- 1.
Posted by: "Isman Wahyudi" ismanhrd@yahoo.co.id ismanhrd
Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:17 am (PST)
Banyak Pilihan Banyak Bingung
Tetapkan Pilihan Anda Pada Kami
A. STTI (Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Indonesia)
1. Teknik Mesin
2. Teknik Elektro
3. Teknik Informatika
4. Teknik Sipil
5. Arsitektur
B.STIENI (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Nasional Indonesia)
1. Manajemen
a. Peminatan Keuangan dan Perbankan
b. Peminatan Keparawisataan
c. Peminatan Transportasi
2. Akuntasi
Jadwal pendaftaran Mahasiswa yaitu: 12 Januari 2009 - 22 February 2009
Waktu pendaftaran setiap hari termasuk hari Sabtu dan Minggu pada jam:
- Senin s/d Jumat : Jam 9.00 - 19.30 WIB
- Sabtu dan Minggu : Jam 10.00 - 17.00 WIB
KAMPUS STTI-STIENI, Jl Matraman No. 3-5-7
Jakarta 13150
Phone: 021-856 4791, 021-856 4792 (Hunting), 021-858 0647 (Direct)
Fax: 8591 1590
Website; http://www.stti-stieni.com
email; info@stti-stieni.com
LAYANAN 24 jam; 021-26224823
a. Pelantikan dan Pengarahan Mahasiswa Baru: 08 Maret 2009
b. Kuliah Pertama:
14 Maret 2009 Untuk yang memilih perkuliahan di hari Sabtu dan Minggu
16 Maret 2009 untuk yang memilih perkuliahan di hari Senin s/d Jumat (Sore)
Waktu kuliahnya adalah:
1. Untuk lulusan SMU/SMK/sederajat :
- Senin- Jum'at jam 17:00-21:00 WIB
- SABTU : Jam 13.00 s/d 20.00 WIB dan
- MINGGU: Jam 09.00 s/d 17.30 WIB
2. Untuk lulusan Pindahan, D1, dan D2 : mengikuti jadwal Mata Kuliah yang tersedia
3. Untuk lulusan D3/Poltek/Akademi/sederajat, Waktu kuliah:
- Senin- Jum'at jam 17:00-21:00 WIB
- SABTU : Jam 13.00 s/d 17.00 WIB dan
- MINGGU : Jam 09.00 s/d 17.30 WIB
- Mengikuti jadwal Mata Kuliah yang tersedia
Cicilan awal-Rp 350.000
1. Total Biaya Pengembangan sejumlah Rp. 4.005.000,- dapat dicicil 18 kali selama 18
bulan, dengan cicilan pertama Rp 350.000,- dan Rp 215.000,- setiap bulan berikutnya
2. Total Biaya Kuliah Rp. 1.650.000,- / semester dan dapat dicicil Rp 275.000,- setiap
1. Kampus terletak di pusat kota dilalui dan tepat di depan jalur "TRANS JAKARTA"
2. Didukung oleh dosen-dosen yang berasal dari berbagai Perguruan Tinggi Terkenal baik
dari dalam maupun luar negeri
3. Didukung oleh International Language (English, Mandarin, Jepang)
4. Biaya Kuliah ringan dan terjangkau
- Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran
- Mengisi Form Pembayaran Angsuran Kredit Biaya Pendidikan
- Materai 6000 dua lembar
- Menyerahkan berkas pendaftaran:
Untuk Lulusan SMU/SMK/sederajat:
- 2 lembar legalisir Foto copy ijazah SMU/SMK/sederajat.
- 2 lembar legalisir Foto copy Transkrip Nilai Ujian Akhir.
Untuk Lulusan Sarjana (S1) dan D-3/Politeknik/sederajat:
- 2 lembar legalisir Foto copy ijazah Sarjana (S1) atau D-III/Politeknik/Akademi.
- 2 lembar legalisir Foto copy Transkrip nilai/akademik.
Untuk Pindahan:
- 2 Lembar Legalisir ijazah SMU/SMK/sederajat
- 2 Lembar Legalisir Transkrip nilai/akademik dari Universitas ybs
- Surat keterangan pindah atau surat keterangan pernah kuliah dari Universitas ybs.
Jika Ijazah dan Transkrip nilai belum dilegalisir maka dapat memperlihatkan
Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai yang asli pada saat pendaftaran.
