Sunday, January 6, 2013

[beasiswa] Digest Number 4416

9 New Messages

Digest #4416


Sat Jan 5, 2013 5:21 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Andrew Sanjaya" andrew_snjy

Mungkin sebaiknya Mbak dapat membaca dahulu baik-baik syarat-syaratnya untuk siapa-siapa saja yang dapat ikut program S3 atas biaya ADS, karena bisa saja syarat-syaratnya bisa berbeda-beda tiap tahun.

Setahu saya, dari yang sebelum-sebelumnya syarat ikut S3 agak sempit hanya untuk mereka (termasuk PNS) yang  berkarir di bagian pendidikan dan/atau penelitian namun tidak mutlak dosen/peneliti dari perguruan tinggi, karena bagi beberapa kementerian atau lembaga negara ada bagian pendidikan maupun penelitiannya misalnya PNS yang menjabat sebagai widyaiswara atau peneliti di Puslitbang. 

Jadi saran saya baca dahulu syarat-syaratnya. Good luck

From: Lita.ist_mt>
Sent: Thursday, January 3, 2013 2:48 AM
Subject: [beasiswa] [butuh info]apakah boleh pns pemda ikut ads prog s3

Dear pejuang beasiswa..
Saya butuh info apakah diperbolehkan pns pemda spt saya mengikuti prog ADS utk s3? Kebetulan saya sdh dpt supervisor utk research plan saya. Mohon pencerahannya. Tks


Terkirim dari Samsung Mobile

Sat Jan 5, 2013 5:21 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Muhammad Yamin" yamin_elyem

--- In, Agus Kurniawan wrote:
> Hi semuanya,
> Bagi teman- teman yang sudah pernah pengalaman di TOEFL ITP, boleh dishare berapa nilai tertinggi TOEFL ITP yang pernah didapat? Apakah mungkin untuk mendapatkan nilai di atas 600?
> Sukses untuk semuanya :)
> Agus
> Maksimum score ITP TOEFL: 677. Smoga bermamfaat.

Sat Jan 5, 2013 6:53 am (PST) . Posted by:

"arif rachman" happy_do_gooder

Mungkin banget, kenapa ngga?

Terakhir ITP saya di 2010 Adalah 615. Tahun 2011 Saya PBT (karena di Sudan ngga ada IBT) skor total 637. Tapi sampe sekarang masih belum nyerah berburu beasiswa alias masih gagal terus hahahaha
Prajna Tiket dan Wisata
arif 0818897550 / 30feae21
ken 081369594549 / 2899eb37

-----Original Message-----
From: "Muhammad Yamin">
Date: Sat, 05 Jan 2013 04:24:46
Subject: [beasiswa] Re: [BUTUH INFO] nilai tertinggi TOEFL ITP

--- In, Agus Kurniawan wrote:
> Hi semuanya,
> Bagi teman- teman yang sudah pernah pengalaman di TOEFL ITP, boleh dishare berapa nilai tertinggi TOEFL ITP yang pernah didapat? Apakah mungkin untuk mendapatkan nilai di atas 600?
> Sukses untuk semuanya :)
> Agus
> Maksimum score ITP TOEFL: 677. Smoga bermamfaat.

Sat Jan 5, 2013 5:22 am (PST) . Posted by:

"muhammad rifqi" rifqilazio


1. setau saya MEXT itu periode bukanya bulan maret-april deh (1 bulan saja bukanya). Itu adalah MEXT yg skema G to G, tapi kalo yang U to U saya tidak tahu.
2. Tidak harus, biasanya nanti malah akan diikutkan kelas bahasa jepang setelah sampai di jepang
3. Ini ada website yg dihimpun oleh PPI jepang, yg isinya informasi2 tentang Jepang, kuliah di jepang, dan juga termasuk beasiswa2 yg ada. Mungkin bisa dilihat2 dulu:


> From: Sudiatmika I Wayan>
>To: milis>
>Sent: Friday, January 4, 2013 3:24 PM
>Subject: [beasiswa] [BUTUH INFO] MEXT scholarship

>Teman Milis HNY,
>mohon bantuannya saya ingin menanyakan tentang:
>1. apakah MEXT scholarship masih buka di januari (sebab pernah baca di sebuah situs: kalau dibukanya di desember, juga sempat meng email beberapa prof pada januari ini, tapi belum di balas,,saya berfikir kalau udah telat)?
>2. apakah MEXT S, harus bisa bhsa jepang?
>3. tips agar bisa lolos nd dapat MEXT S,?
>kakak2 dan teman2, yang ada info, tolong pengalamannya....
>BEst REgard

Sat Jan 5, 2013 5:22 am (PST) . Posted by:

"hermadi" madimanokwari

Wassalam wrwb
Menurut saya, Pak Arianto ikut saja seleksi bappenas untuk program S3. Kemudian setelah masuk universitas yang dituju, biasanya kan ada program sandwich atau joint degree dengan universitas luar negeri. Sebelumnya cari2 saja pak infonya terkait minat bapak, apakah universitas di Indo memiliki kerjasama dengan luar negeri. Karena menurut saya, kalo langsung melamar ke universitas luar negeri secara langsung itu lumayan 'ribet'. Lain jika kita masuk dari univeristas yang memang sudah ada kerjasama dengan universitas luar negeri.
Begitu saja mungkin pikiran saya, boleh di pakai atau di buang :)

