Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)
- 1a.
- Lowongan Kerja di PDBI From: alvin
- 1b.
- Lowongan Kerja di PDBI From: alvin
- 2a.
- Vacancy : Management Trainee From: bertha
- 3.
- Lowongan Mekanik untuk Balikpapan From: M Fauzi
- 4.
- Treasury Officer (Temporary) - Jakarta From: RECRUITMENT
- 5.1.
- JOB VACANCY From: adi
- 5.2.
- JOB VACANCY From: adi
- 5.3.
- JOB VACANCY From: adi
- 6.
- Job Vacancy : Senior Marketing ( Sales ) From: recruitment - process
- 7.
- Job Vacancy : Secretary From: recruitment - process
- 8a.
- Vacancy - Data Processing Executive (DP Executive) From: SDM
- 9.
- Lowongan Otto Pharmaceutical Industries From: Daniel Louis
- 10a.
- Accounting From: anton andri
- 11.
- 12a.
- Vacancy : Programmer From: bertha
- 13.
- Vacancy : Receptionist - Jakarta Office From: M Fauzi
- 14.
- Vacancy for IT Junior Analyst From: Executive Search
- 15.
- loker : HRD dan Marketing, SURABAYA (URGENT) From: gabyrose89
- 16.
- Sales Engineer - PT Air Liquide Indonesia From: INFO, Hrd
- 17.
- Motion Designer From: Yoyok Prajoko
- 18.
- Human Resources Manager From: d3viyani
- 19.
- Open position: Maintenance Electrical From: Selfianty Ginting
- 20a.
- Vacancy : Sales Manager From: Dewi Susanti
- 21.
- Iklan Export - Import 2009 From: Recruitment TC
- 22.
- Vacancy for website maker From: Farid Farid
- 1a.
Lowongan Kerja di PDBI
Posted by: "alvin" rynaldie
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:38 am (PST)
Dear Moderator mohon ijin untuk posting
1. Marketing :
Persyaratan :
- Pengalaman dibidang marketing minimal 3 5 tahun untuk Senior
Marketing dan 1 2 tahun untuk Junior Marketing, - Usia 25 -35
tahun, - Lulusan D-3 (untuk yg Junior) ataupun S-1 dari semua Jurusan
pada Universitas di Jakarta, - Mempunyai kemampuan dalam mencari
sebuah informasi pada sebuah seminar ataupun majalah untuk dijadikan
sumber data, - Handal dalam memasarkan produk dan jasa perusahaan yg
terdiri dr berbagai publikasi dan "high profile" event dalam ruang
lingkup target market perusahaan yaitu masyarakan elite Indonesia baik
pengusaha maupun pemerintahan. - Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi verbal
dan koresponden yang baik, sopan dan profesional. - Dapat mengerjakan
beberapa tugas dalam ruang lingkup "sales & marketing" pada saat yg
bersamaan (multi-tasking), harus dapat membagi waktu secara efektif.
- Dapat "menjual" branding/image perusahaan secara konsisten, dapat
mengidentifikasi kompetitor & mengerahkan strategi "penjualan" atau
"promosi" perusahaan untuk bersaing dengan kompetitor. - Berdomisili
di Jakarta,
2. Writer :
Persyaratan :
- Berpengalaman 3-4 tahun dalam bidang jurnalisme, harus memiliki
wawasan tentang ekonomi, politik, dan bisnis. - Usia 25 - 45 tahun
- Lulusan dari S-1 atau S-2, Falkutas Jurnalisme, Ekonomi, Ilmu Politik
& Hubungan Internasional (HI), - Mampu menganalisa dan mengolah data
dan memakai data olahan tersebut sebagai sumber informasi dari karangan
yang akan ditulis. - Mampu menulis sebuah karangan yang isi dan
datanya harus bisa dipertanggungjawabkan, bersifat analisis, kritis dan
memberikan solusi, bukan sekedar informatif/deskriptif. - Mampu
mencari dan "menyaring" berbagai macam berita lokal, regional dan
internasional dan memilah berita2 yang dapat digunakan sebagai bagian
dari karangan. - Memiliki pengetahuan tentang buku2 dan karangan2
terbaru penulis2 atau wartawan2 internasional dengan reputasi tinggi.
