Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1a.
- Vacancy - General Manager Product for SLI - Telecommunication Operat From: SINTESA Resourcing
- 1b.
- Vacancy - General Manager Product for SLI - Telecommunication Operat From: SINTESA Resourcing
- 2.1.
- Lowongan Kerja From: yovia meidianda
- 3a.
- Vacancy - Senior Manager Supply Chain Management - Telecommunicatio From: SINTESA Resourcing
- 4.
- VACANY: IT SUPPORT From: Recruitment Indo
- 5.
- 6.
- Job Vacancy : Finance Supervisor & Collection Staff From: Tami Sastro
- 7a.
- Vacancies - Managerial Position in Multinational Automotive Company From: SINTESA Resourcing
- 8.
- Fw: Vacancy at Oakwood From: Arzanela Arifin
- 9.
- (no subject) From: Hrd Engineering
- 10.
- Lowongan PHP programmer di Perusahaan Online Properti From: rumah.model
- 11.
- Lowongan Auditor / Accounting From: Setiawan, E.
- 12.
- 13.
- Vacancy : Sales Representative for IT Services From: Rizalina Yasintha
- 14.
- Accounting Staff Vacancy From: ridho
- 15.
- Immidiate Vacant Position (Gen. Affair Staff) From: Erpani, Taufan
- 16.
- Fw: Vacancies at The Ritz-Carlton, Jakarta From: Arzanela Arifin
- 17.
- Vacancy : Senior IT Trainer From: Rizalina Yasintha
- 18.
- Dibutuhkan Staff Marketing di Perusahaan Online Properti From: rumah.model
- 19.
- Vacancy Adm, FO dan Teacher From: Lutfiel
- 20.
- 21.
- Needed Sales Engineer From: dyana Puspitawati
- 22a.
- Iklan DGS HR-Services From: Recruitment
- 23.
- Job Vacancy : Staff Maintenance (MTN) From: Hrd Engineering
- 24.
- Vacancy : Banquet Manager From:
- 1a.
Vacancy - General Manager Product for SLI - Telecommunication Operat
Posted by: "SINTESA Resourcing" sintesaresourcing
Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:41 pm (PDT)
Our Client, a public listed telecommunication operator company is seeking
senior people to fill in position with following experiences and skills :
General Manager Product for SLI ( GM P SLI - BT )
. The person would be responsible for the SLI business which
includes voice and data
. Setting up process for the deployment of data services e.g.
International bandwidth, IPLC's
. Monitoring the performance of the data products
. Work with Sales team for specific customer based product customization
of data products
. Working with International carriers to explore opportunities to grow
International Inbound and outbound traffic
. Monthly product performance analysis
. Minimum S1 graduate
. Experience 5 - 10 years, in the same field
. Understand international data business
. Telco industry background is preferred
Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an
attachment in MS Word format only in English with current & expected salary
and recent photograph via email to : telco@sintesa-resourcing. com
Please put the position applied GM P SLI - BT on the subject line. Only
short listed candidates will be notified.
If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly visit our website & join our
mailing list at www.sintesa-resourcing. com
- 1b.
Vacancy - General Manager Product for SLI - Telecommunication Operat
Posted by: "SINTESA Resourcing" sintesaresourcing
Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:41 pm (PDT)
Our Client, a public listed telecommunication operator company is seeking
senior people to fill in position with following experiences and skills :
General Manager Product for SLI ( GM P SLI - BT )
. The person would be responsible for the SLI business which
includes voice and data
. Setting up process for the deployment of data services e.g.
International bandwidth, IPLC's
. Monitoring the performance of the data products
. Work with Sales team for specific customer based product customization
of data products
. Working with International carriers to explore opportunities to grow
International Inbound and outbound traffic
. Monthly product performance analysis
. Minimum S1 graduate
. Experience 5 - 10 years, in the same field
. Understand international data business
. Telco industry background is preferred
Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an
attachment in MS Word format only in English with current & expected salary
and recent photograph via email to : telco@sintesa-resourcing. com
Please put the position applied GM P SLI - BT on the subject line. Only
short listed candidates will be notified.
If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly visit our website & join our
mailing list at www.sintesa-resourcing. com
- 2.1.