'mantan dd bappenas'

--- In, "Arieanto"; wrote:
> Assalam.wr.wb.
> Dear Pejuang Beasiswa...
> Salam kenal...
> Saya Kurniawan Arianto... PNS di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah, Propinsi Bengkulu
> Saya alumni Master of Public Administration (MPA) UGM dengan peminatan administrasi dan kebijakan publik bulan September 2012 dengan bantuan beasiswa dari Pusbindiklatren Bappenas RI
> S1 saya adalah Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat dengan peminatan Administrasi Kebijakan Kesehatan (AKK)...
> Saya berminat sekali untuk melanjutkan pendidikan S3 di luar negeri dengan bantuan beasiswa dengan peminatan studi di bidang kebijakan kesehatan atau kebijakan publik (public policy) atau public administration....
> Mohon bantuan teman-teman Milister tentang informasi beasiswa bagi PNS daerah (non dosen).
> Terima kasih atas bantuannya...
> semoga menjadi amal baik bagi teman-teman semua
> Wassalam...
> Hormat saya...
> Kurniawan Arianto
> arieanto_165@... / 081377543165 - 085764924165

Sat Jan 5, 2013 5:23 am (PST) . Posted by:

"nia daniar" ndaniar

Dear teman-teman beasiswa,

Berikut sedikit sharing yang berisi mengenai tips dan info mengenai ADS (wawancara, pre-departure training course, medical check up visa dll).
Saya tuliskan ini dengan harapan semoga dapat memberikan manfaat dan menjadi penyuntik semangat bagi teman2 :)

Mohon maaf jika kurang berkenan

Warm regards,

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them – Walt Disney

Sat Jan 5, 2013 5:23 am (PST) . Posted by:

"didi rosiyadi" rosiyadi2005

Yth. Rekan-Rekan Milis Beasiswa

Adakah teman-teman yang sedang study atau yang pernah study di University of Padova, Italy, tepatnya di kota Bressanone ? 

Apabila berkenan saya memohon pengalamannya tentang pembelian tiket, transit, biaya; kondisi, situasi, cuaca pada bulan Februari di Bressanone; dan memohon pengalamann lainnya.

Mohon maaf apabila ada yang kurang berkenan. Terima kasih banyak atas perhatian, informasi dan pengalamannya.


Sat Jan 5, 2013 5:23 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Aguung Adhie" ag_dhie

halo kakak yang saya hormati.. saya agung adhi dari sragen, saya kelas 3 SMA sekarang.. mau tanya biasanya ada program beasiswa ke luar negeri untuk program S1 gimana ya? yang menyediakan oleh siapa?
makasih atas perhatiaannya

salam beasiswa :)

Sat Jan 5, 2013 6:52 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Ahmad Syamil" asyamil

Dear all,

The Sumitro Fellows Program is open both for Americans and Indonesians.

You can get the application material here:

Application Deadline January 15, 2013.

Good luck,

Ahmad Syamil
Arkansas State University


Sumitro Fellows Program

The Sumitro Fellows Program honors Dr. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo,
Indonesia�s senior economist and co-founder of USINDO, who passed away
in 2001. An architect of Indonesia�s modern economy, Professor Sumitro
headed the faculty of economics at the University of Indonesia, and
was later a minister of trade and minister of state for research.

Professor Sumitro was also the driving force behind a 1950�s program
of the Ford Foundation which sent Indonesian economists to the U.S.
for advanced degrees. Many attended the University of California at
Berkeley and the group came to be known as the �Berkeley Mafia� when
its members assumed key cabinet posts in subsequent decades.

One Fellowship is available for United States citizens/permanent
resident for research relating to the political economy of Indonesia.
Another fellowship is available for an Indonesian citizen with a
project related to the Indonesian-United States relationship.

Applications for the 2013 Sumitro Fellows Program must be received by
January 15, 2013. Information on application procedure is provided

Sumitro Fellows Program 2013 Application

USINDO is pleased to announce a call for applications for the 2013
Sumitro Fellows Program.

The Sumitro Fellows Program is a $10,000 travel/study grant for
post-doctoral scholars, PhD candidates, senior academics, and
otherwise professionally qualified candidates to engage in field
research. One Fellowship is available for a United States
citizen/permanent resident for research relating to the political
economy of Indonesia. One Fellowship is also available for an
Indonesian citizen with a project related to the Indonesian-United
States relationship.

Applications must be received by January 15, 2013.

Eligibility Requirements

American applicants for the Sumitro Fellowship must be United States
citizens or permanent residents in the United States with a specific
project on Indonesia�s political economy. Applications outside the
scope of economics or political economy will not be considered.