- Berdomisili di Jakarta,
3. Data Entry :
Persyaratan :
- Untuk mahasiswa akhir semester dari semua jurusan, - Mau berkerja
secara bergantian (Shift), - Memiliki kemampuan mengetik dan 10-key
yang cepat dan akurat. - Handal dalam Microsoft Office terutama Excel,
Outlook, Word. - Umur 20 tahun ke atas - Berdomisili di Jakarta
Bila berminat kirimkan CV dan Surat Lamaran Lengkap ke email
up : Ibu Vilia Waty (HR&GA)
- 1b.
Lowongan Kerja di PDBI
Posted by: "alvin" rynaldie
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:39 am (PST)
Dear Moderator mohon ijin untuk posting
1. Marketing :
Persyaratan :
- Pengalaman dibidang marketing minimal 3 5 tahun untuk Senior Marketing dan 1 2 tahun untuk Junior Marketing,
- Usia 25 -35 tahun,
- Lulusan D-3 (untuk yg Junior) ataupun S-1 dari semua Jurusan pada Universitas di Jakarta,
- Mempunyai kemampuan dalam mencari sebuah informasi pada sebuah seminar ataupun majalah untuk dijadikan sumber data,
- Handal dalam memasarkan produk dan jasa perusahaan yg terdiri dr berbagai publikasi dan "high profile" event dalam ruang lingkup target market perusahaan yaitu masyarakan elite Indonesia baik pengusaha maupun pemerintahan.
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi verbal dan koresponden yang baik, sopan dan profesional.
- Dapat mengerjakan beberapa tugas dalam ruang lingkup "sales & marketing" pada saat yg bersamaan (multi-tasking), harus dapat membagi waktu secara efektif.
- Dapat "menjual" branding/image perusahaan secara konsisten, dapat mengidentifikasi kompetitor & mengerahkan strategi "penjualan" atau "promosi" perusahaan untuk bersaing dengan kompetitor.
- Berdomisili di Jakarta,
2. Writer :
Persyaratan :
- Berpengalaman 3-4 tahun dalam bidang jurnalisme, harus memiliki wawasan tentang ekonomi, politik, dan bisnis.
- Usia 25 - 45 tahun
- Lulusan dari S-1 atau S-2, Falkutas Jurnalisme, Ekonomi, Ilmu Politik & Hubungan Internasional (HI),
- Mampu menganalisa dan mengolah data dan memakai data olahan tersebut sebagai sumber informasi dari karangan yang akan ditulis.
- Mampu menulis sebuah karangan yang isi dan datanya harus bisa dipertanggungjawabkan, bersifat analisis, kritis dan memberikan solusi, bukan sekedar informatif/deskript if.
- Mampu mencari dan "menyaring" berbagai macam berita lokal, regional dan internasional dan memilah berita2 yang dapat digunakan sebagai bagian dari karangan.
- Memiliki pengetahuan tentang buku2 dan karangan2 terbaru penulis2 atau wartawan2 internasional dengan reputasi tinggi.
- Berdomisili di Jakarta,
3. Data Entry :
Persyaratan :
- Untuk mahasiswa akhir semester dari semua jurusan,
- Mau berkerja secara bergantian (Shift),
- Memiliki kemampuan mengetik dan 10-key yang cepat dan akurat.
- Handal dalam Microsoft Office terutama Excel, Outlook, Word.
- Umur 20 tahun ke atas
- Berdomisili di Jakarta
Bila berminat kirimkan CV dan Surat Lamaran Lengkap ke email :
up : Ibu Vilia Waty (HR&GA)
- 2a.
Vacancy : Management Trainee
Posted by: "bertha" by962000
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:39 am (PST)
optical products. Headquartered in Germany, we are part of the
international Schott AG operating in Asia, Europe & Nafta with
approximately 17,300 employees worldwide.
With our optical component product line in Penang, we are addressing the
upcoming Photonics markets. To realize our ambitious goals, we are
seeking dynamic people who see beyond the future of glass to join us.
