Messages In This Digest (20 Messages)
- 1.
- Job Vacancy - Urgent From: Devie July
- 2.
- vacancy : agency coordinator From: kiyutcruth
- 3.
- Fw: Vacant position at Aston Samarinda Hotel and Convention Center From: Arzanela Arifin
- 4a.
- 5a.
- PURCHASING From: Ervan
- 6.
- vacancy : call center officer From: kiyutcruth
- 7.
- Lowongan Nurse ( Analis Kesehatan ) BATAM From: Rindra sinaga
- 8.
- vacancy : agency training & development staff From: kiyutcruth
- 9.
- Lowongan Kerja untuk outlet MISTERBLEK BANDUNG From:
- 10.
- Business Support Manager - Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali From: Manager Recruitment
- 11.
- Lowongan Staf Payroll From: Mas Aldi
- 12.
- Job openings - Admin Clerk, Purchasing, Technical Writer, Creative E From: hrbintan2 (Esco Bintan)
- 13.
- Fw: Lowongan Administrasi PT. Astra International Daihatsu Samarinda From: Dedy Eko L.
- 14a.
- Senior Quality Control Engineer (SMT/PCBA/Electronics) From: hrbintan2 (Esco Bintan)
- 15a.
- Secretary Vacancy From: wina plastech
- 16.
- Lowongan Accounting staff From: Andri Hidayat
- 17a.
- Secretary Needed From: Dyana
- 18a.
- Vacancy for Senior Finance & Accounting From: Heri Setiawan
- 19.
- Needed: Accounting Staff-Fresh Graduated [penempatan: Jakarta Timur] From: sigit bintoro
- 20.
- Fwd: Open Vacancy - Wellsite Geologist From: Chissy br.Simanjuntak
- 1.
Job Vacancy - Urgent
Posted by: "Devie July" dvt_maniz
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:46 pm (PST)
Kami perusahaan multinasional yang bergerak dibidang retail dan properti sedang berkembang, membutuhkan beberapa posisi, yaitu :
Assistant Manager Keuangan
a. Pria atau wanita
b. Usia maximal 35 Tahun
c. Pendidikan minimal S-1 Accounting
d. Pengalaman minimal 5 Tahun, diutamakan yang berpengalaman di kantor akuntan publik atau di posisi yang sama
e. Mampu bekerja individu maupun secara team
f. Mampu menyusun dan mensupervisi penyusunan laporan keuangan
g. Menguasai perpajakan, analisa laporan keuangan dan budgeting
HRD Supervisor
a. Pria atau wanita
b. Usia maximal 35 tahun
c. Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di posisi yang sama
d. Mengerti dan memahami mengenai peraturan ketenagakerjaan, penyelesaian perselisihan, pembuatan sistem HRD
e. Mampu bekerja individu maupun secara team
f. Menguasai Ms office dan bahasa Inggris
Marketing Manager
a. Pria atau Wanita
b. Usia maximal 35 tahun
c. Pendidikan minimal S-1
d. Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun di posisi yang sama
e. Memiliki sikap kepemimpinan, mandiri dan memiliki visi
f. Mampu melakukan presentasi dan negosiasi
g. Bersedia di tempatkan dimana saja
h. Menguasai Ms. Office dan bahasa Inggris
Bagi yang memenuhi syarat, kirim CV lengkap beserta foto terbaru ke alamat
email :
recruitment.g09@gmail. com
cc :
- 2.
vacancy : agency coordinator
Posted by: "kiyutcruth"
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:46 pm (PST)
A joint venture insurance company in central Jakarta, urgently needs some candidates to fill position as:
1. Male/Female
2. Minimum Diploma Degreee from any background
3. Fresh graduate are welcome
4. Creative, Good team workand communicative
5. Have experience in handling agent or experience in automotive industry will be preferable
6. Have own vehicle & driving license
Please send your comprehensive resume and recent photograph to:
HR&GA Dept.