Lowongan Kerja
Posted by: "yovia meidianda" yovia_may04
Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:41 pm (PDT)
Hai all netters..
Numpang info lagi ya.. ada titipan dari teman nih..
Jika ada yang berminat, langsung ke email yang tertera saja ya.. soalnya i'm just forwarder..
===================== ========= ========= ========= ======
1. Senior Developer VB.Net & SQL Server :
* Mengerti tentang konsep SDLC dengan baik
* Menguasai teknologi VB.NET
* Menguasai prosedur SQL Syntax di SQL Server (trigger, stored procedure, function, cursor, dll)
* Menguasai excel 2003 vba menggunakan xml
2. System Analyst :
* Dapat membuat arsitektur aplikasi based on VB.Net & SQL Server diatas.
3. Developer C # & SQL Server 2005 :
* Mempunyai pengalaman membuat
project menggunakan C #
* Menguasai Stored Procedure, Trigger & Function di SQL Server 2005
4. Admin
Persyaratan Umum :
1. Pria/Wanita
2. Pendidikan D3/S1 Teknik Informatika
3. Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun
4. Berdomisili di Jakarta
Jika anda merasa memenuhi kriteria persyaratan diatas dan berminat, silahkan kirimkan Surat Lamaran, Foto, dan CV disertai dengan Referensi Project yang pernah dibuat (posisi 1-3) melalui JAPRI ke alamat berikut ini : reqruitment@gpl-technology. com
Lamaran ditunggu paling lambat 1 minggu.
Selalu bersama teman-teman di Yahoo! Messenger. Tambahkan mereka dari email atau jaringan sosial Anda sekarang! invite/
- 3a.
Vacancy - Senior Manager Supply Chain Management - Telecommunicatio
Posted by: "SINTESA Resourcing" sintesaresourcing
Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:45 pm (PDT)
Our Client, a public listed telecommunication operator company is seeking
senior people to fill in position with following experiences and skills :
Senior Manager SCM Device Management ( SM SCM DM - BT )
. This position mainly manages and performs wide activities
fulfillment of end user devices (e.g. Handset, USB Modem, Netbook etc).
. End to end SCM activities of end user devices consist of but not
limited to Sourcing, Importation, Production, Distribution and Finance
reporting of related activities.
. The position will have extensive coordination with
Sales/Marketing, Finance and Network VAS.
. Maximum age of 32 years
. Minimum Bachelor degree in Economics, Engineering (preferably
Industrial Engineering)
. Having min 3 years working experiences in Telco Industry as
Operator or Retail / Dealer with extensive involvement in handling end user
Devices e.g. Handset, USB Modem, Netbook etc.
. Extensive experiences and understanding of Importation process;
certification in this field will be an advantage
. Great passion in telco / cellular devices related e.g. Cellular
phone, Messaging Phone, Phone application and other gadgets
. Ability to analyze market trends; Awareness of market trends in
the cellular device / terminal industry
. Able to work under pressure, independently & team work
. Having a good leadership, interpersonal & written and oral
communication skills in both Bahasa Indonesia and English, Mandarin is a
Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an
attachment in MS Word format only in English with current & expected salary
and recent photograph via email to : telco@sintesa-resourcing. com
Please put the position applied SM SCM DM - BT on the subject line. Only
short listed candidates will be notified.
If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly visit our website & join our
mailing list at www.sintesa-resourcing. com
- 4.
Posted by: "Recruitment Indo" kakyan2001
Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:45 pm (PDT)
*Pak Moderator, mohon izin untuk posting lowongan berikut. Thanks*
===================== ========= ========= ========= ====
Dear All,
An exploration and production oil and gas company operating in East Java, is
seeking qualified candidates to fill in the position of an *IT Support*.
*General Requirement:*
*1. *Minimum Diploma Degree in IT.
2. Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) is a must, preferable has
Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) or Microsoft Certified System
Engineer (MCSE).
3. Minimum 3 years experience in IT field, especially in Network & Security
4. Proactive user support for assistance and troubleshooting hardware and
5. Good command of English
6. Ability to work with minimum supervision and work in teams.
If you think you meet the above requirement, you are encouraged to send you
application and latest CV to recruitment.indo@gmail. com
not later than November 6, 2009. Please write down "*IT SUPPORT*" in the
subject of your email.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted for further process.
