Messages In This Digest (26 Messages)
- 1a.
- Exim Staff - URGENT From: HR
- 2a.
- Vacancy (urgent): Accounting/Finance/Tax Staff (2 person) From: Daswa
- 3.
- Urgently required (JAKARTA based) : 3D Pattern Maker & Direct Sales From: Eins Recruit
- 4.
- Lowongan Fasilitator Sains Paruh Waktu From: A. Muzi Marpaung
- 5.
- Lowongan : Sales Canvas (URGENTLY NEEDED) From: PT. Jasa Mandiri Techgraha
- 6a.
- 7.
- EPC From: Post Job
- 8.
- Mari Kita bahu membahu membangun Indonesia From: andi azwar
- 9a.
- URGENTLY NEEDED for Assistant Accounting From: ayu sehila
- 10.
- Fw: EDP Supervisor for The Phoenix Hotel Yogyakarta From: Arzanela Arifin
- 11.
- Fw: Re: Open position Mercure Batam From: Arzanela Arifin
- 12.
- Fw: Urgent Vacancy Hotel Mutiara Merdeka From: Arzanela Arifin
- 13.
- Fw: Vacancy @ Grand Tropic Suites Hotel From: Arzanela Arifin
- 14a.
- Lowongan kerja di Planet Hollywood ( BALI ) From: Iman Maitreya
- 15a.
- Corporate Secretary From: Cendra Ong
- 16.
- Budget & System Controll Staff From: Cendra Ong
- 17.
- JOB VACANCY AT EF From: hrd.efswara
- 18a.
- (Urgently Needed) Fresh Graduated for Mining Company - South Kali ma From: Wisnu Widya Tama
- 19.
- Vacancy : Payroll Staff From: bertha
- 20.
- Fw: Vacancies at Sheraton Bandara From: Arzanela Arifin
- 21.
- Fw: Vacant Positions at Gumilang Regency From: Arzanela Arifin
- 22.
- Urgent! Web Programmer utk eCommerce & Social Network From: videatech
- 23.
- Vacancies @PT Lautan Luas Tbk From: Selfianty Ginting
- 24.
- BTS/Microwave Engineer at Telecommunication Company From: yeti awaliyah
- 25.
- vacancy General Affairs Staff From: nosensation8
- 26.
- Vacancy: Cash Management Staff From: APL Recruitment Mailbox
- 1a.
Exim Staff - URGENT
Posted by: "HR"
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:10 pm (PDT)
PT Sorini Towa Berlian Corporindo, Beji - Pasuruan ( is URGENTLY looking for potential candidates to fill the position of :
* Male
* At least 2 years experience in the similar position
* Result oriented, patient
* Be ready to work under pressure
* Tough
* Good understanding with Bonded Zone regulation
* Willing to located in Beji, Pasuruan
Please send your complete CV and current photo to:
Human Resources Department
Ds. Cangkringmalang, Beji - Pasuruan
or email:
Thank you.
- 2a.
Vacancy (urgent): Accounting/Finance/Tax Staff (2 person)
Posted by: "Daswa"
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:10 pm (PDT)
Vacancy (urgent): Accounting/Finance/Tax Staff (2 person)
PT Eins Trend is an export oriented PMA garment manufacturer which based on
bonded zone at Sadang, Purwakarta. Currently we are seeking a qualified
person to fill the Accounting/Finance Staff or Tax Staff position with the
following responsibilities:
. Responsible in all finance/accounting activities as well as
general administration and accounts reconciliation and other regular reports
. Maintain good relationship with colleagues
. Verifies validity, completeness, accuracy of document processing
. Report to the Finance / Accounting / tax Chief
S/he should :
. willing to work either at Purwakarta or Jakarta
. able to communicate in english (oral and written)
. not more than 28 years old
. having at least bachelor/S1 degree in
finance/accounting/commerce/ business- law graduated from recognised
University with good appreciation.
. computer literacy, especially in MS-Excel/MS-Office, and
accounting application
. having strong knowledge in finance, accounting and taxation.
Having tax certification (Brevet B. Brevet C) will be preferred for Tax
staff position.
. good problem solving, mature, independent, analytical thinking
and attention to detail
. result oriented and able to work under pressure
. having experince several years in the field of Finance /
Accounting / Tax. will be preferred.
