Messages In This Digest (29 Messages)
- 1.
- Vacancy : Sales Executive, Sales Manager, CSR, Accounting From: Flora Magdalena
- 2.
- 3.
- Vacancy for Project admin (contract). From: mario_benedictto
- 4.
- Merchandiser Staff From: Tauris Noorman
- 5.
- HR Training Officer From: Taufik Saja
- 6.
- Administrator Office & Driver From: silitonga_titin
- 7.
- [INFO] Lowongan Kerja Customer Service [CS] Di Megapolitan Group From: Aulia Mahruzar
- 8.
- Fw: Job Vacancy at Swiss-belhotel Tarakan From: Arzanela Arifin
- 9.
- Lowongan Guru Privat (SMP dan SMU, di Jakarta) From:
- 10.
- Fw: Vacancy : Banquet Manager From: Arzanela Arifin
- 11.
- Fw: VACANT POSITION at Grand Zuri Hotel Group From: Arzanela Arifin
- 12a.
- Graphic Designer From: hrbintan2 (Esco Bintan)
- 13.
- 14.
- Fw: Career Opportunity in Quest Hotel Semarang From: Arzanela Arifin
- 15.
- vacanc - STAF EXIM From: HR
- 16.
- [JOB] Chief Warehouse From: Agung W
- 17.
- Various Vacancy @ PT.Lautan Luas, Tbk From: Flora Magdalena
- 18.
- Vacancy - Transfer Pricing Specialist From: Shinta Siagian
- 19.
- Vacancies as Secretary, Transfer Pricing Specialist etc until Nov 2 From: innerbeauty3_rhs
- 20.
- Fw: Vacancies in Sintesa Peninsula Menado From: Arzanela Arifin
- 21.
- Fw: vacant position in Melia Purosani From: Arzanela Arifin
- 22.
- Fw: Vacancy at Tirtha Bridal From: Arzanela Arifin
- 23.
- D&B Indonesia From: Andi Kurniawan
- 24.1.
- JOB VACANCY From: adi
- 25.
- vacancy : IT Developer Staff From: kiyutcruth
- 26a.
- 27.
- English Teacher From: Rindra sinaga
- 28.
- career at EXCELCOMINDO PRATAMA, PT (XL) From: yeti awaliyah
- 29.
- Telco career for RF Engineer -- CDMA RF optimization/drive tester From: yeti awaliyah
- 1.
Vacancy : Sales Executive, Sales Manager, CSR, Accounting
Posted by: "Flora Magdalena"
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:25 am (PST)
PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, established in 1951, is a distributor and
manufacturer of specialty and basic chemicals. In addition to its
Jakarta head office, the Company has five branches and six
representative offices in Indonesia as well as a main regional
subsidiary in Singapore, and offices in China, Thailand and Vietnam to
oversee Distribution activities. In Manufacturing, Lautan Luas
established 17 production facilities in Indonesia, three in China and is
building its first manufacturing facility in Vietnam. Lautan Luas has
also set up a Support & Service business segment made of four
subsidiaries that were previously the Company's internal departments -
laboratory, supply chain, IT and water treatment - to provide value-add
services to customers.
Born of modest origins, Lautan Luas has grown to be Indonesia's leading
chemical distributor and manufacturer, as it works with over 100
international principals, supplies more than 1,000 chemical products and
serves some 2,000 industrial end-users throughout Indonesia and the
Asia-Pacific region. And as Lautan Luas continues to grow, our corporate
vision remains the foundation for growth and expansion: To be the
leading regional integrated chemical distribution and manufacturing
company by providing value to customers in becoming preferred business
partner, challenge and opportunities to our employees, and superior
return to our shareholders.
For PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, this means sustaining a Total Quality Management
mindset. Strong emphasis is placed on the cultivation of a learning
culture, where employees take great pride and joy in being a part of a
talent-focused organization. Our employees are provided internal and
external training for both professional and personal development to
ensure a highly crafted and learned talent base. More importantly, at
Lautan Luas, each individual is challenged to deliver only the best,
rewarded for exceeding objectives and encouraged to enjoy the journey of
a successful career.
Therefore, PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk challenges you to join us for the
following opportunities:
1. Sales Executive (SE)
Grow sales in existing customers and develop new business opportunities
* Bachelor Degree in any major
* Having a minimum of 1 year experience in selling wheat-flour or
tapioca product to Feed Mill or Food industry
* Good command of spoken and written English
* Ability to travel and work independently are a must
* To be posted in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang and Surabaya.
2. Sales Manager ( SM )
Manage all sales functions
* Bachelor Degree in any major
* Having a minimum of 3 years experience in selling wheat-flour or
tapioca product to Feed Mill or Food industry
* Preferably having a minimum of 1 year as Sales Manager
* Good command of spoken and written English
* Ability to travel and work independently are a must
* To be posted in Jakarta, Semarang and Surabaya.