PT. LIG Insurance Indonesia
Plaza BII Tower II, 25th floor, suites 2501
Jl. MH Thamrin No 51 Jakarta 10350
Or by email to or (code: AC)
- 3.
Fw: Vacant position at Aston Samarinda Hotel and Convention Center
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:46 pm (PST)
From:Triandy Santyawibowo < >
Sent: Tue, December 8, 2009
11:47:37 AM
Subject: Vacant position at Aston
Samarinda Hotel and Convention Center
Please kindly be informed that we are opening vacant position as
>1. Front Office Supervisor
>Must have a through knowledge of all FO activities and reports. Is
>responsible for daily chcek-in and check-out. Provide assistance to the guest
>to achieve " Total Guest Satisfaction. " Prepare work schedules according
>to the hotel's occupancy forecast
>2. Chinese Chef
>3. Chinese Chef de Partie
>4. Chinese Butcher
Min 1 years experience in the same position in an
International 4-5 star hotel Hotel Background (min. Diploma 3) Excellent interpersonal & Communication
skills Ability
to work under pressure and within team setting Good command of English, both
written & Oral
The delightful Aston Samarinda is ideally located in the heart of Samarinda City
and connected to the city´s main shopping mall - Samarinda Central Plaza .
The hotel offers 99 rooms and suites with dramatic views of the Mahakam River and city skyline. Experience the
best restaurants, entertainment, and shopping, as well as the city´s finest
attractions - all within easy walking distance of the hotel.
Thank you and regards,
Triandy Santyawibowo
Front Office Manager
Aston Samarinda
Jl. P. Hidayatullah 1 - Samarinda
Kalimantan Timur 75112 , Indonesia
m : +62 7880200286/081314141404
t : +62 541 732 600
f : +62 541 732 700
e :
w :
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System.
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
- 4a.
Posted by: "HRD Sinarmas Sekuritas"
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:46 pm (PST)
PT. Sinarmas Sekuritas, a
Securities Company, is recently seeking for a suitable candidate to fill in
vacant position as:
With general requirements
as follows:
Bachelor degree in Any faculty
1 - 2 years of working experience, fresh graduated are
welcome to apply
Excellent interpersonal skills and able to communicate
Able in Ms. Office
Able working under pressure
worker, Well adapt, and fast
Able in English
Should you meet the above
requirements, please submit your complete CV and write the position in subject email, current photograph, and expected salary,
to :
Find us at :
Plaza BII 3 rd Tower 5 th fLoor
Jl.. MH Thamrin No.
51 Jakarta
- 5a.
Posted by: "Ervan"
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:47 pm (PST)
PT. HR Provider-member of SOS Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di
bidang jasa konsultan Sumber Daya Manusia, memberi kesempatan untuk mengisi
posisi sebagai berikut :
Tulis kode : (PURCHASING)
Persyaratan :
- Laki - laki.
- Usia berkisar 22 - 30.
- Pendidikan min D3 segala jurusan.
- Berpengalaman di Fast Moving Customer Good dan di bidang PURCHASING.
- Memiliki stamina tubuh yang baik.
- Berpenampilan rapi & menarik.
Surat Lamaran, Curriculum Vitae, Pas Foto terbaru 4 X 6 dan dokumen
pelengkap lain dikirim, atau datang langsung ke:
Wisma Slipi lt. 7
Jl. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav. 12
Jakarta Barat 11480
Atau email ke :
< >
* Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kriteria yang akan diproses lebih lanjut
- 6.
vacancy : call center officer
Posted by: "kiyutcruth"
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:47 pm (PST)
A joint venture insurance company in central Jakarta, urgently needs some candidates to fill position as:
Call Center Officer
1. Female, minimum 19 years old
2. Minimum High School graduate
3. Fresh graduate are welcome
4. Good written and spoken in English;
5. Excellent communication skills and Good team work
6. living near Jakarta Pusat is preferable
Please send your comprehensive resume and recent photograph to:
HR&GA Dept.
