Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1.
- 2.
- Terapis anak From: vanny suharni
- 3.
- Vacancy as Internal Auditor From: SDM KPEI
- 4.
- Looking for Internal Control ( Auditor ) From: recruitment - process
- 5a.
- 6.
- Vacancy as Project Management Officer From: SDM KPEI
- 7.
- Admin Gudang From: Pitshu Chan
- 8.
- Acc , HR, dan Disain Staff From: Pitshu Chan
- 9a.
- ENGLISH TEACHER NEEDED From: irawan setyadi
- 10a.
- Vacancy: Front Office Staff From: bona
- 11.
- Urgently Required : Secretary to Credit Consumer Business Unit From: nico hartado
- 12.
- Needed English Teachers for West Jkrt, Lampung, Batam & Manado From: Saint Anna
- 13.
- Vacancy - Appraisal Master Trainer (Penaksir Master Trainer) di Bank From: SINTESA Resourcing
- 14a.
- Business Development Manager From: Hrd Engineering
- 15.
- (JOB) Various Positions in PT YPC Precision Indonesia (manufacturing From: Hrd department
- 16.
- Bth Guru Mandarin Bintaro Tgr & Teluk Gong JakBar From: Saint Anna
- 17a.
- Urgently Required ! From: Informasi Lowongan
- 18.
- Vacancy: CPNS BPKP From: norman_riza
- 19.
- 20.
- urgently required for Kindergarten teacher From: Cherry
- 21.
- ADM PT. EXSPAN PETROGAS INTRANUSA (Group Medco) From: Endang Wahyuni
- 22a.
- URGENTLY NEEDED for Assistant Accounting From: ayu sehila
- 23.
- IT SALES & MARKETING :NJ From: Lorven Technologies
- 24.
- REQ Copywriter FULLTIME : NJ From: Lorven Technologies
- 25.
- Lowongan Asisten Apoteker From: eddie np
- 1.
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:27 pm (PDT)
Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin
1 of 1 File(s)
- 2.
Terapis anak
Posted by: "vanny suharni"
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:27 pm (PDT)
Sebuah lembaga
nonprofit yang bergerak di bidang penyediaan jasa pelatihan dan pengembangan
keterampilan termasuk jasa konseling dan kemitraan dalam bidang pendidikan
inklusi, klinik anak, dan pengembangan keterampilan vokasional anak
membutuhkan segera:
Terapis anak
* Persyaratan :
a) Minimal D3 jurusan okupasi terapi, fisioterapi, terapi
wicara dan keperawatan; minimal S1
jurusan psikologi, pendidikan luar biasa, kesejahteraan sosial dan bimbingan
b) Memiliki kreativitas
dalam menangani anak
c) Tertarik mendalami seputar pendidikan,
perkembangan anak, dan terapi anak.
* Tugas :
a) Menjadi terapis untuk anak yaitu
meningkatkan potensi yang dimiliki anak dengan pendekatan individual atau
kelompok dan meminimalisasi kekurangan yang dimiliki anak.
b) Menjadi konselor untuk anak: Meningkatkan
keterampilan anak dalam setiap aspek perkembangan.
c) Bersedia mengikuti pelatihan khusus dalam
perkembangan terapi anak.
Bagi yang berminat kirim surat lamaran, curriculum
vitae lengkap ke :
Jl. H. Saikin No. 2
Rt. 014 / 08, Pondok Pinang, Jakarta Selatan
Telepon : ( 021 ) 9372
4536 / 0816 487 2859
- 3.
Vacancy as Internal Auditor
Posted by: "SDM KPEI" sdm_kpei
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:27 pm (PDT)
A company in capital market industry - subsidiary company of Indonesia Stock Exchange, urgently needs some candidates to fill position as:
Internal Auditor
· Bachelors (S1) degree from reputable universities in accounting
· Min. GPA: 3 (scale : 4.00);
· Minimum 1 years experience as external auditor in reputable KAP
· Have certificate, experience, and familiar in Capital Market activities is an advantage
· Good written and spoken in English;
· Personal skills:
Ø Excellent analytical skills.
