sudah men-submit CV dan job reference letter dalam application documents yg saya kirim ).
>Staff itu juga menulis bahwa submission deadline dari dokumen-dokumen tersebut adalah 11 November 2012 yang berarti kira-kira 1 minggu :).
>Pertanyaan saya :
>1. Ada temen-temen yang punya pengalaman melegalisasi dokumen persyaratan studi di kedutaan jerman ?
>Mungkin temen-temen bisa memberikan info berapa harga, berapa lama, prosedur, dsb ?
>2. Saya tidak mempunyai sertifikat berbahasa jerman. Staf admission office nya menulis 'No basics (german language) may be a reason for visa rejection!'. Bagaimana saya men-siasati persyaratan ini ?
>Terima kasih sebelumnya.

Mon Nov 5, 2012 2:10 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Desi Riawati" achie_akt02

Untuk kuliah Islamic Finance juga bisa di International Islamic University Malaysia,...kebetulan saya juga ingin mengambil S2 Islamic Finance/accounting disana tahun depan (insyallah) di Durham University di Inggris kata salah seorang dosen saya juga bagus,...tapi klo di Jepang ada kuliah Islamic Finance,..saya baru tahu lho,...mudah2an ada yang bisa share infol ebih detail,...

Mon Nov 5, 2012 2:10 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Teuku Muhammad Roffi" tmroffi

Halo Ika,

seperti yang sudah dijelaskan teman2 sebelumnya, secara umum sama saja. Beasiswa yang paling umum adalah Monbusho. Ada 2 cara untuk mendapat monbusho ini:
1. Rekomendasi kedubes Jepang di Indonesia (G to G)

2. Rekomendasi univ di Jepang (U to U)

Beberapa artikel sudah dikumpulkan di link PPI Jepang berikut, silakan dipelajari, semoga bermanfaat.
General: http://beasiswa.ppijepang.org/, http://beasiswa.ppijepang.org/direktori-beasiswa/beasiswa-monbukagakusho-mext/,
Monbusho G to G: http://reisha.wordpress.com/category/pursuit-of-japan/


Teuku Muhammad Roffi
University of Electro-Communication
Tokyo, Japan

Mon Nov 5, 2012 4:18 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Kemuning Arum" sekaringtyas

The Department of Human Geography <http://www.humangeo.su.se/english/>,
Stockholm University, announces two PhD positions with a focus on
Segregation Processes and Spatial Demography. The positions will be
attached to the research profile Population Geography, Migration and GIS.
The positions will commence after agreement.


*General conditions and requirements*
Research at the department follows three major research themes – for
further information see the department's website:

These positions are related to the profile of Population Geography,
Migration and GIS. Individuals who are employed as PhD candidates shall
engage themselves in a PhD programme encompassing 240 course-points (4
years), and includes a doctoral thesis (150 points) and courses/literature
studies (90 points in total). Employment as PhD candidate may not exceed a
total duration corresponding to four years PhD education. The minimum
monthly salary is currently 22.600 SEK (app. 2.700 Euro). A maximum of 20
percent teaching or other assignments implies that the PhD education will
consist of a period up to five years.

In addition to the standard evaluation criteria, the applicant's merits in
relation to the research profile presented below will be given weight.

The doctoral thesis can be written as a monograph or as a series of article
manuscripts in English. Hence, we seek a candidate with good skills in

The PhD positions are oriented towards two different themes: Segregation
Processes and Spatial Demography. Descriptions of these themes are given
below, under *Attached files*.

*Who is eligible to apply?*
The applicant is required to fulfil the general eligibility requirement for
PhD studies (a master or "magister" exam). Additionally, the applicant
should fulfil the special eligibility requirement ("särskild behörighet"),
i.e. to have achieved pass grades in at least 60 course points in the
discipline of human geography, geography or in an equivalent discipline
(e.g. demography, urban planning, or urban sociology).

