Messages In This Digest (23 Messages)
- 1.
- Urgently Required !! (Staff Acc & Fin) Karawaci From: HRD Officer
- 2.
- lowongan kerja di BPKP s.d 30 Oktober 2009 (Jam Kerja) (lihat di www From: soepermen
- 3.
- lowongan receptionist (sudirman) From: PT. Jasa Mandiri Techgraha
- 4.
- Vacancies - Managerial Position in Multinational Automotive Company From: SINTESA Resourcing
- 5.
- Lowongan Pekerjaan Marketing Assistant Manager (URGENT) From: Hrd Omni
- 6.
- Administrator IT From: Hrd Engineering
- 7.
- Marketing Support - Jakarta based From: Feria Windary
- 8.
- vacancy in KOBELCO: PART SALES ADMIN (SA-HO) From: M Fauzi Kurniawan
- 9.
- Engineer Vacancy at PT South Pacific Viscose From: Mohammad Hilman
- 10a.
- 11.
- 12a.
- Lowongan Finance Staff di Bintang Toedjoe From: Budi Recruitment
- 12b.
- Lowongan IT Sales Engineer (ITS) From: Lisa.Gultom
- 13a.
- Lowongan Analis di Bintang Toedjoe From: Budi Recruitment
- 14.
- kindergarten teacher From: Cherry
- 15.
- Job Vacancy - PT. Oktagon Citra Mandiri From: Agustinus
- 16.1.
- KURIR From: Pendi
- 17.
- istechgroup From: Black Jack
- 18.
- Operations Geologist - Hess From: Black Jack
- 19.
- Junior Drilling Engineers - Hess From: Black Jack
- 20.
- M-I SWACO; Logistics Assistant From: Black Jack
- 21.
- Kangean Energy Indonesia; 5 positions From: Black Jack
- 22.
- RasGas; 4 positions From: Black Jack
- 1.
Urgently Required !! (Staff Acc & Fin) Karawaci
Posted by: "HRD Officer" lovely_rianti
Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:38 pm (PDT)
Urgently Required
A Construction Company specialization in Civil and Steel
Structure is looking for :
Accounting & Finance Staff
Located : Karawaci
Qualification :
- Male, Min. 28 Years Old
- S1 University Graduate, in finance & accounting
- GPA min 3.00
- Prefer who live in Tangerang
- Experience in finance & accounting activities min 2 years
- Able to prepare Financial Report
- Able to make budgeting & financial plan - Able and familiar with accurate system/program
- Experience with tax planing & e-spt
- Able to AP/AR
- Able to work independently with high accuracy, detail oriented,strong critical & analythical skill
- Work under tight times & handle multiple report simultaneously
- good interpersonal & comunication skill, complemented with english
Interested Parties please send comprehensive resume and
your recent photograph (please put your expected salary) not longer than October 24th, 2009, to :
with Sbjt : (Acc & Fin Staff Karawaci - Name)
- 2.
lowongan kerja di BPKP s.d 30 Oktober 2009 (Jam Kerja) (lihat di www
Posted by: "soepermen" soepermen
Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:39 pm (PDT)
Jalan Pramuka Nomor 33, Jakarta 13120 Telepon 85910031 (Hunting), Faksimile (021) 85910106
Nomor : PENG- 1236/SU/02/2009
Dalam rangka mengisi formasi pegawai Badan Pengawasan Keuangan Dan Pembangunan Tahun Anggaran 2009. Badan Pengawasan Keuangan Dan Pembangunan akan menerima 15 (lima belas) orang Warga Negara Indonesia untuk mengisi lowongan :
No. Bidang/Disiplin Ilmu Jumlah Kode
1. Dokter Umum 1 orang DU
2. Dokter Gigi 1 orang DG
3. Psikologi Profesi PIO ( S2 Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi) 6 orang PO
4. Psikologi Umum ( S1 Psikologi) 2 orang PU
5. Teknologi Informasi (S1 Teknologi Informasi) 5 orang TI
Warga Negara Indonesia;
Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap yang dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian;
Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil/Anggota Tentara Nasional Indonesia/Anggota Kepolisian Negara, atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta;
Tidak berkedudukan sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil /Pegawai Negeri dan Calon/Anggota Tentara Nasional Indonesia atau Calon/Anggota Kepolisian Negara;
Sehat jasmani dan rohani serta tidak mengkonsumsi/menggunakan narkotika, psikotropika dan zat adiktif lainnya yang dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan oleh Dokter Rumah Sakit Pemerintah;
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Republik Indonesia;
Tidak menjadi anggota dan atau pengurus partai politik.
Tenaga Dokter Umum
Pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009 berusia maksimal 32 tahun;
Memiliki Ijazah Kedokteran Umum dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri atau dari Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang terakreditasi A;
Memiliki Surat Tanda Regristrasi (STR);
Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) serendah rendahnya 3,00.