Dini - Recruitment Division
- 5.
Posted by: "Hrd Engineering" engineering_hrd
Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:48 pm (PDT)
DIBUTUHKAN SEGERA.......!!!!!!!! !
Kualifikasi :
* Lulusan min. D3 Teknik Industri/ Teknologi Pangan
* Pengalaman 1 Thn di Pabrik Makanan (Pabrik Snack atau Permen)
* Berpengalamandalam mendesain materi training & memberikan training menurut SOP
* Mampu membuat Schedule Produksi untuk permintaan tertentu
* Memahami alur dan proses produksi serta pengelolaan pabrik Snack & Permen
* Tegas, Disiplin, Dedikasi / loyalitas tinggi.
* Fresh Graduate, silahkan melamar
* Lokasi Kerja : CIKUPA - TANGERANG
Kirimkan Resume Hardcopy dan Softcopy yang disertai photo berwarna, mengirimkan salah satu akan dieliminasi :
Jl. Bhumimas VII / No.3
Kawasan Industri & Pergudangan Cikupamas
Cikupa -Tangerang 15710
Selalu bersama teman-teman di Yahoo! Messenger. Tambahkan mereka dari email atau jaringan sosial Anda sekarang! invite/
- 6.
Job Vacancy : Finance Supervisor & Collection Staff
Posted by: "Tami Sastro"
Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:49 pm (PDT)
We are Reputable Oil & Gas company located in Kalibaru, Tanjung Priok North Jakarta is looking for highly qualified candidates to fill the position of:
1. Finance Supervisor
1. A Degree (S1) in accounting
2. Relevant 4 years working experience in Finance & Accounting with min. 2 years experience as Finance & Accounting Supervisor.
3. Experienced in Retail Collection
4. Good persuation technique
5. Strong finance skill, including reports, cash flow, budget, etc
6. Good understanding in funding aspects and banking regulations
7. Computer literate (Powerpoint & Excell)
8. Good in English both written dan spoken is a MUST
9. Good working attitute and character
10. Good interpersonal, communication and relations skills
11. Analytic thinking
12. Well organized and detailed oriented
13. Hard working and initiative
14. Keen on a new challenges
2. Collection Staff
Requirement :
1. A minimum Diploma (D3) in any discipline, accounting/finance preferred
2. Relevant 0 -1 year working experience in Collection
3. Good persuasion technique
4. Good working attitude and characters
5. Good interpersonal, communication dan relations skill
6. Well-organized and detailed oriented
7. Hard working and initiative
8. Keen on new challenges
If you meet the requirement above, send your application letter dan CV by email to
- 7a.
Vacancies - Managerial Position in Multinational Automotive Company
Posted by: "SINTESA Resourcing" sintesaresourcing
Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:49 pm (PDT)
Our Client, a multinational automotive company located in Indonesia is
seeking for the following positions :
Dealer Network Development Manager (DND M - Automotive)
. Planning up to implementation of dealer development
. Experience from FMCG / Automotive and Parts / Pharmaceutical
Dealer Network Planning Assistant Manager (DNP AM - Automotive)
. Branch or dealer developmental plan activities include system,
manual and control evaluation process
. Experience from FMCG / Automotive and Parts / Pharmaceutical
Service National Area Manager (SNA M - Automotive)
. Branch or dealer developmental plan activities in Service Workshop
for national or regional areas
. Experience from Automotive and Parts industry
Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an
attachment in MS Word format only in English with current & expected salary
and recent photograph via email to : automotive@sintesa-resourcing. com
Please put the position applied DND M - Automotive / DNP AM - Automotive /
SNA M - Automotive on the subject line. Only short listed candidates will
be notified.
If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly visit our website & join our
mailing list at www.sintesa-resourcing. com
- 8.
Fw: Vacancy at Oakwood
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:49 pm (PDT)
From:Retno Murdiarti
[mailto:Retno.Murdiarti@oakwoodasia. ]com
Sent: 26 Oktober 2009 11:38
To: Arzanela K. Kuncoro
Subject: Vacancy at Oakwood
the team behind...
With more than 30,000
distinctive residences in the most desired locations worldwide, Oakwood is a
gateway for those who seek to indulge in a life of passion and commitment.
