Shell Career, Lowongan Qatar Shell GTL Ltd Berbagai Posisi
Posted: 29 Oct 2008 07:08 AM CDT
Job Vacancy Qatar Shell GTL Ltd.; various positions UZMA In partnership with Qatar Petroleum, our client Qatar Shell GTL Ltd. (Shell) is building a world scale Gas to Liquids (GTL) complex in Ras Laffan Industrial City, under an agreement with the State of Qatar. A diversified use of natural gas is emerging, adding a new dimension to traditional uses of gas by converting gas info,Job at Petrofac IKPT International, Lowongan Migas 16 Posisi
Posted: 29 Oct 2008 07:00 AM CDT
PETROFAC IKPT INTERNATIONAL Petrofac is a US$ 4 billion multinational organization employing over 10,000 employees in EPC services for both Greenfield and Brownfield Oil & Gas Facilities throughout the world. Petrofac recently formed a Joint Venture with IKPT, Indonesia to set up engineering office in Jakarta to serve LNG, Oil & Gas Industry worldwide. We seek to employ outstanding engineers,Baker Hughes; Lowongan Field Engineer
Posted: 29 Oct 2008 06:47 AM CDT
Oil & Gas Job Vacancy No Limits Baker Hughes is a leading Oil & Gas product and services organization. We operate in 90 countries worldwide with over 35,000 employees. We create value for Oil & Gas companies by offering leading drilling, formation evaluation, completion and production products and services. We are now seeking to recruit highly motivated individuals to join us. The jobs
Thursday, October 30, 2008
6 new job opportunities from JobStreet.com
Job Matches from Direct Employers - 30 October 2008
No. Position Company Location Required Exp / Skills 1. Business Process Analyst
> IT-Software
Job Code: EJTDXSinarmas Pulp and Paper Products
(Manufacturing / Production Industry)Banten 2 yrs exp
Why was I matched to this job?2. Product Support Staff
> IT-Software
Job Code: EJTDJPPT Sigma Cipta Caraka
(Engineering / Technical Consulting Industry)Banten 3 yrs exp
Why was I matched to this job?3. Direct Marketing Business Support
> IT-Software
Job Code: EJTDDJPT AIG Life Insurance
(Insurance Industry)Jakarta Raya N/A
Why was I matched to this job?4. Quality Assurance Ass. Manager / Manager
> Mechanical/Automotive
Job Code: EJSQPT Indospring, Tbk
(Manufacturing / Production Industry)Gresik - Jawa Timur 3 yrs exp
Why was I matched to this job?5. Creative Director (Web & Graphics)
> IT-Software
Job Code: EJTAVAPT eFusion
(IT / Software Industry)Jakarta Raya 3 yrs exp
Why was I matched to this job?6. Programmer
(2 vacancies)
> IT-Software
Job Code: EJMDADSuryadarma Enterprise
(Food & Beverage Industry)Jakarta Raya 2 yrs exp
Delphi/VB.NET, Fox Pro, SQL
Why was I matched to this job?7. Lecturers of Information Technology (IT)
> Education
Job Code: EJTAVJInti College Indonesia
(Education Industry)Jakarta Raya 2 yrs exp
C Family, C++, UNIX
Why was I matched to this job?8. System Analyst
(3 vacancies)
> IT-Software
Job Code: EJMTMPPT Emerio Indonesia
(Engineering / Technical Consulting Industry)Jakarta Raya 4 yrs exp
Why was I matched to this job?9. Application Programmer (contract - renewable)
> IT-Software
Job Code: EJMTJMPT Business Solutions IT
(IT / Software Industry)Jakarta Raya 2 yrs exp
Why was I matched to this job?10. NOC Staff (NOC)
> IT-Software
Job Code: EJTBDPT Padi Internet
(Engineering / Technical Consulting Industry)Surabaya, Jakarta, Batam - Jakarta Raya, Jawa Timur, Riau 2 yrs exp
Why was I matched to this job?11. Web Graphic Designer (Strong CSS and Javascript)
> IT-Software
Job Code: EJTAVWPT eFusion
(IT / Software Industry)Jakarta Raya 3 yrs exp
Why was I matched to this job?12. PHP Programmer
> IT-Software
Job Code: EJMTUPT Ardh Global Indonesia
(Call Center / BPO Industry)Tangerang - Banten PHP, MYSQL
Why was I matched to this job?13. Senior Web Specialist
> IT-Software
Job Code: EJTBTPT eFusion
(IT / Software Industry)Jakarta Raya 3 yrs exp
Why was I matched to this job?14. Public Relations Officer (PRO)
> Public Relations
Job Code: EJTDJWPT Netindoo Multiacces
(Engineering / Technical Consulting Industry)Jawa Tengah N/A
Why was I matched to this job?15. Programmer – Jakarta
> IT-Software
Job Code: EJTAZVPT Seatech Infosys
(Engineering / Technical Consulting Industry)Jakarta Raya N/A
Why was I matched to this job?