Tenaga Dokter Gigi
Pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009 berusia maksimal 32 tahun;
Memiliki Ijazah Kedokteran Gigi dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri atau dari Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang terakreditasi A;
Memiliki Surat Tanda Regristrasi (STR);
Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) serendah rendahnya 3,00.
Psikologi Profesi (Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi)
Pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009 berusia maksimal 32 tahun;
Memiliki Ijazah S2 Psikologi Profesi dari perguruan Tinggi Negeri atau dari Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang terakreditasi A;
Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) serendah-rendahnya 3,00;
Pernah membuat laporan pemeriksaan psikologi;
Bagi Profesi Psikologi, yang memiliki Surat Rekomendasi Ijin Praktek (SRIP).
Psikologi Umum
Pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009 berusia maksimal 31 tahun;
Memiliki Ijazah S1 Psikologi dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri atau dari Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang terakreditasi A;
Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) serendah rendahnya 2,75 .
Tenaga Teknologi Informasi
Pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009 berusia maksimal 31 tahun;
Memiliki Ijazah S1 jurusan Sistem Informasi dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri atau dari Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang terakreditasi A;
Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) serendah rendahnya 2,75 .
Pelamar mengisi formulir dengan cara men-download formulir yang telah disediakan di website BPKP Formulir_Pendaftaran.xls (klik disini untuk download)
Pelamar mengirimkan formulir (format Ms. Excel) yang telah diisi dengan dilampiri (attachment) persyaratan Bukti Pendidikan (STTB/ijazah & transkrip tingkat pendidikan terakhir) dalam format PDF dengan kapasitas maksimal 300KB ke alamat e-mail: paling lambat tanggal 23 Oktober 2009 pukul 24.00. WIB.
Hasil seleksi administrasi berdasarkan data email akan diumumkan pada tanggal 27 Oktober 2009 melalui email peserta dan website BPKP.
Seleksi Tahap I:
Bagi peserta yang memenuhi persyaratan akan dipanggil melalui e-mail personal dan menyerahkan berkas foto copy kelengkapan (yang telah dilegalisir) berupa:
Print-out e-mail surat pemberitahuan dari BPKP;
Surat lamaran yang telah ditulis dengan tinta hitam dengan dibubuhi meterai Rp.6.000,- dan ditanda tangani oleh pelamar;
Pas foto terbaru berwarna ukuran 4X6 = 3 lembar (latar belakang warna merah);
Foto copy Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) yang masih berlaku;
Foto copy Akte Kelahiran/Surat Kenal Lahir;
Foto copy Ijazah/STTB dan transkrip terakhir yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang;
Foto copy Kartu Tanda Pencari Kerja dari Dinas Tenaga Kerja (Kartu Kuning);
Foto copy Surat Ijin Praktek (SRIP) bagi calon tenaga Psikologi Profesi (Psikologi Industri Organisasi - PIO);
Foto copy laporan psikologi yang pernah dibuat oleh peserta bagi calon tenaga Psikologi Profesi PIO;
Surat Tanda Regristrasi (STR) bagi calon tenaga dokter umum dan dokter gigi;
Dokumen Asli butir 4.a.4) s.d. 4.a.9) harus diperlihatkan pada saat pendaftaran;
Berkas di atas dimasukkan dalam map secara rapi sesuai urutan;
Warna map yang digunakan untuk setiap formasi adalah sebagai berikut:
Merah untuk Tenaga Dokter Umum dan Dokter Gigi.
Hijau untuk Tenaga Psikologi Profesi dan Psikologi Umum.
Biru untuk Tenaga teknologi informasi.
Berkas dan kelengkapannya diantar langsung ke:
Aula Perwakilan BPKP Provinsi DKI Jakarta I
Jalan Pramuka 33 Jakarta Timur
Mulai tanggal 28 s.d 30 Oktober 2009 (Jam Kerja) .
Pelamar yang telah memenuhi kelengkapan pendaftaran akan mendapatkan Kartu Peserta Ujian. Kartu Peserta Ujian tersebut wajib dibawa pada saat pelaksanaan seleksi tahap II (ujian saringan).
Seleksi Tahap II:
Ujian saringan akan dilaksanakan pada hari Kamis tanggal 5 November 2009 di Aula Perwakilan BPKP Provinsi DKI I Jalan Pramuka 33 Jakarta Timur.
Materi Ujian meliputi:
No. Materi Waktu Indonesia Barat
1. Test Kemampuan Dasar 09.00 - 11.00
Tes Kemampuan Umum
30 menit
Test Bakat Skolastik
30 menit
Test Skala Kematangan
60 menit
2. Tes Kemampuan Bakat 11.00 12.00
Tes Substansi Dokter
60 menit
Tes Substansi Psikologi Profesi
60 menit
Tes Substansi Psikologi Umum
60 menit
Tes Substansi Teknologi Informasi
60 menit
Pada saat ujian peserta harus membawa perlengkapan ujian sebagai berikut:
Pensil 2B
Peruncing Pensil (Rautan)
Papan Alas Menulis
Ballpoint Tinta Hitam
Pengumuman hasil seleksi tahap II akan dikirim ke alamat email masing-masing peserta yang lulus pada tahap tersebut pada tanggal 13 November 2009. Bagi yang tidak mendapatkan e-mail dianggap gugur atau tidak lulus seleksi tahap II.