3. Customer Service Representative (CSR)
Partnering with Sales Executive, to ensure all back office sales
activities are completed and simultaneously grow the business
* Bachelor Degree in any major
* Preferably having a minimum of 1 year experience as Customer
* Good command of spoken and written English
* Computer literate with ability to operate PC and MS Windows
* To be posted in Jakarta, Semarang and Surabaya
4. Accounting Staff (ACCT)
Responsible for good recording of all transactions
* Bachelor Degree in Accounting
* Having a minimum of 1 year experience as Accounting Staff
* Having experience in General Ledger recording
* To be posted in Semarang and Surabaya
If you are confident that you can meet our requirements, please send
your resume with the code of position on your email subject to:
Recruitment@lautan-luas. <mailto:Recruitment@com lautan-luas. >com
For further information about PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, please visit our
website at: <http://www.lautan- >
- 2.
Posted by: "ferry.yeni" ferry.yeni
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:25 am (PST)
A middle up shopping center in Greater Jakarta is URGENTLY looking for an Exhibition Manager with the following requirements:
1. S-1 Graduate of Economic, Communications, Public Relations or other related fields
2. Minimum 5-year exposure in retail exhibition sector
3. Fluent in English.
Please send your Application Letter, Resume and latest Photograph to the attention of MANAGING DIRECTOR at by Wednesday, 11 November 2009.
- 3.
Vacancy for Project admin (contract).
Posted by: "mario_benedictto" mario_benedictto
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:26 am (PST)
Dear All,
A foreign bank in Jakarta has opening for Project admin
(contract - project based) --> will be contracted by our vendor. The
contract length is 6 months.
- D3 from secretarial academy
- Fresh graduate
- Computer literate : Microsoft Excel and Word.
- Good Logical thinking
- Fast Learner
- Good English (can read and write in english fluently), passive speaking
is ok.
- No issue with long hours
- Organize, easy going, focus on details.
= Good in filing, correspondencies and follow up.
If you / your friends are interested, please send email directly to
Mario Benedictto
- 4.
Merchandiser Staff
Posted by: "Tauris Noorman"
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:26 am (PST)
We are a dynamic & fast growing Garment manufacturer representing various buyers. We are located in East Jakarta and are currently looking for qualified personal for the following positions :
General Requirements:
- Making daily production status and send to all vendor
- Making Finishing report and send to Merchandising Manager
- Follow up sample for all buyer (starting from make sample request, follow up with sample room and sending to buyer)
- Handle for Courier documentation ( Invoice / AWB )
- Making measurement chart for all buyer.
- ADM/Assist to all Merchandiser
Please send recent CV & photograph, within 10 days to:
Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 28 Jakarta Timur
Fax. (021) 8718455
Or email to:
- 5.
HR Training Officer
Posted by: "Taufik Saja"
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:26 am (PST)
Kami Bank SAHABAT Purbadanarta merupakan bank umum nasional yang berlokasi di Semarang Jawa Tengah, sedang membutuhkan satu orang HR Training Officer.
Persyaratan :
1. Usia maksimal 27 tahun
2. Pendidikan minimal S1 dengan IPK. Min 3.00
3. diutamakan pria
4. pengalaman mengelola training perusahaan atau EO Training minimal 2 tahun]
5. familiar dengan TNA dan pembuatan kurikulum
6. berbahasa inggris aktif
7. mampu mengajar sebagai trainer adalah nilai tambah
8. aktif, sehat dan komunikatif
Layangkan lamaran dan CV anda ke taufik.dharmawan@bankpurbadanarta
Paling lambat tanggal 12 November 2009
Berselancar lebih cepat. Internet Explorer 8 yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! otomatis membuka 2 halaman favorit Anda setiap kali Anda membuka browser. Dapatkan IE8 di sini! id/internetexplo rer
- 6.
Administrator Office & Driver
Posted by: "silitonga_titin" silitonga_titin
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:26 am (PST)
World Relief merupakan organisasi sosial kemanusiaan yang saat ini terlibat proyek tanggap bencana gempa di Sumatera Barat.Kami mencari orang-orang yang berdedikasi & memiki kemampuan untuk:
Latar belakang pendidikan D3 Akuntasi.
Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun dalam pembukuan dan akuntansi.
Menunjukkan kemampuan dalam mengelola keuangan.
Keterampilan yang tinggi dalam penggunaan komputer terutama MsWord dan Excel.
Keterampilan berkomunikasi dengan baik menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia baik dalam tulisan maupun lisan.
Keterampilan yang baik dalam mengorganisir, menentukan prioritas, mampu mengerjakan tugas yg bervariasi, & tepat waktu.
Mampu bekerja mandiri dengan pengawasan yang terbatas.
Mampu bekerja dalam tim dan memiliki keterampilan interpersonal yang baik.
Dapat menangani dan menjaga informasi rahasia dengan hati-hati dan tidak tersebar luas.
Lebih disukai mampu berbicara dan menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris
Latar belakang pendidikan setara SMU.
Memiliki SIM A / B1.
Minimal 2 tahun pengalaman sebagai pengendara mobil.
Mengetahui kondisi geografis daerah Sumatera Barat.
Kemampuan untuk memperbaiki ban bocor dan masalah-masalah teknis dasar.
Mampu mengikuti prosedur kesehatan dan keselamatan.