Job Matches from Recruitment Firms - 30 October 2008
No. Position Company Location Required Exp / Skills 1. Dot.Net Developer (DND)
> IT-Software
Job Code: EJMTPAPT Quadra Solution
(HR Mgmt / Consulting Industry)Jakarta Raya N/A
Why was I matched to this job?
- 1.
FW: Vacancy at Atlet Century Park
Posted by: "Arzanela K. Kuncoro" arzanela@panpacific.com ara3011
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:31 am (PDT)
From: Faisal [mailto:faisal-wahab@atletcentury.com]
Sent: 28 Oktober 2008 18:12
Cc: Delia; Liem Sien Kie; Tata
Subject: Vacancy at Atlet Century Park
We are seeking immediately highly motivated persons for the following
positions :
1. Executive Chef
2. Public Relations Manager
3. Duty Assistant Manager
4. Front Desk Officer
5. Sales Executive
6. Banquet Sales Executive
7. Elevator Attendant
General Requirements :
1. Good command in English both oral and written
2. Related Experience and educational background
3. A good team player and pleasant personality
4. Enthusiastic, young and mature, single is preferable
5. Point 1 above 30 years old (male), point 2 and 3 (female).
Please spread out the news and for those who are interested may submit the
Application Letter and CV including scanned recent photograph to Human
Resources Department immediately.
All applications will be treated confidentially and only the qualified
candidate will be called and considered for an interview.
Faisal Wahab
Human Resources Manager
Hotel Atlet Century Park
Jakarta 10270
Ph. 62-21 571 2041
fax. 62-21 571 2191
email faisal-wahab@atletcentury.com
web www.atletcentury.com <http://www.atletcentury.com/>
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 2a.
FW: Hotel Melawai vacancy
Posted by: "Arzanela K. Kuncoro" arzanela@panpacific.com ara3011
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:31 am (PDT)
From: HRD Melawai [mailto:hrm@hotelmelawai.com]
Sent: 20 Oktober 2008 17:22
To: 'Arzanela K. Kuncoro'
Subject: Hotel Melawai vacancy
(copied from attachment as follows:)
Hotel Melawai Vacancy
Sales & Marketing Manager
* Male / female max 35 year old
* Hotel school background
* Minimum 3 year experience in 3 - 4 stars hotel
* Familiar with hotel system
* Able to work under pressure
* Highly motivated, good appearance and interpersonal
* Fluent in English both oral and written
* Have a good organization (sales and marketing management) and
Management skill, cost oriented and able to conduct qualified training
* Experience in selling banquet + event
Executive secretary
* Min experience as head dept secretary
* Min 3 years experience at hotel industry
* Able to work under pressure
* Min education D3 from well known tourism school
* Strong leadership skill
Executive Chef
* Min experience in a 3-4 star hotel
* Have a good knowledge in Indonesian food
* Have strong administration skill ( costing & standard recipe)
* Able to work under pressure
* Willing to train other kitchen staff
Security guard
* Min experience at a 3-4 star hotel
* Good knowledge of security procedure at hotel
* Age between 25-35 years old
* Able to work under pressure
* Has security license from Police department
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 3.
Urgently Required Marine Engineers.
Posted by: "Doktor" darulm@gmail.com drdashnetdotbis
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:31 am (PDT)
Required Marine Egineers
Our associate company in Malaysia is actively providing Recruitment
Services for major companies involved in the following Marine and Oil &
Gas Fabrication and Construction business activities
SHIPREPAIR – Repairing of ships and other marine vessels up 450,000
* Damage repairs
* General surveys
* Periodic docking
* Life extension work
* Conversion
SHIPBUILDING – Design and construction of new vessels
* Dredgers/barges
* Patrol vessels
* Coastal vessels
* Vehicular ferries
* Product tankers
* Tugboats/supply boats
* Container vessels
OFFSHORE ENGINEERING – Oil/Gas engineering fabrication including
marine based projects
* Jackets
* Modules support frames
* Production/process modules
* Integrated decks
* Living Quarters
* Floating production storage and offloading system (FPSO)
* Single buoy mooring
ONSHORE ENGINEERING – Onshore engineering fabrication
* Petrochemical plant/industrial steel structure
* Independent power plant/power generation
* Pressure vessels
* Heat exchangers
* Air Fin Coolers
* Tower and skid mounted process equipment
* Fired heaters
* Mechanical handling equipment
If you have a university diploma or degree with at least 3 years of
relevant experience in any of the above engineering activities, you may
be considered for employment with any of the major companies in
Positions available are as follows:-
1. Commissioning Supervisor (Local only) - urgent requirement
2. Cost Controller
3. Design Engineer (Electrical, HVAC, Piping)
4. QC Inspector - Mechanical
5. Project Superintendent (Hull & Machinery
6. Instrumentation (10)
7. Mechanical (13)
8. Electrical (10)
9. Piping (19 )
10. Structural (37)
11. PDMS-Urgently required
12. BOCAD-Urgently required
Remuneration package will be negotiable based on qualification and
relevant experience.