Seleksi tahap III :
Berupa tes wawancara yang akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16-17 November 2009 di Ruang Individu Management Assessment Center BPKP.
Pengumuman bagi peserta yang lulus seleksi tahap III akan dikirim ke alamat e-mail masing-masing pada tanggal 24 November 2009. Bagi yang tidak mendapatkan e-mail dianggap gugur atau tidak lulus seleksi tahap III.
Semua Informasi mengenai penerimaan dan ujian seleksi akan disampaikan melalui e-mail peserta tes. Informasi mengenai pendaftaran ulang dan persyaratan kelengkapan berkas bagi peserta yang lulus seleksi tahap III akan disampaikan kemudian.
Pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus dan telah mendaftar ulang akan diangkat menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil pada Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan.
Panitia Penerimaan berhak menyatakan seseorang calon tidak diterima menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil walaupun telah lulus ujian apabila kemudian diketahui terdapat persyaratan pada klausul di atas yang ternyata tidak benar.
Semua biaya (pengangkutan, pemondokan dan lain-lain) yang dikeluarkan oleh peseta ujian dalam rangka mendaftarkan diri dan mengikuti ujian saringan menjadi tanggungan pelamar.
Dalam hubungan penerimaan calon peserta ini tidak diadakan surat menyurat dan Panitia/BPKP tidak memungut biaya.
Keputusan panitia penerimaan calon pegawai negeri sipil BPKP bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu-gugat.
5 Oktober 2009
Sekretaris Utama
- 3.
lowongan receptionist (sudirman)
Posted by: "PT. Jasa Mandiri Techgraha" hrd_jmt
Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:39 pm (PDT)
Dibutuhkan Cepat
Wanita, Single Umur Maks. 27 tahun
Pendidikan Min. D3 Segala Jurusan
Pengalaman Kerja Sebagai Receptionist Min.6 Bulan
Komunikasi bhs Ind & bhs Inggris lisan/tulisan baik & lancar
Rapi, Jujur, Teliti & Tanggung Jawab
Lokasi Kerja : Sudirman
Kirimkan Lamaran, CV, dan Photo terbaru ke : / atau datang langsung (Walk Interview)(Jadwal Senin - Jumat Jam 09.00 s/d 15.00) ke :
PT. Jasa Mandiri Techgraha
Jl. Danau Indah Selatan Blok B9 / 11 Sunter Jaya II
Jakarta Utara 14350
Telp. 021 - 32006504
( cantumkan " Receptionis" pada subjek email atau pada pojok kiri surat lamaran)
Yahoo! Mail Kini Lebih Cepat dan Lebih Bersih. Rasakan bedanya sekarang!
- 4.
Vacancies - Managerial Position in Multinational Automotive Company
Posted by: "SINTESA Resourcing" sintesaresourcing
Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:39 pm (PDT)
Our Client, a multinational automotive company located in Indonesia is
seeking for the following positions :
Dealer Network Development Manager (DND M - Automotive)
. Planning up to implementation of dealer development
. Experience from FMCG / Automotive and Parts / Pharmaceutical
Dealer Network Planning Assistant Manager (DNP AM - Automotive)
. Branch or dealer developmental plan activities include system,
manual and control evaluation process
. Experience from FMCG / Automotive and Parts / Pharmaceutical
Service National Area Manager (SNA M - Automotive)
. Branch or dealer developmental plan activities in Service Workshop
for national or regional areas
. Experience from Automotive and Parts industry
Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an
attachment in MS Word format only in English with current & expected salary
and recent photograph via email to : automotive@sintesa-resourcing. com
Please put the position applied DND M - Automotive / DNP AM - Automotive /
SNA M - Automotive on the subject line. Only short listed candidates will
be notified.
If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly visit our website & join our
mailing list at www.sintesa-resourcing. com
- 5.
Lowongan Pekerjaan Marketing Assistant Manager (URGENT)
Posted by: "Hrd Omni"
Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:39 pm (PDT)
Sebuah Perusahaan Manufaktur Plastik di Jakarta yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan dengan segera karyawan untuk ditempatkan pada posisi Marketing Assistant Manager dengan Kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
- Pria, minimum 25 tahun
- Lulusan S1 (diutamakan jurusan manajemen, namun jurusan lain juga dapat melamar)
- Pengalaman minimum 1 - 2 tahun
- Dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan baik (lisan dan tulisan)
- Dapat mengoperasikan Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
- Mempunyai social network yang luas
- Pekerja keras dan jujurJika Anda merasa dapat memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut diatas silahkan email CV & Foto terakhir Anda ke:
- 6.