Indonesian applicants for the Sumitro Fellowshipmust be Indonesian
citizens with a specific project on any aspect of the Indonesian-U.S.
bilateral relationship. Applications related to solely American
topics, Indonesian topics, or to non-U.S./non-Asian themes will not be

Language Proficiency: Please note that though not compulsory, prior
study of Bahasa Indonesia is helpful in conducting field research.
American applicants should indicate on the application form if and at
what level the language has been studied, both formally and
informally. Indonesian applicants must be capable of advanced study
in English. Evidence of English fluency may be demonstrated by TOEFL
scores. Indonesians who have graduated from a US institution of higher
learning, or from such institution in an English-speaking country, are
exempt from this requirement.

Applicants/scholars who intend to publish their work in some form will
be improving their applications. Previous travel to, and experience
in, Indonesia or the United States is desirable but not necessary.

Notification: USINDO will notify selected 2013 Sumitro Fellow(s) by
February 28, 2012. USINDO will not award any Fellowships in a given
year if there are no qualified applicants, in the sole opinion of

Application Materials

All of the following must be completed and received on or before
January 15, 2013, in order to be considered for the Sumitro Fellows

Application Form: Please submit a completed and signed application form.
Field Research Abstract: Please provide a one to five page
single-spaced abstract of your intended research.
Curriculum Vitae or Resume: Please submit a curriculum vitae (not to
exceed 10 pages) or resume providing full citations of all
publications, with the most recently published item listed first.

Recommendation Letters: Two (2) recommendation letters are required.
One recommendation letter must be from a dissertation advisor, senior
faculty member, or other comparable advisor. Please advise your
referees to send the recommendation letter directly to on or before January 15, 2013. Applicants have the
responsibility of requesting and reminding their referees to directly
send their recommendation letters by the required deadline.
Waiver of Responsibility: Please submit a signed waiver of responsibility.

Supplemental Information: In addition to the above information, the
review committee will consider supplemental information such as
writing samples, course syllabi, etc. Faculty members and lecturers
are welcome to submit course syllabi that do not exceed five pages.
Submission and Contact Information

The deadline for the 2013 Sumitro Fellowship is January 15, 2013.
Please submit all application materials via email to Incomplete applications and/or applications and
recommendation letters received after the deadline will not be

Please direct all questions regarding the application process or
candidate eligibility at or by calling


Featured Sumitro Fellows:


Hendi Yogi Prabowo is a lecturer at the Accounting Programme of the
Islamic University of Indonesia. He obtained his PhD from the
University of Wollongong Australia under the Australian Leadership
Award scholarship, his Master of Forensic Accounting from the
University of Wollongong under the Endeavour Australia � Asia
Postgraduate Award scholarship, and a Bachelor of Commerce from the
Islamic University of Indonesia. Hendi is now teaching at both
undergraduate and postgraduate levels at the Faculty of Economics of
the Islamic University of Indonesia. His expertise is in the area of
forensic accounting with a sub specialization in financial
criminology, focusing on human behavior aspects of fraud and fraud
investigation. He is among the first Indonesians formally educated in
the area of forensic accounting at both Masters and Doctorate levels
and is currently the Director as well as the founder of the Centre for
Forensic Accounting Studies at the Islamic University of Indonesia.
Hendi has been actively writing about issues in forensic accounting in
various national and international newspapers, as well as
international journals. He has also been giving speeches and
presentations about forensic accounting in various seminars,
workshops, and trainings.


Keith Bettinger is a doctoral candidate from the Department of
Geography at the University of Hawaii. He earned a Master�s degree in
International Affairs from George Washington University and another in
secondary education from Centenary College of Louisiana. Keith�s
research focuses on the political ecology of national parks; he works
to identify the social, economic, and political drivers of
environmental change. He is currently a Fulbright-Hays fellow and
previously was awarded a Fulbright scholarship for work on national
parks in Malaysia. While currently focusing on academic research,
Keith has previously contributed to Malaysiakini, the Asia Times, and
the Honolulu Weekly. His dissertation project is entitled �Exploring
the Political Edge: Conservation in an Era of Political
Decentralization at Indonesia�s Kerinci Seblat National Park. In his
free time Keith enjoys surfing, sailing, and reading.


Sony Karsono is currently pursuing his Doctoral degree in History and
a graduate certificate in Contemporary History at Ohio University.
Prior to that, he received his Master�s degree in Southeast Asian
History from the same institution. He was the recipient of various
fellowships and awards, such as: the Graduate Fellowship from
Contemporary History Institute at Ohio University; Fulbright
Scholarship from Institute of International Education and Aminef; and
the WGM Research Fellowship from Rijkuniversiteit Groningen, the
Netherlands. He previously worked for Voice of America and at the
Institute for Alternative Social Sciences (Institut Ilmu Sosial
Alternatif) in Surabaya, Indonesia. Throughout his career as a
researcher and writer, he authored notable articles, short stories and
research projects, including: �Setting History Straight? Indonesian
Historiography in the New Order�; The Parliament Members� Visions of
Indonesia�s Future 2000-2010; Transnational Justice dan Hak-hak Buruh
[Transitional justice and workers� rights], and in Keadilan dalam Masa
Transisi [Justice in the time of transition]. He is currently working
on his dissertation, entitled �In Pursuit of Domesticated Modernity?
Indonesia in the New Order, 1966-1998.�





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