Mampu memprioritaskan pekerjaan dan mengikuti instruksi yang diberikan.
Memiliki karakter yang baik dan dapat diandalkan.
Kemampuan untuk bersikap tenang di bawah tekanan.
Mengetahui kebiasaan dan adat istiadat masyarakat setempat
Memiliki pengetahuan mekanik.
Lebih disukai mampu berbicara dan menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Kandidat yang berminat untuk mengisi posisi di atas, dipersilahkan untuk datang dengan membawa surat lamaran, riwayat hidup (CV) & dokumen pendukung pada:
Hari Minggu, 8 November 2009
09:00 11:00 dan 13:30 16:00
Jl. SY. SULAIMAN ARASULI No. 66 H (Belakang kantor PLN)
Bukit Tinggi, Sumatera Barat 26111
Up.: Christine (0819 - 93517424)
- 7.
[INFO] Lowongan Kerja Customer Service [CS] Di Megapolitan Group
Posted by: "Aulia Mahruzar"
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:27 am (PST)
Selamat sore moderator...
Minta ijin untuk posting lowongan kerja....
Perusahaan Properti yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan :
Persyaratan :
1. Wanita
2. Usia Maks. 25 thn
3. Pendidikan Min. D-3
4. Pengalaman Min. 2 th di bidang/posisi yang sama
5. Memiliki Interpersonal Skill dan kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
6. Pekerja keras dan flexibel mengikuti aturan manajeman yang berlaku
7. Mampu handle customer dengan baik dan memiliki stabilitas emosi yang baik.
8. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer spt ; Excel, Power Point, Ms. Word, dll
Terima kasih,
Aulia Mahruzar
- 8.
Fw: Job Vacancy at Swiss-belhotel Tarakan
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:27 am (PST)
From: [ ]
Sent: 29 Oktober 2009 16:24
To: Arzanela K. Kuncoro
Subject: Re: Need assistance
Swiss-belhotel Tarakan, East Kalimantan is looking for a high motivated
candidate to be posted in a challenging position as a Sales Manager.
Candidates must be:
- 30 years of age at the maximum
- Hotel experience min. 2 years
- Active English for both writing and speaking
- Have an excellent communication and negotiation skill
- Familiar with any major hotel's systems
Interested candidates may send the application to the following e-mail
gmsecsbtk@swiss-belhotel. com
Thank you and have a great evening,
Wawan FOB'89
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ __
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- 9.
Lowongan Guru Privat (SMP dan SMU, di Jakarta)
Posted by: ""
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:27 am (PST)
Dibutuhkan segera beberapa guru privat untuk 3 posisi di bawah ini.
UNTUK SISWA SMP kelas II .Syarat : wanita, lulusan /mhs aktif semester
terakhir dari Fakultas yang relevan ,Universitas Terkemuka .
Lokasi : Jl.Lucis , Kp.Ambon ,Rawamangun ,Jakarta Timur. Jadwal : Senin
,Kamis ,Jam .18.00, @90 menit/pertemuan
UNTUK SISWA SMU kelas III .Syarat : wanita, lulusan /mhs aktif semester
terakhir dari Fakultas yang relevan ,Universitas Terkemuka .
Lokasi : Jl.Lucis , Kp.Ambon ,Rawamangun ,Jakarta Timur. Jadwal : Senin
,Rabu ,Jum'at , Minggu .Jam : 18.00, @90 menit/pertemuan
UNTUK SISWA SD kelas II .Syarat : wanita, lulusan /mhs aktif semester
terakhir dari Fakultas yang relevan ,Universitas Terkemuka .Lokasi :
,Rabu ,Kamis,Jum'at . Jam : 18.00, @90 menit/pertemuan
Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi syart, silakan langsung menghubui kami
021-99147352, atau 0818793149
Terima kasih
- 10.
Fw: Vacancy : Banquet Manager
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:27 am (PST) [ ]
Sent: 29 Oktober 2009 14:48
To: Arzanela K. Kuncoro
Subject: RE: Vacancy : Banquet
Our client, a BUMD
investment company with line of Leisure and Entertaiment would like to develop
business, their office is located in Jakarta.
Currently they are urgently looking
for the right person for position :
Banquet Manager
Job Specification:
Male/ Female
30 - 40 years old
Minimum Diploma 3 degree
5 - 7 years experience in
Life style savvy, good relationship
building, creative and inovative
Good English (oral and written)
Good communication and networking
Main duties and responsibilities :
1. Responsible to GM Food and
2. To manage and promote
Banquet Restaurant.
3. To monitoring product
quality and banquet administration.
4. To coordinate analyze
event, research and develop to business area.
For interested applicants, please send your detail CV together with
current job description before November 13, 2009 to our email:
All applications will be treated with the strictest
confidence and only for the shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Novie Espiritu
AAJ Executive Search
Plaza ABDA, Floor 10 & 11
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.59
Jakarta 12190
Phone : (021) 5140 1340
Fax : (021) 5140 1322 / 5140 1320
Off. E-mail :
Pers. E-mail :
- 11.