PT. LIG Insurance Indonesia
Plaza BII Tower II, 25th floor, suites 2501
Jl. MH Thamrin No 51 Jakarta 10350
Or by email to (code: CC)
- 7.
Lowongan Nurse ( Analis Kesehatan ) BATAM
Posted by: "Rindra sinaga" rindra_yk
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:47 pm (PST)
Sebuah Hotel di BATAM
Membutuhkan Analis Kesehatan ( Nurse )
* Diploma Analis Kesehatan
* Able to run computer & Basic English
* Single Marital Status
Send your completed resume to:
New Email names for you!
Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
Hurry before someone else does!
http://mail.promotions. newdomains/ sg/
- 8.
vacancy : agency training & development staff
Posted by: "kiyutcruth"
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:48 pm (PST)
A joint venture insurance company in central Jakarta, urgently needs some candidates to fill position as:
Agency Training & Development Staff
1. Female, Minimum 24 years old
2. Bachelors (S1) degree from reputable universities in economy
3. Minimum GPA: 3 (scale : 4.00)
4. Fresh graduate are welcome
5. Good written and spoken in English;
6. Excellent analytical skills, Good team workand communicative
Please send your comprehensive resume and recent photograph to:
HR&GA Dept.
PT. LIG Insurance Indonesia
Plaza BII Tower II, 25th floor, suites 2501
Jl. MH Thamrin No 51 Jakarta 10350
Or by email to (code: ATD)
- 9.
Lowongan Kerja untuk outlet MISTERBLEK BANDUNG
Posted by: "" basriadhi
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:48 pm (PST)
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
MISTERBLEK coffee adalah waralaba dengan produk utama kopi olahan asli Indonesia. Saat ini MISTERBLEK sudah memiliki 108 outlet di 20 kota di Indonesia. Perkembangan MISTERBLEK dapat diikuti di http://bazz-misterblek. blogspot. com
Dalam rangka pembukaan outlet baru kami di PASTEUR HYPER POINT Mall Kota BANDUNG
Dibutuhkan 1 orang
Persyaratan :
a. Disukai berjenis kelamin Pria, usia maksimal 30 tahun
b. Pendidikan minimal D-3, lebih disukai S-1 dengan bidang keahlian Manajemen&pernah memimpin organisasi
c. Sanggup bekerja keras, siap bekerja dengan sistem shift serta mau belajar.
d. Menguasai komputer, dengan program standar yang dikuasai Microsoft Office serta program untuk internet (terutama e-mail)
Dibutuhkan 5 orang
Persyaratan :
a. Terbuka peluang bagi pelamar pria dan wanita, terutama berpenampilan rapi dan menarik
b. Usia maksimal 25 tahun
c. Pendidikan minimal SMA, lebih disukai pernah bekerja di restoran atau rumah makan
d. Sanggup bekerja keras, siap bekerja dengan sistem shift serta mau belajar.
1. Gaji Tetap
2. Uang Harian
3. Insentif/Bonus atas pencapaian target
Lamaran mohon dikirim melalui POS dengan hanya melampirkan
- daftar riwayat hidup+riwayat pekerjaan
- copy ijazah terakhir,
- serta foto 4x6.
Mohon tidak melampirkan selain persyaratan di atas
Lamaran harap dikirimkan ke :
Bp Rasyid
Villa Citra Bantarjati F1/16
Bogor 16152
Lamaran yang kami proses, adalah yang dikirim sebelum tanggal 25 DESEMBER 2009. HARAP TIDAK MENGIRIM VIA E-MAIL.
Terima kasih,
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 10.
Business Support Manager - Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali
Posted by: "Manager Recruitment"
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:49 pm (PST)
Attachment(s) from Manager Recruitment
1 of 1 File(s)
- 11.
Lowongan Staf Payroll
Posted by: "Mas Aldi" aldi_mertosono
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:49 pm (PST)
Yth Moderators,
Mohon dibantu untuk penayangan iklan lowongan ini.
Atas bantuannya diucapkan terima kasih.
