Messages In This Digest (26 Messages)
- 1a.
- Lowongan Finance & Accounting From: Wahana Pusat
- 2a.
- GRAPHIC DESIGNER From: anton andri
- 3.
- Dibutuhkan tenaga kontrak Senior Web Programmer From: agung
- 4.
- Lowongan Staf Laboratorium From: mariyatul qibtiyah
- 5a.
- Vacancies From: Charles Jusung
- 6.
- URGENTLY required : Sales Support/Admin From: Santi
- 7.
- Vacancy for Power Plant Document Control PT Prosys BP From: Mohammad Hilman
- 8.
- Lowongan: IT Programmer & Market Analyze Staff From: Rally
- 9.
- Vacant : Personnel Administrations Manager From: Esther Lisbeth
- 10.
- Marketing Manager (Sales Engineer) From: wira basli
- 11.
- 12.
- Penawaran dari PT. Dekhatulistiwa From: Dekha Tour Ticketing
- 13a.
- Customer Service From: Lpia PangkalanJati
- 14.
- Contract Manager in Coal Mining (Jakarta-Based) From: Edwin Marta
- 15.
- Vacancies SE & CSR From: Selfianty Ginting
- 16.
- Vacancy for Telco VAS Company From: arema212
- 17.
- Lowongan: INTERNAL AUDIT & COMPLIANCE OFFICER (IAO) From: M Fauzi Kurniawan
- 18.
- FW: business analyst required From: maria.novianty
- 19.
- Vacancies as Secretary, Transfer Pricing Specialist etc From: innerbeauty3_rhs
- 20.
- CREATIVE untuk Dokumenter From: Natalia Saragih
- 21.
- Junior Consultant [available only for FRESH GRADUATES/S1 !] From: Charles Reinier Vorst
- 22.
- Dibutuhkan Lulusan STM jurusan tekhnik Pendinginan From: Mohammad Hilman
- 23.
- Fw: Fwd: Flash Opportunity Mercure Rekso Hayam Wuruk October 2009 From: Arzanela Arifin
- 24a.
- Instruktur Bahasa From: Lpia PangkalanJati
- 25.
- 26.
- Vacancies : ACCT, CC, ACCT.SPV From: Selfianty Ginting
- 1a.
Lowongan Finance & Accounting
Posted by: "Wahana Pusat"
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:05 pm (PDT)
Kami Dealer Sepeda Motor
Honda berskala Nasional yang sedang berkembang, membuka kesempatan bagi Anda,
untuk bergabung bersama kami pada beberapa posisi:
Administrasi (ADM)
- Pria /Wanita
- Belum Menikah
- Umur
maksimal 25 tahun
– SI semua jurusan
- Fresh
graduete are welcome
- Berpengalaman
sebagai Administrasi minimal 1 tahun.
- Ulet
dan dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan
Cashier (CASH)
- Wanita
- Belum Menikah
- Umur
maksimal 25 tahun
– SI semua jurusan, lebih diutamakan dari jurusan Ekonomi
- Fresh
graduete are welcome
- Berpengalaman
sebagai Cashier minimal 1 tahun, mengerti mengenai Petty Cash
- Ulet
dan dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan
Finance & Accounting
Staff (FA)
- Wanita
- Belum Menikah
- Umur
maksimal 25 tahun
– SI Ekonomi jurusan Akuntansi
- Fresh
graduete are welcome
- Berpengalaman
sebagai Administrasi minimal 1 tahun.
- Ulet
dan dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan
- Dapat
berbahasa Inggris dan Mandarin
- Dapat mengoperasikan Open Office dan Microsoft
Administrasi Head (ADH)
- Pria /Wanita
- Belum Menikah
- Umur
maksimal 25 tahun
- SI
Ekonomi jurusan Akuntansi
- Fresh
graduete are welcome
- Berpengalaman
sebagai Administrasi minimal 1 tahun.
- Ulet
dan dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan
- Dapat
berbahasa Inggris dan Mandarin
- Dapat mengoperasikan Open Office dan Microsoft
Surat Lamaran anda beserta CV, Kartu Indentitas dan foto berwarna 4X6
Wahanaartha Lantai IV, Jl. Gunung Sahari No. 32, Jakarta Pusat 10710
Email: atau
Website :
_____________________ _________ __
Dapatkan alamat Email baru Anda!
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan sebelum diambil orang lain!
_____________________ _________ __
Menambah banyak teman sangatlah mudah dan cepat.
Undang teman dari Hotmail, Gmail ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang!
Lebih aman saat online. Upgrade ke Internet Explorer 8 baru dan lebih cepat yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! agar Anda merasa lebih aman. Gratis. Dapatkan IE8 di sini! id/internetexplo rer/
- 2a.