If you meet the criteria above, please submit your application and mention
the position you are applying for, attached with current CV, expected salary
and new photo to:
PT Eins Trend
Attn. Finance/Accounting Dept.
Jl Raya Sadang Subang, Kp Kiara Dua
Desa Cikumpay, Campaka
Purwakarta - 41181
or via email (with format MS-Word ):
Not later than two weeks after this ad.
Only short-listed candidate will be contacted for further recruitment
- 3.
Urgently required (JAKARTA based) : 3D Pattern Maker & Direct Sales
Posted by: "Eins Recruit"
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:10 pm (PDT)
Urgently required (JAKARTA based) : 3D Pattern Maker & Direct Sales
PT Eins Trend is an export oriented PMA garment manufacturer which based on
bonded zone at Sadang, Purwakarta and at KBN, Cakung, Jakarta.
Currently we are seeking a qualified person to fill the position of 3D
Patern Maker and Direct Sales Merchandiser.
For 3D Patern Maker, s/he should :
. able to drawing pattern both manually or computerized
. computer literacy, especially in CAD application
. having experince at least 2 years in the field of garment
For Direct Sales Merchandiser, s/he should:
. able to communicate in English (oral and written)
. having experience several years in the field of Merchandising
and also good relationship buyer side
. Having at least bachelor/S1 degree
. computer literacy, especially in MS-Excel/MS-Office
. good problem solving, mature, independent, analytical thinking
and attention to detail
. strong leadership, result oriented and able to work under
General requirements:
. willing to work at Jakarta
If you meet the criteria above, please submit your application and mention
the position you are applying for, attached with current CV, expected salary
and new photo to:
PT Eins Trend
Attn. Jenna Lee
Jl Jawa 14 Blok A No.3
Kawasan Berikat Nusantara (KBN), Cakung
or via email (with format MS-Word ):
Not later than two weeks after this ad.
Only short-listed candidate will be contacted for further recruitment
- 4.
Lowongan Fasilitator Sains Paruh Waktu
Posted by: "A. Muzi Marpaung" bang_muzi
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:10 pm (PDT)
Rumah Sains ilma sedang membutuhkan beberapa orang fasilitator sains paruh waktu dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :
1. Berusia di bawah 30 tahun
2. Laki-laki atau perempuan, sarjana MIPA atau jurusan IPA lainnya
3. Suka belajar dan bermain bersama anak-anak
4. Berdomisili di wilayah Jabodetabek
5. Mempunyai waktu lowong di hari Kamis dan atau Jumat
Kirimkan segera CV Anda melalui e-mail ke sg
atau ke
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
Get more done like never before with Yahoo!7 Mail.
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- 5.
Lowongan : Sales Canvas (URGENTLY NEEDED)
Posted by: "PT. Jasa Mandiri Techgraha" hrd_jmt
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:11 pm (PDT)
Dibutuhkan cepat 10 Orang :
(Lowongan ditutup tanggal 20 Oktober2009)
Laki-laki . Usia Maks. 35 Thn
Pendidikan Min D3 Segala Jurusan
Pengalaman Min. 1 Tahun di bidang penjualan produk makanan
Memilki Motor sendiri dan memiliki sim C
Fasilitas : Gaji/ Bulan Rp. 1.850.000,- (belum termasuk komisi
dan tunjanga Pulsa)
Canvas lebih banyak memakai Mobil Operational Kantor
Kepribadian yang jujur, dan menarik
Team Work
Lokasi Kerja : Sudirman
Kirimkan CV dan surat lamaran Anda ke :
Human Resources Department
Jl. Danau Indah Selatan Blok B9 / 11 Sunter Jaya II
Jakarta Utara 14350
Telp. 021 - 32006504
By email : /
Walk Interview Senin - Jumat pkl 08.00 s/d 16.00 WIB
( cantumkan " Sales Canvas" pada subjek email atau pada pojok kiri surat lamaran)
_____________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
Dapatkan nama yang Anda sukai!
Sekarang Anda dapat memiliki email di dan
http://mail.promotions. newdomains/ id/
- 6a.
Posted by: "yhbusdev" yhbusdev
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:11 pm (PDT)
- Berpengalaman sebagai mud logger/Pressure Engineer minimal 5 tahun
- menguasai peralatan MLU
- Mampu mengkoordinasi operasional dan personnel MLU
- Mampu membuat final report pekerjaan.