Ø Good team work and continuous learning improvement
Fresh graduate is welcomed
Please send your comprehensive resume and recent photograph to:
HR Dept.
PT. Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower I, 5th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190
Or by email: (code: SPI)
You can find out more details of us on
- 4.
Looking for Internal Control ( Auditor )
Posted by: "recruitment - process" evi_meir
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:28 pm (PDT)
Our client, distributor company, is looking for candidates to fill the position as:
Auditor /J-Sox Spv
/ FemaleAge:
25 - 35 years old
Education: S1 - Full Graduate (Major: Accounting)
2 years in Japan Company as J-Sox Internal Control SystemAbility
to effectively communicate accounting information, policies and proceduresAbility
to communicate effectively in English (and able to speak ) Have
strong leadership Very
Familiar with MS Office programs.
If you are interested in this vacancy, please email your CV +
To: recruitment@binatamahrs. ,com
Cc :
with the email subject "Auditor"
Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and
New Email names for you!
Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
Hurry before someone else does!
http://mail.promotions. newdomains/ sg/
- 5a.
Posted by: "yhbusdev" yhbusdev
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:28 pm (PDT)
- Berpengalaman sebagai mud logger/Pressure Engineer minimal 5 tahun
- menguasai peralatan MLU
- Mampu mengkoordinasi operasional dan personnel MLU
- Mampu membuat final report pekerjaan.
- Rajin dan Ulet
- Mempunyai dedikasi yang tinggi
- Berpengalaman sebagai mud logger minimal 2 tahun
- Rajin dan Ulet
- Mempunyai dedikasi yang tinggi
- Berpengalaman sebagai Pressure Engineer minimal 2 tahun
- Rajin dan Ulet
- Mempunyai dedikasi yang tinggi
- Berpendidikan Sarjana (S-1) Teknik Perminyakan/Geologi
- Rajin dan Ulet
- Mempunyai dedikasi yang tinggi
- mempunyai pengalaman/latar belakang yang berhubungan dengan elektronika
- Mampu menguasai komputer software maupun hardware.
- Mempunyai SIM A/C
- Rajin dan Ulet
- Mempunyai dedikasi yang tinggi
Lamaran dikirimkan paling lambat 2 minggu setelah pengumuman ini.
Lamaran dilengkapi dengan CV/riwayat hidup, copy ijazah, copy nilai, copy
sertifikat pendukung dan pas photo 4x6 - 2 lembar
Dikirimkan via POS ke:
Ruko Pasar Pagi Bintara Blok E-34
Bekasi Barat 17134
atau melalui email:
(lamaran dan lampiran via email dikirimkan dalam format: doc dan image)
- 6.
Vacancy as Project Management Officer
Posted by: "SDM KPEI" sdm_kpei
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:28 pm (PDT)
A company in capital market industry - subsidiary company of Indonesia Stock Exchange, urgently needs some candidates to fill position as:
Project Management Officer
Min. bachelor degree from reputable university (Preferably in Information Technology , Statistic, or Mathematics)
Min. GPA: 2.75 (scale : 4.00)
Age max. 28 years old
Familiar with project management and or portfolio project management (especially IT Project management), having experience in this area would be a distinct advantage.
IT literate (familiar with using IT tools/software to help daily tasks)
Good verbal and presentation skills
Excellent written and spoken English
Having certificate, experience, and familiarity in Capital Market activities is an advantage
Personal skills:
Good interpersonal skill and coordinating people in multiple projects
Thorough, accurate and detailed person (esp. related to documents, schedule, data, and numbers).
Be able to work in a team environment
Willing to work hard and under pressure
This position is responsible for managing various projects, monitoring and tracking progress, schedule, and deliverables. Interpersonal and verbal skills is also essential due to main activities will be in documentation, coordinating and facilitating people from many project.
Fresh graduate is welcomed, provided he or she has good knowledge and great interesting in project management.
Please send your comprehensive resume and recent photograph to:
HR Dept.
