Tuesday, May 8, 2012

#FrenBC @ [APWarnet] Teknologi Neutral Roundtable chair by Mastel... menarik... but technologi is just a tool...kata pak Ilham


dari... roundtable meeting on technology neutral spectrum regime @ hotel
dan jumat malam jangan lupa launching indocomtech

Menarik sekali roundtable Mastel on Technology Neutral Spectrum Regime...
yang dipandu oleh Ketum Mastel pak Setyanto dan para pembicara dari
berbagai negara...termasuk pak dirjen dr budi mewakili pak Menteri
Kominfo dihotel Borobudur.

tadinya saya mau komentar... sayang duduknya dibelakang jadi tidak
terlihat oleh moderator pak . dan pada sesi kedua tidak bisa ikut karena
saya harus hadir di roundtable di KL... kebetulan ada Channel Meeting
... jadi harus berangkat.. namun balik Kamis sore... :-)

seperti kata pak Ilham:
Technology is just a means... to an end... the end is our goal...
so we should focus on the goal... what are we going to achieve in
Indonesia ... such as large country... number 4 in the world.

saya ingin tambah komentar sbb:

if we believed that technology just the means... atau alat untuk capai
tujuan then:

1. technology neutral has a loop hole that is even it is neutral it can
still be driven by vendor... even we are using neutral technology ?

2. technology should not be neutral but in favour of:
a. seamless to old technology... so the transition always smooth... from
old technology
b. user friendly... so it is easier...
c. affordable.. remember Indonesia is still an emerging country...
d. Pro User... Pro SME... so not neutral...
e. Pro Local Products... TKDN said pak Budi...

Hope that in neutrality...built in pro user..pro SME... Pro Local Product

Unfortunately I cannot participate in the 2nd sessions... since I have
to catch a plane for another round table ... channel distribution... in
KL... so success with the roundtable and see you

Regards, Rudi Rusdiah - APW/ Mastel Industry and Manufacturing compartement.

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