- Rajin dan Ulet
- Mempunyai dedikasi yang tinggi
- Berpengalaman sebagai mud logger minimal 2 tahun
- Rajin dan Ulet
- Mempunyai dedikasi yang tinggi
- Berpengalaman sebagai Pressure Engineer minimal 2 tahun
- Rajin dan Ulet
- Mempunyai dedikasi yang tinggi
- Berpendidikan Sarjana (S-1) Teknik Perminyakan/Geologi
- Rajin dan Ulet
- Mempunyai dedikasi yang tinggi
- mempunyai pengalaman/latar belakang yang berhubungan dengan elektronika
- Mampu menguasai komputer software maupun hardware.
- Mempunyai SIM A/C
- Rajin dan Ulet
- Mempunyai dedikasi yang tinggi
Lamaran dikirimkan paling lambat 2 minggu setelah pengumuman ini.
Lamaran dilengkapi dengan CV/riwayat hidup, copy ijazah, copy nilai, copy
sertifikat pendukung dan pas photo 4x6 - 2 lembar
Dikirimkan via POS ke:
Ruko Pasar Pagi Bintara Blok E-34
Bekasi Barat 17134
atau melalui email:
(lamaran dan lampiran via email dikirimkan dalam format: doc dan image)
- 7.
Posted by: "Post Job"
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:11 pm (PDT)
An EPC company with Oil&Gas,Mining and Power Plant Project is seeking experienced candidates to fill the for the following positions
1. Structure Superintendent
2. QAQC Superintendent
3. HR Supervisor
For Position 1&2 Minimum experienced 10 Years in EPC/EPCI project, Mining Project
For Position 3, Minimum experienced 5 Years with strong knowledge in Expat Formalities
Ready for Site assignment with rotation schedule for position 1&2, exception for position "3" Jakarta Base
Interest candidate please send your CV to , by mentioning your dicipline in email subject
- 8.
Mari Kita bahu membahu membangun Indonesia
Posted by: "andi azwar" shyzar032001
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:14 pm (PDT)
Urgently Needed!!!
institusi pendidikan dengan cabang lebih dari 300 buah di seluruh
Indonesia membutuhkan banyak Guru dan Marketer Pendidikan untuk seluruh Daerah Harapan Indah, Kalideres, Tanggerang dan Lippo Cikarang
Kesempatan Terbatas sampai dengan hari Sabtu 16 Oktober 2009
1. Laki-laki / perempuan, maksimal 30 tahun
2. Pendidikan min. D3 (S1 lebih disukai) atau lulusan dari lembaga kursus terkemuka
3. Terbuka bagi fresh graduated (lebih disukai yang berpengalaman mengajar di bidangnya)
4. Supel, menarik dan menukai dunia pendidikan,.khususnya pendidikan anak
5. Fasih Berbahasa Inggris baik Lisan
Maupun Tulisan
6. Bersedia Mengikuti Orientasi selama 2 Minggu
Kirimkan surat lamaran
lengkap, pasfoto dan no telepon/HP dengan mencantumkan kode lamaran (subject email/ amplop) ke :
Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 8 B
Jakarta Timur
- 9a.
URGENTLY NEEDED for Assistant Accounting
Posted by: "ayu sehila" se_hi_la
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:15 pm (PDT)
Job Vacancy as Assistant Account Executive and Tax @ :
PT. Commodities & Energy Resources
Sentra Mulia 6th Floor Room 608
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. X-6 No.8
Jakarta 12940, Indonesia
Attn to : HRD Manager
Position :
1. Accounting & Tax staff
2. Finance staff
* Female
* Single
* D3 or S1 Majoring in Accounting or Finance
* Excellent in Ms Office (Word,Excel,Power Point), internet and accounting software especially Zahir Accounting Software
* Experience in the same positions at least 1 years and
* Having Taxes knowledge and capable to operating eSPT program
* Communicative, Good Attitude, Nice, Polite , sense of belonging and Helpful
* Responsible ,able to work overtime and under pressure
Attached :
* Recent Photo
* Complete CV
* Job reference
Please send your application letter, resume and present photograph & expected salary before 19thOCTOBER 2009to:
We will contact only short-listed candidates.