Fw: VACANT POSITION at Grand Zuri Hotel Group
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:27 am (PST)
[Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin included below]
From:Surni Yanti [ ]
Sent: 29 Oktober 2009 16:20
To: 'Arzanela K. Kuncoro'
Corporate Brand & HR Manager
Grand Zuri Hotel's
(Pekanbaru - Dumai -
Duri - Jababeka* - Palembang *)
Head Office:
Komplek Perkantoran Sudirman Raya Blok A 1 - 2
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Pekanbaru 28282 RIAU
Ph: 62-761- 32984, Fax: 62-761-24701
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
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_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ __
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Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin
1 of 1 Photo(s)
- 12a.
Graphic Designer
Posted by: "hrbintan2 (Esco Bintan)" artella_s
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:28 am (PST)
Esco is recognized as a global player in containment, clean air and laboratory equipment technology. We are highly oriented towards the international marketplace, with distribution in more than 70 countries and a direct presence in 10 of the key global markets. Esco embodies innovation, forward-thinking design, coupled with a tradition of quality since 1978.
Esco is recruiting the best people for our Bintan (Kepulauan Riau) office:
1. Graphic Designer
Location: Lobam, Bintan, Indonesia
- Work closely with marketing department to conceptualize and design marketing materials (i.e. product catalogues, promotional leaflets, posters, exhibition, and trade show material design, advertising)
- Excellent time management to handle multiple projects with tight deadlines
- Able to work independently and in a team
- Shows good attitude, competence, commitment and communication.
- Diploma in Graphic Design or related field
- At least 2 years relevant work experience
- Proficient with Adobe In Design, Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash, and other graphic software is a must
- Possess creative flair for colors and layouts
- Knowledge in printing process is an advantage
- Excellent command of written and spoken English
- Able to work in Bintan, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia
Please send your resume to:
- Position you apply for
- Expected salary
- Availability
- 13.
Posted by: "lazuardi bachtiar" ardi04
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:28 am (PST)
Executive Club in
Doha, Qatar
is looking for:
5 star Int´l Resort
Hotel in Fujairah
is looking for:
star Int´l Hotel in
Doha, Qatar
is looking for:
The Biggest Group
Company (Hotels, Restaurants, Properties & Automotive) in Doha, Qatar is looking for:
must have experience in the similar position at least 2 years
in Hospitality Industry o Fluent in English both written and oral is a must
candidates are required to apply with comprehensive resume with current
photograph to;
Email: or
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ __
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- 14.
Fw: Career Opportunity in Quest Hotel Semarang
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:28 am (PST)
[Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin included below]
Wahyu < >
Sent: Fri, October 30, 2009
9:20:09 AM
Subject: Career Opportunity in
Quest Hotel Semarang
With best regards,
I Gede Wahyu
General Manager
Quest Hotel Semarang
(Pre opening mailbox)
PO Box 8058 SMEL, Semarang
Mobile .
(copied from attachment as
Hotel Semarang, a member of the
Aston Group, one of the fastest growing hotel management companies in South East Asia , is now inviting the right talents for
the following positions:
Director of Sales Chief
Engineer Human
Resources Manager
Accounting Manager Front
Office Manager Executive
Chief Security Executive Sous Chef Food
& Beverage Manager
IT Officer Duty
Manager All
Executive Secretary Sales
Manager All
Ideal candidates should be between 20 to 40 years of age, hold a
relevant degree and possess 3 - 4 years similar experience for managers,
at least 2 years for supervisors and fresh graduate for staff levels (no
necessary major in hospitality). Additionally you should have a good command of
English, well-groomed and possess a pleasant personality. Pre-opening experience is definitely a
A complete and up to date CV along with scanned recent color photo
should be sent to the below email address (max 300kb)
PO Box8058SMEL, Semarang
Applications should be submitted no later than 30 November
Only shortlisted candidates
will be notified
Previous applicants are
welcome to resend their application.
The interview will be held
in Semarang .
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ __
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin
1 of 1 File(s)
- 15.
vacanc - STAF EXIM
Posted by: "HR"
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:29 am (PST)
PT. Sorini Towa Berlian Corporindo di Beji - Pasuruan, sebuah perusahaan manufactur membutuhkan profesional muda yang berpengalaman, berdedikasi tinggi untuk menduduki posisi sebagai :
1. Pria, usia maksimal 35 tahun
2. Pendidikan min. D 1
3. Pengalaman min. 2 thn di posisi yang sama, lebih disukai dari industri manufaktur
4. Memahami aturan Kawasan Berikat dengan baik
5. Menguasai komputer (MS Office)
6. Mengerti Bahasa Inggris (pasif)
7. Bersedia ditempatkan di Beji - Pasuruan
jika Anda memenuhi kualifikasi di atas kirimkan via email CV & Lamaran Anda ke :
- 16.