Posted by: "anton andri" an_lius
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:05 pm (PDT)
We are an establish real estate
property agent,
currently looking for many candidates to fill vacant
positions below :
Able to operate Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel
Draw, Freehand.
Please submit the CV, cover letter and photograph to:
Roy Weston Puri Indah
Sentra Niaga Puri Indah Blok T1/3A
Jakarta Barat 11610
Or mailto:bde@royweston.
Selalu bisa chat di profil jaringan, blog, atau situs web pribadi! Yahoo! memungkinkan Anda selalu bisa chat melalui Pingbox. Coba! pingbox/
- 3.
Dibutuhkan tenaga kontrak Senior Web Programmer
Posted by: "agung" agungeddy
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:05 pm (PDT)
Dibutuhkan tenaga kontrak Senior Web Programmer
- Menguasai / Berpengalaman / Expert PHP dan MySql
- Lokasi Jakarta
- Project berupa Sistem Inventory berbasis Web
Kirim lamaran & CV ke: himayashi.recruitment@gmail. com
- 4.
Lowongan Staf Laboratorium
Posted by: "mariyatul qibtiyah"
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:05 pm (PDT)
Kami perusahaan bergerak di bidang pendidikan sedang membutuhkan 1 orang
staf laboratorium dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
1. Laki-laki/ Perempuan
2. Pendidikan terakhir D3 Keperawatan
3. Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun di rumah sakit
4. Terampil dengan prosedur keperawatan
5. Memiliki kemampuan komputer yang baik
6. Memiliki kemampuan bahasa inggris yang baik
Bagi yang berminat silahkan kirim application letter dan CV ke: HRD
Department email:
- 5a.
Posted by: "Charles Jusung" charlesjusung
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:05 pm (PDT)
Dear friends and colleagues, please kindly forward the information below to who might needed, thank you very much for your kind assistance.
Aveon Auto Rentals Bali, a car rental company currently opening several vacancies for the positions as follows;
Finance & Accounting Assistant (Code FAA)
For the open position we required the candidate(s) must have specification as follow;
- Having domicile in Bali;
- Male or female with maximum 25 years old;
- Having Experience in Finance & Accounting area such as;
o Account Payable and Account Receivable;
o Daily Petty Cash transactions;
o Have knowledge in Taxes (PPh 21, 23 dan PPh Final 4 ayat 2)
o Prepare Bank Reconciles;
- Able to communicate in Bahasa Indonesia;
- Familiar working with computer and internet.
Sales & Marketing Consultant (Code SMC)
For the open position we required the candidate(s) must have specification as follow;
- Having domicile in Bali;
- Male or female with maximum 25 years old;
- Graduated from D3 or equals, Tourism graduate will be an advantage;
- Having own vehicle and able to drive a car;
- Having Experience in Sales & Marketing area such as;
o Corporate Sales Calls and Telemarketing;
o Prospecting, Quoting, Proposing, Dealing and Closing Sales;
o Know how to sell the products;
- Able to communicate in Both English and Bahasa Indonesia;
- Familiar working with computer and internet.
Vehicle Control Officer (Code VCO)
For the open position we required the candidate(s) must have specification as follow;
- Having domicile in Bali and having own vehicle;
- Male with maximum 25 years old;
- Graduated from D3 or equals, Engineer graduate will be an advantage;
- Having Experience in Vehicle Control area such as;
o Knowledge in engines and spare parts;
o Troubleshooting in engine breakdown or parts broken;
o Know how to maintenance the vehicles
- Able to communicate in Bahasa Indonesia;
- Familiar working with computer and internet.
Please submit your Application and CV (with photo) by email to charles.jusung@aveonrentals. with code in email
Or submit your CV in closed envelope to;
Branch Manager
Aveon Auto Rentals Bali
Jl. Taman Sari No.08, Banjar Kelan Kedonganan
Kuta Bali.
Candidates will be contacted by phone and/or email for interview schedule.
Warm regards,
Aveon Auto Rentals Bali
Charles Jusung
Branch Manager
- 6.