We are looking for
high-caliber individuals to fill the following positions:
1. Sales Executive / Sales Manager
Housekeeping Supervisor
Customer Service Representative
§ Speak & write excellent
§ Excellent Organizational
§ Excellent Interpersonal
Relations skills
§ Discipline & Team Player
§ Have related 5* hospitality
background & experience
apply by email to retno.murdiarti@oakwoodasia. com
Kind regards,
Retno Murdiarti
Human Resources Manager
Oakwood Premier Cozmo Jakarta
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan
Blok E4.2 No.1
Jakarta12950 , Indonesia
T (62 21) 2554 2300
D (62 21) 2554 2395
F (62 21) 2554 2444
retno.murdiarti@oakwoodasia. com
The Most Trusted Name in Serviced
Apartments Worldwide
(2009). THAILAND . UK . USA
NOTICE: This electronic transmission contains information
from Oakwood Asia Pacific, which may be confidential or privileged. This
information is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If
you are not the intended recipient, please notify Oakwood immediately of your
receipt of this transmission, delete it, and be aware that any disclosure,
copying, distribution or use of the contents of this transmission is
- 9.
(no subject)
Posted by: "Hrd Engineering" engineering_hrd
Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:50 pm (PDT)
Kualifikasi :
* Lulusan min. D3 Teknik Industri/ Teknologi Pangan
* Pengalaman 1 Thn di Pabrik Makanan (Pabrik Snack atau Permen)
* Berpengalamandalam mendesain materi training & memberikan training menurut SOP
* Mampu membuat Schedule Produksi untuk permintaan tertentu
* Memahami alur dan proses produksi serta pengelolaan pabrik Snack & Permen
* Tegas, Disiplin, Dedikasi / loyalitas tinggi.
* Fresh Graduate, silahkan melamar
* Lokasi Kerja : CIKUPA - TANGERANG
Kirimkan Resume Hardcopy dan Softcopy yang disertai photo berwarna, mengirimkan salah satu akan dieliminasi :
Jl. Bhumimas VII / No.3
Kawasan Industri & Pergudangan Cikupamas
Cikupa -Tangerang 15710
Buat sendiri desain eksklusif Messenger Pingbox Anda sekarang! Membuat tempat chat pribadi di blog Anda sekarang sangatlah mudah. pingbox/
- 10.
Lowongan PHP programmer di Perusahaan Online Properti
Posted by: "rumah.model" rumah.model
Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:58 pm (PDT)
Kami Rumah Model Properti Indonesia telah meluncurkan website kami pada tanggal 23 Oktober 2009 dan saat ini kami membutuhkan seorang staff PHP Programmer (Fulltime /freelancer) untuk melengkapi tim kami. Dengan Persyaratan :
1. Pria/ Wanita Max. 30 Tahun , pendidikan D3/ S1 Informatika
2. Mengetahui / berpengalaman di dunia Programming (PHP, AJAX, MySQL, Oracle)
3. Menguasai Web Design
4. Siap bekerja dengan deadline ketat dan minimum pengawasan
Lokasi : jakarta
Fasilitas : Gaji dan Komisi mingguan
Lamaran lengkap beserta CV dikirim ke sebelum 5 November 2009, hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kriteria yang akan mengikuti Interview lebih lanjut
- 11.
Lowongan Auditor / Accounting
Posted by: "Setiawan, E."
Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:59 pm (PDT)
Urgently Required at THE HARVEST - Surabaya We are a
5 star quality cake shop operating 8 outlets in Jakarta and Surabaya
with over 400 employees. We are seeking candidates to fill in the
following vacant position.. Join our family and be a part of our rapid
growth and success.
Auditor / Accounting
Requirements : Male, age 23 - 35 years old. Min. D3/ Bachelor degree in Accounting. Strong communication, Interpersonal and Analytical skills is a must.Fluency in English oral and written.
Experience in
KAP will be advantageMicrosoft skills especially in Word, Excel.Hard worker and able to work under pressure.Able to work long hours & willingness to travel. Please send your CV + recent photograph & KTP, to: Jl. Bengawan no. 39, Surabaya Pusat. or email:
hrdsurabaya@harvestcakes. (write code on envelope / e-mail subject)com
- 12.