Beban studi dan masa studi untuk untuk untuk Program Sarjana (S1)
a. Lulusan D3/Politeknik/Akademi dan sederajat:
- Beban Studi dan Masa studi :
# D3 ke S1 Jurusan Sama: 3 Semester (1,5 tahun)
# D3 ke S1 Jurusan Beda: minimal dalam 4 semester (2 tahun)
- Beban Studi (jumlah sks yang harus ditempuh): 42 - 80 sks
b. Lulusan D1, D2 dan Pindahan dari Perguruan Tinggi :
- Masa studi dan Beban Studi tergantung kepada sks yang sudah
ditempuh / diakui
c. Lulusan SMU/SMK atau yang sederajat:
- Masa studi : 8 - 10 semester (4 - 5 tahun)
- Beban Studi: (jumlah sks yang harus ditempuh): 144 - 158 sks
- Lulusan SMU/SMK atau yang sederajat
- Beban Studi: (jumlah sks yang harus ditempuh): 110 - 120 sks
Bersenang-senang di Yahoo! Messenger dengan semua teman. Tambahkan mereka dari email atau jaringan sosial Anda sekarang! http://id.messenger.yahoo.com/invite/
- 2.
Vacancy: Senior Sales Engineer
Posted by: "Miko Soeganda" miko_soeganda@yahoo.com miko_soeganda
Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:18 am (PST)
PT Asia Select Indonesia represent a MNC client to find a suitable candidates to fill the post of:
The incumbent will report directly to Country Sales Manager and responsible to maintain existing customer and build new business to achieve annual sales target.
Degree in Engineering - Mechanical, Electrical, Industrial, or Computer
At least 4 years experience as Sales Engineer, preferably from Oil & Gas Services company
Confidence and have a good presentation skillActive in English
If you interested to apply, please submit your updated resume (CV Only) to miko_soeganda@asiaselect.co.id before 30 January 2009.
- 3.
Open vacancy: Legal Staff - IT company
Posted by: "D Ranidita" recruitment.ptap@yahoo.com recruitment.ptap
Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:18 am (PST)
Established in 1990, PT. Abhimata Persada (www.ptap.co.id) has a strong presence as a company providing innovative and integrative solutions in the field of information technology comprising software, systems and consultancy to wide range of industries including banking/financial institutions, government bodies, telecommunications sector and retailers. As a subsidiary company of PT. Elang Mahkota Teknologi, PT Abhimata Persada is striving to be at the forefront of Indonesias domestic information technology sector.
To strengthen our growing team we invite high caliber candidates to fill in the following vacancy:
Legal Staff (Code: LS)
(Jakarta based)
You will be responsible in handling all the companys legal matters, and reporting to
VP Finance & Administration.
- Male/ Female max. 27 years old
- At least hold a Bachelor Degree in Law (SH) from a well known University
- Having 1 2 years working experience in a Law Consultant or an IT company is preferred
- Understand corporate & civil law well and good ability to make contracts, review agreements, and other legal matters
- Good English speaking and writing skills
- Computer literate, and knowledge in MS Office
- Good interpersonal skills, confident, active, responsible, and able to work independently or in a team
We provide an attractive remuneration package, commensurate with your qualification and experience. If you meet the above qualifications, please send your application (please quote the position code) complete with CV and recent photograph not later than two (2) weeks after this advertisement to:
- 4.
National IT Consultant seeks Project Manager
Posted by: "Sjamsu Bachtian" sjamiklan@yahoo.com sjamiklan
Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:19 am (PST)
PT. Buana Varia
Komputama is a Pioneer in medical
healthcare software development company, located in Jakarta
(Head Office), Jawa, Bali, Sumatera and Sulawesi.
We are inviting best
character individuals that are willing to improve themselves, to grow with us.
Project Manager (PM)/Site Manager (SM)
degree from a reputable university majoring in Information Technology/Computer Science/Engineering.Mature
(age; 30-40; Self-starter, self-motivated and result-oriented; good
interpersonal & communication skill; able to work independently and at
the same time, be a good team player.At
least 3 years experience in project/software implementation (SM) or in the
business integration with proven organization and prioritization skill;
strong knowledge in project management methodology (PM).
send your resume, recent photograph, and relevant documents. Indicating
position code on the right side of the envelope / at email subject, to:
PT. Buana Varia Komputama
Pakubuwono VI No. 24
Jakarta Selatan 12120
Or email to
- 5.
Penawaran Outbound,Training,Team Building, Gathering, Paintball,Raft
Posted by: "wisnu bahar" wisnu.bahar42@gmail.com
Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:20 am (PST)
*Program kami *:
1. *Outbound Training*
*2 Fun Outing*
3. * Gathering, untuk corporate maupun *
* keluarga*
*4. Team Building*
*5. Training hard skill & soft skill*
* - Training engineering*
* - Training for marketing*
* - Training motivation*
* - Training Inner Vision, SQ,etc*
6. * Disaster management (simulasi *
* penanganan *
* bencana)*
*7. Vertical rescue (simulasi penyelamatan)*
*8. Paintball (War Games)*
*9. Rafting (Arung Jeram)*
*10. Military Outbound*
*11. Jungle War*
*12. Jungle Survival*
*13. Fun Offroad*
*14. Jasa Instalasi High Rope*
Questions or comments? E-mail us at *wisnu.bahar@gmail.com*
- 6.