Management Trainee
* Supervise and manage production
* Analyze daily production data
* To control WIP trend and raw glass
* Responsible to make polishing sample
* Perform root cause analysis and recommend improvement plan
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in
Mechanical/Manufacturing Engineering, Mathematics/ Statistics or
* Good leadership and interpersonal skills
* Able to work independently and effectively in a team environment
* Good command of spoken and written English
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* Willing to live in Penang-Malaysia (based on contract 1-2 years)
Interested candidates are required to send their resume with photograph
HRD Manager: < >
PT Schott Igar Glass,
Jl. Meranti 3 Blok L8 - 06B
Delta Silicon Industrial Park, Cikarang
Http:// < >al_systems
- 3.
Lowongan Mekanik untuk Balikpapan
Posted by: "M Fauzi" mfauzik
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:39 am (PST)
perakitan dan penjualan alat-alat berat berskala internasional, membuka
kesempatan belajar dan berkarir untuk para professional yang berjiwa muda,
. Pendidikan SMK/STM Otomotif/Mesin
. Usia maks. 27 tahun
. Memiliki minimal 4 tahun pengalaman, lebih diutamakan dalam
alat-alat berat
. Suka tantangan, jujur, dan ulet
. Suka terhadap hal-hal yang detail
Kirim lamaran lengkap dan pas foto 4x 6,
sebelum tanggal 10 Desember 2009, ke:
PT. Daya Kobelco Construction Machinery Indonesia
Jl. Jend Sudirman N. 48 (Stall Kuda)
Balikpapan 76114 - Kalimantan Timur
Up. Bpk Agus Swasono
Atau email (max. ukuran file 300 Kb) ke:
Cantumkan "Mech" sebagai subject email
- 4.
Treasury Officer (Temporary) - Jakarta
Posted by: "RECRUITMENT" jimmi_setiawan02
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:39 am (PST)
(Sinar Mas Group)
We are one of the biggest company in Indonesia (SINAR MAS Group) looking for the best candidate to the following position :
Position : Treasury Officer Temporary
Level : Entry
Location : Thamrin, JKT
Job Qualification :
1. Female, 22 - 27 years old
2. Bachelor Degree in Accountancy from reputable university with GPA min. 3,0
3. Experience minimum 1 year in the same position (Fresh Graduate are encourage to apply)
4. Good computer literate & excellent in english (mandarin will be an advantage)
5. Strong analytical skill, good team player & interpersonal skill.
6. Ready to be contracted for 3 monthsSEND YOUR CV TO : ( Down Stream Division)
- 5.1.
Posted by: "adi" ady_rendra
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:41 am (PST)
Housekeeping Department
The Housekeeping Department assures the highest possible level of guest
satisfaction. The successful applicant will have at least 2 years experience
in a similar position. Good English is essential as well as being
organized, with good communication skills, attention to detail and
Send you CV immediately to:
Due to the expected high volume of response, we advise that we will contact
only short listed candidates.
- 5.2.
Posted by: "adi" ady_rendra
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:41 am (PST)
Sous Chef for 5-Star Resort
Indonesian Citizens ONLY please
Karma Kandara is seeking a seasoned, quality-oriented Sous Chef to join our
growing team here at Karma resorts ( Candidates must
possess a tremendous passion for craft and be extremely flexible and able to
adapt to changing work conditions. Salary will be based on your previous
work experience. Ideal candidates will have:
* Experience in top ranked independent restaurants
and/or in small boutique resorts.
* Five-Star/International or similar experience is
* Excellent cooking skills
* Excellent administrative skills.
Apply immediately by sending an application letter and CV to:
Due to the expected high volume of response, we regret that we shall contact
only short listed candidates.
- 5.3.
Posted by: "adi" ady_rendra
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:44 am (PST)
Central Reservations Manager
Karma Resorts, CNBC Asia Property Awards Winner 2009, is looking for an
experienced Reservations Manager to be based at one of our most luxurious
villa resorts in Bali.
Job description
As reservations manager your role will involve maximising the revenue
streams and distribution channels for all three Asian resorts, reviewing and
implementing the rate strategy on internal and external systems and
continually providing information on trends in booking patterns, as well as
providing management reporting that allows informed decisions to be
undertaken. As a senior member of the sales team, you will be participating
in strategy and budget meetings and setting targets to ensure optimum
revenue is achieved across all resorts.
Ideal Background
The person we are looking for is an experienced reservations manager who has
a passion for revenue management and enjoys analysing the business and
support systems. Experience with Fidelio's Opera programme is essential.