Aldiyanto Akbar Mertosono
Jakarta - Indonesia
Perusahaan terkenal dibidang pelayaran muatan kontainer membuka kesempatan berkarir sebagai :
1. Tax & Payroll Staff
Tugas :
* menghitung Pph 21 dari penghasilan crew kapal dan koordinasi dengan Tax Departemen
* menghitung gaji dan uang makan crew kapal
* membuatkan NPWP untuk karyawan baru
Persyaratan kandidat :
* Usia maks 28 tahun, diutamakan pria
* Pendidikan minimal D3 dg jurusan yang terkait dengan lowongan jabatan
* Mempunyai pengalaman dengan kantor pajak dan terbiasa mengurus pembuatan NPWP
2. Admin Payroll Staff
Tugas :
* Melakukan proses administratif dari payroll crew kapal
* Menindak lanjuti proses permintaan uang ke departemen terkait
* Melakukan distribusi uang gaji dan uang makan ke crew kapal.
Persyaratan :
* Usia maksimal 27, diutamakan wanita
* status masih single (lajang)
* Pendidikan minimal D3 dg jurusan yang terkait
Bagi yang tertarik dan sesuai dengan lowongan dan persyaratan di atas, silahkan kirim Lamaran dan CV ke recruitment@temasline. dan CC. aldiyanto.akbar@com temasline. com
sebelum tanggal 19 Desember 2009
Untuk lamaran melalui pos, kirim ke
PT Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Tbk
Jl. Tembang no.51
Tanjung Priok
Jakarta Utara
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
Yahoo! sekarang memiliki alamat Email baru.
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail.
Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!
http://mail.promotions. newdomains/ id/
- 12.
Job openings - Admin Clerk, Purchasing, Technical Writer, Creative E
Posted by: "hrbintan2 (Esco Bintan)" artella_s
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:49 pm (PST)
Esco is recognized as a global player in containment, clean air and laboratory equipment technology. We are highly oriented towards the international marketplace, with distribution in more than 70 countries and a direct presence in 10 of the key global markets. Esco embodies innovation, forward-thinking design, coupled with a tradition of quality since 1978.
Esco is recruiting the best people for our Bintan (Kepulauan Riau) office:
1. Administration Clerk
Responsible for daily administrative duties
Ensure that documents are filed with completeness, systematic and traceable
Diploma from any field, preferably with Administration or Secretarial background
Proficient in using computer, Microsoft Office and Open Office (esp. Excel)
Minimum 1 year experience in administration (e.g. data entry, checking), fresh graduate are welcomed to apply
Meticulous and attention to details
Good command in spoken and written English
Able to work under pressure and tight deadlines
Willing to be stationed in Lobam, Bintan, Kepulauan Riau
2. Purchasing Executive
Develop & implement strategy to provide a cost effective sourcing solution to ensure that product quality, specification & target costs are achieved
Responsible for all purchasing activities including sourcing, contract negotiation and expediting delivery schedule
Handling warehouse inventory control
Maintaining proper document control and filing system
Coordinating with suppliers and forwarders in shipping and customs processes and procedures related to importation, on timely delivery of materials
Issuing purchase orders for local and overseas purchases.
Vendor identification, selection and management
Monitoring and updating on supplier price lists
Maintaining accurate local and overseas purchase records
Establish and maintain an independent suppliers performance monitoring systems to ensure compliance with performance & quality standards & maintain close liaison with suppliers & vendors
Attend international trade/material shows to keep pace with market trends & provide better alternatives
Degree / Diploma in Engineering / Business
Good knowledge in shipping practice such as import and export documentation, permit declaration and other relevant documents
Familiar with purchase variances and participate in cost reduction program.
Excellent business network and supplier contracts from shipping industry is highly desirable
Good command of both spoken and written English and Mandarin
An independent individual who works well under pressure
Min 3 years of hands-on experience in a manufacturing industry with high volume
Excellent interpersonal, communication & analytical skill
Proactive, flexible, reliable, self-motivated & organized
3. Technical Writer
- Create/Update documentations to take into account new product versions
- Maintain and validate existing documentations (manuals, reference guides, user guides)
- Learn products well and translate technical details of products into simple, easy to understand product literature for delivery to customers.