PT. Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower I, 5th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190
Or by email: (code: PPB)You can find out more details of us on
- 7.
Admin Gudang
Posted by: "Pitshu Chan"
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:28 pm (PDT)
Admin Gudang
- Wanita/Pria max.30 thn
- Lulusan SMK/SMU/Sederajat
- Mengerti aplikasi komputer dan sistem pergudangan.
- Pengalaman dibidang yang sama min.1 tahun.
- Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan, teliti, cekatan, mudah tanggap, bertanggung jawab dan disiplin.
- Lebih diutamakan domisili Jakarta Barat / Sekitarnya.
Kirim lamaran, CV dan pas photo terbaru ke :
PT. Kenage Intl.
Jl. Asia Baru raya Blok.T1 no.1A
Duri Kepa - Greenville
Jakarta Barat 11510
New Email names for you!
Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
Hurry before someone else does!
http://mail.promotions. newdomains/ sg/
- 8.
Acc , HR, dan Disain Staff
Posted by: "Pitshu Chan"
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:28 pm (PDT)
Accounting Staff
- Wanita, max..30 thn
- min. lulusan SMK/D3/S1/Sederajat Accounting.
- Pengalaman dibidang yang sama min.1 tahun.
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer min. MS.Office, e-mail, dan internert
- Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan, teliti, cekatan, mudah tanggap, bertanggung jawab dan disiplin.
- Lebih diutamakan domisili Jakarta Barat / Sekitarnya.
HR Staff
- Wanita , usia max.30 thn.
- Pendidikan min. S1 Psikologi, Hukum atau Manajemen.
- Pengalaman min.1 thn di bidang yang sama.
- Menguasai konsep SDM & Pengembangannya mulai dari recruitment.
- Menguasai komputer min.MS.Office, e-mail dan internet.
- Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan.
- Rajin, disiplin dan mau bekerja keras.
- Lebih diutamakan domisili Jakarta Barat / Sekitarnya.
Staff Disain
- Wanita, usia max.30 thn.
- Pendidikan min. S1 Disain Grafis / Sekolah Disain
- Pengalaman di bidang Fashion dan Grafis min. 1 tahun.
- Rajin, disiplin dan mau bekerja keras.
- Menguasai beberapa program disain, termasuk 3D.
- Lebih diutamakan domisili Jakarta Barat / Sekitarnya.
Kirim lamaran, CV dan pas photo terbaru ke :
PT. Kenage Intl.
Jl. Asia Baru raya Blok.T1 no.1A
Duri Kepa - Greenville
Jakarta Barat 11510
- 9a.
Posted by: "irawan setyadi" irawan_sukma_s
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:28 pm (PDT)
We are looking for good English Teacher for Bekasi, We will give something different !!!!!!
If you :
1. Male or female
2. Age between 22 to 35
3. Reside around East Jakarta or Bekasi
4. Available from 8.30 AM to 08.00 PM
5. Love children
Call me right away 021 96994224 or send your CV to
- 10a.
Vacancy: Front Office Staff
Posted by: "bona" boncils
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:28 pm (PDT)
Dear Milis Members,
Please send your application to
hrd@thepeak-sudirman. com
Many thanks for Milis Moderators' assistance.
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ ______
The Peak At Sudirman is looking for highly qualified candidates to fill in the position of FRONT OFFICE STAFF with the following qualifications:
- Under 26 years
- Graduated from Tourism School/Academy (fresh graduates are welcome)
- Proficient in English language
- Pleasant appearance with a minimum height of 158 cm for female and 165 cm for male
Please send your
resume with a scanned recent photograph (stating expected salary) to hrd@thepeak-sudirman. .com
All applications will be treated with utmost confidentiality.
view of the volume of applications, only short-listed candidates will
be notified and no telephone inquiries will be accepted.
- 11.
Urgently Required : Secretary to Credit Consumer Business Unit
Posted by: "nico hartado" nicks_choice
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:29 pm (PDT)
Urgently Required
We, Choice
Management Consultants, would like to introduce our Executive Search Division
specializing in Recruitment and outsourcing. The main intention of our
existence is to accommodate the needs of corporate clients in identifying well-qualified
and experienced executives for placement in their pivotal positions, through
our proven search methodologies and processes.