_____________________ _________ __
Berselancar lebih cepat.
Internet Explorer 8 yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! otomatis membuka 2 halaman favorit Anda setiap kali Anda membuka browser.Dapatkan IE8 di sini! (Gratis)
Yahoo! Mail Kini Lebih Cepat dan Lebih Bersih. Rasakan bedanya sekarang!
- 10.
Fw: EDP Supervisor for The Phoenix Hotel Yogyakarta
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:15 pm (PDT)
[Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin included below]
From:Wahyu Wikan TP - MGallery Yogyakarta [ ]
Sent: 10 September 2009 12:34
To: Arzanela K. Kuncoro
Subject: EDP Supervisor for The Phoenix Hotel Yogyakarta
Thank you for your nice cooperation
Very Best Regards,
Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin
1 of 1 File(s)
- 11.
Fw: Re: Open position Mercure Batam
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:16 pm (PDT)
[Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin included below]
From: HRM Mercure Batam < >
Subject: Re: Open position Mercure Batam
To: "Arzanela Arifin" < >
Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 9:49 AM
Thank you.
Best regards,
Eri Desmarini
Human Resources Manager
--------------------- -
Jl. Raden Patah No.12
Batam Island 29432 - Indonesia
Tel : +62 778 452 777 ext. 130
Fax : +62 778 453 474
Email :
Booking through at Accor Call Center : 0807 1 777 777 (local charge)
Accor Reservation Services Indonesia : 021 5744415
Booking your room has never been simpler
Visit our website
Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin
1 of 1 File(s)
- 12.
Fw: Urgent Vacancy Hotel Mutiara Merdeka
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:16 pm (PDT)
From: Anti Roesfian [ ]id
Sent: 09 September 2009 6:26
To: Arzanela K. Kuncoro;
Cc: ; Tjatur Tjatur
Subject: FW: Urgent Vacancy Hotel Mutiara Merdeka
Thanks & best regards,
Anti Roesfian
-----Original Message-----
From: Ofetri Bechtel [ ]
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 10:30 PM
To: id
Subject: Urgent Vacancy
Hotel Mutiara Merdeka Pekanbaru, four star property is seeking for
qualified candidates for the position below:
Housekeeping Department
Housekeeping Manager
Assistant Housekeeping Manager
Housekeeping Supervisor
Front Office Department
Assistant Front Office Manager
Duty Manager
Reception (Female)
Guest Relation Officer (GRO)
Chief Security (bacground X Navy or Army it must)
Assistant Chief Security
General Qualifications:
Diploma of tourism background or related education background
Fluently in English both spoken and written
Pleasant personality
Adequate interpersonal & communication skill
Self motivated, dynamic and customer oriented
Good performance, proactive and self starter personality
Min. 1 year experience in similar position
Ability to speak other foreign language will be an advantage
Interest candidate are invited to send CV & recent photograph to:
Hotel Mutiara Merdeka Pekanbaru
Jl.Yos sudarso 12-A, Pekanbaru 28154
Note : Send your CV to Room Division Manager
- 13.
Fw: Vacancy @ Grand Tropic Suites Hotel
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:16 pm (PDT)
[Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin included below]
From: HRM < >
Subject: Vacancy @ Grand Tropic Suites Hotel
To: "Arzanela K. Kuncoro" < >
Cc: "dea prasetyawati" < >
Date: Monday, October 5, 2009, 11:22 AM
Dea Prasetyawati Wibowo |Human Resources Manager
Grand Tropic Suites' Hotel
Jl. S.Parman Kav.3 | Jakarta Barat
Phone: 62.21.564 1555 ext. 322 | Fax 62.21.564 1550 | Mobile: 62.81311377043
E-mail : |
PPlease consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
_____________________ _________ __
Confidentiality Warning: This e-mail contains information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, any dissemination, publication or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. The sender does not accept any responsibility for any loss, disruption or damage to your data or computer system that may occur while using data contained in, or transmitted with, this e-mail. If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify us by return e-mail. Thank you.
_____________________ _________ __
Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin
1 of 1 File(s)
- 14a.
