- 1.
Account Executive Position
Posted by: "Linda Arikrisna" linda.arikrisna@yahoo.com
Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:16 am (PST)
Maaf, Ada Titipan dari Teman untuk Posisi Account Executive
PT EPSON INDONESIA invite you, a highly motivated, entrepreneurial and result oriented individuals to join and grow with our dynamic team. If you meet our requirements, step forward to reach our offer: an expanding career opportunity
Account Executive Medan Area–Staff (AEM)
Account Executive Bandung Area–Staff (AEB)
Account Executive Modern Channel–Staff (AEMO)
Responsibilities: developing and operating sales to achieve target, main-taining relationship with channel, handling sales report
Requirements: male/female, single, age 23-28 years old, min D3 degree in any major, well knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, min 1 year experience in selling IT product/ direct selling, willing to do extensive market, willing to travel, energetic, flexible, domicile in Medan (AEM), domicile in Bandung (AEB), Domicile in Jakarta (AEMO)
General Requirements: excellent knowledge of english and bahasa indonesia (hokkian is preferred), independent, good team work, good communication skill, min GPA 3.00, computer literate (esp. MS-Office), willing to work overtime and should be able to work under pressure
Please put code of position at upper right of your full CV and envelope and send including your latest color photo to:
Human Resources Development PT EPSON INDONESIA
Wisma Kyoei Prince16th,Fl, Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav .3, Jakarta 10220
or email us with the position code as the title to: prima.k@ein.epson.co.id
(attachment not exceeded 250 KB), not less than 6 December 2008.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 2.
Lowongan Kerja as Receptionist
Posted by: "princess thary" princess_thary@yahoo.com princess_thary
Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:16 am (PST)
Dear Mrs Mods,
Tolong di posting yahh..soalnya lg perlu receptionist URGENT bgt..thank you
Dear Friends,
There is a vacant position for Receptionist, below are the requirements;
- Female / Single, Max age 25 years
- Graduated Min D1-D3
- Min 1 year experience (fresh graduate are welcome to apply)
- Good inter-personal skill
- Able to communicate in English (verbal and non-verbal)
- Other secretarial skill (typing, internet)
- Pls mention expected salary
- Will be based in Head Office at Cilandak
- Start working immediately
Please send your Application Letter,CV to HRD@bataindonesia.com
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 3a.
Vacancy Training & Development Coordinator
Posted by: "careeradvance10" careeradvance10@yahoo.com careeradvance10
Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:16 am (PST)
Dear all,
Our client, an established Consumer Goods company in Jakarta is
urgently looking for:
• Min. 3 years in Training and Development
• Mandarin skills would be an advantage
• Max. 35 years old
• Bachelor degree
Please submit your resume to: careeradvance@cbn.net.id
- 4.
Head of Finance Departemen
Posted by: "Aldi Mertosono" aldi_mertosono@yahoo.com
Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:16 am (PST)
Dear Moderator,
Mohon ijin untuk memuat info lowongan berikut ini , terima kasih.
PT. Mitra Karsa Utama, perusahaan jasa outsourcing dengan klien-kliennya yang bergerak di bidang telekomunikasi dan consumer goods, saat ini membutuhkan :
Head of Finance & Accounting Dept.
Kualifikasi :
1. Pria Wanita usia maks. 35 th
2. Pengalaman di bidang Finance Accounting min. 2th diutamakan posisi managerial
3. Mampu membuat laporan keuangan dan menganalisanya
4. Mampu membuat cash flow
5. Mengerti program Zahir (accounting)
6. Punya pengalaman dan mampu dalam hal penagihan piutang
7. Dapat bekerja dengan minim pengawasan, self starter
9. Pendidikan diutamakan S1 Ekonomi
Status karyawan : Full time / Permanent
Bagi yang tertarik melamar posisi tersebut, silahkan kirim lamaran dengan CV (by email) ke :
ditunggu selambat-lambatnya 5 Desember 2008.
Terima kasih.
Is he/she cheated?
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 5.
Posted by: "Sulistianto" al.sulistianto@mailcity.com asulistianto
Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:16 am (PST)
Pacific Fiber Indonesia is a member of international business group
with Head Office in Singapore, with main businesses are in Fiber,
Pulp & Paper, Rayon & Specialty Pulp.
If you have a forestry business or saw mill, experience, passion for
excellence, are sensitive to different culture, enjoy the challenges
in a new environment and ultimately aspire to build a professional
career with our group as:
• This position is also open to International Staff
• Highly preferably graduate from Phd.in Forestry
• Applied Science mindset, Role in Genetic in Plantation
Quality and Productivity
• Strong experience in Genetic Deployment, forest Genetic
• Special skill in Data Base Managerial System
If you interest to joint and pass the qualifications, please send
your complete application and last photograph to:
only shortlist qualified candidates will be processed.
