Friday, June 7, 2013

[beasiswa] Digest Number 4585

4 New Messages

Digest #4585


Fri Jun 7, 2013 2:39 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"just me" hapsari_31

hi ridho

saya inging sharing tentang beasiswa Turki, saya diinterview tanggal 5 mei lalu, dan sepertinya berlangsung seminggu penuh. pada waktu itu mereka menjanjikan untuk pengumuman final siapa yang lolos beasiswa tersebut 3 minggu setelah interview, akan tetapi saya baru dikirim email tanggal 31 mei lalu, bahwa hasil interview diundur. perkiraan saya ini terkait dengan kondisi politik di turki, *denger2 ada revolusi*

semoga menjawab pertanyaan


--- In, "shan.dj16@..." <shan.dj16@...> wrote:
> selamat sore, wah saya juga dftar untuk UG-Tuerkey burslari scholarship, pihak panitia cuma kirim email nanti kita akan dihubungi kembali kalau sudah ada pengumuman yang lolos tahap. I jdi bersabar aja :D
> --- In, "M. hadyan Ridho" <mhadiyanridhoo@> wrote:
> >
> > Selamat malam milister saya ingin bertanya apakah ada diantara milister yang sudah lolos untuk masuk ke tahap interview beasiswa turkiye burslari untuk program undergraduate dan association degree?  Kalau sudah mohon dishare ya teman-teman milister sekalian karena saya juga mengikuti program beasiswa ini.
> >
> > M.H.Ridho
> >

Fri Jun 7, 2013 2:39 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Ignatius Sapto Condro A.B." iscabus

On Jun 7, 2013 7:05 AM, "Gugun Ubayd" <> wrote:
> Dear All.
> Sesuai subjek diatas butuh bantuan rekan-rekan milister, info adik kami
barusan lulus S1 predikat Cum Laude namun masih bingung mencari lanjutan
beasiswa pascasarjana, atas bantuan rekan-rekan milister kami haturkan
terima kasih yang sebanyak-banyaknya.


Bisa coba program DAAD Isatec Universitas Bremen.



Fri Jun 7, 2013 2:40 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Iyus Sari" iyus.sari

 Dear All..

Mau bertanya, apakah teman2 disini pernah mengikuti Beasiswa S2 atau sudah lulus Magister dari
Universitas Pertahanan atau IDU (Indonesia Defense University).  bisa di share pengalamannyakah?
Soalnya saya berencana untuk mengambil beasiswa disana dengan Prodi Keamanan Maritim, dan kebetulan
saat ini saya adalah PNS dari Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan.
Sebelumnya saya ucapkan terima kasih,

Best Regards,

Iyus Sari
Direktorat Tata Ruang Laut Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil
Ditjen KP3K - Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No.16 - Gd. Mina Bahari III Lt. 9
Jakarta Pusat 10310
Telp/Fax : 021 - 3522040
HP : 0815 8900 585 / 0813 1726 0540

Fri Jun 7, 2013 7:30 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"brother" djohan_w_id

Dear All,

Saya hendak mempopulerkan program yang saya ambil sekarang. Program ini untuk anak Software / IT. Program nya 2 tahun Post Master jadi untuk anak yang sudah selesai Master. Training untuk persiapan kerja ada gaji per bulan yang menurut saya lebih dari cukup. Dan ada kemungkinan besar untuk bisa lanjut kerja di Belanda. Ini description program nya

Job Opportunities: applications for 2013

What do we provide?

A challenging, accredited, and highly valued training programme with ample opportunities (real-life and genuine challenges and problems) to further strengthen the necessary competencies for innovative design and development of software for resource-constrained software-intensive systems using selected state-of-the-art existing technologies and awareness of emerging technologies in a multidisciplinary and international setting for a project-based industry(-oriented) context.
Who are we looking for?

Highly motivated, ambitious, and talented people who want to further accelerate their career while helping their colleagues to further develop; people who can think critically and on various levels of abstraction in terms of systems and products, who can communicate their ideas and thoughts effectively and efficiently to a broad, varied audience, and who aspire to a future career as a system/software architect/designer in the (Dutch) industry.
What do we offer?

Every year we offer a maximum of 20 traineeship positions at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Eindhoven University of Technology for participating in our programme. These traineeships are offered in the form of formal employment positions as a TOIO (Technologisch Ontwerper in Opleiding) as defined in the Collective Employment Agreement and UFO system of the association of Dutch academic universities (VSNU). The monthly salary for 2013 is 1681 euro (before tax) plus regular university benefits. No tuition or enrollment fees apply.
Who are eligible?

To be eligible for such a traineeship position you need to have (the equivalent of) an accredited B.Sc. degree (at least three years and 180 ECTS) in computer science or a strongly related scientific or engineering discipline and an accredited M.Sc.-degree (preferably at least 120 ECTS) in computer science or a strongly related scientific or engineering discipline with a significant number of computer science courses from an internationally recognized research-oriented university. Additionally you need to have better than average social and communicative competencies, including an excellent English proficiency in writing, speaking, reading, and understanding (we require an English proficiency equivalent to an IELTS score of at least 6.5 on average and no score less than 6.0. Results of TOEFL should be at least 550 and no score less than sufficient can be accepted.).
How to apply?

To apply for such a traineeship, please send us via e-mail at least the following information and documents to support your application:

A letter of motivation, including a concise statement on why you think we should provide this opportunity to you.
An extended curriculum vitae.
Copies of relevant B.Sc. diplomas and transcripts.
A copy of your B.Sc. thesis.
Copies of relevant M.Sc. diplomas and transcripts.
A copy (of a recent draft version) of your M.Sc. thesis.
If possible, a syllabus of your B.Sc. and M.Sc. studies.
If applicable, copies of scores of proficiency tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, etc.
The names and contact addresses (preferably e-mail) of (at least) three persons whom we can contact for more information on you and on your (thesis) work. Please note that we usually prefer to contact people that have been involved with your (MSc) thesis project.

Please send us copies of all relevant documents, preferably via e-mail, to our general contact address and fill-in the checklist.

The application period for the 2013-2015 programme starts February 1, 2013. Deadlines:

for citizens from outside the EU, or from Romania and Bulgaria: July 1, 2013

for citizens from the EU: August 1, 2013.

Recruimtment Days and SAI Information Day

If you like to hear more and meet us in person: visit us at one of the recruitment days or register for the SAI Information Day for a meeting at our location. See our calendar for dates and links.

Best Regards,

Djohan Wahyudi





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