The candidate should be a sales/targets driven individual and have a solid
commercial awareness, high level of spoken and written English and excellent
communication skills, to be considered for this role.
Send your CV today to:
Due to the expected large volume of applicants, we will only contact those
short-listed for an interview.
- 6.
Job Vacancy : Senior Marketing ( Sales )
Posted by: "recruitment - process" evi_meir
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:41 am (PST)
Our client, Heavy Equipment Company (Manufacturing, Distributor),
is looking for candidates to fill the position as:
Senior Manager / Deputy GM ( Sales )
Male /
Female , Age max 40 years old Educational
: S1 / S2 Engineering ( Mechanical,
Industry, Electrical, Etc ) Experience : as sales in heavy
equipment, heavy duty truck, mining company Fluent
in English, speaking, writing and listening. Have
strong communication skill, presentation, negotiation and social skill Analytical
Ability Familiar
with mining industry Ready
to mobilize and traveling to Kalimantan
If you are interested in this
vacancy, please email your CV + Photo
To : ,
Cc: recruitment@binatamahrs. com
with the email subject "SM"
Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and
New Email names for you!
Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
Hurry before someone else does!
http://mail.promotions. newdomains/ sg/
- 7.
Job Vacancy : Secretary
Posted by: "recruitment - process" evi_meir
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:42 am (PST)
Our client, multi finance company, is
looking for candidates to fill the position as:
Single, Female
Between 25 - 30 years old
Have experienced min 1 year as
secretary expatriate
Dynamic, flexible, pro-active.
Excellent communication &
interpersonal skills, able to interact effectively with all levels management.
Good personality, self-motivated,
positive, aggressive and adaptable
D3 Secretary
English Applicable
Computer usage
If you are interested in this vacancy, please email your
CV + Photo
to :
: recruitment@binatamahrs. ,com
the email subject "Executive Secretary"
Only short-listed candidates will be invited via phone
/ e-mail for test and interview
New Email names for you!
Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
Hurry before someone else does!
http://mail.promotions. newdomains/ sg/
- 8a.
Vacancy - Data Processing Executive (DP Executive)
Posted by: "SDM"
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:42 am (PST)
DEKA Marketing Research, an independent full-service marketing research company in Indonesia and member of ESOMAR (the world leading organization that serves research into markets, consumers and societies), is currently looking for qualified people to fill the position of:
Data Processing Executive (code: DPX11)
Location: Jakarta
a.. Male max. 28 years
b.. Min. D3 degree, major: Statistics, Mathematics, Teknik Informatika or System Informatika, GPA min. 3.00
c.. Strong analytical skills with excellent algorithm understanding
d.. Good attention to detail
e.. Familiar with or Adept at using statistical programs, processing data (SPSS, QPS, etc.) and MS Office
f.. Experience with software used to conduct online or computer-based surveys is a definite asset
g.. Good communication skill (both in English and Bahasa Indonesia)
h.. Willing to work extra hours
i.. Flexible and creative
j.. Experience in related position will be an advantage
For qualified candidate please submit your comprehensive CV to:
HR DepartmentDEKA Marketing ResearchJl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 24A,Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 1217O or email to: prior to November 24, 2009.
. Please write the position code (DPX11) in the upper-right corner of your CV or in your email subject.
. Email attachment should be in MS Word document (.doc) with max. 200 KB in size!
- 9.
Lowongan Otto Pharmaceutical Industries
Posted by: "Daniel Louis"
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:42 am (PST)
Sebuah perusahaan farmasi terkemuka di Indonesia mengundang anda untuk bergabung dan berkembang bersama dengan mengisi posisi:
dengan kualifikasi:
- Wanita
- Domisili Jakarta atau Bandung
- Usia max 25 tahun
- S1 Farmasi
- Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang lisensi produk
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan presentasi yang baik
- Dinamis dan Inisiatif
dengan kualifikasi:
- Wanita
- Domisili Jakarta atau Bandung
- Usia max 25 tahun
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Linux & Open Office)
- Mampu bekerja dengan cepat dan akurat
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
Bagi para kandidat yang merasa memenuhi kualifikasi dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran, CV serta berkas pendukung ke alamat
PT Otto Pharmaceutical Industries
Gedung Mensa 1 lantai 1
JL HR Rasuna Said Kav. B 34
Jakarta 12940
atau melalui email ke alamat daniel_louis@ottopharm. com
Kami tunggu aplikasi anda hingga tanggal 30 November 2009
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan di proses
- 10a.