Our clients a well
establish banking companies are seeking a dynamic and ambitious professional to
fill the position of:
Secretary to Credit Consumer Business Unit
Hold minimum D-3 graduates from Secretarial
UniversityWith minimum 1-2 years of experience Strong communication and interpersonal skill Computer proficiency of Microsoft Office and internetAble to work in a teamSingle, max 27 years oldDependable team player, quick learner and well-build
commitment to professional business ethics Well-organized, initiative, creative, independent and
self-motivatedRequired language(s): Bahasa IndonesiaPreferred language(s): English (Active)Willing to work overtimeContract for 1 year
Interested candidates are invited to submit
application by fax or e-mail to the address below, before 26 October 2009. Only Short-listed
candidates will be contacted for an interview.
Human Resources Department
Arthaloka Building, 11th floor, suite 1106
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 2
Jakarta 10220
Telephone: (021) 251 1460
Facsimile: (021) 251 1459
E-mail: recruitment@choice-mc. com
New Email addresses available on Yahoo!
Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
Hurry before someone else does!
http://mail.promotions. newdomains/ aa/
- 12.
Needed English Teachers for West Jkrt, Lampung, Batam & Manado
Posted by: "Saint Anna" hrd.saec
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:29 pm (PDT)
Needed Fulltime English Teacher to be placed in West Jakarta (Kosambi, Teluk Gong, Pos Pengumben), Lampung, Batam & Manado.
1. Min. D3
2. Female
3. Fluent in English Both Oral and Written
4. Love Children
5. Have a great responsibility
6. Can work both in team or personal
7. Having some experiences in teaching children
8. Can manage class well
- We provide free training, good remuneration, and accomodation (for Lampung, Batam & Manado)
Send your CV and Photograph to
1. email : (file less than 300kb)
type the position you apply on your email subject
2. Fax : 441.6109
For further Information Please call Ms.Myra: 4416761/66 or 081318858486
- 13.
Vacancy - Appraisal Master Trainer (Penaksir Master Trainer) di Bank
Posted by: "SINTESA Resourcing" sintesaresourcing
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:29 pm (PDT)
Klien kami, bank publik skala menengah bereputasi prima dan salah satu bank
dengan kinerja keuangan terbaik di Indonesia, membutuhkan orang-orang yang
berpengalaman untuk posisi sebagai berikut:
Appraisal Master Trainers (AMT - BTPN)
Tanggung Jawab :
. Membuat materi training mengenai cara penafsiran emas.
. Mengajar sesuai dengan modul training kepada appraisal officer.
. Melakukan uji kelayakan dalam menaksir emas.
. Memastikan kompetensi appraisal officer terus diperbaharui.
. Bertanggung jawab untuk mencapai target dan memastikan proses
aspek kepatuhan terpenuhi.
Kualifikasi :
. Pendidikan minimal D3.
. Usia 35 - 45 tahun.
. Berpengalaman sebagai appraisal emas & berlian minimal 8 tahun
. Sanggup mengajar secara aktif di kelas besar.
. Sanggup melakukan perjalanan keluar kota antar cabang.
Kandidat diharapkan untuk mengirimkan cv lengkap dalam format MS Word
beserta foto terbaru dengan mencantumkan gaji terakhir serta gaji yang
diharapkan melalui e-mail : banking@sintesa-resourcing. com
Cantumkan posisi AMT - BTPN pada subject e-mail. Hanya kandidat yang
memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dihubungi lebih lanjut.
If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly visit our website & join our
mailing list at www.sintesa-resourcing. com
- 14a.