[JOB] Chief Warehouse
Posted by: "Agung W" agungw040
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:30 am (PST)
Due to growth in our business, we needs qualified
professional urgently for the position of:
Male, S1 in any major
Maximum 30 years old
Able to manage incoming and outgoing goods/materials
Strong analytical skills
Good knowledge in warehouse management
1-2 years working experience in the same position
Able to speak in English would be an advantage
Computer literate
Having good personality, honest, strong controlling
sense, hard working and able to work under minimum
Will be placed in Semarang
Interested candidates may please send email of their
applications along with full details of qualification,
experience, current & expected salary and a recent
photograph within a week to:
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Memberitahukan kepada segenap member komunitas untuk hadir di acara di Indocommtech 2009, 4-8 November 2009.
Kepada segenap komunitas yang ada di, dapat memanfaatkan venue di Main Stage Plenarry Hal JCC hari Sabtu tanggal 7 November 2009 jam 10.00 12.00 untuk kegiatan komunitas seperti Kopdar dan temu kenal antar segenap member komunitas plasa
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Cukup menjawab 3 pertanyaan diwebsite http://indonesia.youthsays. , dapatkan perjalanan gratis ke YES2009 di Kuala Lumpur tanggal 16-17 November 2009. Segera bergabung dengan Youth Engagement Summit go/t80
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Untuk melengkapi hidup Anda, kini telah hadirProtector Postpaid untuk Pelanggan Speedy hanya dengan Rp 8000/bulan,
layanan keamanan online yang dapat digunakan langsung saat menjelajahi internet, melindungi Anda dari Virus kapan saja
dan di mana saja.
Info lebih lanjut hubung 147 atau http://protector.telkomspeedy. com
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
"Sekarang Gratis Nelpon SLJJ Flexi diperluas ke Yogja"
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Raih Paket Umroh, Notebook, XBOX, Ipod Touch dan banyak hadiah lain di
Netkuis Ramadhan 1430H persembahan Telkom
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
- 17.
Various Vacancy @ PT.Lautan Luas, Tbk
Posted by: "Flora Magdalena"
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:30 am (PST)
PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, established in 1951, is a distributor and
manufacturer of specialty and basic chemicals. In addition to its
Jakarta head office, the Company has five branches and six
representative offices in Indonesia as well as a main regional
subsidiary in Singapore, and offices in China, Thailand and Vietnam to
oversee Distribution activities. In Manufacturing, Lautan Luas
established 17 production facilities in Indonesia, three in China and is
building its first manufacturing facility in Vietnam. Lautan Luas has
also set up a Support & Service business segment made of four
subsidiaries that were previously the Company's internal departments -
laboratory, supply chain, IT and water treatment - to provide value-add
services to customers.
Born of modest origins, Lautan Luas has grown to be Indonesia's leading
chemical distributor and manufacturer, as it works with over 100
international principals, supplies more than 1,000 chemical products and
serves some 2,000 industrial end-users throughout Indonesia and the
Asia-Pacific region. And as Lautan Luas continues to grow, our corporate
vision remains the foundation for growth and expansion: To be the
leading regional integrated chemical distribution and manufacturing
company by providing value to customers in becoming preferred business
partner, challenge and opportunities to our employees, and superior
return to our shareholders.
For PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, this means sustaining a Total Quality Management
mindset. Strong emphasis is placed on the cultivation of a learning
culture, where employees take great pride and joy in being a part of a
talent-focused organization. Our employees are provided internal and
external training for both professional and personal development to
ensure a highly crafted and learned talent base. More importantly, at
Lautan Luas, each individual is challenged to deliver only the best,
rewarded for exceeding objectives and encouraged to enjoy the journey of
a successful career.
Therefore, PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk challenges you to join us for the
following opportunities:
1. Application Support (APP-SUP)
Responsible for program applications installation, trial period,
training delivery as well as providing guidance of solving technical
problems to the customers
* Bachelor Degree in Computer Science
* Having wide knowledge of Java or Visual Studio.Net. Microsoft
SQL Server or other RDBMS is a must
* Preferably having 1 year Programming experience, although
fresh graduates are encouraged to apply
2. Sales Executive (SE-IT)
Grow sales of IT solutions in existing customers and develop new
business opportunities
* Bachelor Degree in any major
* Having min. 1 year sales experience, especially in selling IT
Solutions (software and or hardware)
* Strong communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills
* A driver's license is a must
* Ability to travel and work independently are a must
3. Technical Support - Hardware (TS - Hardware)
Responsible of networks and PC's installation and troubleshooting
* Graduate of Computer Engineering
* Preferably have 1 year experience as Technical Support
Hardware with experiences in windows and microsoft office installation
* Having wide knowledge of Network and Microsoft SQL server
1. Sales Executive (SE)
Grow sales in existing customers and develop new business opportunities
Requirements for SE:
* Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering / Food Technology /
Industrial Engineering
* Preferably having a minimum of 1 year sales experience;
although fresh graduates are encouraged to apply
* Good command of spoken and written English
* Ability to travel and work independently are a must
* To be posted in Jakarta and Bandung
2. Customer Service Representative (CSR)
Partnering with Sales Executive, to ensure all back office sales
activities are completed and simultaneously grow the business
* Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering / Food Technology /
Industrial Engineering
* Preferably having a minimum of 1 year experience as Customer
Service; although fresh graduates are encouraged to apply
* Good command of spoken and written English
* Computer literate with ability to operate PC and MS Windows
* To be posted in Jakarta, Semarang and Surabaya
3. Sales Executive-Textile (SE - Textile)
Grow sales in existing customers and develop new business opportunities
* Graduate of Textile Technology
* Having a minimum of 1 year experience in selling textile
chemical products (pretreatment, dyeing and finishing)
* Good command of spoken and written English
* Strong communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills
* Ability to travel and work independently are a must
4. Sales Manager ( SM )
Manage all sales functions
* Bachelor Degree in any major
* Having experience in wheat-flour industry
* Having a minimum of 3 years sales experience
* Preferably having a minimum of 1 year as Sales Manager
* Good command of spoken and written English
* Ability to travel and work independently are a must
* To be posted in Jakarta, Semarang and Surabaya.