Posted by: "anton andri" an_lius
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:43 am (PST)
We are an establish real estate
property agent,
currently looking for many candidates to fill vacant
positions below :
Min S1, Domisili Jakarta Barat, Pengalaman min 1 tahun, wanita, usia max 30
Please submit the CV, cover letter and photograph to:
Roy Weston Puri Indah
Sentra Niaga Puri Indah Blok T1/3A
Jakarta Barat 11610
Or mailto:bde@royweston.
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
Dapatkan alamat Email baru Anda!
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan sebelum diambil orang lain!
http://mail.promotions. newdomains/ id/
- 11.
Posted by: "RECRUITMENT" jimmi_setiawan02
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:43 am (PST)
(Sinar Mas Group)
We are one of the biggest company in Indonesia (SINAR MAS Group) looking for the best candidate to the following position :
- Pria / Wanita lajang, maks. 30 th.
- S2 dari jurusan apa saja, dengan IPK min. 3.0
- Berbahasa Inggris dengan lancar, baik lisan maupun tulisan.
- Mampu berbahasa Mandarin (Chinese dialect) lebih diutamakan
SEND YOUR CV TO : ( Down Stream Division)
- 12a.
Vacancy : Programmer
Posted by: "bertha" by962000
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:43 am (PST)
All around the world in 36 countries more than 17,000 employees are
committed for Schott. With High-Tech-materials, e.g. special glass and
innovative ideas they are designing the world of tomorrow people
that appreciate self-responsibility and creative scope. At PT Schott
Igar Glass, located at Bekasi, Cikarang, the Asian Pharmaceutical
Packaging Center of the SCHOTT forma vitrum group, we are looking
for the right candidates for the following positions:
Job Description:
· Prepare mini MRP in Logistic
· Graduate from IT / IS
· Familiar with MS Excel Macro
· Familiar with Visual Basic
· Familiar with SQL Server
· Having experience create database system
Interested candidates are requited to send their resume with photograph,
as the earliest starting date to:
PT SCHOTT Igar Glass, to
< > by November 30, 2009.
Office: PT. SCHOTT Igar Glass
Jl. Meranti 3 Blok L8 - 06B
Delta Silicon Industrial Park
Phone: +62-21-28640088
Fax: +62-21-28640055/66
Http:// al_systems
< >al_systems
- 13.
Vacancy : Receptionist - Jakarta Office
Posted by: "M Fauzi" mfauzik
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:44 am (PST)
A Heavy Equipment foreign company, urgently need:
1. Female, max 23 yo
2. Education background SMK - D1 (higher education background is not
3. Minimum 1 years experience
4. Good communication in verbal
5. Though and energic
Please send CV and the latest photo, before 30 November 2009 to:
- 14.
Vacancy for IT Junior Analyst
Posted by: "Executive Search" executive_search_id
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:44 am (PST)
Mazars is an international organization specializing in audit,
accounting, tax and advisory services. Its integrated partnership
includes more than 10,500 professionals operating in 50 countries and
servicing large multinational firms and SMEs. (
< > )
The firm offers, for one of its international customer, a position of:
Minimum Qualifications:
* Bachelor degree or diploma in information systems
* minimum one year experience in IT work
* strong in information system
* able to make a table and graph using Microsoft Excel
* able and understand to make database
* in good written and spoken English to work in a multicultural
organization and
* must be computer literate.
Qualified candidates may send their CV including detail work
experiences, stating current and expected remuneration package, to id
- 15.
loker : HRD dan Marketing, SURABAYA (URGENT)
Posted by: "gabyrose89" gabyrose89
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:44 am (PST)
Dear moderator,
Minta izin untuk diposting lowongan kerja berikut yach.