Lowongan kerja di Planet Hollywood ( BALI )
Posted by: "Iman Maitreya" iman_maitreya
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:16 pm (PDT)
Looking for young & energetic candidates to join us
1. Bartender ( Male / Female )
- having a good skill in bartending
- Max 30 years old
- Fluent in English and other language is an advantage
- Has a good personality, well groom and good attitude
2. Host / Server ( Female )
- Single
- Max 27 years old - Has Background in hospitality
- Fluent in English and other language is an advantage
- Has a good personality, well groom and good attitude
- Fresh graduate is welcome
3. Receptionist ( Female )
- Single
- Max 27 years old
- Fluent in English and other language is an advantage
- Has a good personality, well groom and good attitude
- Fresh graduate is welcome
4. Engineering ( Male )
- Background Engineering DIII / S1
- has experience in engineering
- Max 30 years old
- Has a good personality, well groom and good attitude
- able to work under pressure
5. Pref Cook ( Male / Female )
- Background in F&B product
- has experience in Kitchen
- Max 30 years old
- Has a good personality, well groom and good attitude
- able to work under pressure
send your full CV and recent photograph to :
shortlist candidates will be notified interview will be doing in Planet Hollywood Bali
- 15a.
Corporate Secretary
Posted by: "Cendra Ong"
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:17 pm (PDT)
A growing company, is urgently seeking for a highly motivated individual to
fill the following positions :
*Corporate Secretary*
*Job descriptions :*
- To provide administrative support and services to the business
- Liaise between Head Office and Jakarta Office
- Advise & co-ordinate all meetings and appointments and pass relevant
information on to staff
- Coordinate all business functions
- Arrange all travel, accommodation and other associated miscellaneous
items for overseas guests.
- Responsible for any corporate legal matters
- Responsible for Financial Management of the company
- Manage the filing and archiving system
*Qualifications :*
- University degree in Law
- 4 years applicable experience in the same field
- Able to give legal opinion to support company action
- Have experiences in conducting Corporate Actions such as IPO, Right
issue, RUPS, etc.
- Problem solver, honest and excellent ability as team player.
- Fluent in English
- Good interpersonal skills
- Computer Literate (MS Office)Computer Literate (MS Office)
*If you meet the requirements, please send your comprehensive resume with
recent photograph to :*
*** * < >
- 16.
Budget & System Controll Staff
Posted by: "Cendra Ong"
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:17 pm (PDT)
A growing company, is urgently seeking for a highly motivated individual to
fill the following positions :
*Budget & System Controll Staff :*
- University degree in Finance/Accounting
- 2 years applicable experience in the same field
- Critical, good in analyzing, proactive
- Highly Integrated, attention to detail, good responsibility and
willing to work under pressure
- Good planning and organizational abilities
- Computer Literate (MS Office)
- To be based in *Makassar, South Sulawesi*
*If you meet the requirements, please send your comprehensive resume with
recent photograph to :*
*** *
- 17.
Posted by: "hrd.efswara" hrd.efswara
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:17 pm (PDT)
Dear All,
Just info .barangkali ada yang membutuhkan info job vacancy, semoga bisa bermanfaat dan bisa diforward ke teman2 kalian .
Thanks ya =))
"A great opportunity to be part of an internationally recognized language school"
English First is one of the world's most recognized language schools and due to our rapid expansion , we are looking for the following position to be based in our EF PLUIT, EF TEBET, EF TANJUNG DUREN, EF CENGKARENG, EF BSD, EF PURI, EF BOGOR, AND EF GADING SERPONG.
1). Course Consultant
Below 27 Years Old
Female, D3/S1, fresh graduate / under-graduate
Good communication skills in English both oral & written
Able to work independently & under pressure
Strong customer service & target oriented
2). Marketing Coordinator
Below 27 years old
Male/Female, D3/S1
Minimum 1 year experience in PR & Marketing
Good communication skills in English both oral & written
Creative, initiative, proactive & dynamic.
3). General Affair
Below 27 Years Old
Female, Min. D3/S1 any major - from reputable university
Good communication in English and interpersonal skills
Attention to details, accurate, good initiative
Excellent competency in handling administrative job such as distribution, invoicing, filling, book keeping, inventory, etc
4). Finance & Accounting ( Staff & Supervisor )
Below 30 years old
Min 1 year experience
Min. D3/S1 accounting - from reputable university
Having experiences as a public accountant will be an advantage
5). Non- Native (Indonesian) English Teacher (NNT)
Min. D3
Below 30 Years old
Preferably female
Available between 2 pm 9 pm
Having teaching experience will be an advantage
6). Center Manager (CM)
Min S1 from reputable university
Below 30 years old
Having min 2 years experiences as Coordinator/ Manager
Interested candidates are invited to write to the address below, stating present, which EF that you prefer, expected income, and enclosing a full resume with a recent photograph.