1. Accounting Supervisor (ACCT-SPV)
Responsible to generate report relating to Accounting matters
* Bachelor Degree in Accounting
* Min.3 years experience in accounting with min. 1 year
experience in the same position
2. Accounting Staff (ACCT)
Responsible for good recording of all transactions
* Bachelor Degree in Accounting
* Having a minimum of 1 year experience as Accounting Staff
* Having experience in General Ledger recording
* To be posted in Jakarta, Semarang and Surabaya
Legal Officer (LO)
Responsible for documents keeping, Legal Drafting and Advise, and for
Corporate Actions arrangement.
* Bachelor Degree in Law, specifically majoring in Business
* Min. 3 years experience in the same field
* Good command in spoken and written Mandarin
Maintenance ( MNT - ELECT )
Requirements :
* Graduate of Electrical Engineering
* Having a minimum 2 - 3 years experience as same position
* Able to work independently and in a team
Project Manager (PM)
Responsible for pre, during and post of all project activities
* Minimum Bachelor Degree in Engineering, preferably Food
Technology or Chemical Engineering or Industrial Engineering
* Having work experience in starch production with a minimum of 3
* Excellent command of English, both oral and written
* Good communication and interpersonal skills
* Experience at working both independently and in a team-oriented,
collaborative environment is essential
* Ability to travel is a must
If you are confident that you can meet our requirements, please send
your resume with the code of position on your email subject to:
Recruitment@lautan-luas. <mailto:Recruitment@com lautan-luas. >com
For further information about PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, please visit our
website at: <http://www.lautan- >
- 18.
Vacancy - Transfer Pricing Specialist
Posted by: "Shinta Siagian"
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:30 am (PST)
Transfer Pricing Specialist
SF Consulting is one of the qualified and licensed Tax and Business Solutions Firm in Indonesia, with a mission to be the preferred tax and business advisor and a partner for success for the client. It is more than a business to us - it is our passion. SF Consulting´s major clients are multinational and medium-sized domestic companies.
We are currently seeking a Transfer Pricing Specialist and searching for dynamic, convincing, a consistent high performer and dedicated professionals to immediately fill the position:
Specific qualifications:
Must possess one of the following qualifications:
§ Holding a Bachelor´s/Master´s Degree in Economics with a major in Industrial Economics/Accountancy
§ Certified Management Accountant (CMA)/Certified International Management Accountant (CIMA), preferably with a strong knowledge in cost analysis and cost accounting
General requirements:
§ Minimum GPA of 3.0; a relevant working experience would be an advantage
§ Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines
§ Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
§ Possess strong research, data collection, analytical and statistical skills
§ Fluent in written and oral English
§ Proficient in computer operation and software applications including Microsoft Office, internet research and also Economics/Finance software application
Please submit your resume, a comprehensive curriculum vitae, including day contact number, current and expected remuneration details, recent photograph (please attached directly to your CV) and others support documents on or before November 25, 2009 to the following address:
SF Consulting
Menara Karya 21st floor
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Block X-5 Kav. 1-2
Jakarta 12950
or email to :
We regret that only qualified candidates will be notified.
- 19.
Vacancies as Secretary, Transfer Pricing Specialist etc until Nov 2
Posted by: "innerbeauty3_rhs" innerbeauty3_rhs
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:31 am (PST)
Dear Moderator,
Please release again my email because the extended date of deadline of sending CV.
Thanks before all
PB&Co. is a tax consultancy firm whose corporate philosophy is to provide the best consultancy services in tax to a wide range of corporate and individual clients. PB&Co. is a member of Taxand, a global network of leading tax advisors.
Due to our growing business, we are looking for dynamic, top caliber and dedicated professionals to immediately fill the following position:
Transfer Pricing Specialists
The candidates will conduct research and review pricing analysis, supply-demand analysis and macro/micro economic researches.
Specific requirements:
Must possess one of the following qualifications:
Certified Management Accountant (CMA)/Certified International Management Accountant (CIMA)
 With a strong knowledge in cost analysis and cost accounting
Bachelor's/Master's Degree in Economics with a major in Industrial Economics
 With a strong background in supply-demand, cost structure, market penetration, pricing analysis and macroeconomic impact to industry performance
Bachelor's/Master's Degree in Economics with a major in Accountancy
General requirements:
Minimum GPA of 3.0 (from a scale of 4.0); a maximum 2 years work experience would be an advantage
Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
Possess strong research, data collection, analytical and statistical skills
Fluent in written and oral English
Proficient in computer operation and software applications including Microsoft Office, internet research and also Economics/Finance software application.