Klien kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perhotelan (TANOYASI) sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi :
1. marketing
- min S1 di bidangnya,
- min pengalaman 3 tahun di bidangnya,
- menarik
- good personality dan customer oriented
- pekerja keras
- mempunyai kemauan untuk belajar
- jujur dan dapat dipercaya
- lancar berbahasa inggris,
- max umur 35 tahun
2. HRD
- min D3
- pengalaman min 2 tahun
- good personality dan customer oriented
- pekerja keras
- mempunyai kemauan untuk belajar
- jujur dan dapat dipercaya
- max umur 35 tahun
bagi yang memenuhi kriteria di atas, dan berminat untuk melamar silahkan SEGERA kirim CV dan foto terbaru Anda ke alamat email
- 16.
Sales Engineer - PT Air Liquide Indonesia
Posted by: "INFO, Hrd"
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:44 am (PST)
Dear Moderator,
Would you please forward our Job Vacancy below to all your milist's
members .
Thank you very much for your help and your kindness.
Best regards,
HRD PT Air Liquide Indonesia
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Air Liquide, founded in 1902 in France, is the world leader in gases for
Industry, health and the environment. Our group employs over 43,000
employees in 75 countries. We provide technology and service-based
solutions to meet the comprehensive needs of our customers from all
industrial sectors.
For more information please visit us at
< > or com
< >
In Indonesia, we employ around 200 people and operates plants in
Cibitung and Cilegon. We are now have immediate opportunities for the
right candidates to contribute to the diversity of our business and a
career with Multi National Company.
Sales Engineer (SE)
(to be placed in Cibitung - MM 2100 Industrial Area)
with requirements:
* You should have minimum bachelor degree (S1) majoring from
Metallurgy Engineering.
* Candidate should possess minimum 2 year experiences as Sales
Engineer in manufacturing industry.
* Able to communicate in English both oral and written is a must.
* Computer literate.
* Willing to work immediately.
Interested person should apply with full resume in English and a recent
photo to:
HRD PT Air Liquide Indonesia
(Attachment must less than 200 kb)
Please put the position as the subject of your email. Email without
correct subject will be deleted automatically.
No later than 2 weeks after this advertisement
- 17.
Motion Designer
Posted by: "Yoyok Prajoko"
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:45 am (PST)
*PT MNC Group is **a leading integrated media and multimedia group with the
focus on broadcasts and quality contents by means of technologies suitable
to meet the needs of the market; we are now looking for self driven and
dynamic professional to join our team as**:*
*In details, you will be in charge in:*
- Creating animated artwork for on air promotion
*To be a successful in the position, you will be:***
o Male/Female, max 30 years old
o Minimum D3 from any related majoring
o Minimum 3 year of experience with exposure in the same jobs of
production house, advertising agency or other creative industries
o Excellent in 2D, 3D Studio Max, Cinema 4D, Maya 3D, Photoshop,
Flash, After Effects, Adobe Premier, Final Cut Pro.
o Creative, resourceful and innovative
*Please send your comprehensive resume & recent photograph to:*
* * < >* ***
*Please indicate the position you apply for in the subject of your email*
- 18.
Human Resources Manager
Posted by: "d3viyani" d3viyani
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:46 am (PST)
Human Resources Manager
* Male or Female max 35 years
* Degree in Human Resource Management/Law/Business Administration
* Extensive background in Human Resources with sufficient knowledge of IT industry
* Minimum 3 years experience at a same position
* Familiar with Indonesian Labor Law & Regulation
* Have sound knowledge & experience in HR Policy & Procedures, personal matters and employee relations
* Deep knowledge of government regulation
* Fluent in both spoken and written English is a must
Interested applicants should send an e-mail with a detailed CV (MS Word or PDF format) stating your current and expected salary, date of availability and recent photograph (maximum attachment size 200KB) to, with the job position in the subject title. Only short-listed candidates will be notified for interviews
- 19.
Open position: Maintenance Electrical
Posted by: "Selfianty Ginting"
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:46 am (PST)
PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, established in 1951, is a distributor and
manufacturer of specialty and basic chemicals. In addition to its
Jakarta head office, the Company has five branches and six
representative offices in Indonesia as well as a main regional
subsidiary in Singapore, and offices in China, Thailand and Vietnam to
oversee Distribution activities. In Manufacturing, Lautan Luas
established 17 production facilities in Indonesia, three in China and is
building its first manufacturing facility in Vietnam. Lautan Luas has
also set up a Support & Service business segment made of four
subsidiaries that were previously the Company's internal departments -
laboratory, supply chain, IT and water treatment - to provide value-add
services to customers.