We have been in this business for several years and have been successful
in the placement of professionals in major organizations in Malaysia.
We will undertake to inform you as soon as possible, when any
opportunity arise. No registration fee of any kind will be imposed.
FRESH graduates are NOT requested to apply.
If you are interested in our service, please send in your updated resume
immediately to:-
vienergy@cbn.net.id <mailto:vienergy%40cbn.net.id> or darulm@gmail.com
<mailto:darulm@gmail.com> or darul11@yahoo.com
send email to: mcvida-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Blok M, Keb Baru, Jakarta
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 4.
Lowongan CPNS Departemen Perikanan 2008
Posted by: "Dhika Cikul" dcikul@gmail.com
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:32 am (PDT)
Nomor B. 522/SJ.2/KP.310/X/2008
TAHUN 2008
Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan dalam Tahun 2008 mendapat
Persetujuan Prinsip Tambahan Formasi CPNS dari Kementerian Negara
Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara untuk pelamar umum sejumlah 576 orang,
yang akan ditempatkan/ditugaskan untuk mengisi kekosongan jabatan pada
Kantor Pusat dan Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) di lingkungan Departemen
Kelautan dan Perikanan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik
Indonesia, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :
1. Warga Negara Indonesia;
2. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan keputusan
pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap karena
melakukan suatu tindakan pidana kejahatan;
3. Tidak pernah diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai
Negeri Sipil, atau pegawai swasta.
4. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS/PNS atau Calon/Anggota TNI/Polri
serta tidak sedang menjalani ikatan kerja dengan perusahaan atau suatu
anggota profesi lainnya.
5. Tidak sedang menjalankan pendidikan formal.
6. Berkelakuan baik;
7. Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
8. Tidak menjadi anggota dan atau pengurus partai politik;
9. Usia pada tanggal 1 Januari 2009, serendah-rendahnya 18 tahun
dan setinggi-tingginya 35 tahun:
10. Pendidikan:
a. Pasca sarjana (S2), dengan Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK)
minimal 3,00.
b. Sarjana (S1)/Diploma IV, dan Diploma III, dengan Indeks
Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 2,50.
c. Sekolah Usaha Perikanan Menengah (SUPM) Negeri.
d. Khusus untuk Jabatan Peneliti dengan Indeks Prestasi
Kumulatif (IPK) minimal = 3,00.
Jumlah lowongan jabatan, kualifikasi pendidikan, dan penempatan yang
dibutuhkan di lingkungan Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan sebagaimana
Lampiran I.
1. Lamaran hanya diterima melalui Kotak Pos 4130 JKP 10041, mulai
tanggal 28 Oktober 2008 s.d. tanggal 1 November 2008 (cap pos kantor
Pos Besar Jakarta) dan pengambilan terakhir oleh Panitia Pengadaan
Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan di kantor
Pos Besar Jakarta pada tanggal 3 November 2008 Pukul 16.00 WIB.
2. Pelamar wajib memilih jenis jabatan dan unit kerja penempatan
yang diinginkan sesuai dengan pendidikan (jurusan/program studi) yang
3. Surat Lamaran dibuat antara tanggal 28 Oktober sampai dengan
tanggal 1 November 2008 dengan menggunakan tinta hitam, ditulis tangan
sendiri dan ditandatangani sendiri oleh pelamar ditujukan kepada Yth.
Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan RI, Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur Nomor 16,
Jakarta 10110, sebagaimana contoh Lampiran II.
4. Dalam surat lamaran tersebut harus dilampirkan:
1. Foto copy ijazah dan transkrip nilai yang telah
dilegalisir oleh Rektor/Dekan/Pembantu Dekan Bidang Akademik bagi
Universitas/Institut, atau Ketua/Pembantu Ketua Bidang Akademik bagi
Sekolah Tinggi, dengan menyebutkan Pejabatnya (cap basah);
Bagi pelamar lulusan dari Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri,
agar menyertakan foto copy Ijazah yang telah ditetapkan penyetaraannya
dari Departemen Pendidikan Nasional dan dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang
berwenang, sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Lampiran III.
2. Daftar Riwayat Hidup singkat dalam bahasa Indonesia, yang
ditempel pas photo terbaru hitam putih, ukuran 3 x 4 cm sebanyak 2
(dua) lembar sebagaimana contoh dalam Lampiran IV.
5. Berkas lamaran disusun rapi sesuai urutan (angka 4 dan angka 5)
di atas dimasukkan ke dalam STOPMAP yang ditulis nama, alamat dan
pendidikan terakhir dengan huruf BALOK/KAPITAL dengan warna :
a. HIJAU untuk Pascasarjana (S2);
b. BIRU untuk Sarjana (S1) atau Diploma IV;
c. MERAH untuk Akademi atau Diploma III;
d. KUNING untuk Sekolah Usaha Perikanan Menengah Negeri (SUPM).