Posted by: "irawan setyadi" irawan_sukma_s
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:01 pm (PDT)
Sebuah Lembaga Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Sentra Niaga Kalimalang Bekasi membutuhkan
1. Guru Bahasa Inggris Freelance dan Tetap
2. Tenaga Administrasi
3. Tenaga Consultant Pendidikan.
1. Pria / wanita
2. Lulusan Minimal D3 untuk nomor 1, untuk nomor 2 dan 3 Minimal SMA atau sederajat
3. Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer (MS office)
4. Diutamakan tinggal di daerah Bekasi Barat dan sekitarnya
5. Diutamakan memiliki kendaraan bermotor (Consultant Pendidikan)
6. Diutamakan memiliki kemampuan akutansi ( Administrasi )
7. Berpenampilan menarik
8. Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.
Kirim lamaran via email: untuk info lebih lanjut hubungi Ibu Ninuk 021-88850403
- 13.
Vacancy : Sales Representative for IT Services
Posted by: "Rizalina Yasintha" rlinay
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:01 pm (PDT)
ExecuTrain of Jakarta offering training and workshop for computer skills, business skills and outbound program is seeking for ambitious young professionals to fill in the following position:
Sales Representative for IT Services
With the following qualification:
Max 24 years old
Female & Male
Attractive appearance
Minimum of 1 year working experience in related business is an advantage Fresh Graduates are welcome
GPA 2.75
Have experience in similar position will be Advantage
Good command of written and spoken English is a must
Have strong knowledge in IT & PC environment, including Ms Office and Multimedia.
Self Motivated, Enthusiastic, Fast Learner and Result Oriented, Good Communication & Presentation Skills - Willing to work hard in a Fast changing and fast paced environment
Only short listed candidates will be notified.
If you are the qualified professionals, please submit your application letter, comprehensive resume along with relevant document, transcript, copy of ID and recent photograph before Nopember 30,2009 to:
Email :
For more infomation :
Website :
Ph. 021 - 5210793
- 14.
Accounting Staff Vacancy
Posted by: "ridho"
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:02 pm (PDT)
Mohon maaf, numpang pasang lowongan, kira-kira mungkin ada yang berminat
atas pengertiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih
PT KYOWA Indonesia, sebuah perusahaan Alumunium Die Casting Automotive & Electric Part, membutuhkan SEGERA, 1 ( satu ) orang Accounting Staff dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :
1. Wanita Usia max. 25 tahun.
2. Pendidikan D3 Akutansi
3. Pengalaman di posisi yang sama min. 1 tahun
4. Sanggup bekerja di bawah tekanan.
5. Jujur dan cepat beradaptasi dengan lingkungan baru.
6. Diutamakan berdomisili di Bekasi dan Cikarang
Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi syarat di atas, harap mengirimkan lamaran lengkap dengan CV+foto terbaru ke :
PT KYOWA Indonesia,
East Jakarta Industrial Park (EJIP) Plot 8L-1
Cikarang Selatan-Bekasi 17550
atau kirim email ke atau
- 15.
Immidiate Vacant Position (Gen. Affair Staff)
Posted by: "Erpani, Taufan"
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:02 pm (PDT)
We are a subsidiary of multinational pharmaceutical company, currently
looking for
a talented individual for permanent employment as:
General Affair Staff
Standard Requirement:
* Diploma 3 in any discipline.
* 2 years of relevance working experience in GA matters and/or
Human Resources area.
* Male/Female, max 27 years old.
* English proficiency and Computer literate.
* Positive Attitude and Teamwork Player.
Send your complete Resume (+ recent photo) to us no later by October 30,
PT. Astellas Pharma Indonesia
Wisma Kyoei Prince 11th floor, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 3
Jakarta 10220.
- 16.