URGENTLY required : Sales Support/Admin
Posted by: "Santi" akusanti
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:05 pm (PDT)
Dear Friend,
Kami, PT. Metaplas Citra Cemerlang, bergerak dlm manufaktur panel & sheet
metal jobshop sedang mencari seorang SALES SUPPORT/ADMIN dengan spesifikasi
sbb :
Female max 30 years old
- Single / Married
- Having a minimum of D3 degree majoring in Mechanical, Industrial or
Electrical Engineering
- English & computer literate are must
- Willing to be located in Kebun Jeruk, Jakarta Barat
Job Desc:
- Quotation preparation (under supervision)
- Maintain customers
- Follow up orders
- Communication and correspondence with customers and production team
- Issue and monitor delivery schedule
- Coordinate with logistic team to monitor delivery schedule
- Correspondence with customer for delivery arrangement
- Handling documentation related with sales issues
- Attend meeting with customers
Harap surat lamaran & CV bisa ditujukan :
Via email ke : id
Karena URGENT bangetssss... lowongan ini ditunggu paling lambat Rabu 28
Oktober 2009
- 7.
Vacancy for Power Plant Document Control PT Prosys BP
Posted by: "Mohammad Hilman" hilman.mohammad
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:06 pm (PDT)
PT. PROSYS BANGUN PERSADA is a leading Project Management Consultant in Oil & Gas,
Infrastructure, Finance & Banking, Telecommunication, Construction and
Properties is growing very fast in Engineering, Procurement, and Construction
area, currently searching for highly qualified candidate for the following
- D3 or S1 Graduate From reputable University
- Having an experience as a Document control at least 5 Years
- Having experiences in Power Plant project is a must
If you meet the requirements please send your complete CV to id
Yahoo! Mail Kini Lebih Cepat dan Lebih Bersih. Rasakan bedanya sekarang!
- 8.
Lowongan: IT Programmer & Market Analyze Staff
Posted by: "Rally" rallysud
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:06 pm (PDT)
IT Programmer (1 orang)
1. Pria/Wanita
2. Diploma/S1
3. Pengalaman di PHP, SQL, Visual Studio programming
4. Domisili di area barat: Tangerang, Ciledug, Cengkareng, Puri, dan sekitar
Market Analyze Staff (1 orang)
1. Wanita
2. SMA/Diploma/S1
3. Background: matematika, akuntansi, atau statistika
4. Domisili di area barat: Tangerang, Ciledug, Cengkareng, Puri, dan sekitar
CV dapat dikirimkan ke
- 9.
Vacant : Personnel Administrations Manager
Posted by: "Esther Lisbeth" esther.rossaline
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:06 pm (PDT)
Our company, the largest one in Energy Business in Indonesia is looking for bright and smart people to fill the position as Personnel Administrations Manager.
Duties & Responsibilities:
Person in charge will take responsibility to Personnel management functions especially in labor & industrial relations, payroll and personnel administration aligned with the department goals in promoting and implementing Personnel activities throughout the company. Personnel Administration Manager is an integral partner in enhancing competitive advantage. He/she has to speed up strategy execution, improve capacity for change, employee commitment and administrative efficiency by replacing challenges with specific partnership.
- Minimum S1 from Law/ Psychology
- Minimum 5 years experience in managerial level (multinational company), experience in similar business would be an advantage
- Experience in handling over 1000 employees
- Experience in dealing with Labor Union
- Able to use SAP system
- Good knowledge in Labor, Tax, and Social Security Law
- Good knowledge in position evaluation/salary grading using Hay/Mercer system
- Computer literate and excellent communication in English
- Ability to think strategically and work independently
Please send your comprehensive resume with photo to: with subject "PAM" on November 7, 2009 at the latest. Only shortlisted candidate will be notified.
- 10.
Marketing Manager (Sales Engineer)
Posted by: "wira basli"
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:07 pm (PDT)
We, a growing PMA company in interior material distributor, are seeking qualified candidates to fill the position in our company as:
Marketing Manager
- Gather market intelligence and identify potential clients
- Develop bisnis relationship,visit and make presentation to potential clients
- To handle business discussion and negotiation effectively
- Male / Female, minimum age 30 years
- Hold minimum bachelor degree (S1) in Desain Interior or Architecture
- At least 7 ( seven ) years working experience in big contractor company
- Excellent interpersonal & communication skill
- Dynamic,outgoing personality & have a wide range of networking
- Computer Literate
- Willing for travelling when needed
Please submit your comprehensive CV, cover letter and recent photograph to e-mail : recruitment@imgindonesia. and please put the job title as email
- 11.
Posted by: "yhbusdev" yhbusdev
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:07 pm (PDT)
Klien kami membutuhkan tenaga sbb:
- Lulusan S-1 Akunting
- Berpengalaman kerja pada bidang akunting & Pajak minimal 5 tahun
- Dapat bekerja sendiri dan mandiri
- Jujur dan cekatan
- Mempunyai loyalitas tinggi
- D3 jurusan apa saja
- Berpengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun
- Dapat bekerja sendiri dan mandiri
- Jujur dan cekatan
- Mempunyai loyalitas tinggi
- Dapat bekerja sendiri dan mandiri
- Jujur dan cekatan
- Mempunyai loyalitas tinggi
Lamaran dikirimkan beserta CV/Daftar Riwayat Hidup, Copy Ijazah/Sertifikat, dan Photo 4x6
Ruko Pasar Pagi Bintara Blok E-34
Bekasi Barat 17134
- 12.