6. Selanjutnya kelengkapan berkas lamaran sebagaimana dimaksud
angka 6 di atas, dimasukkan dalam AMPLOP BESAR WARNA COKLAT yang
ditujukan kepada Ketua Panitia Pengadaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil
Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan Tahun 2008, Kotak Pos 4130 JKP
10041, dan pada bagian sudut kiri atas amplop ditulis " Nama, Alamat
pengirim serta provinsinya ", Jabatan yang diinginkan dan penempatan,
serta tingkat pendidikan. Sedangkan di bagian sudut kanan bawah amplop
ditulis " Kepada Yth .......... (lamaran ditujukan) " sebagaimana
contoh di bawah ini.
Amir Hamzah, S.PiJl. Nangka No. 26 RT.05/RW 012, Cimanggis,
Depok, Jawa BaratPeneliti pada BROK, Perancak BaliS1 Manajemen
Sumberdaya Perairan
Kepada Yth. Ketua Panitia Pengadaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil
Departemen Kelautan Dan Perikanan Tahun 2008Kotak Pos 4130 JKP 10041
7. Pelamar yang mengajukan lamaran :
a. tidak melalui Kotak Pos 4130 JKP 10041;
b. tidak sesuai dengan format yang ditentukan;
c. tidak menyebutkan jabatan dan penempatan yang dilamar;
d. tidak menyertakan daftar riwayat hidup; dan
e. tidak menyertakan kelengkapan yang dipersyaratkan, dinyatakan
1. Seleksi Administrasi berkas lamaran
1. Panitia akan melakukan verifikasi dan validasi terhadap berkas
lamaran yang telah dikirimkan melalui Kotak Pos 4130 JKP 10041.
2. Berkas yang tidak lengkap dan tidak memenuhi persyaratan,
dinyatakan tidak lulus seleksi administrasi dan panitia tidak menerima
susulan kelengkapan berkas.
3. Daftar nama pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi administrasi
dapat dilihat pada situs resmi Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan
www.dkp.go.id atau www.ropeg.dkp.go.id pada tanggal 10 November 2008.
4. Pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi administrasi dapat
mengambil Nomor Peserta Ujian pada tanggal 14 November 2008 di lokasi
ujian sebagaimana keterangan pada huruf E.
2. Materi Ujian Tertulis :
1. Tes Kompetensi Dasar (TKD)
Materi TKD terdiri dari Test Pengetahuan Umum (TPU), Test Bakat
Skolastik (TBS), dan Tes Skala Kematangan dimaksudkan untuk menggali
pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap/perilaku peserta ujian yang
meliputi : wawasan nasional, regional, dan internasional maupun
kemampuan verbal, kemampuan kuantitatif, kemampuan penalaran,
kemampuan beradaptasi, pengendalian diri, semangat berprestasi,
integritas dan inisiatif.
2. Tes Kompetensi Bidang (TKB)
Dimaksudkan untuk mengukur dan atau keterampilan peserta ujian
yang berkaitan dengan kompetensi jabatan atau pekerjaan yang dilamar.
3. Tes Wawancara
Tes Wawancara akan dilaksanakan setelah pelamar DINYATAKAN LULUS UJIAN
TERTULIS, bertempat di lokasi ujian sebagaimana keterangan pada huruf
E, dengan waktu yang akan ditentukan kemudian.
Ujian tertulis dilaksanakan secara serentak pada tanggal 15 November
2008 di 8 (delapan) lokasi, yaitu :
Jl. AUP Pasar Minggu, PO. Box 7239/JKPSM, Jakarta Selatan.
Jl. TM. Pahlawan Nomor 10 Belawan, Sumatera Utara.
Jl. Martoloyo PO. Box 22, Tegal-Jawa Tengah.
Jl. Raya Buncitan Kotak Pos I, Sedati-Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur
Jl. Sungai Musi Km. 8 PO. Box 119, Bone, Sulawesi Selatan.
Jl. Tandurusa PO Box 12, Bitung, Manado, Sulawesi Utara.
Jl. Laksamana Madya Leo Watimena Km 16 Waiheru, Ambon Maluku.
Jl. A. Yani Klademak 1, PO Box 109, Sorong, Papua Barat.
F. Keputusan hasil seleksi oleh Tim Pengadaan CPNS Departemen Kelautan
1. Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Departemen Kelautan dan
2. Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan tidak bertanggung jawab atas
pungutan atau tawaran berupa apapun oleh oknum yang berkaitan dengan
Pengadaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Departemen Kelautan dan
3. Lamaran yang telah disampaikan sebelum pengumuman ini dinyatakan
tidak berlaku, dan harus mengajukan lamaran baru sesuai ketentuan
dalam pengumuman ini.
4. Berkas lamaran yang telah disampaikan menjadi milik Departemen
Kelautan dan Perikanan.
5. Bagi Pelamar yang telah dinyatakan diterima dan diangkat sebagai
Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan, tidak
dapat menolak/menunda penempatan dengan alasan apapun.