Singapore Technologies Engineering Scholarships,ADB - Japan Scholars
Posted by: "Alfin Hikmaturokhman" alfin_h21@yahoo.com alfin_h21
Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:20 am (PST)
Beasiswa Thailand, Singapore dll di http://sinauonline.50webs.com/Beasiswa/beasiswa2009.html
Singapore Technologies Engineering Scholarships (Deadline : Mar 15, 2009)
ADB - Japan Scholarship Program, University of Melbourne ( Deadline : Mar 2009 )
The French Government Scholarship (Deadline : Apr 15, 2009)
New Zealand Development Scholarships Open category (Deadline : Apr 30, 2009)
ADB - Japan Scholarship Program, Asian Institute of Technology THAILAND (Deadline : Apr 2009)
Alfin Hikmaturokhman,ST
Mobile : 0815 965 9209
Office : (0281) 641629
Fax : (0281) 641630
Website : http://sinauonline.50webs.com
- 7.
JOB VACANCY for IT Technical Support
Posted by: "Darwis Suryantoro" dar_cisco@yahoo.com dar_cisco
Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:22 am (PST)
titipan dari Deni Firmanto, detial kontack aja ke YM!: punyadefants
punyadefants: numpang pasang iklan,barangkali ada yg butuh..
punyadefants: Sebuah Perusahaan Air Minum Dalam Kemasan membutuhkan seorang Technical
Support IT.
Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan :
1. Maintenance CPU, Printer, Networking, PABX.
2. Mengetahui konsep Routing dan Remote Access Server.
3. Installasi PC, Server, ADSL Router dan Access Point.
4. Maintenance Active Directory, File Server, Terminal Server,
Sharepoint, Email dan Proxy Server.
Bagi yang berminat bisa kirim lamaran ke hendros@tanobelfood .com dengan
max. attachment 2 MB.
Darwis S
Entrepreneur Pavilliun
Jl. Pandega Padma C-08
Sleman - Yogyakarta
New Email addresses available on Yahoo!
Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
Hurry before someone else does!
- 8.
FW: Somerset Surabaya Vacancy
Posted by: "Arzanela K. Kuncoro" arzanela@panpacific.com ara3011
Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:22 am (PST)
From: Rita KAUNANG [mailto:rita.kaunang@the-ascott.com]
Sent: 09 Desember 2008 12:46
To: arzanela@panpacific.com
Subject: Somerset Surabaya Vacancy
Thanks and best regards
Bernadine R Kaunang
HR & Training Executive
Somerset Surabaya Hotel & Serviced Residence
Tel (62-31) 732 8738 Fax (62-31) 732 8708
Email rita.kaunang@the-ascott.com
Global Reservations 00180 3657878 or (65) 6272 7272
Click <http://www.leonardotravelebooks.com/ascott/AscottDir.htm> to view
and book a Serviced Residence
Ascott International Management is the largest global serviced residence
operator in Asia Pacific, Europe and the Gulf region.
It manages the Ascott, Somerset and Citadines brands in over 50 cities in 23
Awards 2007
. Best Serviced Residence Operator 2005-2007 : The Ascott Group - TTG
Asia Media
. Best Serviced Residence (Group): The Ascott Group - The TravelWeekly
Asia Industry Awards
. Best Serviced Residence Company: Ascott International - Business
Traveller UK Awards
. Best Serviced Residence Brand in Asia Pacific 2004-2007 : Ascott
International - Business Traveller Asia Pacific Awards
P Let's Go Green... think before you print!
(copied from attachment as follows:)
Somerset Surabaya, managed by Ascott International Management which is the
largest global serviced residence operator in over 60 cities across 22
countries in Asia Pacific, Europe and Gulf Region, invites suitably
qualified persons to apply for :
* Engineering Manager
* Housekeeping Manager
* Asst. Front Office Manager
* Duty Engineer
* Engineering Supervisor
* Pastry Chef De Partie
The requirements are :
1. University/Diploma educated and fluent written and spoken
2. 3 years' experience in the same capacity in an
International star rated hotel.
3. Strong leadership and team player.
4. Good attitude and pleasant personality.
If you think you are the right candidate to join our team, please send your
complete CV with recent photograph and application letter to :
Human Resources Manager
Somerset Surabaya Hotel & Serviced Residence
Jl. Raya Kupang Indah
Surabaya 60189
Email : agus.effendi@the-ascott.com
Or facsimile : 031 - 731 4566
Only short-listed candidates will be notified for interview
[CONFIDENTIALITY CAUTION : This message is intended only for the use of the
individual or entity to whom it is addressed and contains information that
is privileged and confidential. If you, the reader of this message, are not
the intended recipient, you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this
communication. If you have received this communication in error, please
notify us immediately by return email and delete the original message. ]
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Thursday, January 22, 2009
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