Business Development Manager
Posted by: "Hrd Engineering" engineering_hrd
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:29 pm (PDT)
Qualifications :
* Male
* Age 25-35 years old
* Bachelor Degree (S1) with GPA 2.75
* Posses IT knowledge (Software, Hardware, Networking)
* Good interaction with People
* Excellent communication skills and well product presentation
* Capacity to open up new markets and goals project
* Mastering product strategy and promotion strategy to increase the brand value
* Minimum 2 years experience
If you are suitable candidate we are looking for, we provide :
* Good income
* Achievement bonus and others benefit as well
* Overseas incentive Trips
Send your complete resume before November 16, 2009 to :
Berselancar lebih cepat. Internet Explorer 8 yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! otomatis membuka 2 halaman favorit Anda setiap kali Anda membuka browser. Dapatkan IE8 di sini! id/internetexplo rer
- 15.
(JOB) Various Positions in PT YPC Precision Indonesia (manufacturing
Posted by: "Hrd department"
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:29 pm (PDT)
*We are PT YPC Precision Indonesia, a foreign global company dealing with
plastic injection molding manufacturing, searching for highly motivated,
innovative, teamwork-oriented, high integrity and energetic person to join
*1. **Accounting & Finance Manager*
- Female, max age 35 years old
- Posses a degree in related field
- Having experience in related field min. 3 years
- Understand about bank transaction, Indonesian taxation laws,
financial report , budget plan & report
*2. **Purchasing Manager*
- Male, max age 38 years old
- Posses a degree in related field
- Having experience in related field min. 3 years
- Good knowledge of Procurement, Inventory & Warehouse Management,
export & import, custom
- Have ability to make contract & agreement
*3. **Production Manager*
- Male, max age 38 years old
- Posses a degree in related field
- Having experience in related field min. 3 years
- Having experiences in Production process or Injection Molding
Equipment, plastic/resin are preferable
- Good knowledge of HSE and ISO system
- Ability to speak in Japanese
*4. **QA Supervisor*
- Male, max age35 years old
- At least Diploma 3 in related field
- Having experience in related field min. 2 years
- Good knowledge of HSE and ISO system
- Internal Auditor certified
- Ability to speak in Japanese
*5. **HRD Staff*
- Male/female, max age 27 years old
- At least Diploma 3 in related field
- Having experience in HR & GA administration min. 1 year
- Understand about Indonesia Manpower Regulation
*General qualification:*
- Experienced in manufacturing company preferred
- Proficiency in English
- Willing to work overtime
- Willing to be located at Cibitung, Bekasi
*If you think you are a right person for above position, please send your
complete resume and put your current & expected salary (not later than 2
weeks) to:*
* *
- 16.
Bth Guru Mandarin Bintaro Tgr & Teluk Gong JakBar
Posted by: "Saint Anna" hrd.saec
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:29 pm (PDT)
Dibutuhkan Guru Part time Mandarin untuk di tempatkan di Bintaro Tgr & Teluk Gong-Jkrt Barat.
Kualifikasi :
1. Min. D3
2. Perempuan
3. English / Mandarin Aktif
4. Chinese
4. Menyukai Anak anak
5. Pengalaman
6. Domisili sesuai tempat yang di inginkan
7. Bisa mengajar level SD-SMP, siang- sore dan sabtu
Kirim CV dan lamaran ke (file tidak lebih dari 300kb)
atau fax ke 4416109
info : myra (4416761)
- 17a.
Urgently Required !
Posted by: "Informasi Lowongan" infolowongan
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:29 pm (PDT)
Our Clients need professional employees as belows :
1. Purchasing Staff code PS
o Min D3 Acounting from reputable university
>o Female, Single
>o Experiences 2 - 3 years
>o Age between 24 - 30
>o Computer Literate
>o Excellent in English
>o Competent, Meticulous, and Responsible in work, process system
>o Understand of Construction Business
2 . Personal Assistant for Profesional Trainer code PA
* Single Male between 20 - 25 years ole
* Min High School Plus education
* Own Car and Motorcycle driving lisence and have own motorcylce
* Mastering Ms. Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)
* Able to drive automatic car and have good knowledge of Jakarta street.