Administrator IT
Posted by: "Hrd Engineering" engineering_hrd
Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:40 pm (PDT)
Kualifikasi :
* Pria, Usia Max. 30 Tahun
* Pendidikan Min. S1
* Menguasai Konsep Jaringan dan Keamanan Internet
* Mengerti Bahasa Program Visual Basic, Microsoft Accsess
* Mengerti Konsep WebDevelopment : ASP/PHP/Java dan HTML
Bagi yang berminat dan memnuhi persyaratan diatas, alamaran dikirin via email ke
Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang Lebih Cepat hari ini!
- 7.
Marketing Support - Jakarta based
Posted by: "Feria Windary"
Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:41 pm (PDT)
We, a growing national company in furniture retail and rental industry, are
seeking qualified candidates to fill the position in our company as:
*Marketing Support
- Male / Female, maximum age 30 years
- Hold minimum Diploma Degree (D3) any major with minimum GPA - 3.00
- At least 1 ( one ) year working experience
- Since all our customers are expatriates, good command and understanding in
English is mandatory
- Computer Literate min. Ms. Office (Word, Excel), PDF.
- Willing to be placed in Jakarta
- Willing to work out of office (in-town) occasionally when needed
If you are interested in carrier opportunity with us please submit your
resume or CV, and recent photograph to e-mail : < >and please put the job
title as email subject. For our company information
please visit our website
Only short listed candidate will be notified for interview. Thank you.
- 8.
Posted by: "M Fauzi Kurniawan"
Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:41 pm (PDT)
logo kobelco
A reputable heavy equipment distributor is inviting professionals who are
looking for more challenges and better future to join as parts of our growth
for the following position:
. Prepare parts sales report
. Monitoring sales order open, delivery open
. Collecting data progress AR and Cash in parts sales all branches
. Collecting information outstanding branch order to head office
. Register, record and filling all relevant parts sales document
. Register and submit all expenses (travel advance) of parts sales
all branches
. Female, maximum 27 years
. Minimum Diploma
. Having 1 year experience, preferable in heavy
. Having good communication skill, in English both oral or written
. Computer literate (MS Office)
Please submit your application and resume (with max file size 300 KB) and
put the position code in the email subject SA-HO, to:
HRD Department
e-mail: recruitment@dayakobelco.
All application will be treated confidential. Only short-listed
candidates will be notified
- 9.
Engineer Vacancy at PT South Pacific Viscose
Posted by: "Mohammad Hilman" hilman.mohammad
Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:42 pm (PDT)
LENZING GROUP (Multinational Company a Producers of Viscose Staple
Fibers and Sodium Sulfate)
Urgently Need Positions:
Ultrasonic testing engineer. (UTE)
Min D3/S1, having
experience in conduct ultrasonic equipment testing. Having related
Turbine and Boiler operator (TO/BO).
Technical school (STM), having working
experienced as operator for boiler or turbine minimal 3 years.
Technician Boiler (TB).
Technical school (STM), having working
experienced as mechanic for boiler minimal 2 years.
If you meet the requirement please send your
complete CV to
"Coba Yahoo! Mail baru yang LEBIH CEPAT. Rasakan bedanya sekarang! quot;
- 10a.
Posted by: "PREMCONST"
Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:43 pm (PDT)
We service provided are :
1. Full range of Human Resources and employee administration services.
2. Employee recruiting services.
3. Employee secondment contract and outsourcing service.
4. Corporate legal / Business license including Expatriate formalities service.
5. Special Human Resources Services
We are representing Reputable International Logistics Company are urgently required to fill the managerial level for the following positions :
v Experience in logistics / Warehouse company is preferable
v Age Max 45 years old
v Military background is preferable
v Good communication in English
v Good leadership and security management skills
v Having computer literate skills
v Willing to be assigned in Jakarta area
v Age Max 40 years old
v Military background is preferable
v Good communication in English is preferable
v Good leadership and security management skills
v Having computer literate skills is preferable
Please send your resume to : and recruitment@premconst. com
- 11.
Posted by: "PREMCONST"
Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:53 pm (PDT)
We are representing mining services company
are urgently required to fill the following positions :
Woman, Age max 30 years old
Education min Senior High School
Experience min 2 years
Good English skill
Good appearance, high min 160 cm
Preferably Woman
Education min Senior High School
Experience min 2 years
Good English skill
Good appearance
D3 / S1 fresh graduate are welcome
Please submit your application to and recruitment@premconst. com
- 12a.
Lowongan Finance Staff di Bintang Toedjoe
Posted by: "Budi Recruitment"
Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:55 pm (PDT)
PT. Bintang Toedjoe mengundang anda, professional muda yang handal untk menjawab tantangan kami dan bergabung mengembangkan karir sebagai :
-Pria, single, usia maks. 25 tahun
-Pendidikan S-1 Ekonomi Akuntansi
-Memiliki pengalaman organisasi
-Jujur, teliti, memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
-Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh cabang di Indonesia
Bila Anda memenuhi kualifikasi, kirimkan lamaran lengkap paling lambat tanggal 27 Oktober 2009 ke:
Jl. Jend A. Yani no 2
Pulomas - Jakarta 13210
Atau melalui email:
recruitment@bintang7. com
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ __
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around - 12b.