- 6.
FW: Senior Marine Communication Specialist - CI Indonesia
Posted by: "Arzanela K. Kuncoro" arzanela@panpacific.com ara3011
Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:16 am (PST)
From: Chichi Untariningsih [mailto:chichi_untari@yahoo.com]
Sent: 27 Nopember 2008 13:20
To: chichi@conservation.or.id
Subject: Senior Marine Communication Specialist - CI Indonesia
Dear colleagues,
CI INDONESIA is currently looking for Senior Marine Communication Specialist
to be based in Bali under Marine Program. We would appreciate your
assistance in sharing this
information to anyone who are interested and qualified for the position.
Much thanks,
Chichi Untariningsih
Human Resources Dept.
Conservation International Indonesia (CII)
(copied from attachment as follows:)
Conservation International Indonesia is a non-profit organization with head
office in Crystal City, Arlington USA and whose mission is to conserve the
Earth's living heritage, our global biodiversity, and to demonstrate that
human societies are able to live harmoniously with nature.
Senior Marine Communication Specialist
Conservation International (CI) is deeply dedicated to conserving
Indonesia's remarkable marine ecosystems, which lie in the center of the
world's coral triangle-the very epicenter of marine biodiversity on the
planet. During the last three years, the CI Indonesia Marine Program has
been growing rapidly and includes several large-scale marine conservation
initiatives, including the Bird's Head Seascape initiative, the
Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape initiative, the Nusa Penida MPA initiative in Bali
and CI's Indonesian sea turtle conservation initiative. CI aims to develop
conservation in a manner that protects biodiversity, sustains fisheries, and
maintains tourism potential, thereby generating considerable sustained
benefits for local communities.
CI firmly believes that communication is a pivotal in all of our
conservation efforts. Strong conservation outreach and education programs
create the enabling environment for all conservation successes. With that
understanding, the CI Indonesia Senior Marine Communication Specialist will
play a critical and wide-ranging role in the development of all outreach,
education, and media programs for the exciting and ambitious Indonesia
marine portfolio. This position is based in Bali and may include occasional
travel to CI Indonesia's field sites and head office.
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Develop and implement the communication and outreach program
strategies and
activities related to marine conservation within CI-Indonesia, and supervise
the implementation of marine conservation education program
2. Create and build the capacity of a regional network of marine
and educators among CI Indonesia's staff and partners.
3. Liaise with other program staff and partners to develop appropriate
and conservation education strategies for the marine program using
participatory methodologies.
4. Design and organize awareness campaigns to reach key stakeholders
conservation messages on species, MPA, corridor, or Seascape initiatives.
5. Develop, produce and distribute appropriate communication tools and
materials for marine program based on strategies developed;
6. Establish and maintain a network of contacts with existing media
7. Develop relationships with local media outlets (radio, print, and
TV) and form
key partnerships to support the dissemination of conservation messages.
Qualifications and Skills Required:
Preference would be for a candidate with the following qualifications and
* A degree in communications with a minimum of 5-year experience
working in communication, journalism, and/or promotional activities;
* Sound oral communication and negotiation skills, and superlative
writing and editing skills in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
* An ability to work in a team and create communications strategies
that are effective at reaching the program's target audiences.
* Experience in the use of photographic, audio/visual equipment,
graphic design programs and presentations are helpful.
* Demonstrated experience with the communication media, especially
with news placement and awareness campaigns
* Computer skills and experience in relevant software (ie.
Publisher, Powerpoint Pagemaker, Photoshop and/or similar media programs).
* Familiar with or have some background experience working with
conservation NGOs
* Literate on and/or familiar with marine and coastal/species
conservation issues.
The preferred candidate will be self-motivated, a team player, able to
travel in the region, and be able to meet project deadlines often under
difficult circumstances.
Include a cover letter and a CV of no more than 3 pages. Separately list at
least two referees with recent experience supervising your work should be
sent to: <mailto:hrd@conservation.or.id> hrd@conservation.or.id.
Closing date for the application is 15th December 2008
(Only short-listed candidates will be notified).
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 7.
Vacancies MIGAS
Posted by: "Istech Group" istech.job@gmail.com
Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:17 am (PST)
PT.Istech Resources Asia is an Engineering & Management Consultancy company
specialized in Oil & Gas Industry,
and serve our client we are looking for some qualified engineers for the
following positions:
1. Material Engineer Specialist
2. Telecommunication Engineer Specialist
For both position above require minimum 8 years experience in oil & gas
For interest candidate, send your CV to istech.job@gmail.com
For any questions send email to budi@istech.co.id (not for CV)
Job Assigment in Exxon
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 8.