* Willing to learn and work hard
* Easy to be managed and creative
* Living not far from Cengkareng, West Jakarta
3. Front Officer (FO)
* Female between 20 - 25 years old
* Min High School with experience as a front officer
* Height not less than 165cm, nice personality
* Able to communicate in English fluently
Send your resume and photographs not late than October 31, 2009 to recruitment.basket@gmail. com
put position code at your mail subject and please put your salary request at your application.
Buat sendiri desain eksklusif Messenger Pingbox Anda sekarang! Membuat tempat chat pribadi di blog Anda sekarang sangatlah mudah. pingbox/
- 18.
Vacancy: CPNS BPKP
Posted by: "norman_riza" norman_riza
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:29 pm (PDT)
daftar online di
- 19.
Posted by: "Arthur YH. Silitonga" arthur_totaldata
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:30 pm (PDT)
1. Material Coordinator
2. Blasting Painter
Terms and conditions:
1. Must speak English
2. At least 5 years experience
3. Period of contract: 2 years renewable
4. Accommodation: Provide by employer free of Charge
5. Working hours: 8 Hours/day and 6 days/week
6. Overtime payment: Paid on hourly basis
7. Passage Facilities: Provided by employer (under contract)
8. Medical Facilities: As per Labor Laws of Brunei Darussalam
9. Annual Leave: As per Employment Contract
10. Insurance Coverage: As per Employment Contract
If you feel you are match with above positions, you are welcome to send
CV in MS Word, not more than 300kb to
< >
Please put position desired in your email subject. We are sorry, only
shortlist candidates will be notified. The interview will be held on
this Oct 24' 2009.
For more info's, please call us at:
PT. Totaldata Persada
021-8477689, 021-84994728. Attn.: Ms. Sri/Ms. Eva
Mr. Admin, thanks for the space.
- 20.
urgently required for Kindergarten teacher
Posted by: "Cherry" cherry_montessorischool
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:31 pm (PDT)
Kindergarten Teacher ( PG/TK )
- Fluent in English
- Have an experience in International School
- Loves children / patient
- Highly dedicated / hard working
- Creative, Initiative
- Could make a lesson plan
Please send us your resume or visit us at:
Blok F1 nO.22 Bulevar Hijau
Medan Satria - Bekasi
Contact Person : Ms. Tuty Wong
Phone Number : 021-70719878 , 021-68000123 , or 0816- 1643635
- 21.
Posted by: "Endang Wahyuni" ridhaniq_aries
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:34 pm (PDT)
Hi... All,
ada info karir dari teman neh... ada yang minat??
We, a growing national service company in oil and gas
industry, are seeking qualified candidates to fill the position in our company
(Code: ADM)
§ Female, maximum age 25 years
§ Graduate from reputable university,
hold minimum Bachelor Degree any major with minimum GPA - 3.00
§ At least 1 ( one ) years experience
in the same field
§ Good command and understanding in
English is mandatory
§ Computer Literate
If you are interested in carrier opportunity with us please
submit your resume or CV, copy of academic certificate, transcript and recent
photograph not later than October
25, 2009 (post stamp) to PT. EXSPAN
PETROGAS INTRANUSA, Gedung Graha Niaga Lt. 16, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 58, Jakarta 12190, for
attention Mr. Primbono - Contract
Administration and Purchasing Head or e-mail : and please
put job code as email subject.
Only short listed candidate will be notified for interview.
Diah Lutfiah
Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang Lebih Cepat hari ini!
- 22a.
URGENTLY NEEDED for Assistant Accounting
Posted by: "ayu sehila" se_hi_la
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:34 pm (PDT)
Job Vacancy as Assistant Account Executive and Tax @ :
PT. Commodities & Energy Resources
Sentra Mulia 6th Floor Room 608
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. X-6 No.8
Jakarta 12940, Indonesia
Attn to : HRD Manager
Position :
1. Accounting & Tax staff
2. Finance staff
* Female
* Single
* D3 or S1 Majoring in Accounting or Finance
* Excellent in Ms Office (Word,Excel,Power Point), internet and accounting software especially Zahir Accounting Software
* Experience in the same positions at least 1 years and
* Having Taxes knowledge and capable to operating eSPT program
* Communicative, Good Attitude, Nice, Polite , sense of belonging and Helpful
* Responsible ,able to work overtime and under pressure
Attached :
* Recent Photo
* Complete CV
* Job reference
Please send your application letter, resume and present photograph & expected salary before 30thOCTOBER 2009to:
We will contact only short-listed candidates.