6. Informasi resmi yang terkait dengan seleksi CPNS Departemen
Kelautan dan Perikanan Tahun 2008 hanya dapat dilihat melalui situs
resmi Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan www.dkp.go.id. atau
www.ropeg.dkp.go.id Para pelamar disarankan untuk aktif memantaunya
setiap saat.
Jakarta, 28 Oktober 2008
Ketua Panitia Pengadaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Departemen Kelautan
dan Perikanan
Tahun 2008
NIP. 080048231
Lampiran dapat didownload di
Dhika Cikul
- 5.
Aveon Jakarta Sales Vacancy
Posted by: "Charles Jusung" jusungonline@yahoo.co.id charlesjusung
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:33 am (PDT)
Dear Friends & Colleagues,
Mohon bantuannya untuk dapa membantu menyebarkan kepada yang mungkin
membutuhkan informasi ini siapa tahu dapat membantu. Sebelumnya kami ucapkan
banyak terima kasih atas bantuannya...
Our company, PT. Luminary Hutama Nusantara (Aveon Auto Rentals) is a rent
car company, having office in Jakarta - Indonesia that offers the definitive
transportation solution to our customers.
We are opening several vacancies; apply ONLY IF you are lived in Jakarta.
* Male, D3 any major;
* Maximum 30 years old of age;
* 2 years of experience in marketing, preferred in automotive
* Having driving license A & C;
* Having good knowledge about negotiation, dealing and selling;
* Familiar or having experience in handling auction process;
* Able to communicate in English (passive) and Indonesia;
* Able to work as a team player, communicative, energetic and
* Work well under pressure, talented individual who has a desire to be
the best;
* Able to use Microsoft Windows, Office, email and internet.
If you meet our requirements, please send your application with: complete
CV, most recent photograph, your availability in strict confidence, stating
your current salary and your expected salary and placed the code on your
email subject to: eric@aveonrentals.com
Charles Jusung
<http://www.aveonrentals.com> AVEON AUTO RENTALS
<http://www.aveonautorentals.com> Need a car? Call us.....
Charles Jusung
Branch Manager
Aveon Auto Rentals (PT. LHN - Bali)
Ngurah Rai International Airport
Denpasar - Bali
<mailto:charles.jusung@aveonrentals.com> charles.jusung@aveonrentals.com
<mailto:charles.jusung@cbn.net.id> charles.jusung@cbn.net.id
IM: charlesjusung
<http://www.aveonrentals.com> www.aveonrentals.com
Skype ID:
7860603&Email=charles.jusung@cbn.net.id> +623617860603
768375&Email=charles.jusung@cbn.net.id> +62361768375
16205859&Email=charles.jusung@cbn.net.id> +6281916205859
&invite=1<=en_us> Want to always have my latest info?
Want a signature like this?
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 6.
Accounting - Bandung - Dot System
Posted by: "Taufiqur Rahman" tara@virtual.co.id dotindo
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:33 am (PDT)
Dot System, perusahaan IT berlokasi di Bandung membutuhkan tenaga
Kualifikasi :
- S1 Accounting
- mengerti aturan perpajakan
- tinggal di Bandung
Bagi yang berminat agar mengirimkan lamaran dan CV ke sdm@dotindo.com (sdm
at dotindo dot com).
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 7a.
Posted by: "Agustinus Lesmana" my_cariers@yahoo.com my_cariers
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:38 am (PDT)
Dear Group Member,
We are looking for a vacant position in PPIC, for Manufacturing based at Cikarang Jababeka.
The Requirement
- Experience in PPIC Manufacturing.
- S1 / D3 bachelor degree Mechanical Engineering or related Field
- Knowledge of Microsoft Project Software is a plus
- Knowledge of Machined Components
- Worked in a Manufacturing Company ( electronic, spareparts, Etc )
Please send Me your Cv if you feel the requirement match.
BSSExecutiveSearch & Contract Personnel
GedungJets House, Jl.Ampera Raya No.5
Pejaten Barat - Jakarta Selatan 12510
Email : agustinus@bss.co.id
Phone : + 62 21 7179 2222, 718 1111 (hunting)
Fax : + 62 21 7179 1287 (Marketing), 7179 3931 (Finance)
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 8.
Opportunity as a VP Marketing
Posted by: "Peak Executive" peakexecutive@yahoo.com peakexecutive
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:38 am (PDT)
Opportunity as a VP Marketing in Multinational Company
Our client, publicly listed Steel
Company with operations in Australia,
New Zealand, Asia and the US is currently
in high need to recruit professionals to fill the following positions:
VP Marketing
Based in Jakarta
Reporting directly to the Country
Director, you will be part of a team formulating and implementing corporate
marketing objectives and strategies.
· Holding a university degree from reputable universities (overseas
graduated is preferable)
Has proven track record in similar position
Strong analytical and problem solving abilities
Highly familiar with local business nationwide
To apply, please send your resume
Tendean Lt. 4
Jl. Kapten
P. Tendean No. 7
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 9.