- Prepare brochures, user manuals, documentation; sell sheet, and press/product releases.
- Design and create product literature, edit, and layout; insert copy and standardize literature according to company's corporate image.
- Prepare rough drafts for review by staff or distributors before closing out the literature production process by sending it for print
- Degree in Engineering, Biology, or Chemistry preferred
- Excellent written and spoken English
- Experienced in writing engineering documents, e.g. User Requirements, Engineering Specifications, Factory and Site Acceptance Test Protocols, Product Test Protocols, etc
- Experienced in writing validation documents e.g. Validation Plans, Risk Assessments.
- Strong knowledge in Microsoft Office, Adobe InDesign, Visio, etc
- Creative, fast learner, observant and resourceful
- Knowledge in laboratory and industrial procedure is a plus
4. Creative Editor
Develop publications for Esco website, catalogues, and other documentations
Check documentations based on the correct grammar (terms, wordings, etc)
Create standard documentation
Forms, shape, and review, and edit written materials
Examine and select material for publication
Oversee the preparation of documentations (e.g. photographs, charts, diagrams, illustrations, etc)
Bachelor degree preferably in Mass Communication/ Journalism / English with relevant working experience
1-2 years experience in writing and editing
Strong passion in English and proven excellent writing skills
Creative and able to express idea
Ability to adhere to tight, daily deadlines
Strong work ethic, with mature and responsible attitude
5. Electrical Engineer
Prepare electrical assembly instruction such as electrical wiring, component layout, etc
Liaising with production supervisor/ engineer for product scheduling and flow to fulfill export schedule
Improve electrical assembly process in order to reduce waste and increase efficiency
Supervise electrical QC process and provide a better test procedures
Troubleshoot electrical problem and provide fast solution and prevention action
Diploma degree of Electrical Engineering
Familiar in AutoCAD, Microsoft Visio, and /or other similar software
Good knowledge in IEC-61010,TUV, UL, ISO9001,ISO 14000
Good attitude and communication skill
Able to draw single line drawing
Have good knowledge in AC motors, relays, electronic ballast, EMC, electrical safety standard, PLC Siemens, etc.
Able to work under pressure and tight schedule
Good command in written and spoken English
Self-motivated, strong initiative and effective communication
Willingness and ability to work in a cross functional team environment
Please send your resume to:
- Position you apply for
- Expected salary
- Availability
- 13.
Fw: Lowongan Administrasi PT. Astra International Daihatsu Samarinda
Posted by: "Dedy Eko L."
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:50 pm (PST)
[Attachment(s) from Dedy Eko L. included below]
Perusahaan Astra Group yang bergerak dibidang penjualan kendaraan dan layanan After Sales Service Daihatsu dengan jaringan 72 cabang/outlet diseluruh Indonesia.
Saat ini,kami memberikan kesempatan berkarier sebagai karyawan tetap sebagai :
~ Pria ,usia maks. 28 tahun
~ Pendidikan min. Diploma 3, diutamakan akuntansi/administrasi
~ Mahir mengoperasikan komputer
~ Familiar dengan program-2 komputer terutama MS Office
~ Mempunyai kemampuan Filling dan Administrasi yang baik
~ Bersedia ditempatkan di Samarinda
Bagi yang berminat, kirimkan segera
~ Surat Lamaran + Riwayat Hidup + Foto copy ijazah terakhir +
~ Foto terbaru (4X6) 2 lembar
Ke Alamat : Jl Juanda No.88, Samarinda.