*Selection criteria
*Applications will be assessed based on the following criteria:

- documented knowledge of scientific theory and method of relevance to
research on gender and urban and regional planning,
- analytical ability and skills in writing, as demonstrated by a
scientific report, paper or Master thesis,
- the applicants potential to contribute to and utilise the research
environment at the department and
- experience and knowledge of special relevance for research concerning
Segregation processes or Spatial Demography.

Information about the PhD training program at the Department of Human
Geography may be obtained from Prof. Bo Malmberg,bo.malmberg@humangeo.su.se,
telephone +46-(0)8-16 4853.

*Union representatives *
Anqi Lindblom-Ahlm (Saco-S) and Lisbeth Häggberg (Fackförbundet ST),
telephone +46-(0)8-16 2000 (switch board), Gunnar Stenberg (SEKO),
telephone +46-(0)70-316 43 41, and PhD representative, do@sus.su.se.

*How do I apply?*
The application must include the following documentation:

- a completed application form for admission to the PhD student
programme (the application form can be downloaded from the institutions
- Curriculum Vitae,
- a short (2–5 pages) letter of intent that explain why you are
interested in studying for a PhD in Human Geography, why you are interested
in this specific research task and what skills you can bring to the project,
- verified copies of education certificates supporting general and
special admission requirements to the PhD student programme (e.g. LADOK
- one example of an independently written paper or thesis authored by
the applicant within the framework of his/her bachelor or masters level
university education (if no thesis or paper is submitted your application
will not be evaluated),
- references from two University Lecturers or Professors (with telephone
numbers and e-mail addresses) who have taught the applicant and who have a
good knowledge of the applicant's academic achievements and
- ancillary documentation that the applicant wishes to be taken into
consideration (e.g. other reference letters).

*A complete application, headed with the reference number SU 617-3043-12,
should arrive at the following address no later than November 15, 2012:*
Stockholm University

or as one PDF file by e-mail to: registrator@su.se.

*Further information on the web*
– Stockholm University, Faculty of Social Science: www.samfak.su.se/english
– PhD student association at the Department of Human Geography:
– The handbook for postgraduate students: www.doktorandhandboken.nu/english

Mon Nov 5, 2012 4:18 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"Ahmad Zakky Habibie" biedome

Laskar beasiswa,
ANCORA FOUNDATION kembali mengajak adik-adik siswa kelas XII untuk mengajukan diri mengikuti program Khazanah Asia Scholarship. Program beasiswa ini merupakan beasiswa penuh untuk menempuh jenjang pendidikan S1 di universitas terkemuka di Malaysia. Sebanyak maksimal 5 beasiswa ditawarkan untuk lulusan tahun 2013 tingkat SMA dan sederajat (atau yang lebih dulu, namun berusia di bawah 21 tahun).
Beasiswa ini mencakup:
1. Biaya pendidikan seperti yang ditetapkan oleh universitas
2. Tunjangan hidup setiap bulan
3. Tiket pulang-pergi (kelas ekonomi)

Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai beasiswa ini dapat diakses pada laman: http://ancorafoundation.com/programs/khazanah-asia/

Untuk informasi terkini serta mengikuti perkembangan beritanya, sila me-like halaman facebook Ancora Foundation di http://www.facebook.com/AncoraFoundation, serta akun twitter https://twitter.com/Ancora_Fnd

Silakan meneruskan informasi ini kepada pihak lain yang menurut teman-teman membutuhkan.

Terima kasih dan selamat mendaftar.

Mon Nov 5, 2012 4:19 pm (PST) . Posted by:

"audrey.eunike" audrey.eunike

Saya mau ikut summer school untuk tahun depan. Tekadnya emang mau ke Korea Selatan. Buat kakak - kakak yang udah pernah, saya mohon bantuannya untuk share info.

1. Berapa lama ya summer school itu dan apa aja yang dipelajari? Setahu saya tentang culture negara tapi ada juga negara yang pelajari tentang jurusannya.

2. Harga summer schoolnya saja + daily life (akomodasi+makan) berapa?

3. Paling bagus cari info dimana?

4. Kalau mau cari sponsor untung summer school itu bagaimana ya? maksudnya seperti buat letter atau semacamnya.

Terima kasih buat kesediannya untuk berbagi :)





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