Lowongan Guru Bahasa Inggris, Mandarin & Marketing Pendidikan
Posted by: "kibar 17" kibar17@yahoo.co.id kibar17
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:39 am (PDT)
Urgently Needed!!!
pendidikan bahasa berbasis multi-media di Jakarta Timur membutuhkan:
Guru Bahasa Inggris
Guru Bahasa Mandarin
Marketing Pendidikan
Laki-laki atau perempuan, maksimal 30 tahun
Pendidikan min. D3 (S1 preferred)
Pengalaman mengajar min 2 thn (no. 1 & no. 2)
Menyukai bidang marketing (no. 3)
Bisa bekerja di bawah tekanan. (no. 3)
Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap, pasfoto dan no
telepon/HP dengan mencantumkan kode lamaran (subject email/ amplop)
ke :
Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 8 B
Jakarta Timur
Email: shyzar032001@yahoo.com
Dapatkan nama yang Anda sukai!
Sekarang Anda dapat memiliki email di @ymail.com dan @rocketmail.com.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 10.
vacancy: bakery marketing, finance, hr
Posted by: "TRaphx" kotakku2001@yahoo.com kotakku2001
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:39 am (PDT)
Dear Mod,
Numpang pasang lowongan ya, siapa tahu ada yang beruntung...
Our client, a high taste cake & bakery shop located in South
Jakarta, is looking for young self-driven professional for the following
Marketing Section Head (MK)
Reporting to Operational Director, as Head of Marketing you are
responsible for developing the market, increase sales volume and maintain good
company image.
As Head of Marketing, you are a person who:
Have good understanding & hands-on of cake and bakery market
Have good understanding of bakery marketing issues
Have good understanding on cake & bakery variety, taste,
shape, pricing
Have business concern and business sense
Have wide relationship to potential selling points´ management
Have good interpersonal skill and negotiation skill
Have good capability in developing marketing plan, execute and
monitor it
Have good market survey ability and understand the bakery market
of Jakarta
Have strong integrity, good teamwork and managerial skills
Willing to go extra miles
Human Resources Section Head (HR)
Reporting to Operational Director, Head of HR are responsible
for total personnel system and execution.
As Head of Human Resources, you:
Are a woman with integrity, straight yet flexible
Are convenience dealing with people in formal and informal way
Have good HR framework of thinking
Are capable of planning, executing and evaluating man power planning,
recruitment, company policy & regulation, performance appraisal, training
& development, disciplinary action & coaching.
Have people concern in line with business mindset
Are a good coach to your business partner/ clients
Are strict and sensible at the same time
Have strong integrity, good teamwork and managerial skills
A leader of yourself and of your team
Have 3 years experience in supervising HR processes
Finance-Accounting Section Head (FA)
Reporting to Operational Director, as Head of Finance you are
responsible for managing cash flows, data accuracy and reporting.
As Head of Finance, you are a person who:
Have strong Finance and Accounting educational background
Have strong capability in managing, monitoring, and controlling
cash flows
Have good management & accounting information system
development ability
Have good cost calculation and prediction ability
Have strong integrity, good teamwork and managerial skills
Are a person with good analytical thinking and love details
Are prudent yet progressive
Willing to learn the bakery business or have good understanding
of it
Should you claimed yourself as a person who have such
characteristic and would like to join a progressive company, you are invited to
submit your complete resume to fpnsearch@ymail.com by 5th November
2008. Please put the position code in the subject line. You are requested to
state your current and expected package on your application letter.
Qualified candidates will be contacted by e-mail or phone one week after
the closing date at the latest for further processes.
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- 11.
Job Vacancy : Administration
Posted by: "Tami Sastro" utamisastro@yahoo.co.uk
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:40 am (PDT)
Female, max 25 year old
Fresh graduate are welcome
Advance in English both oral and written
Excellent Computer Skill
Graduated form reputable secretarical academy (prefer from Tarakanita)
If you meet the qualification above, send your recent photograph and CV to :
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 12.
Vacancy: Accounting & Collector
Posted by: "pennyaurelia@gmail.com" pennyaurelia@gmail.com
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:40 am (PDT)
Kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Alat-alat berat yang berskala
internasional mencari kandidat yang sesuai untuk posisi:
- Pria / Wanita, max 30th
- D3 Akuntansi, Fresh Graduate are welcome
- Bisa komputer
- paham program SAP lebih diutamakan
- jujur, bertanggungjawab, tahan terhadap tekanan
- bersedia untuk kontrak (ada kemungkinan bisa diangkat tetap)
- Pria, max 35th
- berpengalaman sebagai Collector min.2th
- Paham tentang administrasi collection
- memiliki hubungan/ relas yang baik
- Penempatan Jakarta dan Banjarmasin
Bagi yang berminat silahkan kirimkan CV dan foto melalui email :
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 13.
Opportunity as a Vice President - Marketing
Posted by: "Peak Executive" peakexecutive@yahoo.com peakexecutive
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:40 am (PDT)
Opportunity as a VP Marketing
Multinational Company
Our client, publicly listed Steel
Company with operations in Australia,
New Zealand, Asia and the US is currently
in high need to recruit professionals
to strengthen their
management team and support business growth in Indonesia.