Lowongan IT Sales Engineer (ITS)
Posted by: "Lisa.Gultom" elizgultom
Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:06 am (PDT)
PT Tri Total Solution (TRITOS) which specializes in Telco, IT & Document Management, seeks applicants for the positions:
*IT Sales Engineer (ITS)*
- Gather market intelligence and identify potential customers
- Develop business relationship, visit and make presentation to potential customers
- To handle business discussion and negotiation effectively
- Collect and review customers' enquiries and prepare quotations
- Female/Male
- Good Appearance, excellent interpersonal & communication skills
- Dynamic, outgoing personality & have a wide range of networking
- Highly Motivated, Dynamic and Creative
- With two years of sales experiences as well as technical experiences
- Must possess driving license & own vehicle
- Min. D3 graduated (Preferably S1 graduated)
- Fresh Graduate with very strong networking are encourage to apply
Please submit your comprehensive CV, cover letter, recent photo and expected salary with position applied (ITS) on email subject to id
- 13a.
Lowongan Analis di Bintang Toedjoe
Posted by: "Budi Recruitment"
Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:57 pm (PDT)
PT. Bintang Toedjoe merupakan industri farmasi nasional terkemuka yang sedang berkembang pesat. Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga profesional muda yang inovatif dan dinamis untuk posisi :
-Pria, single usia maks. 22 tahun
-Latar belakang pendidikan SMAK atau SMF
-Jujur, teliti, tegas dan mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
Bila Anda memenuhi kualifikasi, kirimkan lamaran lengkap paling lambat tanggal 27 Oktober 2009 ke:
Jl. Jend A. Yani no 2
Pulomas - Jakarta 13210
Atau melalui email
recruitment@bintang7. com
- 14.
kindergarten teacher
Posted by: "Cherry" cherry_montessorischool
Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:06 am (PDT)
Kindergarten Teacher ( PG/TK )
- Fluent in English
- Have an experience in International School
- Loves children / patient
- Highly dedicated / hard working
- Creative, Initiative
- Could make a lesson plan
- Familiar in Montessori method
Please sent your resume to:
Bulevar Hijau Blok F1 No.22
Harapan Indah - Bekasi 17141
Contact Person : Ms. Tuty Wong
Phone Number : 021-68000123 or 021-70719878 or 0816-1643635
- 15.
Job Vacancy - PT. Oktagon Citra Mandiri
Posted by: "Agustinus" oktagon_recruitment
Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:09 am (PDT)
PT Oktagon Citra Mandiri is a leading company based in photography. We provide all the needs in photography start from equipment (Oktagon), rental (Oktarent), reparation (Oktacare) and school (Neumatt). Please visit our website for further information (
We would like to invite you joining with our team to fill these position :
1. Marketing Staff (Code on Subject : MKT)
Requirement :
- Male / Female.
- Age between 20 - 28 years old.
- Candidate graduated from Bachelor Degree from Management or
equivalent with minimum GPA 3.00.
- Communicative and persuasive.
- Knowing the basic skills in Marketing and Sales.
- Able to operate Microsoft Office.
- Knowing and familiar with photography is an advantage.
2. Web Administration Staff (Code on Subject WEB)
Requirement :
- Male.
- Candidate graduated from Bachelor Degree from IT, Graphic Design,
or related discipline.
- Experience in Sales minimum 1 year.
- Good communication and understanding design and art.
- Understand photography, photoshop software, and telemarketing.
3. Administration Staff (Code on Subject ADM)
Requirement :
- Female.
- Minimum Graduated from SMK or Secretary.
- Age 20 - 25.
- Understanding Microsoft Office program.
- Experience handling office administration.
- Warm and communicative.
Interested candidates should send a comprehensive resume with recent photograph and cover letter max 200 KB with Microsoft Word format to :
PT. Oktagon Citra Mandiri
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya 50 A, Jakarta Pusat 10610
021 - 4204545 id
Mr. Agustinus Ardianto
HRD Recruiter
- 16.1.
Posted by: "Pendi"
Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:52 am (PDT)
Perusahaan mitra kerja salah satu bank swasta terbesar di Indonesia membutuhkan
Dengan kualifikasi berikut:
- min lulusan D3/setingkat
- usia max 30 tahun
- berpenampilan profesional dan rapi
- memiliki SIM C dan motor sendiri
- mengenal area Jabodetabek
Lamaran dikirim ke email first_merch_serv@cbn. (email dan attachment tidak melebihi 100KB) paling lambat tgl 1 November
- 17.
Posted by: "Black Jack" j4cky_dud3
Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:52 am (PDT)
Main Responsibilities:
·Proactive involvement in all aspects of contracts administration from the planning phase, through the bidding phase, execution and close-out associated with major offshore development projects. The incumbent will have a lead role in the overall process and the timely execution of the work.