Born of modest origins, Lautan Luas has grown to be Indonesia's leading
chemical distributor and manufacturer, as it works with over 100
international principals, supplies more than 1,000 chemical products and
serves some 2,000 industrial end-users throughout Indonesia and the
Asia-Pacific region. And as Lautan Luas continues to grow, our corporate
vision remains the foundation for growth and expansion: To be the
leading regional integrated chemical distribution and manufacturing
company by providing value to customers in becoming preferred business
partner, challenge and opportunities to our employees, and superior
return to our shareholders.
For PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, this means sustaining a Total Quality Management
mindset. Strong emphasis is placed on the cultivation of a learning
culture, where employees take great pride and joy in being a part of a
talent-focused organization. Our employees are provided internal and
external training for both professional and personal development to
ensure a highly crafted and learned talent base. More importantly, at
Lautan Luas, each individual is challenged to deliver only the best,
rewarded for exceeding objectives and encouraged to enjoy the journey of
a successful career.
Therefore, PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk challenges you to join us for the
following opportunity:
Responsible in coordinating and maintaining mechanical and electrical
equipments (including installation, repairing, and preventive
Requirements :
- Graduate of Electrical
Engineering (min. D3)
- Having minimum 2 - 3
years experience in coordinating maintenance team
- Having wide knowledge of
building maintenance system (mechanical and electrical)
- Able to work
independently as well as in a team
- Strong communication and
interpersonal skills
If you are confident that you can meet our requirements, please send
your resume with the code of position on your email subject to:
Recruitment@lautan-luas. <mailto:Recruitment@com lautan-luas. >com
For further information about PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, please visit our
website at: <http://www.lautan- >
- 20a.
Vacancy : Sales Manager
Posted by: "Dewi Susanti" duniarasuna
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:46 am (PST)
We - a HR consulting and training provider - are seeking for a professional to fill the challenging position as a Sales Manager. The incumbent will directly report to the Director.
Education : - S1
Experience : At least 4 (four) years as a Sales Manager in a Service Company
Required Skills : - Target oriented
- Strong leadership
- Proactive and Creative
- Communicative
- Fluent in English
If your qualifications meet the requirements above please feel free to apply by sending your Valuable Resume thru e-mail (100 Kb Max) to dewi.susanti@sinergi-group. ; Janis.mukawi@com sinergi-group. not later than 30 November
SIS Consulting
PT. Sentra Integrasi Sinergi
Rasuna Office Park PR-06
Rasuna Epicentrum
Jl. HR Rasuna Said - Kuningan
Mulai chatting dengan teman di Yahoo! Pingbox baru sekarang!! Membuat tempat chat pribadi di blog Anda sekarang sangatlah mudah. pingbox/
- 21.
Iklan Export - Import 2009
Posted by: "Recruitment TC"
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:47 am (PST)
As one of the largest multinational automotive company, we are seeking
for talented and high calibre candidates who are looking for more
challenges and better future to join as part our growth for the
following positions :
Requirements :
* Male, max : 28 years old
* Minimum D3 degree any discipline
* GPA : min 2.8 (scale of 4) from reputable university
* Having knowledge of Export-Import procedures
* Minimum 1 years experience in the same field
* Fluent in English ( oral & written ), Japanese / Chinese is
* Hardworking, teamwork, initiative and Able to work under
* Good planner & communication skill
* Ready to be placed in our plant / factory in Bekasi
Should you interest to perform this opportunity in SUZUKI, please submit
your comprehensive resume and recent photograph not later than December
15, 2009 and please put the position code as the subject to :
PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor
Gedung Training Center TB1
Jl. P. Diponegoro Km 38,2
Tambun - Bekasi 17510
Email : id
Only sort-listed candidates will be notified.
- 22.
Vacancy for website maker
Posted by: "Farid Farid" farid.farit
Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:48 am (PST)
a company, urgentlyseeking for dynamic and driven candidates for the following position:
Website Maker
* Experience to create website.
* Strong analytical skills and able to work personal and team to troubleshoot and solve problems and to create a website
* Hard Working , independent, and self-motivation
Send your CV, photographs, and include the website address which you were doing to
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