If you are a result oriented, progressive,
with exceptional leadership capabilities, you are challenged to assume the
below senior position as :
Vice President - Marketing
With reporting line to the Country
Director, you
are to take a leadership role in formulating the company¢s overall marketing
business direction & strategy, to ensure its best profitability and steady
business growth.
Sarjana degree from reputable universities,
local or overseas, a master degree will be an advantage
Has proven track record in similar position, preferably in manufacturing
Business leader with strong business sense,
leadership and managerial competency
Fluent English with excellent communication
and interpersonal skill
To apply, please send your resume
Tendean Lt. 4
Jl. Kapten
P. Tendean No. 7
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- 14a.
Posted by: "siti rahayu" a_ayumi2006@yahoo.com a_ayumi2006
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:40 am (PDT)
PT.Wirya Krenindo Perkasa is looking for some candidates for the following positions:
A.Light Structure Mechanical Engineer
1.Male or Female max 35 years old
2.Minimum master /Diploma degree in Structure Dept of Mechanical Engineering
3.Work experiences minimum 2 years for Hoist and Crane.
4.Posses a knowledge of Software tools (Autocad,Etabs).
5.Team Player with strong communication and interpersonal skills.
Work Description:
1.Evaluate and Recommended optimum technical solution for both company and customers
2.To ensure the inspection criteria meets customer expectations
3.Liasing with customers and projects division for production accuracy according to customer requirement.
B.Sales Engineering for Units
1.Male or Female max 35 years old
2.S1 or Diploma Degree(D3) in Technical
3.Min 2 years experience in Industrial equipments sales
4.Work experience in sales of part for Hoist and Crane will be an advantage.
5.English proficiency,both oral and written.
6.Strong selling skill,target oriented,good interpersonal,innovative,good team work,mature,independent and self driven,enthuasitic,hard worker and highly motivate person.
Any interest candidate,please send your CV to hrd@wkp.co.id
New Email addresses available on Yahoo!
Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
Hurry before someone else does!
- 15.
F & B Vacancy in Surabaya
Posted by: "Hendra Zaputra" ezra5298@yahoo.com ezra5298
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:41 am (PDT)
Interested to work in Food, Beverage & Entertainment???
We are looking for energetic & outgoing personality to join our
entertainment team.
Floor Supervisor (F) 2 years experiences
Bar & Floor Captain (F/M) 2 years experiences
Server (F/M) 1 year experience
Bartender (F) 1 year experience
1st & 2nd Cook (Japanese & Asian kitchen experiences) (F/M)
Pastry Cook (Asian Pastry experience)
Steward (M) SMU/equivalent
House Keeper (F/M) SMU/equivalent
Asst. to Marketing & Promotion (F) Wide Networking in East Java
Personnel Admin (F) People oriented
General Requirement:
* Flexible working hours
* Open Minded
* Guest Service oriented
If you think you meet the criteria, please send your resumes & recent
Photo within 2 weeks to:
PT. Tri Permata Lestari
Jl. Kedungsari 62-64, Surabaya 60261
- 16.
Vacancy for Java & Cobol & .Net Programmer
Posted by: "Hrd Praweda" hrdpraweda@yahoo.co.id
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:42 am (PDT)
We are seeking for qualified candidates to joint our strong team in the following positions:
.Net Programmer
§ Minimum D3, graduate from a reputable institution majoring in Information and Technology
§ Having more than 2 years experience in developing application
§ Have ability on three tier analysis and design
§ Have in depth knowledge of OOP and development cycle
§ Have knowledge in : ASP .Net with VB .Net or C#, CSS, MS. SQL 2005, MS IIS, MS Framework
§ Good team worker as well as independent worker
§ Familiar with any operating system, Windows family, Linux, Unix
§ Must be self motivated and have strong analytical skills
§ Be able to communicate in english, both spoken and written
§ Able to work in under pressure environment and dealing with multi-task jobs
§ Have no hesitation in travelling local or overseas
Java Programmer
§ Minimum D3, graduate from a reputable institution majoring in Information and Technology
§ Having more than 2 years experience in developing application
§ Have ability on three tier analysis and design
§ Have in depth knowledge of OOP and development cycle
§ Have knowledge in Java Framework : JSP, Struts, Spring, Ajax, Hibernate
§ Have knowledge in MVC concept (model-view-controller), Oracle Application Server
§ Good team worker as well as independent worker
§ Familiar with any operating system, Windows family, Linux, Unix
§ Must be self motivated and have strong analytical skills
§ Be able to communicate in english, both spoken and written
§ Able to work in under pressure environment and dealing with multi-task jobs
§ Have no hesitation in travelling local or overseas
COBOL Programmer
§ Minimum D3, graduate from a reputable institution majoring in Information and Technology
§ Having more than 2 years experience in developing financial/banking application using COBOL
§ Good team worker as well as independent worker
§ Familiar with any operating system, Windows family, Linux, Unix
§ Must be self motivated and have strong analytical skills
§ Be able to communicate in english, both spoken and written
§ Able to work in under pressure environment and dealing with multi-task jobs
§ Have no hesitation in travelling local or overseas
§ Knowledge of other programming language (Visual Basic,C,VB.Net)
Email to yusuf@praweda.co.id or kris@praweda.co.id
- 17.