Maximum age 25 years old
Preferably Female, professional appearance, Preferable single and maximum 26 years of age.
D3 Degree with minimum 2 year experience; preferably from Tarakanita Secretarial Academy.
Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines
Fluent in written and oral English
Paraprofessional (Data Entry)
Male/Female , Maximum 20 years old
Must be accounting graduates from a reputable vocational high school.
Have a good skill in written and conversational English will be an advantage.
Must have excellent computer skills especially in using Excel.
The main tasks are:
Collect the data from clients and make simple accounting journals.
Input the raw data to accounting software system.
Candidates who meet the above mentioned qualifications are invited to send their application letter together with a detailed curriculum vitae, academic records and the latest photograph on or before November 20, 2009 to the following address:
HRD PB & Co.
Menara Imperium, 27th Floor
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. 1, Jakarta 12980
or e-mail your application to:
Please visit our website at www.
Please specify the position you are applying for in the subject.
Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
- 20.
Fw: Vacancies in Sintesa Peninsula Menado
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:31 am (PST)
[Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin included below]
From:kardono kurniawan < >
Sent: Tue, November 3, 2009 3:29:27 PM
Subject: Vacancies in Sintesa Peninsula Menado
(copied from attachment as follows:)
SintesaPeninsula Hotel is 5 star hotel located in the heart of Manado .
We are seeking qualified candidates for the position of:
1. Cost Control Staff
2. Receiving Staff
3. Storekeeper
4. Income Audit Staff
5. Account Receivable Staff
General Requirement:
1. Male / Female, age 25-30 years old.
2. S1 Degree in Accounting.
3. Familiar with hotel system (especially Micros Fidelio: Opera, MC).
4. Hardworking, honest, highly self motivated and responsibility.
5. Able to work with flexible working hours.
Please send your application letter & resume with photo to:
Ria Sari / Asst. Financial ControllerS
Sintesa Peninsula Hotel / JL. Jend.Sudirman Gunung Wenang / Manado , Indonesia 95123 Tel: +62 (0) 431 855 008 / Fax: +62 (0) 431 855 200
ria.sari@sintesapeninsulahotel. com
Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin
1 of 1 File(s)
- 21.
Fw: vacant position in Melia Purosani
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:31 am (PST)
From:HRD Manager [mailto:personnel.mgr@meliajogja. ]com
Sent: 04 Nopember 2009 11:34
Subject: Re: vacant positions in Melia Purosani
Dicari Sales Manager - Hotel Melia Purosani (penempatan Jakarta Sales Office)
Basic Qualification :
*. Min. 2 years experience in similar position
*. Result-driven person
*. Attractive personality
*. Has good communication skill
*. Ability to build network & customer-relation
Bisadihubungi untuk informasi lanjut: HRD - Hotel Melia Purosani (Sdr. Cipto Basuki), Jl Suryotomo no. 31 Yogyakarta 55122
Telp : 0274 - 589521
Fax : 0274 - 588070
E-mail : personnel.mgr@meliajogja. ; atau meliajogja. com
- 22.
Fw: Vacancy at Tirtha Bridal
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:31 am (PST)
From:syam dw < >
Sent: Wed, November 4, 2009 4:29:38 PM
Subject: Vacancy, Urgently Needed !!!
Please share this vacancy for:
Reservation Supervisor
Qualifications :
· Able to join immediately
· Hotel school background is preferable
· Highly motivated, energetic & good personality
· Fluent in English oral & written
· Experience in related field min. 1 years.
· Outgoing personality and well groomed
· Willing to learn and work hard
Florist Supervisor
Qualifications :
· Have min. 1 year at Florist Dept.
· Good command of English, both verbal and written, are advantage.
· Outgoing personality and well groomed
· Willing to learn and work hard
Japanese GRO
Qualifications :
· Male
· Excellent command in Japanese both written and oral
· Self motivated, good guest relation skill
· Must show pleasant personality and be a good team player
· Have minimum 1 years experience in the same field
· Outgoing personality and well groomed.
If you are the one who has the above requirement,
Please email your CV no latest than Saturday, 14 November 09
to :
Best regards,
Syam Dhany W.
GA & HR Manager
Jl. Uluwatu, Banjar Dinas Karang Boma, Pecatu, Bali 80364 , Indonesia
Phone : +62 361 8471151 | Fax : +62 361 8471161
website: www.tirthabridal. com
- 23.
D&B Indonesia
Posted by: "Andi Kurniawan" elankoer
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:31 am (PST)
Vacancy Announcement
Job title
DunTrade Program Officer
Reports to
Main duties & responsibilities
· To create, maintain and deliver a clear vision and business strategy for Customer and our global network´s goals and aspirations
· Be accountable for an individual performance, to supervise him/her to attain the organization´s goals and targets through driving more business
· Be accountable for the execution of all compliances and control policies as well as the processes
· To ensure the highest level of integrity in all aspects of the operation
· Be accountable for the implementation and quality of programs
Company Name
Dun & Bradstreet Indonesia , PT
Date of establishment
Year 2003
Line of business
Leading Business Information Provider
Products & Services
Local & Global Business Information , Credit Risk Management Solutions
25 to 35years
Bachelor degree in any relevant discipline
Experience & required competencies
· Marketing seasoned candidate who has strong focus on sales in services, information technology (IT), or financial/banking sector.