·Ensure that Contracts function is performed efficiently and cost effectively
·Ensure that the Contract business is conducted ethically and in line with good business practice
·Proactively interact with the project team to ensure that a good working knowledge of prevailing activities and events is maintained
Experience and qualifications:
·Capable of becoming fully familiar with the requirements of Keppres 18/2000, SK-077, BP077 Rev III and BP0997 and the 2004 revisions 007/PTK/VI/2004 given sufficient orientation and training.
·Experience in managing AFEs, budgets, schedules, cost accounting and administrating contracts.
·Fluent in English, both written and spoken.
·Strong capability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing, at all organizational levels, internally and externally, including with governmental and regulatory bodies. Proven negotiation skills.
-Supervise the Cost Engineering/Estimating, Planning/Scheduling , Document Control and Reporting disciplines
-Be the primary liaison from the Projects Department with BPMigas on AFE's, Budgets, cost updates, (including obtaining approvals) and serve as support member for other activities requiring interfaces with BPMigas.
-Serve as backup to Project Services Manager as required and be able to effective manage all project Services activities
-Min. has Bachelor degree in Engineering / Business Administration
-Full knowledge of Project Controls required, with more than 15 years of relevant experience.
-Demonstrated expertise and record of successful results in dealing with governmental agencies (BPMigas and MIGAS).
-Strong degree of initiative and ability to devise strategies to perform services in very challenging circumstances.
-Highly developed supervisory skills, interpersonal skills, communications skills, in both English and Bahasa Indonesia.
Responsible to the Project Manager/Project Control Manager regarding all aspects of planning, scheduling and progress reporting on the project. Liaise and coordinate planning information from Contractor and Sub-Contractor and provide overall planning, scheduling and progress reporting structure for Project. Compile and obtain approvals for all Projects planning and scheduling procedures and provide planning and scheduling support during the development of bid documents and evaluations for Projects.
Minimum 10 years experience in oil and gas project planning, scheduling and cost engineering & administration, and preferably a minimum of 5 years previous experience on similar Company projects. The candidate must have experience of a number of offshore oil and gas projects for implementing planning, scheduling, cost engineering and progress monitoring systems from preliminary engineering through detail engineering, procurement, fabrication, installation, hook-up, and commissioning.
Should you think you're qualified enough for this position, please forward your CV to . For another opportunity please visit
- 18.
Operations Geologist - Hess
Posted by: "Black Jack" j4cky_dud3
Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:53 am (PDT)
Operations Geologist - Hess
Hess Corporation is a leading global independent energy company, engaged in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas, as well as in refining and in marketing refined petroleum products, natural gas, and electricity. Our vision is to maximize shareholder value by enhancing financial performance and providing long-term profitable growth. We are committed to meeting the highest standards of corporate citizenship by protecting the health and safety of our employees, safeguarding the environment and creating a long-lasting, positive impact on the communities in which we do business.
Currently we have a position open in our Jakarta office as Operations Geologist.
To view details, please visit
and apply on line, no later than 7 days after post date of this ad
- 19.
Junior Drilling Engineers - Hess
Posted by: "Black Jack" j4cky_dud3
Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:54 am (PDT)
Junior Drilling Engineers - Hess
Hess Corporation is a leading global independent energy company, engaged in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas, as well as in refining and in marketing refined petroleum products, natural gas, and electricity. Our vision is to maximize shareholder value by enhancing financial performance and providing long-term profitable growth. We are committed to meeting the highest standards of corporate citizenship by protecting the health and safety of our employees, safeguarding the environment and creating a long-lasting, positive impact on the communities in which we do business.
Currently we have a position open in our Jakarta office as Junior Drilling Engineer (12 months - direct contract).
1. Provide support in performing a variety of technically complex activities in petroleum drilling operations
* Responsible for supporting a variety of drilling engineering assignments requiring general familiarity with a broad field of drilling engineering.
* Performs calculations and maintains documentation relating to a variety of drilling activities such as directional well control, tubular good usage, well cementing, drilling fluids, well head configuration and well status
* Conducts studies, analysis, interpretation and conclusions of routine and non routine problems independently
* Performs Casing Design to international standards
* Prepares drilling programmes
2. Support drilling budget and monitoring
* Providing support in eveloping scopes of work and bid evaluation
* Providing support in developing well cost models, generating well AFEs and monitoring drilling costs.
* Providing support in preparing contract technical bid documentation and tender evaluation.
* Providing support in performing drilling program forecasting and well budgeting (AFE)
* Initiates material orders and services personnel requisitions, maintains rental tool inventory and verifies and approves work performed by contractor and service companies.