Vacancy at Radiografer
Posted by: "Deddy Wahyudi" eswegeteel@yahoo.com eswegeteel
Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:42 am (PDT)
Kami sebuah rumah sakit swasta di jakarta membutuhkan seorang Radiografer dengan kualifikasi sbb:
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
1. Bertanggung jawab terhadap keseluruhan aktifitas pemeriksaan radiologi dan pelaporannya
2. Melaksanakan kegiatan pemeriksaan radiologi dengan cepat, tepat, dan akurat untuk mencapai quality objective dan standar yang ditetapkan rumah sakit.
1. Lulusan D3 Radiologi
2. Usia 21 s/d 30 tahun
3. Laki-laki/Perempuan
4. Terampil dalam pengambilan foto rontgen.
5. Bersedia bekerja shift 24 jam.
6. Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik.
7. Berorientasi pada kepuasan pelanggan. Â
8. Minimal 1 tahun pengalaman kerja di rumah sakit atau klinik
Bagi yang berminat silahkan mengirimkan surat lamaran dan CV lengkap, pas foto,
di tujukan ke alamat:
Bpk. Deddy Wahyudi
HR Department
RS. Khusus Bedah Rawamangun
Jl. Balai Pustaka Raya no 29-31 Rawamangun
Jakarta Timur
atau email ke hrd.rsrawamangun@gmail.com
Deddy Wahyudi
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- 18.
Vacancy Business Development and Ass. Manager at Education Services
Posted by: "Elly Fiah" ellyfiah84@gmail.com ellyfiah84
Wed Oct 29, 2008 9:02 am (PDT)
Dear All,
Established in 1956, MDIS is a fast growing not-for-profit professional
training institute, headquartered in Singapore. Due to expansion, we invite
suitably qualified personnel to join us:
1. Business Development Manager (based in Jakarta, Indonesia)
As a Business Development Manager, you play a key role in penetrating
existing markets and developing new markets through developing and executing
Business Development strategies and initiatives. The Business Development
Manager therefore researches new business opportunities, identifies likely
sales points, develops strategic plans and sales strategies, and undertakes
presentations to and negotiations with prospective customers.
- Master or Degree in Business / Sales and Marketing with minimum 3 years of
relevant experience preferably in education industry
- Self-starter with a proven ability to work in a fast-paced environment
- Good initiative, independent and result oriented
- Excellent communication, presentation and interpersonal skills
- Effective team player and able to handle pressure
- Fluent in oral and written English and local language
2. Assistant Manager (based in Jakarta, Indonesia)
As an Assitant Manager, you play a key role in developing new avenues of
business with existing clients. You will be working very closely with our
clients to strengthen the positive relationship; under your purviews, you
are required to provide training to our clients, conducting market research,
organising marketing campaigns, updating and maintaining client mailing
lists and as well as providing general administration support. Other duties
include monitoring the effectiveness of campaign and preparing management
reports to facilitate results analysis.
- Degree in Business / Sales and Marketing with minimum 1 year relevant
experience preferably in the education industry
- Good initiative, independent, energetic and result and service oriented
- Excellent communication, presentation and interpersonal skills
- Effective team player and able to handle pressure
- Fluent in oral and written English and local language
Please apply with a comprehensive resume including a summary of your working
experience, current and expected salaries to:
Closing date: 7th Nov 2008
PS. Thanks Mods!
Warmest Regards,
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- 19.
Vacancy at Saudi Arabia
Posted by: "Chaedar" cjaya@hotmail.com crendra
Wed Oct 29, 2008 9:04 am (PDT)
Klien kami membutuhkan;
- Mechanical Engineer (ME)
- Electrical Engineer (EE)
- Building Technician (pemasangan instalasi peralatan safety gedung) (BT)
- Steel Fixer (sF)
- Pria
- Pdd S1 Fresh Graduate (ME & EE)
- Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun (BT & SF)
- Umur max 30 tahun
- Sanggup dikontrak 2 thn
- Lulus Tes kesehatan (medical checkup)
- Lulus Tes berbahasa Inggris
- Lulus psikotes
Lokasi kerja: Arab Saudi
Ada Tes wawancara dengan user pertengahan Nopember 2008 (dalam bahasa
Kirimkan segera CV lengkap via POS kepada: Prides, Gedung Atlantica
lantai Dasar, Jl. Kuningan Barat Raya No. 7, Jakarta 12047.
Beri kode lamaran pada amplop sebelah kiri atas (ME/EE/BT/SF)
Atau email: chaedar@ymail.com
Beri kode lamaran pada Subject email.
Yang terpilih akan segera dihubungi untuk mengikuti Tes Awal.
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