Penawaran dari PT. Dekhatulistiwa
Posted by: "Dekha Tour Ticketing" dekhatourticketing
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:07 pm (PDT)
Dengan Hormat,
Bersama ini kami memperkenalkan diri sebagai sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Travel Agent. Kami menawarkan jasa sebagai berikut :
dekha Tour
* Tiket Pesawat Domestik & International
* Voucher hotel Domestik & Internasional
* Paket Tour
dekha Events
* M.I.C.E ( Meeting, Incentives, Convention & Exhibition )
* Integrated Marketing Communication :
1. Event Management
2. Public Relations Services
3. Exhibition Organizer
4. Telemarkeing and database handling
5. Direct Mailer and fulfillment management
dekha Transport
* Sewa Kendaraan (Harian / Mingguan / Bulanan / Tahunan)
* Menyediakan jasa Airport Pick Up dan Transfer dari Bandara Soekarno Hatta ke seluruh area dengan harga murah mulai dari Rp. 150.000/Mobil
* Kendaraan yang di sewakan :
1. ToyotaAvanza
2. ToyotaInnova
3. Suzuki APV
4. ToyotaCamry
5. Nissan X Trail
6. ToyotaAlphard
Bila ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi kami di 021- 7373321 atau dapat mengunjungi website kami di
Demikian penawaran ini kami sampaikan,atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.
Best Regards,
dekha Tour
Jl. Rempoa Raya No. 20, Rempoa Ciputat 15412 Tangerang Indonesia
Tel. +6221 7373321, Fax. +6221 7373305
Email :
- 13a.
Customer Service
Posted by: "Lpia PangkalanJati" lpia.pangkalanjati
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:07 pm (PDT)
Kami Perusahaan sedang berkembang membutuhkan
Profesional muda yang trampil dan energik untuk posisi:
Dengan Kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
1. Wanita berusia 20 - 25thn
2. Berbadan sehat, proporsional, wajah menarik
3. Pendidikan Min. D III segala jurusan
4. Berpengalaman / baru lulus
5. Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer (min. Ms.Office : Word, Excel,P .Point ) atau berbahasa Inggris aktif (TOEFL Score min. 400)
6. Suka mempelajari hal baru dan menyukai anak-anak serta dunia pendidikan
Benefit: Gaji (negotiable), Fasilitas, Jenjang karir, Kursus Gratis
Bagi anda yang berminat dapat mengirimkan
CV lengkap dan pas photo ke atau via e-mail (tulis pada pojok kanan CV anda kode: CS):
paling lambat tanggal 08 Nopember 2009
LPIA Pangkalan Jati
Jl. Raya Kalimalang No. B - 5 E / 4, Kalimalang, Jakarta Timur
(sebelah Plaza Superindo Tomang Tol)
(021) - 861.45.09 atau id
Menambah banyak teman sangatlah mudah dan cepat. Undang teman dari Hotmail, Gmail ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang! invite/
- 14.
Contract Manager in Coal Mining (Jakarta-Based)
Posted by: "Edwin Marta"
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:07 pm (PDT)
is an internationally recognised recruitment consultancy. JDA provides
a comprehensive and innovative range of human resources management
services to the Resources (Oil & Gas, Mining and Construction) ,
Manufacturing and Service Industries. JDA currently develops and
maintains quality relationships with the world's leading resources
companies. With offices in several countries, we are well placed to provide
superior recruitment solutions now and the
a result of the decision to strengthen JDA's presence in Indonesia,
JDA-Indonesia is now strongly represented with offices in
Jakarta, Balikpapan, Tembagapura and Batu Hijau.
Our client, a world-class company in coal mining, is seeking an experienced
candidate for the following position :
Contract Manager (Jakarta-Based)
ResponsibilitiesIdentify and analyze a pool of clients / suppliers / vendors for company project considerationAssist in the negotiation of contracts with an optimum mix of price and qualityAssess the quotations submitted and selecting the bidders with which the commercial/financia l negotiations may be conducted Set targets as to the result to be achieved in price negotiations Conduct the financial and contract negotiations at the appropriate management level Identify and analyze economic developments in the market Manages the competitive bidding and selection process Negotiate contract terms, pricing and payment schedule, ensuring that the agreements with the clients / suppliers / vendors are commercially advantageous Clarify goals and reach agreement maintaining the interests of all parties Keep up to date with market trends and new developments utilizing information for business improvement Build and maintain excellent relationships with
clients / suppliers / vendorsAbility to overview situations, review and evaluate, defining set plans to achieve company business goalsProblem solving at a strategic level, working with others to reach a resolutionCareful planning to achieve accurate and timely resultsIntervenes, analyzes, manages and resolves business conflicts between the company and the clients / suppliers / vendors if necessaryOther duties and responsibilities that may be assigned by Director of company
If you are the one who meets those
requirements, kindly send your comprehensive resume in Ms. Word format
as soon as possible to : edwin-marta@ jda-indonesia.