Atau ke Email : (max.250 kb)id
Lamaran diterima paling lambat 7 Hari setelah iklan terbit,
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses lebih lanjut
SATU Indonesia
Semangat Astra Terpadu Untuk Indonesia
The information transmitted is intended only for the person or the entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. If you have received it by mistake please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this message including any of its attachments from your system. Any use, review, reliance or dissemination of this message in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Please note that e-mails are susceptible to change. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of PT Astra International Tbk and should not be construed as the views, offers or acceptances of PT Astra International Tbk.
SATU Indonesia
Semangat Astra Terpadu Untuk Indonesia
Attachment(s) from Dedy Eko L.
1 of 1 Photo(s)
- 14a.
Senior Quality Control Engineer (SMT/PCBA/Electronics)
Posted by: "hrbintan2 (Esco Bintan)" artella_s
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:50 pm (PST)
Esco is recognized as a global player in containment, clean air and laboratory equipment technology. We are highly oriented towards the international marketplace, with distribution in more than 70 countries and a direct presence in 10 of the key global markets. Esco embodies innovation, forward-thinking design, coupled with a tradition of quality since 1978.
Esco is recruiting the best people for our Bintan (Kepulauan Riau) office:
1. Senior Quality Control Engineer (SMT/PCBA/Electronics)
- Problem discovery from ESCO IQC, In-Process QC, Final QA and Technical Service Feedback
- Initiates, plans and executes proactive technical audits for ESCO critical electronics vendors
- Further problem discovery during vendor factory technical audits
- Carry out root cause investigations with vendor
- Work with vendor to develop corrective action plans
- Follow up on implementation
- Utilize findings from the above processes as input into ESCO IQC processes
- Recommend, monitor and trend quality metrics from Vendor QC, ESCO IQC, In-Process QC, Final QC, Technical Service to assess actual improvements.
- Develop, recommend and implement strategies to continuously improve quality / reduce cost / reduce risk, working cross-functionally with all stakeholders. This may include input into component selection, reliability engineering (relates to HALT testing for ESCO new designed PCBAs), recommending sourcing an alternate vendors, and others.
- As required, train ESCO personnel across functions so they may function more effectively in their roles to achieve the above objectives.
- Degree in Mechanical / Manufacturing Engineering
- At least 3 years QA/QC experience working in manufacturing industry
- Familiar with Toyota Production System concepts
- Demonstrated Quality Control experience with knowledge of ISO 9001, SPC, and other QC tools
- Candidate must have SMT experience in an electronics/PCBA manufacturing environment
- Experience with IPC standards, AQL tables, PCBA DFM
- Able to develop, implement, and continuously improve/sustain IQC and other procedures/processes
- Experience with vendor/supplier technical audits
- Experience in capital equipment manufacturing environment will be an advantage
- Technical and detail oriented
- Proven leadership and managerial skills
- Overseas work experience will be an advantage
- Excellent communication skills in English in a cross-cultural environment
- A team player and able to build internal and external relationship
- Willing to be stationed in Lobam, Bintan, Kepulauan Riau
Please send your resume to:
- Position you apply for
- Expected salary
- Availability
- 15a.
Secretary Vacancy
Posted by: "wina plastech"
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:50 pm (PST)
A company located in West Jakarta is looking for:
"S E C R E T A R Y"
-Woman max. 32 years old
- Honest, Dilligent, & Hard worker
- Good communication in English oral & written
- Ability to handle multitasking assignment
- Understand microsoft office (especially excel & words) & internet
- Fresh graduate are welcome
Please send your application letter + CV + photo + other necessary documents to
Please state your expected salary in the CV!!
Thanks !!
HR Department
- 16.
Lowongan Accounting staff
Posted by: "Andri Hidayat" andri_hidayat
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:50 pm (PST)
Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Penambangan Batu Bara
di Kalimantan Timur membutuhkan
Accounting Staff
Syarat-syarat :
â        Wanita/Pria, max 25 tahun
â        S1 Akuntansi, IPK min 2,5
â        Dapat berbahasa mandarin dan inggris
â        Pengalaman 0-2 tahun
â        Mampu mengoperasikan computer, lebih diutamakan pernah menggunakan SAP
â        Dapat bekerjasama dalam team ataupun berkerja individu
â        Rajin dan dapat bekerja under pressure
â        Penempatan di Jakarta
Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi kriteria di atas dapat mengirimkan
surat lamaran, CV, nomor telepon yang dapat dihubungi dan pas photo
terakhir ke :
PT Mandala Karya Prima
Pro Mandiri Building, Komp. Setra Latumenten
Jl. Prof. Dr. Latumenten No. 50
Jakarta Barat 11460
Atau Email:
Sent from  8900  powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry® - 17a.