PARTNERSHIP - Broadband Internet Access, Leased Line & VSAT Services
Posted by: "cepatnet" cepatnet@yahoo.com cepatnet
Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:17 am (PST)
PARTNERSHIP - Broadband Internet Access, Leased Line & VSAT Services
CEPATnet, sebuah perusahaan telekomunikasi yang memiliki izin usaha &
jaringan sendiri melalui Fiber Optik, Wireless & VSAT, meliputi
jaringan international submarine cable Batam ¡V Singapore, inland Jawa
& pulau serta kota-kota lainnya, membuka penawaran kepada partner-
partner IT/Telekomunikasi aktif di manapun untuk bekerjasama sebagai
Reseller/Dealer untuk semua layanan data komunikasi kami. Layanan
CEPATnet antara lain :
Ć Broadband Internet Access
Coverage Area JABODETABEK, Anyer, Serang, Banten, Tangerang (BSD),
Bandung,Cirebon,Bogor, Sukabumi, Cianjur, Purwokarta, Cimahi, Garut,
Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Cilacap, Kebumen,Madiun, Jombang, Kediri,
Blitar, Tegal, Pekalongan, Pemalang, Batang, Semarang,Purwodadi,
Bojonegoro, Lamongan, Solo, Jogja, Surabaya, Malang, Purwokerto,
Batam, dan kota kota di seluruh Indonesia. Kecepatan mulai 128 Kbps ¡V
2 Mbps dengan CIR 1:1, SLA 99,5 % dan dengan harga sangat kompetitif.
ƒÜ Intranet/Leased Line ¡V International, Intercity, Lokal
Coverage area meliputi Jawa ¡V Sumatera - Singapore dan kota kota
besar di Indonesia, didukung dengan infrastruktur Fiber Optic serta
international submarine cable dimana CEPATnet telah membangun link
Fiber Optic Batam - Singapore (PoP: Equinix dan Global Swicth,
Singapore). Dengan layanan ini, memungkinkan untuk kebutuhan link/on
line antar cabang, link antar kota dan international.
Ć Broadband VSAT C-Band
Coverage Area seluruh Indonesia, dengan jenis Layanan: VPN &
Internet. Layanan VSAT C-Band kami, bisa dikombinasikan dengan link
Fiber Optic yang terkoneksi dengan IIX di gedung Cyber.
Ć 3Play Service (Internet, TV cable & Telephony)
Layanan 3 play khusus untuk perumahan, apartment, hotel & mall.
Tertarik dengan Layanan kami & ingin bekerjasama, informasi lebih
lanjut Silahkan hubungi Arif Indra Saputro, Grha 9 Lt. 2, Jl.
Panataran No. 9 Proklamasi Jakarta Pusat Telp : +62-21-3157533 Fax:
+62-21-3142882, HP: 0881634096 atau email ke arif.indra@cepat.net.id.
- 9.
Vacancy as Electrical Chief Engineer & Project Scheduler
Posted by: "The HR Consulting Indonesia" skill_indonesia@yahoo.co.id skill_indonesia
Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:17 am (PST)
PT. MBP Skill Indonesia
The Human Resources Specialist In CONTRACTING – CONSULTING –
One of our client,is a Gold Mining Company located in Papua,urgently
looking for :
Responsibilities :
Engineers normally perform dual functions namely projects
coordination function (Project Engineer) and design function (Design
Engineer) to perform design work within Project Engineer's design
team. This dual function provides more flexibility and efficiency in
allocating engineer recourses.
The key challenges in this position include:
1. To Monitor the developing electrical engineering design work
which performed by design engineer starting from a very few
information from client to a final detail engineering design in a
very short time. This accountability requires in-depth and broad
engineering knowledge, and also strong communication and project
management skills.
2. To operate with minimum manpower and time. This
accountability requires in-depth and broad knowledge in engineering
and strong managerial skill.
3. To operate with obsolete catalog and software. This
accountability requires in-depth and broad knowledge in engineering
and material.
4. To handle many different kind of works. This accountability
requires in-depth and broad knowledge in engineering and strong
managerial skill.
Requirements :
1. S1 degree in electrical engineering.
2. Minimum 10 years experiences in heavy industries, oil & gas,
and mine business. Experience in MCC, switchgears, PLC, power
distribution system, motors, batteries, raceway, HV transmission
system, SCADA system, grounding, lighting, lightning, catodic
protection & conveyor system (material handling).