Please note that only qualified
candidates will be processed further.
- 15.
Vacancies SE & CSR
Posted by: "Selfianty Ginting"
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:07 pm (PDT)
PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, established in 1951, is a distributor and
manufacturer of specialty and basic chemicals. In addition to its
Jakarta head office, the Company has five branches and six
representative offices in Indonesia as well as a main regional
subsidiary in Singapore, and offices in China, Thailand and Vietnam to
oversee Distribution activities. In Manufacturing, Lautan Luas
established 17 production facilities in Indonesia, three in China and is
building its first manufacturing facility in Vietnam. Lautan Luas has
also set up a Support & Service business segment made of four
subsidiaries that were previously the Company's internal departments -
laboratory, supply chain, IT and water treatment - to provide value-add
services to customers.
Born of modest origins, Lautan Luas has grown to be Indonesia's leading
chemical distributor and manufacturer, as it works with over 100
international principals, supplies more than 1,000 chemical products and
serves some 2,000 industrial end-users throughout Indonesia and the
Asia-Pacific region. And as Lautan Luas continues to grow, our corporate
vision remains the foundation for growth and expansion: To be the
leading regional integrated chemical distribution and manufacturing
company by providing value to customers in becoming preferred business
partner, challenge and opportunities to our employees, and superior
return to our shareholders.
For PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, this means sustaining a Total Quality Management
mindset. Strong emphasis is placed on the cultivation of a learning
culture, where employees take great pride and joy in being a part of a
talent-focused organization. Our employees are provided internal and
external training for both professional and personal development to
ensure a highly crafted and learned talent base. More importantly, at
Lautan Luas, each individual is challenged to deliver only the best,
rewarded for exceeding objectives and encouraged to enjoy the journey of
a successful career.
Therefore, PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk challenges you to join us for the
following opportunities:
1. Sales Executive (SE)
Grow sales in existing customers and develop new business opportunities
Requirements for SE:
* Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering / Food Technology /
Industrial Engineering
* Preferably having a minimum of 1 year sales experience
* Good command of spoken and written English
* Ability to travel and work independently are a must
* Preferably be domiciled in Jakarta and Bandung
2. Customer Service Representative (CSR)
Partnering with Sales Executive, to ensure all back office sales
activities are completed and simultaneously grow business
* Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering / Food Technology /
Industrial Engineering
* Preferably having a minimum of 1 year experience as Customer
Service, although fresh graduates are encouraged to apply
* Good command of spoken and written English
* Preferably be domiciled in Tangerang and Jakarta
If you are confident that you can meet our requirements, please send
your resume with the code of position on your email subject to:
Recruitment@lautan-luas. <mailto:Recruitment@com lautan-luas. >com
For further information about PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, please visit our
website at: <http://www.lautan- >
- 16.
Vacancy for Telco VAS Company
Posted by: "arema212" arema212
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:08 pm (PDT)
*We are looking for people of having experience in Telecom *
JOB Description : Operations Engineer (Telecom VAS) or Senior Operations Engineer
The Job would involve the following aspects:
Responsible for product & platform support for a customer.
Would have to gain in-depth operational knowledge of products and
diagnose/fix most of the issues and complaints with minimal support from the Product team.
Should be hands on for all the day to day operational activities (Process adherence & incident reports, security updates, Backup , Reporting , Release management, Testing, CDR, reconciliation).
Brief requirements are as follows
3+ years of experience
Good understanding of telecom/GSM concepts and solutions/products in telecom space.
Good knowledge of Windows and Linux OS or worked as system administrator.
Basic knowledge of `Networking' with hands on experience in IP routing, switch configuration, Firewall configuration.
Experience in Database, backup, Product Support, Production Support/Application Support
Exposure to VAS industry would be an added advantage.
JOB Description : Operations Manager
Please find the below mentioned Job Profile:
· Good knowledge of telecom/GSM concepts.
· Good understanding of solutions/products in telecom space.
· Good working knowledge of Windows and Linux OS
· Should have a working knowledge of Networking fundamentals.