* Petroleum/Mechanical engineering degree
* 2-4 years of drilling engineering
* Knowledge of reservoir engineering principles
* A high degree of computer literacy
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
* Ability to prioritise demanding work loads
* The successful candidate should be self-motivated, with a clear focus on the value that completion design and production technology can bring to the company
* The position is onshore-based in HESS's Ujung Pangkah operational office located in Jakarta but frequent offshore visits are expected
* Knowledge of drilling engineering and operations
* Knowledge of Indonesian Regulatory environment
* Independent assessment of competency
* Multi-lateral experience
Please submit your application to Recruitment-Indonesia@ within the next 7
- 20.
M-I SWACO; Logistics Assistant
Posted by: "Black Jack" j4cky_dud3
Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:54 am (PDT)
M-I SWACO; Logistics Assistant
Logistics Assistant - Vacancy
We, Indonesia is part of M-I SWACO -a worldwide company representing a broad array of businesses involved in drilling, reservoir drill in and completion fluids and services for the petroleum industry; solids-control equipment and environmental services; and separation and screening products and services for the municipal and industrial markets.
Due to our current operation and business, we are looking for a qualified person for Logistics Assistant position with the following requirements:
Hold Diploma-3 degree of any discipline from reputable university.
Good communicate in English both written and spoken and also proficient in operating computer
Strong communications and negotiation skills.
Hands-on experience in inventory control, 1ogistics system, procurement and export-import processes.
Having Export-import certification is advantageous.
Strong analytical thinking, creative and fast leamer
Highly motivated Individual with exceptional organizational skits and capable of multitasking in a demanding work environment
Work may require weekend and/or evening work,
How to apply
Send the completed / detailed resume in word/pdf format (not more than 250KB) to not later two weeks after the advertisement date. Only short listed candidates will be invited for selection processes.
- 21.
Kangean Energy Indonesia; 5 positions
Posted by: "Black Jack" j4cky_dud3
Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:56 am (PDT)
Kangean Energy Indonesia; 5 positions
Kangean Energy Indonesia
Job Desc. Summary:
Performance in reservoir engineering & studies (including but not limited to: reservoir characteristics & deliverability, reservoir drive mechanism & depletion planning, production forecasting, production logging, data interpretation & evaluation, annual reserve reports to government) as well as technical support for all current operations.
a. Minimum University degree, major in Petroleum engineering (or any related discipline),
b. Age between 30 45 years old,
c. Minimum of 8 - 10 years knowledge and have experience with the application of traditional and non-traditional reservoir engineering techniques including decline curve analysis, volumetric analysis, well test analysis, material balance, pressure transient analysis, economic and risk analysis and other aspects of reservoir engineering,
d. Software Knowledge: Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access), Economic & Risk Analysis software is required; ARIES experience is preferred. Public Information systems (PI / Powertools / Drilling info) Eclipse (or related reservoir modeling software) PANSYSTEM (or related pressure transient analysis software).
Exceptionally good communications and interpersonal relations skills; upholds confidentiality,
Have positive behavior as well with "can do" attitude and strive for excellent,
Diligent, hard worker, team player,
Computer literate,
Fluent in English, verbal and written.
Job Desc. Summary:
Performance in drilling engineering & operations (including but not limited to: well drilling & completion programs, drilling material and services, drilling techniques) as well as drilling support for all current operations and relevant projects in order to comply with standard industry practice and SHE policies.
a. Minimum University degree, major in Petroleum engineering (or any related discipline),
b. Age between 30 45 years old,
c. Minimum of 8 - 10 years knowledge and have experience with combination of onshore & offshore drilling operation such as horizontal & underbalanced drilling and floating drilling is an advantage,
d. Current certification in HUET, Sea Survival and Well Control.
Exceptionally good communications and interpersonal relations skills; upholds confidentiality,
Diligent, hard worker, team player,
Have positive behavior as well with "can do" attitude and strive for excellent,
Computer literate,
Fluent in English, verbal and written.
Job Desc. Summary:
Performance in study physical aspects of the earth, including the atmosphere and hydrosphere; investigate and measure seismic, gravitational, electrical, thermal, and magnetic forces affecting the earth, utilizing principles of physics, mathematics, and chemistry in order to comply with standard industry practice and SHE policies.
a. Minimum University degree, major in Geoscience (or any related discipline),
b. Age between 30 45 years old,
c. Minimum of 8 - 10 years knowledge and have experience in operations, oil & gas explorations and/or project management,
d. Good in software knowledge :
Openwork: Seiswork 2003.3.0.2. ; syntool ; Z-map ; TDQ : loading 2D, 3D & well data, interpretation and mapping - GeoProbe 2006. 4.0 : generate attribute & mapping,
Petrel : loading 2D, 3D & well data, interpretation and mapping - Humpson Russell : loading 2D, 3D & well data,
Interactive Petrophysics: loading well data (LAS, Ascii), log analysis,
Map Source & Corel Draw,
MS Office.
Exceptionally good communications and interpersonal relations skills; upholds confidentiality,
Diligent, hard worker, team player,
Have positive behavior as well with "can do" attitude and strive for excellent,
Computer literate,
Fluent in English, verbal and written.