Fw: Vacancies at The Ritz-Carlton, Jakarta
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:03 pm (PDT)
From:Ramadhinta, Els
[mailto:Els.Ramadhinta@ritzcarlton. ]com
Sent: 27 Oktober 2009 10:26
To: Arzanela K. Kuncoro
Cc: Darsana, Benny
Subject: Vacancies at The
Ritz-Carlton, Jakarta
Els Ramadhinta
Director of Public Relations
The Ritz-Carlton, Jakarta
& The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta , Pacific Place
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav.1.1 No.1
Mega Kuningan, Jakarta
Tel: +62 21 2551 8888//Direct: +62 21 2551 8895
Fax: +62 21 2551 8889
Cell: +62 812 9991652
Email: els.ramadhinta@ritzcarlton. com
This information contains information from The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company,
L.L.C. that may be confidential. Except for personal use by the intended
recipient, or as expressly authorized by the sender, any person who receives
this information is prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, and/or
using it. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately
delete it and all copies, and promptly notify the sender. Nothing in this
communication is intended to operate as an electronic signature under
applicable law.
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System.
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
- 17.
Vacancy : Senior IT Trainer
Posted by: "Rizalina Yasintha" rlinay
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:03 pm (PDT)
ExecuTrain of Jakarta offering training and workshop for computer skills, business skills and outbound program is seeking for ambitious young professionals to fill in the following position:
- Minimum of 1 year working experience with IBM Lotus Domino 7/8
- or Minimal 1 year working with Microsoft Windows Server 2003
- Have a Sertification of IBM Lotus Domino, MCSE/MCSA
- Have experience in similar position
- Good command of written and spoken is a must
For more infomation :
Website : http\\
Ph. 021 - 5210793
- 18.
Dibutuhkan Staff Marketing di Perusahaan Online Properti
Posted by: "rumah.model" rumah.model
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:03 pm (PDT)
Kami Rumah Model Properti Indonesia telah meluncurkan website kami pada tanggal 23 Oktober 2009 dan saat ini kami membutuhkan seorang staff Marketing untuk melengkapi tim kami. Dengan Persyaratan :
1. Pria/ Wanita Max. 28 Tahun , pendidikan D3/ S1 Semua jurusan
2. Mengetahui / berpengalaman di dunia jual beli properti
3. Menguasai Internet Marketing dan mampu mengembangkan jaringan bisnis dan klien di Internet
4. Siap bekerja dengan target
Lokasi : Bandung atau jakarta
Fasilitas : Gaji dan Komisi mingguan
Lamaran lengkap beserta CV dikirim ke sebelum 5 November 2009, hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kriteria yang akan mengikuti Interview
- 19.
Vacancy Adm, FO dan Teacher
Posted by: "Lutfiel" lelhakeem
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:03 pm (PDT)
S2S Language Service mencari kandidat terbaik untuk posisi :
1. Adm dan Keuangan
2. Front Office atau Akademik
3. Marketing
4. Permanent English Teacher
Syarat :
1. Minimal SMK Plus untuk nomor 1,2 dan 3. D3 untuk nomor 4
2. Memiliki kendaraan bermotor untuk nomor 3
3. Tinggal di wilayah jakarta Pusat atau selatan
4. Memiliki pengalaman mengajar dan sertifikat toefl untuk nomor 4
5. Siap bekerja shift untuk nomor 4
Faslititas :
1. Gaji pokok
2. Uang makan dan transport
3. KOmisi dan bonus pencapaian
Datang langsung atau kirimkan lamaran dan CV ke :
S2S Language Service
Jl Kalibata Tengah 35 C
Mampang Jakarta selatan
atau via email ke
Regards to mod
- 20.
Posted by: "Recruitment TC"
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:04 pm (PDT)
As reputable automotive company, today we are challenging and looking
for a talented, competent, and strong character individual as part of
our growth and expansion plan for.
1. Male, age max 28 years old
2. S1 Environmental Engineering with GPA min. 3,00 from reputable
3. Having excellent communication skill in English both spoken and
4. Excellent interpersonal skill & communication
5. Related Experience as Environment Safety & Health min. 2 years
would be an advantage
6. Showing an excellent communication and interpersonal skills
7. Possessing self-motivated and result oriented achievement
8. Adaptable and capable of individual work activities
Should you interest to perform this opportunity in SUZUKI, please submit
your comprehensive resume and recent photograph via email to : (on PDF format) not lather than November 16,id
and put the position code ( ESH ) as the subject.
All applicants will be treated in strictly confidential and only
short-listed candidates will be notified.
Recruitment -TC
PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor
Gedung Training Centre Tambun-1
Jl. P Diponegoro Km 38,2
Tambun - Bekasi 17510
Email : id
- 21.