· Good verbal and communication skills.
· Should have managed telecom projects.
· Exposure to VAS industry would be an added advantage.
*The Job would involve the following aspects:*
· Leading the operations team for all customers in that specific country.
· Resource planning and management, including training and enabling
· Anchor all new deployments and manage the ongoing operations.
· Liaison with the sales and account team for customer requirements.
· Requirements management, including change management
· Project planning, scheduling, tracking, reporting & communication to stakeholders
· Conceptualizing and implementing solutions
· Review with the delivery team for opportunities of improvement periodically
*Soft Skills:*
· Good problem solving skills
· Customer management skills
· Presentation skills
· Team grooming & team building skills
· Multitasking - planning & prioritization skills
send your application to
- 17.
Posted by: "M Fauzi Kurniawan" mfauzik
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:08 pm (PDT)
Kobelco adalah Perusahaan Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) yang sedang berkembang
pesat dan bergerak di penjualan dan konstruksi alat berat sedang mencari
pribadi yang muda, dinamis, dan bermotivasi tinggi untuk mengisi posisi
sebagai berikut :
Uraian tugas:
1. Melakukan audit secara berkala dalam perusahaan
2. Memonitor company policy & procedure
3. Membuat laporan atas audit yang dilakukan dan melaporkan kepada
pihak manajemen
Kualifikasi :
. Pria/Wanita, maks. 30 tahun
. Pendidikan min. S-1
. Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun sebagai Internal Audit (1 tahun
untuk posisi Junior)
. Mampu mengoperasikan computer (MS Office aplikasi)
. Detil dan oriented person
. Suka tantangan, dan proaktif
Silakan mengirimkan lamaran dan CV (tidak melebihi dari 300 Kb), dengan
mencantumkan nama dan alamat referensi (telepon atau email). Pelamar
dilarang untuk mencantumkan transkrip akademik dan ijazah atau sertifikat
lainnya. Pelamar harus mencantumkan kode posisi sebagai subject email.
Kirim lamaran paling lambat tanggal 8 November 2009 ke:
Human Resources Department
PT. Daya Kobelco Construction Machinery Indonesia
- 18.
FW: business analyst required
Posted by: "maria.novianty" maria.novianty
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:08 pm (PDT)
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Date posted : 28 October 2009
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Company details : Worldwide cosmetics company
Company website :
Industry : cosmetics / consumer goods
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Job title : Business Analyst (for Logistics)
+ Job purpose
- Develop Logistics by process improvement and system development
+ Job description
- Propose process improvement in customer service, warehouse, import
transport, and credit area
- Develop softwares / tools to support logistic team
- Support operation through system
+ Personality
Self driver, detail oriented, good analytical skills, multitasking
ability, fast learner
+ Language
Strong oral / written communication in English is a must
+ Skills
- Strong skills in SQL, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel is a must
- Experience in BPCS / SAP
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Requirements / details :
+ Gender : Male / Female
+ Age : Maximum 32 years old
+ Experienced : 1 - 2 year(s) in Logistics scope / IT
+ Education : minimum S1, industrial engineering / IT background
+ Date required : Mid / End November 2009
+ Additional : -
+ Placement : Ciracas, Jakarta
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
How to apply :
Send your resume in English [personal details, working experience,
technical skills, current salary, and expected salary] to: , with the subject: "business analyst"
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
- 19.
Vacancies as Secretary, Transfer Pricing Specialist etc
Posted by: "innerbeauty3_rhs" innerbeauty3_rhs
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:08 pm (PDT)
Dear Moderator,
Please release my email.
Thanks and regards,
PB&Co. is a tax consultancy firm whose corporate philosophy is to provide the best consultancy services in tax to a wide range of corporate and individual clients. PB&Co. is a member of Taxand, a global network of leading tax advisors.
Due to our growing business, we are looking for dynamic, top caliber and dedicated professionals to immediately fill the following position:
Secretary Partner
Preferably Female, professional appearance, Preferable single and maximum 26 years of age.
D3 Degree with minimum 2 year experience; preferably from Tarakanita Secretarial Academy.
Transfer Pricing Specialists
The candidates will conduct research and review pricing analysis, supply-demand analysis and macro/micro economic researches.
Specific requirements:
Must possess one of the following qualifications:
Certified Management Accountant (CMA)/Certified International Management Accountant (CIMA)
 With a strong knowledge in cost analysis and cost accounting
Bachelor's/Master's Degree in Economics with a major in Industrial Economics
 With a strong background in supply-demand, cost structure, market penetration, pricing analysis and macroeconomic impact to industry performance
Bachelor's/Master's Degree in Economics with a major in Accountancy
General requirements:
Minimum GPA of 3.0 (from a scale of 4.0); a maximum 2 years work experience would be an advantage
Possess strong research, data collection, analytical and statistical skills
Maximum age 25 years old
Candidates for both positions above must have :
Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
Fluent in written and oral English
Proficient in computer operation and software applications including Microsoft Office, internet research and also Economics/Finance software application.
