Tuesday, May 1, 2012

#FrenBC @ hi...google bye ms...


kalau office mahal dan unaffordable... kenapa tidak pakai saja yang
murah meriah dan affordable seperti google docs... open office...
libreoffice... sebetulnya sekarang kita punya banyak pilihan tidak
seperti tempo doeloe... salam, rr
semoga bermanfaat bagi yang cari yg murah dan affordable ...

How I learned to say, 'Hi, Google Docs; bye, MS Word'

Do I really need all those features? No. And so I've created my last
document in Microsoft Word, a product I first began using 27 years
ago. by Charles Cooper <http://www.cnet.com/profile/charlie+cooper/>
April 28, 2012 3:58 AM PDT

It's not often you'll hear this refrain, but this is one user who sleeps
quite soundly about deciding to hitch his wagon to a decidedly inferior
technology product.

With nary any regret, I've created my last document in Microsoft Word, a
product I first began using 27 years ago. Now it's all Google Docs, all
the time. And the thing is that I'm making the switch fully aware that
Google remains leagues behind Microsoft when it comes to turning out
"full-featured" word processors.

But it makes not a bit of difference. In a moment, I'll get into why.

First, let's give credit where it's due. MS Word is one of the best word
processors I've ever used. Its designers have never failed to impress
with the amount of new features they've stuffed into each new iteration
of the software. And for that rarefied group of power users -- or people
with too much time on their hands -- the upgrade cycle surely was
welcomed. What about the rest of us? Well, we took what Microsoft gave
us, though honestly, it was more than enough. Way more than enough, to
be frank.

It's impossible to know how many people used all -- or most -- of the
features in Word. I'm sure such people existed somewhere on the planet,
though I rarely bumped into one. In the pre-Internet era, when Microsoft
competed against the likes of Lotus and WordPerfect, that was one way to
generate buzz. The "everything but the kitchen sink" approach didn't
always pay off, but it was one way to impress computer magazine
reviewers picking out the "best" word processor (or the "best"
spreadsheet or the "best" database).

So when Google Docs became available in 2007, the folks working on
Microsoft's Office apps must have laughed themselves silly. Especially
the word processor, a bare-bones outgrowth of Google's earlier
acquisition of Writely
<http://writely.blogspot.com/2006/03/google-yep-google.html> and starkly
underfeatured compared with MS Word. In fact, Google wasn't even close
to being the trailblazer in hosted office productivity apps. It was just
following in the footsteps of AdventNet's Zoho, Silveroffice's Goffice,
ThinkFree, Sun's OpenOffice, and Natium's Flysuite.

But as Apple proved when it entered the smartphone and tablet
<http://reviews.cnet.com/tablets/>-computer markets, a company doesn't
need to be early to make its mark. It needs to satisfy the customer. I
tried the early version of Google's word processor and didn't like it.
But Google improved on the product -- last year the company issued more
than 200 updates to the core apps suite. Google designed the product
with collaboration in mind, so that users can share and edit the same
document in real time (extending, if need be, to mobile devices). It's
now at the point where the app is entirely usable and reliable. The word
processor may not dazzle the power users, but it surely does not
confuse. And it lets users write and edit quickly. Do you need more? Oh,
and did I mention it's also free? Another added bonus: It works
seamlessly with the e-mail system we use at work, which happens to be

"The beauty of the cloud is that there's no need to install updated
software, just refresh your browser for the latest innovation," a Google
representative told me in an e-mail.

Corny but true. Equally significant: Google Docs obviously doesn't
depend on a particular underlying operating system.

But if any of this worries the people at Microsoft, they're not letting
it show, dismissing Google's apps as half-baked. Here's what Microsoft
told me when I asked for their assessment:

"There are two myths about Google Apps. The first is that Google
cares about this business, when it is clear they're an advertising
company and that's where their focus is. More than 96 percent of
Google's revenue is generated by advertising. The second myth is
that they have paying customers. In fact, analysts estimate that
Google makes only $100 million to $200 million per year after almost
five years in this market. We've found that 9 in 10 Google Apps
customers continue to use Office. Our business has never been stronger.

Also, Microsoft trots out the following stats:

* Nearly 200 million copies of Office 2010 have been sold worldwide,
* SharePoint, Exchange, and Lync all grew double digits last year,
* Office 365 is on track to be the fastest-growing business product in
Microsoft history.

A few months ago, Microsoft created this video
poking fun at Google Docs for daring to pass as a serious contender in
business use (ironically posting the video to YouTube).Maybe for now. In
2010, Forrester described the Docs initiative as a "failure."
But technology doesn't remain static, and Microsoft knows Google is
getting better at this, even though it doesn't get a lot of respect. And
after the debut this week of Google Drive drive-in-the-sky
<https://drive.google.com/start?authuser=0#home> there's reason to
wonder how long Microsoft apps can retain their current dominance. My
colleague Rafe Needleman carefully explains a not improbable scenario
where, once users enter their data in Google Drive, they're going to
discover how easy it is to open those files in non-Microsoft apps. Those
/free/ non-Microsoft apps.

What happens then? My hunch is that I won't be the only person who
decides it's time to move on.

copyright article:

Charles Cooper is an executive editor at CNET News. He has covered
technology and business for more than 25 years, working at CBSNews.com,
the Associated Press, Computer & Software News, Computer Shopper, PC
Week, and ZDNet.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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