Needed Sales Engineer
Posted by: "dyana Puspitawati" dyana_dfp
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:04 pm (PDT)
PT. Control System was establish in 1980 as a company commited to providing the Process Industries with value added service in the field of Process Control & Instrumentation. Our company is dully staffed to assist you in all phases of Process Control and Instrumentation from planning stages through engineering, project management, product & system integration, site supervision and after sales support.
PT. Control System has gained a reoutation for expertise in Process Control and Instrumentation which is reflected by the confidence of our long list of repeat customer as well as by the internationallu famous comanies that have chosen us to represent them in Indonesia such as Emerson Process Management.
You can go directly to
Urgently need
1. Sales Engineering (Code SA)
- Bachelor Degree in Instrumentation, mechanical, Chemica, electrical, or chemical engineering
- Knowledge in instrumentation, control or metering would be an advantage
- Minimum 2 years experience in seling engineering product to industrial market
General Qualifications:
- Fluent in English
- Good Comunication Skill
- Willing to travel to other city
- Have A driving license
Please sent your application to with subtitle according vacancy see more details information
- 22a.
Iklan DGS HR-Services
Posted by: "Recruitment" dgsrecruitment
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:04 pm (PDT)
Dear All,
Mohon izinnya untuk pemasangan iklan lowongan berikut ini, terimakasih.
DGS HR SERVICES, salah satu konsultan SDM terdepan di Indonesia, saat ini salah satu klien kami yaitu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang Perbankan tengah membutuhkan tenaga kerja berpotensi, memiliki motivasi tinggi, dan semangat kerja yang besar untuk ditempatkan sebagai :
Penempatan : MEDAN & BATAM
Kualifikasi :
1. Wanita dengan usia Max. 27 Tahun.
3. Pendidikan Min D3 semua Jurusan dengan IPK Min. 2,75.
4. Fresh graduates dipersilahkan untuk melamar.
5. Mempunyai pengalaman sebagai Resepsionist, Customer Service.
6. Mempunyai kemampuan Interpersonal dan Berpenampilan Menarik.
7. Tinggi Badan Min. 165 cm dan berat proporsional.
8. Mampu Berbahasa Inggris.
9. Mampu berbahasa Mandarin merupakan nilai tambah.
10. Bersedia ditempatkan di Medan atau Batam.
Kirimkan Lamaran Lengkap ( CV ) dan Foto terbaru ( WAJIB ) kepada PALING LAMBAT 25 Desember 2009.
visit our website :
- 23.
Job Vacancy : Staff Maintenance (MTN)
Posted by: "Hrd Engineering" engineering_hrd
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:04 pm (PDT)
* Pria, dengan usia max. 40 tahun
* Pendidikan D3/S1 jurusan Teknik Mesin / Teknik Elektro
* Pengalaman 5 tahun di genset kapasitas besar dan utility
* Lebih disukai ahli trouble shooting & over haull genset kapasitas besar
* Memahami instalasi listrik (arus kuat)
Kirimkan segera lamaran lengkap, CV, Foto, Fotocopy Ijasah dan Transkip nilai serta surat-surat keterangan lainnya ke :
Jl. Semanan Raya No. 28 Daan Mogot KM. 16 Kalideres
Jakarta Barat 11850
PO. BOX 1461 JKB 11014
Untuk E-mail :
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- 24.
Vacancy : Banquet Manager
Posted by: ""
Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:05 pm (PDT)
Our client, a BUMD investment company with line of Leisure and
Entertaiment would like to develop business, their office is located in
Currently they are urgently looking for the right person for position :
Banquet Manager
Job Specification:
Male/ Female
30 - 40 years old
Minimum Diploma 3 degree
5 - 7 years experience in Banquet/Restaurant
Life style savvy, good relationship building, creative and inovative
Good English (oral and written)
Good communication and networking
Main duties and responsibilities :
1. Responsible to GM Food and Beverage.
2. To manage and promote Banquet Restaurant.
3. To monitoring product quality and banquet administration.
4. To coordinate analyze event, research and develop to business area.
For interested applicants, please send your detail CV together with
current job description before November 13, 2009 to our email :
All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence and only
for the shortlisted candidates will be notified.
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