Secretary Needed
Posted by: "Dyana" dyana_dfp
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:51 pm (PST)
- Background education from secretary academy, preferable from
- Have experience as secretary at least 1 year
- Able to join on January 1st, 2010
- Able to communicate in English
Please submit your resume to with subject: Secretary
- 18a.
Vacancy for Senior Finance & Accounting
Posted by: "Heri Setiawan"
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:52 pm (PST)
We are a Japanese company offer career opportunity for professional candidate with position as below :
Senior Finance & Accounting ( Karawang based )
- Male or Female
- Graduated D3/S1
- Age 27-35 years old
- Have experience in finance & accounting min 2 years
- English active ( oral & writing ), japanese would be advantage
- Familiar with accounting software especially MYOB
- Ability in financial analysis, taxation ( report & audit ) and financial audit
- Domicile at Bekasi or Karawang
Please send your CV and recent photograph in 1 week to . - 19.
Needed: Accounting Staff-Fresh Graduated [penempatan: Jakarta Timur]
Posted by: "sigit bintoro" sigidh
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:53 pm (PST)
Dear all,
Kami adalah Distributor Consumer Good
untuk produk-produk Personal Care.
Saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan tenaga
professional untuk mengisi posisi Accounting Staffdengan lokasi penempatan Jakarta
Tugas dan Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan adalah sebagai berikut:
Tugas & Tanggung Jawab
1. Membuat laporan keuangan bulanan
2. Melakukan stock opname dan rekonsiliasi dengan data
3. Memonitor perkembangan tagihan piutang
Kualifikasi :
1. Pria/Wanita, usia 22 - 25 tahun
2. Pendidikan S1 Accounting [fresh graduated]
3. Jujur, teliti
4. Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan untuk memenuhi dateline
Kirim CV dan lamaran lengkap ke alamat
Dengan subjek: ACC-Jak Tim
- 20.
Fwd: Open Vacancy - Wellsite Geologist
Posted by: "Chissy br.Simanjuntak" boru_juntak
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:53 pm (PST)
*horas temans and modie,
mohon bantu sebar luaskan yaahhh ... mungkin ada yg cocok dengan qualifikasi
yg diminta, mauliate*
-boru juntak-
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chissy Novelina < >
Date: Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 12:32 PM
Subject: Open Vacancy - Wellsite Geologist
We are a National, Oil and Gas Consultant Company URGENTLY required for
Wellsite Geologist position with following qualification:
- Bachelor degree in Geology from recognized university
- Minimum of 10 years experience as Wellsite Geologist in major & active
E&P companies with proven excellent track record
- Qualitative log interpretation skills
- Preference will be given to the candidates who have recent experience
drilling Miocene-Kais to Permian-Ainim section the Bintuni Basin in West
- Familiarity with picking 17-1/2" x 12-3/8" and 12-1/4" x 9-5/8" hole
section TD in the recently developed field in Bintuni Basin using available
data set
- Must have familiarity with High Overbalances, Differential Sticking and
Mud Losses during drilling
- Experience in drilling through total lost circulation and over
pressured zone
- Active user id Geologix software for well composite
- Active user of R-Web software for daily and final geological well
- Positive attitude
- Conduct of HSE training for Basic Safety Training, HUET, Fire Fighting,
First AID and H2S
Qualified candidate could send his complete CV to: later than Monday, 14 December 2009
Please feel free to forward, thank you
*Best Regards*
*Chissy Novelina*
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