Saturday, September 15, 2012

[milis tarki] (milis Tarki) English Teacher Vacancy


Dear Moderator,

Kindly distribute my message to members of milis Tarakanita for an English teacher vacancy:

" A well known coating manufacturer company based in Bitung, Tangerang which has national and world wide distribution  is looking for an English teacher for its in-house English training program.  He or she should be fluently in English both in written and spoken; also domicile within Tangerang area (Karawaci, Gading Serpong, Bitung, Cikupa, Serpong).  We will treated all the application with strictly confidential manner.  Kindly send your application via e-mail to"

Dear moderator, This is the company that I have been working for the last two weeks and their HRD just arranged a new program to help their employees learning English. Therefore, I can assure you thatthis vacancy is not a fraud, should you have any doubt you could contact me through my mobile phone that was listed in your database. Thank you for your kind consideration and I am look forward to receiving application letters from our members.

Anneke Sidarta

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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