Paraprofessional (Data Entry)
Male/Female , Maximum 20 years old
Must be accounting graduates from a reputable vocational high school.
Have a good skill in written and conversational English will be an advantage.
Must have excellent computer skills especially in using Excel.
The main tasks are:
Collect the data from clients and make simple accounting journals.
Input the raw data to accounting software system.
Candidates who meet the above mentioned qualifications are invited to send their application letter together with a detailed curriculum vitae, academic records and the latest photograph on or before November 7, 2009 to the following address:
HRD PB & Co.
Menara Imperium, 27th Floor
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. 1, Jakarta 12980
or e-mail your application to:
Please visit our website at www.
Please specify the position you are applying for in the subject.
Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
- 20.
CREATIVE untuk Dokumenter
Posted by: "Natalia Saragih" batax1277
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:08 pm (PDT)
Dibutuhkan banyak Creative yang bisa menulis skript Program Televisi dokumenter untuk acara games anak-anak.
- Pernah membuat sebuah dokumenter
- Mau bekerja Non-office hour
- Punya kemampuan analisa yang baik
Kirim contoh tulisan dan CV ke
Terima Kasih
- 21.
Junior Consultant [available only for FRESH GRADUATES/S1 !]
Posted by: "Charles Reinier Vorst" charlesvorst
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:08 pm (PDT)
Dear Fresh Graduates (S1),
Please be informed that our office in Jakarta is having a vacant position as:
You are all welcome to apply as long as you fit to our requirements as follow:
Graduated from reputable university
Major in EconomicsMin. IPK 2,75Min. passive English (reading & written), fluency in English (verbal) is an added valueSingle (domicile in Jakarta)Hard-yet-smart workerFast learnerTeam playerGood personality & attitude (nice physical appearance will be an added value)Self-driven initiated & motivated person
In brief, operating in Indonesia, Malaysia & Australia, we provide our consulting & advisory services (yes, we are a consulting firm !) to our corporate clients (mostly to the top & middle management). You will be based in our Indonesian office, yet you may also have a chance to prove that can enhance your career further to our offices abroad.
If you think that you can be a part of our team, please send us your recent photo, CV & application letter via email to: charles.vorst@apb-group. .com
Thank you.
Best Regards, CRV
- 22.
Dibutuhkan Lulusan STM jurusan tekhnik Pendinginan
Posted by: "Mohammad Hilman" hilman.mohammad
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:09 pm (PDT)
VISCOSE (Perusahaan Multinasional )
Membutuhkan :
Mekanik Utility
- Lulusan STM / SMK
- Jurusan Teknik
Pendinginan (Harus)
- Berpengalaman di perawatan alat-alat pendinginan (AHU,
Chiller, Cooling Tower) minimal 3 tahun.
Bila Anda memenuhi persyaratan diatas, segera kirimkan lamaran anda melalui email ke
Bersenang-senang di Yahoo! Messenger dengan semua teman. Tambahkan mereka dari email atau jaringan sosial Anda sekarang! invite/
- 23.
Fw: Fwd: Flash Opportunity Mercure Rekso Hayam Wuruk October 2009
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:10 pm (PDT)
[Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin included below]
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 19:00:39 +0700
From: HRM Mercure Rekso <human_resources@mercure-rekso. >com
Subject: Flash Opportunity Mercure Rekso Hayam Wuruk October 2009
To: "'Arzanela K. Kuncoro'" < >
Thank you very much for your kind support.
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
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_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
----- End forwarded message -----
Dear Ibu Nela,
Kindly find attached the Flash Opportunity From Mercure Rekso Hayam Wuruk to HHRMA milis.
Thank you very much for your kind support.
Have a nice weekend.
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System.
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin
1 of 1 File(s)
- 24a.
Instruktur Bahasa
Posted by: "Lpia PangkalanJati" lpia.pangkalanjati
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:10 pm (PDT)
Kami Perusahaan sedang berkembang membutuhkan profesional muda yang trampil dan energikuntuk posisi:
- Pria / Wanita
- Usia Min. 20thn
- Tinggal di area Jakarta Timur / Bekasi.
- Pendidikan Minimal D-III Semua Jurusan (sudah lulus).
- TOEFL score minimal 420.
- Mampu berkomunikasi Bahasa Inggris aktif.
- Punya pengalaman mengajar lebih disukai.