_____________________ _________ __
Berselancar lebih cepat.
Internet Explorer 8 yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! otomatis membuka 2 halaman favorit Anda setiap kali Anda membuka browser.Dapatkan IE8 di sini! (Gratis)
_____________________ _________ __
Coba Yahoo! Mail baru yang LEBIH CEPAT. Rasakan bedanya sekarang!
Yahoo! Mail Kini Lebih Cepat dan Lebih Bersih. Rasakan bedanya sekarang!
- 23.
Posted by: "Lorven Technologies" mayur_vb
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:35 pm (PDT)
Dear Friends,
We are looking for people with reasonable experience in Sales & Marketing of
IT concepts
1. To research sales opportunities and develop new strategies
2. Build sales network
3. Monitor Sales performance
4. Play an active role in media and promotion
Required Skill:
1.Exceptionally fluent in the English language
2.Ready to accept challenges as a self-starter
3.Active Listener with experience of handling difficult situatios
4. Good knowledge of Internet based social networking Email MS office and
Education/IT skills:
1) Any Degree in Finance/ Economics /Sociology/Sales & Marketing
2) Knowledge of MS Office
3) 2+ Years of Experience Fresh Graduates are encouraged to apply
Kindly send your resumes with contact info. to
Thanks & Regards
Lorven Technologies Inc,
101, Morgan Lane, Suite 209
Plainsboro, NJ-08536
Work : 609-799-4202 X 102
Cell : 609-672-0085
Fax: 609-799-4204/609-918-9608
Under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress this mail
cannot be considered Spam as long as we include contact information and a
remove link for removal from our mailing list. To be removed from our
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REQ Copywriter FULLTIME : NJ
Posted by: "Lorven Technologies" mayur_vb
Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:35 pm (PDT)
Dear Friends,
I have a Sure Shot Direct client requirement for a Copywriter with
Min1+yrs of Experience.
Guaranteed Interview & Start.
Strong conceptual and writing skills, knowledge of the webs opportunities
and limitations, knowledge of online media & rich media formats
While you*ve proven you can master a brand and have written about several
therapeutic categories, you should also have a strong working knowledge of
the workings of managed care and be ready to focus your attention of how to
write to its specific needs. You possess an independent spirit, a team
attitude, and a strong sense of leadership. You*re ready to take ownership
of a project and run with it, but you also need to be ready to jump into
understanding and formulating a strategic vision beyond a project. You know
how to work closely with a client*s team as well as your team internally.
You are going to have to be creative, but you are also going to need to be
able to spend time coaching, mentoring, and leading a team of writers.
Problem solving is a daily occurrence, and having an excellent sense of
humor is essential.
Education: College level education with background in English and/or Science
(or equivalent).
Experience: Copy Supervisors*Five to seven years of pharmaceutical
advertising. At least one year as senior copywriter.
Thanks & Regards
Lorven Technologies Inc,
101, Morgan Lane, Suite 209
Plainsboro, NJ-08536
Work : 609-799-4202 X 102
Cell : 609-672-0085
Fax: 609-799-4204/609-918-9608
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Lowongan Asisten Apoteker
Posted by: "eddie np"
Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:22 pm (PDT)
Dear Admin, numpang posting ada titipan:
Dibutuhkan asisten apoteker, persyaratan:
1. Laki-laki/Perempuan
2. Usia 20 -30 thn
3. Memiliki SIK
4. Pengalaman 1 thn
Lamaran ditujukan ke :
Apotek Mitra Pharma
Komplek Ruko Pondok Hijau Permai
Jl. Akasia No. A 15
Bekasi timur
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