PO BOX 2992
JKP 10029, or
EMAIL to :
- 18a.
(Urgently Needed) Fresh Graduated for Mining Company - South Kali ma
Posted by: "Wisnu Widya Tama" wisnuwidyatama
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:17 pm (PDT)
We are a leading regional integrated mining company for more than 18 years.
To support our expansion, we urgently require qualified, professional and
highly motivated candidates to join our winning team for the following
requirement as follows
1. Bachelor Degree of Mining Engineering - (FGDP-OPR)
2. Bachelor Degree of Geology or Geodetic - (FGDP-OPR)
3. Bachelor or Diploma Degree of Occupational and Safety Health or
Environmental Engineering - (FGDP-HSE)
4. Bachelor or Diploma Degree of Mechanical Engineering or
Transportation- (FGDP-WHS)
All candidates must have following criteria :
a. Male, 21 - 25 years old with excellent health.
b. Willingness to be positioned in remote area (Asam-asam, South
c. Computer literacy and proficiency in written and spoken English.
d. Good interpersonal skills and team player.
e. Good in analyzing, arranging and organizing.
f. Highly motivated and hard working under pressures.
g. Ability to work in a cross-cultural environment.
We offer career opportunities, a dynamic working environment and excellent
salary packages for top candidates. Should you meet those criteria, please
send your application with a comprehensive resume, a recent photograph,
copies of academic certificate & supporting documents within a week after
this advertisement and kindly state the position you apply for at the e-mail
subject to : (recruitment at - < >
< >
All tests will be held in Jogjakarta and Jakarta.
The whole recruitment process will be held in Jakarta. ONLY shortlisted
candidates will be contacted for further process.
This email is confidential. If you are not the addressee tell the sender immediately
and destroy this email without using, sending or storing it.
Emails are not secure and may suffer errors, viruses, delay, interception and amendment.
PT Darma Henwa does not accept liability for damage caused by this email and may monitor email traffic.
- 19.
Vacancy : Payroll Staff
Posted by: "bertha" by962000
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:17 pm (PDT)
Company Description
All around the world in 36 countries more than 17,000 employees are
committed for Schott. With High-Tech-materials, e.g. special glass and
innovative ideas they are designing the world of tomorrow people
that appreciate self-responsibility and creative scope. At PT Schott
Igar Glass, located at Bekasi, Cikarang, the Asian Pharmaceutical
Packaging Center of the SCHOTT forma vitrum group, we are looking
for the right candidates for the following position:
Payroll Staff
Key Accountabilities:
You will be responsible for administration all activities related
payroll like absenteeism, working day, leave report, overtime
calculation, jamsostek, process medical & other allowance reimbursement
and other activities related data personal administration.
o Minimum diploma degree or bachelor degree, majoring in Business
Administration, HR, Informatics, Psychology or Law.
o At least one year of work experience in payroll staff, fresh
graduate are welcome.
o Good knowledge in administrative matter.
o Plus point: Good in HRIS and reporting system.
o Familiar with MS Office.
o Fluent in English
o Willing to learn and fast learning.
o Having a good analytical thinking.
Interested candidates are requited to send their resume with photograph
HRD Manager: < >
PT Schott Igar Glass,
Jl. Meranti 3 Blok L8 - 06B
Delta Silicon Industrial Park, Cikarang
Phone: +62-21-28640088
Fax: +62-21-28640055/66
Http:// al_systems
< >al_systems
- 20.
Fw: Vacancies at Sheraton Bandara
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:17 pm (PDT)
[Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin included below]
Linda [mailto:Linda.Setyadarma@Sheraton. ]com
Sent: 06 Oktober 2009 8:45
To: Arzanela K. Kuncoro; Anto
Subject: Distribution
Importance: High
Warm regards,
Linda Setyadarma
Area Director, Human
Resources, Indonesia/Director of Human Resources
t — 62.21.559.7777 m — 62.878.855.20399 f
— 62.21.550.9993
Soekarno-Hatta, Jakarta , 19110, Indonesia
electronic message transmission contains information from the Company that may
be proprietary, confidential and/or privileged. The information is intended
only for the use of the individual(s) or entity named above. If you are not the
intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying or distribution or
use of the contents of this information is prohibited. If you have received
this electronic transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by
replying to the address listed in the "From:" field.
Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin
1 of 1 File(s)
- 21.
Fw: Vacant Positions at Gumilang Regency
Posted by: "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:17 pm (PDT)
[Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin included below]
From:Gumilang Regency [ ]
Sent: 06 Oktober 2009 16:01
Subject: Vacant Position
(copied from attachment as follows:)
Gumilang Regency
, an established and prestigious 3-star-hotel located in Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi
323-325, Bandung
40154, seeks suitably qualified applicants for the following position:
* Male or Female, with age 25- 35 year-old extensivean experience and proven track record.
( 1,2,3 )
· Minimum 2 years
experiences in the same position ( 1,2,3 )
· Minimum 1 year
experience in the same position ( 5 )
* Female with age maximum 30 years old ( 4,5 )
* Excellent and good looking performance. ( 1,2,3,4,5 )
* S1 degree. ( 1,2 )
* Good in Indonesian / Traiditional Cuisine ( 5 )
* Strong customer service orientation and skills
* Outstanding standards of ethics, integrity and honesty.
* Must have excellent capability in computer: MS word, excel, internet
* Good command of written & spoken both English.
* Clear, concise in written and verbal communication skills.
* Strong leadership skills is a must
candidates who must be able to work independently, long and irregular hours,
under pressure are requested to send your application & recent photograph
Human Resources Department
Gumilang Regency
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 323-325 Bandung 40154
Phone: 022-2012618 Fax: 022-2012612
Email to : gumilangregency@bdg.centrin. uk
Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin
1 of 1 File(s)
- 22.
Urgent! Web Programmer utk eCommerce & Social Network
Posted by: "videatech" videatech
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:19 pm (PDT)
Urgent! Web Programmer utk eCommerce & Social Network
VideaTech, perusahaan IT di Kalibata membutuhkan segera beberapa programmer dengan spesifikasi :
- Pria, usia 20-30 tahun.
- Menguasai Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, HTML, JavaScript.
- Lebih disukai yang mengerti pemrograman aplikasi mobile (iPhone, BB) dan aplikasi Facebook.
- Biasa menggunakan aplikasi OpenSource utk Blog, Commerce, Forum, Social Network dsb.
Kirimkan lamaran berupa CV/pengalaman proyek melalui email : selambat-lambatnya tanggal 31 Oktober 2009
- 23.
Vacancies @PT Lautan Luas Tbk
Posted by: "Selfianty Ginting"
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:20 pm (PDT)
PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, established in 1951, is a distributor and
manufacturer of specialty and basic chemicals. In addition to its
Jakarta head office, the Company has five branches and six
representative offices in Indonesia as well as a main regional
subsidiary in Singapore, and offices in China, Thailand and Vietnam to
oversee Distribution activities. In Manufacturing, Lautan Luas
established 17 production facilities in Indonesia, three in China and is
building its first manufacturing facility in Vietnam. Lautan Luas has
also set up a Support & Service business segment made of four
subsidiaries that were previously the Company's internal departments -
laboratory, supply chain, IT and water treatment - to provide value-add
services to customers.
Born of modest origins, Lautan Luas has grown to be Indonesia's leading
chemical distributor and manufacturer, as it works with over 100
international principals, supplies more than 1,000 chemical products and
serves some 2,000 industrial end-users throughout Indonesia and the
Asia-Pacific region. And as Lautan Luas continues to grow, our corporate
vision remains the foundation for growth and expansion: To be the
leading regional integrated chemical distribution and manufacturing
company by providing value to customers in becoming preferred business
partner, challenge and opportunities to our employees, and superior
return to our shareholders.
For PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, this means sustaining a Total Quality Management
mindset. Strong emphasis is placed on the cultivation of a learning
culture, where employees take great pride and joy in being a part of a
talent-focused organization. Our employees are provided internal and
external training for both professional and personal development to
ensure a highly crafted and learned talent base. More importantly, at
Lautan Luas, each individual is challenged to deliver only the best,
rewarded for exceeding objectives and encouraged to enjoy the journey of
a successful career.