-Suka dengan dunia pendidikan dan anak-anak.
Kirimkan CV lengkap dan pas photo ke atau via e-mail (tulis pada pojok kanan CV anda kode: IB):
paling lambat tanggal 08 Nopember 2009
LPIA Pangkalan Jati
Jl. Raya Kalimalang No. B - 5 E / 4, Kalimalang, Jakarta Timur
(sebelah Plaza Superindo Tomang Tol)
(021) - 861.45.09 atau id
Yahoo! Mail Kini Lebih Cepat dan Lebih Bersih. Rasakan bedanya sekarang!
- 25.
Posted by: "Arthur YH. Silitonga" arthur_totaldata
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:11 pm (PDT)
An oil & gas company opens positions for their project in Brunei as
1. Quantity Surveyor ( Mechanical/Civil/ EI )
2. Planner ( Primavera P3 Version 5, Primavera 6, etc )
3. Mechanical Supervisor
4. QA / QC Coordinator
5. QA / QC Inspector
6. Mechanical Fitters
7. Blaster / Painters
Terms and benefits.
1. Period of contract: 2 years renewable
2. Accommodation: Provide by employer free of Charge
3. Working hours: 8 Hours/day and 6 days/week
4. Overtime payment: Paid on hourly basis
5. Passage Facilities: Provided by employer (under contract)
6. Medical Facilities: As per Labor Laws of Brunei Darussalam
7. Annual Leave: 2 weeks after 12 months
8. Insurance Coverage: As per Employment Contract
If you feel you are match with above positions, you are welcome to send
CV in MS Word, not more than 300kb to
< >
Please put position desired in your email subject. We are sorry, only
shortlist candidates will be notified.
For more info's, please call us at:
PT. Totaldata Persada
021-8477689, 021-84994728. Attn.: Ms. Dewi / Ms. Eva or click brunei.htm
< >brunei.htm
Mr. Admin, thank you.
- 26.
Vacancies : ACCT, CC, ACCT.SPV
Posted by: "Selfianty Ginting"
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:11 pm (PDT)
PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, established in 1951, is a distributor and
manufacturer of specialty and basic chemicals. In addition to its
Jakarta head office, the Company has five branches and six
representative offices in Indonesia as well as a main regional
subsidiary in Singapore, and offices in China, Thailand and Vietnam to
oversee Distribution activities. In Manufacturing, Lautan Luas
established 17 production facilities in Indonesia, three in China and is
building its first manufacturing facility in Vietnam. Lautan Luas has
also set up a Support & Service business segment made of four
subsidiaries that were previously the Company's internal departments -
laboratory, supply chain, IT and water treatment - to provide value-add
services to customers.
Born of modest origins, Lautan Luas has grown to be Indonesia's leading
chemical distributor and manufacturer, as it works with over 100
international principals, supplies more than 1,000 chemical products and
serves some 2,000 industrial end-users throughout Indonesia and the
Asia-Pacific region. And as Lautan Luas continues to grow, our corporate
vision remains the foundation for growth and expansion: To be the
leading regional integrated chemical distribution and manufacturing
company by providing value to customers in becoming preferred business
partner, challenge and opportunities to our employees, and superior
return to our shareholders.
For PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, this means sustaining a Total Quality Management
mindset. Strong emphasis is placed on the cultivation of a learning
culture, where employees take great pride and joy in being a part of a
talent-focused organization. Our employees are provided internal and
external training for both professional and personal development to
ensure a highly crafted and learned talent base. More importantly, at
Lautan Luas, each individual is challenged to deliver only the best,
rewarded for exceeding objectives and encouraged to enjoy the journey of
a successful career.
Therefore, PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk challenges you to join us for the
following opportunities:
1. Accounting Supervisor (ACCT-SPV)
Responsible to generate report relating to Accounting matters
* Bachelor Degree in Accounting
* Min.3 years experience in Public Accountant with min. 1 year
experience in the same position
2. Accounting Staff (ACCT)
Responsible for good recording of all transactions
* Bachelor Degree in Accounting
* Having a minimum of 1 year experience as Accounting Staff
* Having experience in General Ledger recording
* To be posted in Jakarta, Semarang and Surabaya
3. Credit Controller ( CC )
Responsible for controlling credit accounts, analyzing accounts,
identifying and reporting those that may require difficult collection
* Bachelor Degree in Accounting / Management
* Having min. 2 years experience handling cash management or A/R
If you are confident that you can meet our requirements, please send
your resume with the code of position on your email subject to:
Recruitment@lautan-luas. <mailto:Recruitment@com lautan-luas. >com
For further information about PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, please visit our
website at: <http://www.lautan- >
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