3. Having good knowledge in safety procedure is a must.
4. Good command in English both oral and written (English TOEFL
500), able to operate computer in general application, especially
knowledge in AutoCad & Microsoft Office.
5. Analytical skill.
6. Managerial and supervisory skills & Project Management skill.
7. Knowledge of the field (practical knowledge).
8. Electrical engineering knowledge, including power generation,
electrical code, and control & instrument.
A. S1 Degree in Civil Engineering
B. Having min 5 years experience in civil work construction,
experience in structure bridge (concrete) project are preferably
C. Having experience in Pres stress
D. Having experience being site engineer/ Inspector/ QA/QC
E. Having experience pondasi tiang pancang and bored pile
F. Understanding computer literal
• Male / female min 30 years old
• S1 Degree in Electrical or Instrument Engineer
• 5 years working experience in the field of Instrumentation
engineer and Electrical design
• Proven knowledge of Electrical Instrumentation equipment
• Familiar with Programmable Logic Control (PLC) and
Distributable Control System (DCS) and trouble shoot Commissioning
• Ability to communicate in English
• Contract for 6 months (will be extended after 6 month will
depend on our Client)
• Willing to be assigned to the remote location
• Male/Female, 30 years old
• Bachelor degree (S1) in Engineering
• Has at least 3 - 5 years working experience in related fields
• Proven experience record in Engineering Project / Planning
• Familiar with Primavera Enterprise, MS Project, Power point,
MS Word, MS Excel, etc
• Technical, detail oriented problem solver
• Willing to work and relocate in remote location for long term
• Good Command in English
An attractive remuneration package commensurating with experience
will be offered to the successful candidate.
Your application will be treated confidentially and only shorted
listed candidates will be followed up. Please send your comprehensive
CV and recent photo to resumes@mbp-skill.com and quote the above
listed reference number of position.
PT. MBP Skill Indonesia
- 10a.
Vacancy as Engineer System & Metering (211-111-04)
Posted by: "The HR Consulting Indonesia" skill_indonesia@yahoo.co.id skill_indonesia
Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:17 am (PST)
PT. MBP Skill Indonesia
The Human Resources Specialist In CONTRACTING – CONSULTING –
One of our client is a leading international Power Plant Company and
involved with a number of projects and is looking for a qualified
candidates to fill the position for :
ENGINEER, SYSTEM & METERING ( MBP 211 – 111 - 04 )
Main Responsibilities :
Provide an analyzes of electrical power protection system; tests and
calibrates on protection relay and metering; direction of the
activities associated with electrical protection system and metering
maintenance; identifies tools and equipment specification and any
other electrical aspect of the facility and work together with other
group in order to optimize system reliability, effectiveness and
efficiency in safe manner
The requirements :
• S1 Degree in Electrical Engineering with a min. of 4 years
or D3 Degree in Electrical Engineering with a min. of 6 years
experience in electrical power system, electrical power control
system, progressive technical and supervisory experiences
• Has in-depth knowledge of electrical protection system,
metering and control system.
• Having experience in diesel plant
• Has an ability work with electrical drawing and control
• Strong interpersonal skill in a team, self motivated,
independent, familiar with working under pressure environment
• Fluent in Indonesia and English both speaking and writing.
• Familiar in operating computer and its software applications.
• Willing to be based in Papua
An attractive remuneration package commensurating with experience
will be offered to the successful candidate.
Your application will be treated confidentially and only shorted
listed candidates will be followed up. Please send your comprehensive
CV and recent photo to resumes@mbp-skill.com and quote the above
listed reference number of position.
PT.MBP SKILL Indonesia
- 11a.
Vacancy Branch Manager (Kepala Cabang Jakarta)
Posted by: "careeradvance10" careeradvance10@yahoo.com careeradvance10
Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:21 am (PST)
Dear all,
Our client, an established Pharmaceutical Company located in Jakarta
is urgently looking for:
Branch Manager Jakarta (Kepala Cabang Jakarta)
- Male
- Min. 3 - 5 years experience in Branch Manager (Kepala Cabang)
- Suitable industry: Manufacturing (Pharmacy and Consumer Goods is
- Max. 35 years old
- Must be able to communicate in English (Mandarin would be an advantage)
- Bachelor degree or S1
- Have knowledge and skill in Sales Team
- Creative and Innovative
Scope of Work:
- Develop market segmentation
- Expand distribution through leader or open new market
Please send your resume to: careeradvance@cbn.net.id
Saturday, November 29, 2008
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