Therefore, PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk challenges you to join us for the
following opportunities:
1. Sales Executive (SE / SE - AUTO)
Grow sales in existing customers and develop new business opportunities
Requirements for SE:
* Preferably having a minimum of 1 year sales experience
Requirements for SE - AUTO:
* Having a minimum of 1 year sales experience
* Having a good network with automotive industries and / or brand
- owner is a benefit
General Requirements for SE and SE - AUTO:
* Bachelor of Chemical Engineering / Food Technology / Industrial
* Good command of spoken and written English
* Ability to travel and work independently are a must
* Preferably be domiciled in Jakarta and Bandung
2. Customer Service Representative (CSR)
Partnering with Sales Executive, to ensure all back office sales
activities are completed and simultaneously grow business
* Bachelor of Any Major
* Preferably having a minimum of 1 year experience as Customer
Service, although fresh graduates are encouraged to apply
* Good command of spoken and written English
* Preferably be domiciled in Tangerang and Jakarta
If you are confident that you can meet our requirements, please send
your resume with the code of position on your email subject to:
Recruitment@lautan-luas. <mailto:Recruitment@com lautan-luas. >com
For further information about PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, please visit our
website at: <http://www.lautan- >
- 24.
BTS/Microwave Engineer at Telecommunication Company
Posted by: "yeti awaliyah" wongndose
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:20 pm (PDT)
We are one of the fast growing Telecommunication Company which having end to end solutions for Cellular Operators and Technology vendors, seeking for talented and passionate professionals to be part of very dynamic and challenging environment as:
Qualification :
S1 degree from Elektrical Engineer / Telecommunication Engineering / Computer Engineer, with min.comulative GPA 2.75
Fluency in english
2 Year experience minimum for :
a. Testing & commisioning microwave SDH & PDH
b. Testing & commissioning BTS ( Siemens, Huawei BTS 3G)
c. LOS survey and link budget calculation
d. Troubleshooting MW link and re-pointing if necessary
e. Supervising MW installation with waveguide and antenna dia more than 2.4m
f. Utilizing SDH analyzer, power meter, Ber tester, etc
g. Ability to do cross connection
General Requirement :
Able to work under pressure and always maintain the integrity
Ready to be temporary stationed in any place in indonesia during porject implemantation
Computer Literate
Please apply your resume to :
- 25.
vacancy General Affairs Staff
Posted by: "nosensation8" nosensation8
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:21 pm (PDT)
PT KYOWA Indonesia, sebuah perusahaan Alumunium Die Casting Automotive & Electric Part, membutuhkan SEGERA, 1 ( satu ) orang General Affairs Staff dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :
1. Usia max. 29 tahun.
2. Pendidikan Min. D3 (jurusan Komputer lebih diutamakan)
3. Pengalaman min. 1 tahun
4. Mampu membuat pemograman/database di bagian HRD dan General Affairs
5. Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan dan mampu melakukan negosiasi.
6. Sanggup bekerja di bawah tekanan.
7. Jujur dan cepat beradaptasi dengan lingkungan baru.
Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi syarat di atas, harap mengirimkan lamaran lengkap dengan CV+foto terbaru ke :
PT KYOWA Indonesia,
East Jakarta Industrial Park (EJIP) Plot 8L-1
Cikarang Selatan-Bekasi 17550
atau kirim email ke atau
- 26.
Vacancy: Cash Management Staff
Posted by: "APL Recruitment Mailbox"
Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:21 pm (PDT)
PT. Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari, one of the leading pharmaceuticals
distribution company in Indonesia is seeking high caliber individuals to
join as:
Cash Management Staff
* Minimum S1 Degree in Accounting
* Age < 28
* Fresh graduate are encourage to apply
* Energetic, result oriented person, high initiative, self
* Must be proficient in PC applications and familiar with SAP is
an advantage
* Work location: Jakarta
We offer opportunities to expand future career and attractive
remuneration package. If you meet the requirements and are looking for a
challenging job with career development prospects, please send your CV(
not later than 2 weeks after this ads), to:
Graha Atrium Lt.12
Jl. Senen Raya No.135
Jakarta 10410
Email: < >
We implement a strict internal system to keep applications highly
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