Job Desc. Summary:
Performance in geological projects as well as technical support for all current operations and relevant projects in order to comply with standard industry practice and SHE policies.
a. Minimum University degree, major in Geoscience (or any related discipline),
b. Age between 30 45 years old,
c. Minimum of 8 - 10 years knowledge and have experience in operations, oil & gas explorations and/or project management,
d. Good in software knowledge :
Openwork: Seiswork 2003.3.0.2. ; syntool ; Z-map ; TDQ : loading 2D, 3D & well data, interpretation and mapping - GeoProbe 2006. 4.0 : generate attribute & mapping,
Petrel : loading 2D, 3D & well data, interpretation and mapping - Hampson Russel : loading 2D, 3D & well data,
Interactive Petrophysics: loading well data (LAS, Ascii), log analysis,
Map Source & Corel Draw,
MS Office.
Exceptionally good communications and interpersonal relations skills; upholds confidentiality,
Diligent, hard worker, team player,
Have positive behavior as well with "can do" attitude and strive for excellent,
Computer literate,
Fluent in English, verbal and written.
Job Desc. Summary:
Performance in project for development, implementation, monitoring and control of all Top-Side & Floater Group plans, policies and activities in order to comply with standard industry practices as well as improve accountability to the stakeholders and comply with standard industry practice and SHE policies.
a. Minimum University degree, major in Mechanical Engineering (or any related discipline),
b. Age between 35 50 years old,
c. Minimum of 8 - 10 years knowledge and have experience in operations, oil & gas explorations and/or project management,
d. Good in skill knowledge of electrical, instrument, mechanical, rotating equipment, procurement, material & corrosion etc.
Exceptionally good communications and interpersonal relations skills; upholds confidentiality,
Diligent, hard worker, team player,
Have positive behavior as well with "can do" attitude and strive for excellent,
Computer literate,
Fluent in English, verbal and written.
Please send your application and resume to:
Wisma Mulia, 26 floor
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No : 42
Tlp : 021.25504807 // 25504880
Fax : 021. 25504884
Or email to :
- 22.
RasGas; 4 positions
Posted by: "Black Jack" j4cky_dud3
Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:56 am (PDT)
RasGas; 4 positions
Right Career Opportunity
Great standard of Living
A competitive compensation and benefits package, along with career development and corporate growth prospects, an emphasis on balance between work and life, and a multicultural and safety-oriented environment.
RasGas is engaged in the business of production and sale of Liquified Natural Gas and related hydrocarbon products. At present, the company operates a five train onshore facility and one sales gas train at Ras Laffan, which is located 80 km north of capital city Doha, in the State of Qatar.
Machinery & Reliability Supervisor
Possesses higher national certificate or equivalent with 15 years of experince in the Oil & Gas field rotating equipment / machineries, with at least 5 years at the Supervisory level Knowledge of various Oil & Gas machinery/ rotating equipment and control, troubleshooting gained by education and hands-on experience. Experienced in developing complete work-scope of major rotating machineries overhauls with all safety and reliability prerequisites. Computer literate with knowledge of SAP and commonly used Microsoft business software packages.
Turbo/ Machinery Technician
Completion of Secondary (12 years) education. Minimum of 5 years experience in mechanical rotating/ machinery maintenance work in the oil and gas industry. The jobholder should be fully qualified to maintain and overhauling of machinery/ rotating equipment in the plant include but are not limited to centrifugal and reciprocating compressors, centrifugal and reciprocating pumps, Hydraulic turbine/ turbine expander, fin fans and blowers, MOV and familiar with GE gas turbine frame 5, 6 & 7.
Controls Supervisor
Plan, coordinate and supervise the controls groups to ensure all control systems maintenance programs work activities such as DCS, ELICS, TRICONEX, HMI, TMR and Speedtronics at onshore RasGas facilities starting from inlet up to the sales point are safely executed to achieve targeted levels of facilities availability & reliability within the budget stewarship.
Possesses higher national certificate with 15 years of experience in the Oil & Gas field instrumentation & control systems, with at least 5 years at the Supervisory level.
Waste Disposal Lead Technician
Provide functional leadership for the waste management activities associated with the RasGas Plant and Offsite Facilities.
Direct and control the safe conduct of work by personnel and contractors carrying out waste management operations at the plant and associated offshore facilities.
Knowledge and experience in Technical Diploma or higher with mechanical and furnace operations background and or Environmental experience in oil industry. Minimum 5 years experience in environment/ waste management or equivalent and 5 years as an independent operator.
This position offers an attractive tax free salary package and benefits including; free accomodation with furniture allowance, educational assistance for up to 4 children, annual home leave tickets, full medical insurance for dependent family.
If a superb lifestyle, a tax free salary and excellent career development potential appeal to you, send a comprehensive CV. in MS Word Format attachment, quoting Job Title to:
Head office: Jl. Kapten Tendean No. 24,
Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan 12720, Indonesia
Tel: 062-21-7191060 (Hunting) Fax: 062-21-7191017
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