· Familiar with customer-oriented environment
· Fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia
· Good analytical skills
Interested candidates are expected to send their application letter and resume by
e-mail to should you need more information about D&B Indonesia
please log on to our website
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- 24.1.
Posted by: "adi" ady_rendra
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:32 am (PST)
The Creative Dept of a reputed multi-national company based in Bali, is
looking for focussed and innovative new media designers.
Essential requirements:
* Relevant diploma/degree in Communication Design, Graphic Design or
* Experience in the fields of graphic and multimedia.
* Works well under pressure and has a proven ability to meet
* Candidates with good communication skills in English will be given
Strong skill and knowledge in Adobe CS3 and Web 2.0 is a MUST. Knowledge and
experience in tableless web designing with CSS and AJAX is preferred.
Strong skill and knowledge in Adobe CS3 and multimedia softwares is a MUST.
Please send a detailed resume complete with a recent photo and design
samples to : careers@creationsdesignlounge. com
- 25.
vacancy : IT Developer Staff
Posted by: "kiyutcruth"
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:32 am (PST)
A joint venture insurance company in central Jakarta, urgently needs some candidates to fill position as:
IT Developer Staff
Please send your comprehensive resume and recent photograph to:
HR&GA Dept.
PT. LIG Insurance Indonesia
Plaza BII Tower II, 25th floor, suites 2501
Jl. MH Thamrin No 51 Jakarta 10350
Or by email to (code: IDS)
* Female, maximum 30 years old
* Hold Bachelor (S1) degree from Information Technology
* Minimum 1 years experience as IT Developer
* Advanced SQL Server programming with complex stored procedure, view, function, constraint, trigger, etc
* RDMS, designing database
* SQL Server maintenance, setup, configuration
* SQL Reporting services, Crystal reports, data warehousing
* ASP.NET programming with C# or VB or other web programming skills
* Good analytical skill, good team player
- 26a.
Posted by: "RECRUITMENT" jimmi_setiawan02
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:32 am (PST)
We are a growing company and now are seeking for some qualified candidates to join in our company as : MARKETING
Requirements :
* Male / Female
* Fresh Graduated from S1 or D3
* Good team worker as well as independent worker
* Self motivated and have the ability to work with target
* Attractive appearance and hardworking
* Able to comunication in English
Please send your CV & latest photo to
- 27.
English Teacher
Posted by: "Rindra sinaga" rindra_yk
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:32 am (PST)
KarangturiNational School is a national school, established since 1929 and located in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. We are a dynamically developing and growing school, currently accommodating 2,200 students ranging from Toddler, Playgroup, Kindergarten, Primary School, Junior High School, Senior High School and International Program.
The most recent incorporation to the school - the International Curriculum, which includes Secondary Program, IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education), A-Level- allows opening for:
Qualifications :
* Male/ Female, age max. 30 years
* S1 graduates, preferably S2 (GPA > 2,75)
* Having experiences in teaching
* Good personality, diligent, careful, hard worker and adroit
* Having ability in operating computer (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc)
* Committed to continuous self improvement
Please submit your application, Curriculum Vitae, Academic Transcript and the most recent photograph (4 x 6) to:
website :
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- 28.
Posted by: "yeti awaliyah" wongndose
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:32 am (PST)
(XL)<http://jobsdbinfo.blogspot. >com/2009/ 11/area-manager- excelcomindo- pratama-pt- xl.html
Bertanggung jawab untuk mengelola jaringan penjualan dan kegiatan marketing
di suatu wilayah
*Syarat :*
- Pendidikan minimal S1 dengan IPK minimal 3
- Pengalaman min. 2 tahun di bidang penjualan atau distribusi
- Bersedia ditempatkan dimana saja
- *Lokasi yang tersedia* : Sumatera, Jabodetabek, Jawa Barat, Jawa
Tengah, Yogyakarta, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali & NTB
more info :
http://jobsdbinfo.blogspot. com/2009/ 11/area-manager- excelcomindo- pratama-pt- xl.html
- 29.
Telco career for RF Engineer -- CDMA RF optimization/drive tester
Posted by: "yeti awaliyah" wongndose
Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:33 am (PST)
RF Engineer -- CDMA RF optimization/drive
tester<http://jobsdbinfo.blogspot. >com/2009/ 11/rf-engineer- cdma-rf-optimiza tiondrive. html
1. CDMA RF optimization/drive tester
2. DT Data post-analysis, Making Drive test analysis report
3. Monitoring OMC KPI / KPI Analysis Report
more info :
http://jobsdbinfo.blogspot. com/2009/ 11/rf-engineer- cdma-rf-optimiza tiondrive. html
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